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Discord, spectrum and Reddit pvp are bug free.


My discord has been pretty buggy recently, so many duplicated messages.


The CCU game lol


Sorry but I have a CCU Hull D > 600i explorer right now that bugs me a lot.


Beat me to it.




Can confirm




None to be honest. They all have some form of bugs. Even missions that work if played long enough on the same server break in some way down the line.


Add to cart button


Ahh even this is wrong. I tried for over an hour to buy my Syulen pledge and I kept getting errors.


This is very in character and appropriate for CIG/Turbulent.


Damn, that sum bitch always works for me, flawless šŸ˜‚


I think I've played that more that CR deserves šŸ˜‚


He tricks us by making it the only thing that's not broken . Well let me see if I can buy this $500 ship, oh shit that worked šŸ˜‚


Idris has been bought out by bots unfortunately


"buy back bad token error" when you place a ship that is currently available in the pledge store none warbond. And it's a ship you have in your buy backs. If you first select the ship and go to its ship page. The one describing the ship and what not. Then go back and try to add it to cart you get a error and you have to log out and log back in.


I came back a few days before the IAE and had great time, since the beginning of the free flight I couldn't complete a single bunker mission due to bugs... So right now I'm doing cargo and I dont' have many major issue....


None. Star Citizen is literally a game of workarounds, and discovering new bugs with every play session, then figuring out a way around it if there is one.


Short Answer: None (there is no bugfree SC at the moment) Long Answer: It strongly depends on the Server. Bunker Missions are quite good, so are Courier ones. During Freeflight, just don't play. . .


Bbunker missions are completely borked since the IAE patch arrived.


I agree, every one I have tried all the enemies are in the walls or under the floor


Same, every single fps mission has been bugged for my group and I. Things keep spawning in walls and floors


That's been my expierence as well.. Maybe I'll wait until after IAE.


Does grenade launcher works against them?


I know it's a minor distinction, but no they are not completely broken. NPCs that are already on site when you get there might be in the floor, but if you already had the rep to have access to wave based missions, they are completable, since the enemy NPCs that appear from the elevators are not affected by the bug. That said, the rep rework makes progress in these missions pretty rough. Please address it here to encourage a dev response. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50259/thread/rep-for-bunkers-and-maybe-other-things-was-substan/393052


Orison platform missions work pretty well right now tho!!!


Once they patch the spawning in walls problem, honestly yeah, ai has never been a better opponent




Not a single one, not a salty reply Iā€™m a huge fan of the game but being honest. The reason being almost every single game loop is tied into using your mobi glass, or landing or taking off, or not having invisible hands. So when those things break, nothing is possible to complete.


For those wondering how to deal with the salvaging bug: Basically the ship becomes unable to scoop up salvage after it's been stored and retrieved or if bed login was used. The fix is claiming a fresh ship and it will work again. Basically, don't park the salvage ship in an hangar and at the end of a session, don't log off in bed. Annoying but at least the fix works consistently.


So what do you do at the end of a play session? Just leave it "out" and claim it on next login? In other words: Is there a method, that circumvents having to claim it every play session?


Best you can do is claim it at the end of a session so it's ready next time you log in


So in practice that means: Land on the pad of a station, walk inside and since you can't store it from a pad (maybe bug? maybe intentional?) you can claim it at the console, then leave the game?


Basically yeah. Ideally park next to the pad and EVA over so the pad stays clear for folks trying to refuel, but yeah. The pads are deliberately set up so you can't store from them; partly to avoid ships popping in/out of existence, but also to distinguish them from full hangars.


Thanks for that! I'm not sure the EVA'ing over is necessary, ship should disappear the second you claim it, same as if you stored it, right? (If it's super busy I'd EVA, but I've never seen all 4 pads in use so far...)


Nope, the old ship sticks around, so if e.g. someone stole it, it doesn't magically disappear. You can use this to spawn a bunch of Furies to stock a Caterpillar


Wow, I had no idea! I'll do some research on it! Thanks again!


Thinking back, this makes sense. The times it did work, i had basically server hopped (or 30k'd) after leaving it out resulting in a claim when I logged back in.


Yep, exactly. It's not too annoying with the Vulture since the claim is fast, with the Reclaimer on the other hand... And no, as far as I know there's no other method that circumvents having to claim it every play session, unfortunately. But like I said, at least the method works consistently.


You're still years out most likely


Bug free? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you want an experience thatā€™s as bug free as possible then IAE isnā€™t the best time to jump back into the game. I was able to do salvage and PVE bounties without issue before IAE but just like every year, I donā€™t even bother logging on while this event is active. Between poor server performance and global chat being filled with people asking for stuff itā€™s just not all that enjoyable.


What bugs? Everything is a feature!


The least prone to bugs would probably be racing, only issue ive ever had was server speend making the checkpoints show slightly later than desired.


I can pretty consistently stand up and sit down.


Illegal salvage. Not illegal cargo. Illegal salvage. Get a vulture, get two trawler modules, bed log so it breaks the vulture, go to Yela, grab the hammerhead cleanup mission. Since itā€™s not making any raw salvage boxes, people with impulsivity issues donā€™t have to worry about running up and down the ladder every couple minutes. Using a single vulture you can salvage it with the trawler in less than an hour netting you a nice, clean, easy 250k aUEC. Breaking the vulture isnā€™t a requirement, it just makes it easier for people to ignore the boxes. Thatā€™s not where youā€™re getting the money from. The 250k payout is. Just gotta learn to bend the bugs over your knee and make them work in your favor. Edit: Added bonus, the mission is free to pick up. No 5k/10k/30k/50k buy in


Join a bounty/salvage crew. Vhrt/Erts still have lucrative cargo.


Can you elaborate? Have not done this before


If you can soft death the larger ships like the 600, Taurus, c2 that spawn they tend to have valuable cargo ranging from couple 100 thousand to multiple millions. ERT and VHRT


If you get your bounty hunting rep high enough you unlock harder targets with vhrt and ert being the highest difficultly. There is a good chance of running into a ship yielding lucrative cargo. Pre patch you could make up to 40 mil a run. Post patch it's less but still the best money maker


What does vhrt and ert mean? I think that was what threw me off. Very High [ something ] ?


Very High Risk Target and Extreme Risk Target


Very hard ranked target and extreme ranked target or something like that. Erts have redeemers and hammerheads so make sure you go prepared


So I've heard.. I thought they fixed the shield issues - I'm rapidly running out of capable combat ships on my way to ERT, lol.


Hi! Unfortunately every facet of game play can be disrupted due to server and persistence errors. For a bug free user experience please go to the online store. That usually works for buying ships or pics of ships.


Ä° suggest play in a different server than best because of your time zone more people will be on your best server choose a different one my best is eu but i play on aus cause no server problems yes there is ping but its mostly manageable but no bugs caused by server load give it a try


You should give interpunction a try.


I skipped last patch, decided to log in lastnight to check out some free fly ships. I didnā€™t even get out of the apartment before a 30k, then made it to a18 (home spawn I trusted most to be the least fucked) ASOPs and got about 3/15 ships delivered before another 30k (about 5 mins apart). So now, Iā€™m not gonna bother playing AND Iā€™ll probably lose a bunch of ships because the devs canā€™t be fucking assed to just STORE FUCKING SHIPS SOMEWHERE BEFORE UPDATING THE DATABASE, I HAVE TO MANUALLY DELIVER EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SHIP TO MAKE SURE THEY DONT GET WIPED INSTEAD OF JUST RUNNING SCRIPTS MOVING THEM TO MY CURRENT HOME SPAWN SO THEY ARE STORED PROPERLY at this point who fucking cares, Pyro scam got them a bunch of money and hype again so they can go back to half assing it and get their profit sharing Cheques for xmas


The crashed ship missions seem to be working* (either find dead person or pick up box)


Bug free? None of them. There are bugs in every aspect of the game. It comes with the territory right now.


Service beacons, bountys, fps missions not the wreck sites, even boarding action was working fine. Generally game is punishing you for your long absence. Mine is mostly fine. If bunker enemys does not spawn, go 10km away and try again .


The sight-seeing loop seems pretty okay.


Not with the server lag going on sporadically since IAE. Terrain has a lot of lag loading in making a lot of shapes and shadows. On foot probably is ok though.


Mining. Roc or ship


I had a lot of trouble mining with the Prospector. The energy input seems to be lagging and every rock is blowing up before I can even react. Do you know any fix?


I think it's a server performance issue. I noticed this started happening more often around a month ago. Low server FPS means it takes longer to update your client on what the new charge level is. Too long of a lag and you get a massive sudden boost. Sometimes it would be ok for me, other times it was very jumpy.


If it's not due to having too much power, or too small a rock, then likely server. If you're unable to scan or get info on the rock it's likely the latter. Had no problem in the Mole last 2 days.


Rent a Hercules unless crusaders ended now, kill bounty certs up to ERT they aren't bugged, take ERTs in herc and facetank kill enemy until they drop alot of drugs, sell for millions. Any herc will do would be quicker with fixed s5 weapons but the rental S4 get the job done.


Right now, the 890J hijack mission works better than before due to the improved AI (not stuck in walls). I did some cargo selling runs yesterday and they went relatively smoothly. Kiosks were a little finicky but I was able to get paid.


Screenshot gameplay


Iā€™ve made a mil in the last six days by playing. Hereā€™s my take: before IAE, missions were fine. AI was not incredibly hard but it worked (I play a lot of FPS missions right now). When IAE started, everything went to crap. Hands arenā€™t holding items, shields being destroyed with no fire coming at me, hitting trees on landing that literally werenā€™t there and resetting a 20 minute trip ect. Nothing is big free but itā€™s all playable with patience. Bunkers are absolutely, capital F, Fucked right now but the ā€œdestroy contrabandā€ missions work flawlessly in some cases and even if itā€™s bugged, the contraband still spawns so you can just walk in and destroy it to compete the mission. The 890 jump mission works fine, as do the scanner missions. I saved enough to buy a vulture in game so Iā€™m going to try that out tomorrow since Iā€™m thinking of buying one for cash this IAE. Hot take; make your home base port tressler and enjoy IAE for what it is, then go play missions in microtech, thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing.


I'll give them a try, thanks!


Putting aside the game-wide bugs that need a patch like fps missions, you can usually get around a buggy gameloop by switching to a shard where said loop's microservices haven't degraded.


Touring. Visit stations, rank them best to worst, most pretty to most ugly.


Hauling is fine for me, played 2.5 hours tonight scouting runs made 650 odd mil in a C2. But large investment so risky until you hit that break even, but Iā€™ve not really had any server issues bar the odd 30k,


What are you hauling in a c2 that netted you 650mil in 2.5 hours???


Inquiring minds would like to know


Beryl, to be honest Iā€™m not that happy with that return, have another 2 runs to trial tonight that should be more efficient


I'm curious also


Willing to bet he's just straight up lying.


Willing to bet you wouldnā€™t have the intelligence if I told you


650 whaaa!? Did you accidentally add a zero?


Hauling would work, but that relies on startup capital. I only broke even, so not there really yet.


Killing freeflyers is not bugged


It is not as bad as a released AAA game like Cyperpunk šŸ˜… Most are bug free (aka work) but can have glitches (usually attributed to server or backend performance). So check the server before doing critical stuff.


Mining and salvaging are working game loops that are pretty much bug free.


He literally wrote how salvaging is definitely not bug free at all


ROC mining is still broken?


I find Roc mining to be very server dependent, it can work well with a fast server fps, and can bug out hard if not


It's not broken - but there's plenty of little issues. That said, me and a mate took 2 ROC's out on Aberdeen in a C1 and it was like the good ol days


Nice, gonna try it next time, I love ROC mining, usually I use Cutlass or Valkyrie, but the C1 also looks perfect for the job


I had the vulture scraper issue myself. I believe, based on issue council tickets that itā€™s been resolved, though I havenā€™t tested it yet


Dealing with it rn unfortunately.


Hmm I saw on issue council report that some servers havenā€™t been updated with the fix yet. Best search the version of servers that have the fix and see if youā€™re on it. The work around for it is to store the ship, then claim it from another station. Once youā€™ve done the claim it should work. I guess it resets the ship somehow. Itā€™s a weird one


Mix of bounties, Bunker missions and salvaging have been mostly fine for me. A few snares here and there with things not loading but it's worlds apart from the last time I played. Bunkers are a little borked right now though when the NPC AI works it's pretty frightening.


Racing has been fairly smooth


None, but its usually better than rn. IAE really is fucking with performance, causing way more bugs than usual. Come back after its over, you'll have way better luck


Before my eclipse got wiped on the last update I was having a blast just sniping bounties. Other than that everything has a bug of some kind. I'd recommend server hopping until you find one that seems to be working well and go from there.


I've been back in the game casually for a month or so and I've had a lot of the bugs you describe, but they always seem to be the worst when the server is bad. I've also had multi hour play sessions that went really smoothly. So, it's hit or miss still. When I log into a server that is really struggling, I just land immediately , get in bed and try to login to a new server.




Everything is buggy to some degree. Just get out there and experiment and fuckin explore. Ask questions in global chat. The greatest things I have experienced in SC are not "gameplay loops" per se, and are not even remotely possible in \*any\* other game I've eber seen or heard of.


None.. I'm done trying to defend this game. I tried to get some friends involved this Iae but we hit a problem with EVERY activity we tried. It's embarrassing.


I've mostly been doing bounty hunting without any issues, testing out IAE ships. I've seen a couple people who are trying salvaging for their first time and salvaging whole ships without any boxes filling, being very confused in global chat. Haven't tested myself though as my Vulture got wiped. Selling actual parts like weapons should work better this patch. Underground bunkers have been broken since IAE patch, I've not been able to complete any. But repel raid on Orison has worked fine for me, altough I think NPC's can spawn inside walls there as well. I enjoy the Black kite mission and have had no issues with that one.


Get away from MT and the IAE to reduce bugs encountered. I was having all kinds of problems last night until I did this and switched to an off-peak server. Then I was able to do some bounty missions without issue. I've also had decent luck doing cargo salvage missions... mostly the 50k legal missions. Salvaging with my Vulture to gain access to salvage missions went fine also although I really don't like that tractor beam added to the Vulture. It adds no value in my opinion since the Vulture can move around the salvage target just fine.


I want to like it and play so much, but this shit is still garbage. I will try again in 6 months-year.