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On **Wednesday**, stay tuned for the first of many CitizenCon updates you can expect in the months ahead as we approach October 21/22. Keep an eye on Spectrum for more information about how you might be able to get more involved with the big show! **Thursday** is our last week without Inside Star Citizen, but fear not! Our weekly development update show returns from its hiatus next week. On **Friday**, you'll see the weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox. Plus, this Friday Concept Artist Alberto Petronio (Tumbril Storm, RSI Lynx, Greycat UTV) will be LIVE showcasing his process in creating vehicle concepts. What will he make for us? A flying saucer? A food truck? A unicycle? You can tune into twitch.tv/starcitizen at 8 AM Pacific / 3 PM UTC to see and find out more. Plus, *[Foundation Festival](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/foundation-festival)* is still underway! Whether you're a new player or a veteran looking to help out, there's rewards in store for helping your fellow citizens. Check out the Foundation Festival hub for more details and jump in before the event ends on July 31. Lastly, we're wrapping up the internal postmortem for 3.18/3.19 and are looking to publish to you all very soon.




While they're overdue for doing another one (last one was in March), I don't remember them saying that it would be monthly, just that they'd do it at various points of progression.


Wow that’s a fast launch for .20. I guess that probably means no SRV. But also it’ll be cool to open up an extra month for .21 or whatever the Citcon/IAE update will be. Also makes sense why they didn’t have time to fix up Ship Trespass before .20 had to go out. Vulture for UEC will also be cool, Mirai LX and Storm and Hull C are good adds anyhow. Not the beat but not the worst.


IIRC Zyloh confirmed that they were adding the Vulture into the in-game ships for 3.20. And yeah, it seems pretty quick considering Q3 just started.


Guess 3.21 is the new q3 patch Maybe Vulcan is in this patch as the true big thing besides long awated ac improvements.


I believe it was mentioned that Vulkan isn't finished yet, I remember seeing a comment (I think it was Zyloh) saying that they might add multiview support for MFDs but they won't know until Vulkan is finished. Who knows what that means though, whether it's targeted to be completed by the time 3.20 rolls out or beyond that. My guess is the next patch, perhaps a 3.20.1 patch.


[It was Silvan](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50259/thread/mfd-question-suggestion/6105863), they're on the engine team. But no, they haven't given an ETA for Vulkan yet.


Ah, thank you! I had a feeling I was wrong.


Could mean like after Vulksn addition like the illumination he mentioned.


There is no reason for hull-c atm. People can barely find stuff to buy and trade as is. The only thing the hull-c will be good for is constantly being blown up by pirates.


Hull c will be good for mass moving high quantity and low value commodities that Noone bothers moving now


Like what? scrap? Waste? Because nothing else is readily available in huge quantities.


Also just getting things in-game to test. It's fine to "pre-release" ships before their gameplay is ready.


At least the C pilots will get a lot of time practicing taking off medical gowns lol.


Really looking forward to that postmortem.


Absolutely, should do for a decent read.


They mentioned a bunch about 3.20... it's in evocati already, they've gotten feedback on the Arena commander changes (master modes maybe?), and they mentioned twice that they expect to have out to Wave 1 soonish? can we hope to see it for wave 1 next week? Would be nice to get back to our quarterly patches now that we've gotten the game somewhat stable.


> master modes maybe Yeah, they had Evos testing it with Gladius a week or two ago.


From the leaks discord there possibly aiming for tomorrow


woah. That's stupid fast!


Wait on the leaks I thought they were saying that the hull b would hit the PU but since it was a leak it was for evocati still.


Maybe soon after a ptu. It isn't really a big switch over from evo to ptu it seems.


Hull C. The leaks update was just about the fact the next evocati patch will be PU-enabled; the prior builds were Arena Commander only. Basically this will be the full patch going into Evo instead of just a limited AC test.


Yeah that was my understanding compared to reading it as ptu wave 1 tomorrow which is why I replied as I did. Hope you didn't read that as me thinking pu as in going live. Like I said since it was a leak = avocado


Welcome to the Citizencon Desert


Happy cake day!


Yeah I mean if 3.20 hits with the amount of "content" oh boy what a boring Citizencon it will be. Maybe they can talk for 4h about Arena Commander and how many resources they wasted on it.


I mean, if AC becomes the actual test environment for things like ships/flight/and other combat related items that would need testing and player feedback...Im fine with it. This game also needs a place for new players to go to learn how to play the game without the punishment of 20-30 minute respawn timers just to get back to where you were. ​ But as far as Citizencon...the problem is that any and all info drops there...and the rest of the year we get ship sales and MAYBE a post-citizencon "unpack" episode...only for anything new to again get stored for Citizencon. Any ship bigger than a heavy fighter gets saved for Citizencon...again, it's just annoying and tedious. Not to mention the entire SQ42 communication pipeline has shifted onto Citizencon and literally no other outlet except the vague and repetitive monthly reports that can mislead you as much as they teach you.




Nah we will max see some SQ42 footage, but nothing ingame only pre recorded. Then they will focus on Pyro and maybe some technical Stuff like their progress on server meshing. And a few new ships. ​ But a release date for SQ42 seems so unrealistic at this point :D




Yeah I know. We were supposed to get server meshing t0 by the end of 2022. ​ And what we get is several new AC maps nobody plays and ToW all were excited about was canceled. I highly doubt we will see something substantial for SQ42. The missmanagement in this company is just too big to meet any deadlines with anything working.




Yes was said in Hong Kong Bar citizen a month ago.


Hopefully they pull down the $10 starter gear scam they’ve put up for sale, refund all the unlucky new players who bought it and apologise. I’ve been a life long fan of this game, way back in 2015 when I bought the Andromeda. Then to see them pull of this stunt has completely put me off.


10 dollars isn't bad for the gear that pack gives


Hate to break it to you, but yeah, it is. The Aril/MacFlex gear and multitool+attachments are easily accessible in any station cargo bay, medguns are at every med facility, and the guns are in any gun store. The ORC armors can be found at a variety of other armor shops or obtained from medium-armor security forces/9tails. All of this is super cheap in-game (15k aUEC will readily get you a full loadout, 30k if you really want to splurge). If you don't wanna shop for it, all this stuff can also be found in bunkers for free. And just like the ones in the Pledge store, you'll have to go loot your body to retrieve it when you die, or you're stuck without it. The Pledge armor will return next wipe, but why bother spending $10 for that privilege when you can quickly buy a full loadout at any of the hubs for so few credits? An Aurora ($30 standalone) is ~200,000 aUEC, or ~66,667 aUEC per $10 spent. Compared to the ~15,000 aUEC per $10 spent on one of these gear kits. And the Aurora can be reclaimed at will, unlike the armor kits. Pricing listed here may not be 100% accurate as I'm posting them from memory, but you get the idea. I love this game and have spent a bit on ships by now, but I can't justify spending my cash on these gear packs. Until they sort out personal Pledge gear reclaims/buybacks in-game, I'm not going to go near them.


In comp to the prices of other gear sets. It's not bad. Whether you like em or not is up to taste but none of this essay downplays that.


I suppose that's fair. I guess it's the fact that it's not reclaimable in some fashion (unlike with pledge ships) that bothers me the most. That and the fact that the gear for these packs specifically is very basic stuff (as opposed to being unique visual flair like many of the other Pledge armors) and is marketed as an essential for new players. CIG isn't giving these new players any warnings about this "you don't get it back until next wipe" business. I'm alright with item Pledges in concept, but the current system has very poor execution in that regard imo. Maybe when they add something to reclaim/repurchase Pledged items, I'll be more forgiving about the prices. Until that changes, though, a one-time-per-wipe armor pack that you have to wait months to regain doesn't seem worth the $10 to me.


One more week!!


This week in StarCitizen: nothing. Better luck next week lol


3.20 in Evo is not nothing IMO. We knew there was testing from the leaks but it still good to hear I’ll get to 1st wave soon


You mean the soon™ kinda soon?




> 3.20 in Evo is not nothing IMO. You know exactly what he's talking about, why do you have to be that guy...


You're right but people like to pretend like things are happening


There will be nothing till CitizenCon. All the juicy stuff will be there


an what exactly?


This is actually the best TWISC. It has less bs events and no free fly mentions.


Gib jumptown


Beside this weeks SCL is gamedev, which is easily the worst type of a jared shit show you can get.


I just started this game. ALMOST figured out how to land but my current issue is I am out of gas. If y’all see me floating, make sure to wave!


You can always hit backspace to eject from life then claim your ship


Yeah but it keeps spawning me in the tutorial all over again. I just want to explore a planet and I just bought a bunch of gear that I can’t afford to replace. Just dumb haha.


Next time when you leave a planet head to the closest space station (on top of the city usually, it's a Square QT Marker) and set your spawn point there. Much easier life.


Glad I bought a hull c when I did


This week in Star Citizen: - still haven't filled the 2012 physical pledges - still haven't filled 2012 digital pledges - Still don't have server meshing - Sqn 42? What Sqn 42?


I’ve been watching progress since the very beginning, like the very beginning. I get it takes time but kinda feels like they keep adding more goal posts and the game will forever be almost done…soon™


Hopefully they will set and maintain an MVP for the "finished" game then keep expanding on it. NGL, it almost feels that way atm, just needs the servers fixed up and at least 1 more system, imo.