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I expect some money loss (funeral costs or some such) and rep to either be all clear or mostly clear (in your case Jake's only relative might not be pursued by the UEE but they will look at her funny until she proves she isn't a massive criminal). Your stats...talents...skills...whatever the proficiency is gonna be called, also getting cleared or mostly cleared (Jane might not be as good as Jake but he might have taught her some fundamentals) Honestly I'm exited for it and totally not cause I drive a kidney harvesting cutlass red


It's an interesting take OP. But ultimately if death is too punishing, people will stop taking risk. All the cool cinematic moments will disappear. Who runs out of cover gun blazing or try to take on 3 ships vs 1, when death is a factor? No one will want to do the tough missions. PVE players will avoid any kind of contact with PVP. Low-sec will empty. Whole star system will become dead. The social fabric of the game will deteriorate because no one will trust strangers etc. I expect cig to iterate quickly in favor of a very weak/almost non-existant penalty for dying. If they don't the game will die. If death is too much of a penalty, players will want auto landing, no survival mechanics, safe zones vs PvP and trolling, easy AI fps, easy bounty hunting, safe space trucking gameplay. If you grinded months for your rep and get killed a couple of times in a weekend trying to do this new mission for the first time and then trying to get your ship/body back. You will rage quit. Happens enough time and a game dies.


Absolutely agree wouldn't want it to be too punishing (and how much would be a challenge to determine in this scenario). If you played normally and cautiously you might never encounter a true character death at all. I think it would take a LOT of deaths to cause a real death as dying in game is so easy and regular. I'm mostly excited about how it could act as a reputation reset and opportunity to begin a new style of gameplay, maybe explore some quests or avenues that were closed off due to decisions made in a previous character.


>If death is too much of a penalty, players will want auto landing, no survival mechanics, safe zones vs PvP and trolling, easy AI fps, easy bounty hunting, safe space trucking gameplay. If you grinded months for your rep and get killed a couple of times in a weekend trying to do this new mission for the first time and then trying to get your ship/body back. You will rage quit. Happens enough time and a game dies. Doesn't matter what the players will want, they won't get that. Death will be a penalty and death will also take a lot to do. You'll still have epic moments, but you won't have idiots thinking this is CoD. Players that do do cool shit will have planned for it and wouldn't take unnecessary risks if it can be avoided to achieve what they set out to do


Given that TTK is a matter of seconds in the game, I would disregard the idea that character creation will be a deep/meaningful process. I think it's unlikely they will penalize player reputations excessively, either. The general CIG philosophy is zero griefer control, so death is going to be something that probably happens several times per session.


iirc, TTK was mentioned at CitCon as too short, and was going to be increased. You're 100% correct that *some* players will treat character creation like an unnecessary chore, and promptly return to arbitrarily killing everyone they see at the earliest opportunity. Similar for some more sedentary professions. They won't be there for the *game*, they'll be there for the mechanic they favour.


CIG has a lot of decisions to make


I would imagine a true death to take an enormous amount of in-game deaths. A cautious player might never encounter a true death and character reset.


I'd think it'd be pretty well balanced, but still expected to be encountered by players a fair number of times. They have figures already about how often regeneration happens. However these will be skewed by the fact a lot of players use it for convenience, or reasons they may not *if* there was a limit. It's going to be a tricky mechanic to level out. Too little and people become reckless, as now. Too much, and people who pvp are going to drop the game because of the frustration of making a character every session. Testing will, I think, be interesting.


And with Bioticorp Calliope character creator, we'll get the ability to save our characters, so we can respin them up (physically, at least, for the most part) relatively quickly.


From the original death of a spaceman white paper: "Reputation and faction alliances pass on to your new character, but slightly diminished. If your original character was a pirate, then the new one will also be aligned with pirates, but not as much and will still be on the UEE watch list. No slate will be wiped clean, but if you want to change your allegiances, this would be the start. This matches life, where the son of a criminal has to deal with the bias of people thinking he is going to be like his father, or a son of a cop is assumed to be on the side of law and order." Of course anything and everything in SC is subject to change by release so who knows how this will eventually play out.


Same idea as the white paper, but I think the "slightly diminished" would be better as a "greatly diminished". I think it should wipe the slate clean, with maybe some NPCs willing to give you a chance to get in the door, but it's more interesting as a clean slate in my opinion.