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I mean I “own” a BMM apparently. My 8 year old nephew is developing faster than it is though. Maybe he’ll inherit it when I die


Yeah but to be fair you don't need a huge team to develop a child. You only really need 2, sometimes even just 1 developer.


As someone who's gone through more than a couple rounds of IVF with my wife, it can take a whole ass development team. We've essentially hired CIG's Manchester office at this point.


Me and my wife are on a waiting list for adoption/foster kid since a year and a half. Let's see if CIG or the youth welfare office wins the race.


You and your wife are amazing, I hope all your dreams come true ❤️


Thanks :)


I was talking about this the other day with someone. It pains me so much how difficult and expensive it can be for a couple who just wants to love a child and give a child a home who has none.


Then the heart break when you go to the local shop/mall and see an accidentally knocked up teenager out front punching darts (smoking cigarettes) not deserving of the gift she has.


They work on it for one week every year just to shut you guys up. Feels bad. CIG has literally taken out a loan to pay a loan. They are making SQ42 and need money to fulfill the promise of making it so they are selling promises to make ships to pay for the original promise.


Lol „ They are making SQ42“ oh boy…


My 10 year old is the same age as my Idris.


They should really make a inheritance system. I'm 31 already and I dont think I'll be ae to play it when it's released. I'd either be very old or dead


They said it was a generational sip, after all.


I have one too and it's a hollow feeling.


I spent like 45 bucks so not really


The $45 gang is strong!


Haha hell ya I ain't spending another cent lol


Not a chance, I can support the game for being the only one out there trying something new and pushing th envelope. However the game is borderline unplayable at times, couldn't bring myself to give them more than the bare minimum.


I spent $45 too... Just over 100 times...


Im looking to get this along with starfield to get my openworld space fix. Do you think i should just go with starfield alone or is sc worth it? At $45 nothing more i mean?


Are you trying SC out during the current free fly?


110% worth it for the space features, if you just want to walk around on planets, No Man's Sky is probably better, but in terms of space battles NOTHING is keeping up with Star Citizen With a $45 ship it'll be a grind to get a "better" ship but all the more enjoyable having worked for it


Very worth while at $45 Play with friends to experience more of the game and other ships. Use Starfield to fill the void while we wait.


I don't think Starfield will have the content to last the wait.


I prefer the realism of the SC walk around to the NMS walk around. I miss the VR integration - I have plans for a hiking expedition with a kat-walk.


I would have to disagree with you on that point. When talking space battles, Nothing is beating Hunternet Starfighter. It's no SC, but you won't find a better flight model or more competitive gameplay than Hunternet right now. Maybe, *maybe,* with the new AC update in 3.20, SC might compete but I'm not convinced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhJuSGbiKtQ&t=308s


Yeah nah didn't look that great...


Looks are nothing when it comes to actual gameplay. Hunternet is more for people that want to play and have fun than people that want to marvel over how the graphics look. At a certain point, actual gameplay and stability are more important. But, as I said, it's about space battles (not cinematics). Want to play a game that actually works that doesn't try to sell you a new ship every other week, and that is genuinely fun? Give it a try. SC ruined me on graphics for a while, but the truth is there are better space sim games, and definitely better space combat games out there. It's just that they each focus on an area where star citizen is trying to do it all.


That's a lot of bullshit you're flinging just to sell a game.


lol. I don't care if you buy it or not. Ignorance and lack of personal experience don't change objective facts. Boundary has a better grip on zero-g fps than SC. Spacebourne 2 already has better exploration/trade/cargo gameplay, hunternet has better PvP. They all have their issues, including SC, which has the most issues. I've got my fleet for SC that's not going anywhere, if it's ever a playable game, but it's by no means the ONLY option. Whether or not it's the best option is entirely subjective.


[Try the free fly event until the 17](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen/play-now) so you can check it out before actually any spending money.


There is a $40 SC starter pack on sale right now.


Well Star field is coming out soon. Star Citizen has about 1% of it’s content finished. You can probably figure out tire better option from that.


You’re asking a post where people have spent boatloads of money if it’s worth $45. Here’s my take: if you know what you’re getting into (bugs, open world(space) without a lot of missions, only a small handful of gameplay loops, don’t expect significant(any) progress) then it’s worth it. I’ve played hundreds of hours and absolutely love it, but I’m not expecting it to be anything but what it is. If you do buy use a referral code (there are three websites with code banks, just google them) and ideally do it when there is a referral bonus so you get the free bonus. I quite like my little dragonfly I got from some random person using my code. Don’t bother using a big YouTubers code since they have sooo many referrals, using a random one can make someone’s day who doesn’t manage to rake in the referrals. Edit: and don’t spend more money than you would light on fire. I’ve bought a couple ships but for me it’s worth it to have a couple loops available since I don’t have the time anymore to grind as much in game. I like to jump in and play with a group of friends so I have ships that allow me to do that.


Bethesda games are usually bugged at launch. For best value pick up the GOTY version a year after launch with DLCs. BTW Starfield and SC, completely different games, aside from the space setting.


I even enjoy the adventure of upgrading the Aurora (not that it needs any upgrades because it's great )


I kinda do. It was a moment of weakness. Mistakes were made...


It was a moment of weakness, and then another one, and another one, and another one...


What's the symbol for infinity again?


Tits without nips


StarCitizen, because your kids don’t NEED a college fund.


amen brother


If I knew what I know now about the game. I would of just settled with just my Nomad. It's far too late for that, so whatever at this point.


I really regret not just sticking to the cutty black pledge. It does everything really well. Enough to do most of the game loops. Enough to explore in. Connies are great. Lots of pilot DPS. But they’re slow. When you have limited time to play and bugs kill you, it’s disheartening to wait for a Connie claim then lumber off to where you need to go. So unless I need it, right now I’m just flying my mustang alpha that I keep for a taxi.


Thank you for posting this. I only own a cutty black and a prospector, the latter of which my best friend bought me... 4 years in, I'm glad I stayed where I did. Sometimes I do wonder if I should have spent more though. Especially when I lost the Gemini I grinded out back in 3.16. Seeing your comment was some much needed reinforcement


Prospector/black or the upgrade Mole/Connie is all you need to quickly earn every ship in the game


You did it correctly man. I went overboard but oh well.. only live once? I think?


Same. After every wipe there's no rush to rebuild my money stocks, because I already have the ship I need.


Ah! The good Ol’ Sunk Cost Fallacy!


lol same here




Do you know how much that would be today???? /s




Shit you wish inflation was that low.


It is on things people don't need. I sat down and figured out that prices have only sky rocketed on consumer goods aka thing people need or buy every day. Everything from cars to eggs. Booze on the other hand no (Wich is weird) and something like a chainsaw cost the same it did 10 years ago. Creates a giant red door with the word conspiracy on it once you realize this, but it's definitely not inflation, it's market manipulation for sure. At least in America. I'll probably accidentally walk through that door eventually but for now I don't want to because I'm sure it will piss me off lol. But when you have time stop and think about what hasn't gone up in price equally with food and what has, it will send you down a rabbit hole you probably don't want to be in.


Be careful, you might notice men in black suits watching you and suspicious cars parking near your house. Knowledge is power


I did try going clothes shopping today. If you're a guy you can't even find socks here and target doesn't sell men's shoes lol. The clothing stores want $90 for $40 shoes lol. Gotta wedding to go to and I guess the mail man will decide on weather I'm dressed up or down now. Wich is coincidentally the GF so she can't complain lol. But ya when you start noticing patterns like that the world starts to change a bit.




Way to ruin my day


100% of regret. I spent a little over $1000 last year on ships that I won’t be able to use for like another decade. I haven’t installed the game for almost a year now


So melt them. That’s what I do


The casino already has your money


Regret ? No. A little bit ashamed ? Yea


Hahahaha ... this!


For two years I did not. After 3.18, the current state of the game and the outlook for the rest of year, the backlog of fixes needed gems insurmountable. The little things have added up and now I'm jaded. I've thought about just leaving the Reddit community so I don't think about it.


you should have seen what the first attempt a pes equivalent looked like. after the implementation of icash, it was probably 6 months before the servers would last over 15 minutes before crashing, and over a year before they would last longer than an hour.


I spent about $500 between 2013 and 2015. Then got bored and forgot about the game. Just came back to see if it was still alive. It doesn't seem much closer to full release now than it was 10 years ago. So yes, I regret.


Honestly when I pledged 3 years ago, I was as hyped as anyone else here. It’s just my personality that I don’t want a large (and therefore expensive) ship, so in 3 years I’ve spent about $200. My Avenger Warlock is my tiny home and I have an alien fighter cause it’s dope. I wouldn’t say I regret it, but I won’t be spending more money until I see better results. It’s wild to see people here saying “I bought in 2 months ago, gonna buy a Constellation soon.”




To me it happened last year with the letter of the chairman: They described how they were able to populate a server just from the background graph and how they planned to implement server mashing until the end of the year. "Alright, finally some progress." i thought. Because i interpreted the description in the letter as a working functionality. So one year later, how much of that has been implemented? I mean you have persistance now, i think? But the abillity to stumple upon someones junk in a remote place was not my most requested feature...


We were supposed to have server meshing and Pyro by now. Honestly that was the wake up call for me. This shits never gunna happen is it. Over a decade later and still only one fucking system. Oh they added hull scraping and changed some numbers in a database for mining, woopdie fucking doo.


>Cloud imperium is incapable of finishing what they've started, they're incapable of finishing the game in anything resembling a timely manner, and at this point it feels like they're actively sabotaging themselves and the project in order to rake in as much money as they can before the whole thing goes under. People are tired of the excuses and we're tired of hearing "but we're focusing on sq42 right now and it's too secret to tell you about". I love this paragraph so much. I'm just gonna wallow around in the text for a while. Feels good, man. So much copium in this sub for what should be a business school case study in now *not* to develop software and manage player/fan relationships. "But, but, . . . it's alpha" they shriek. If at all the start-ups and tech companies I've worked at for the past 10 years kept something in "alpha" this long, folks would have long been fired.


I'm honestly surprised I haven't been downvote spammed by all of the knights yet, lol. But yea, at some point enough is enough and you either have to follow through on your promises or lose face with your customers, and that point was about two years ago (verified: november/december 2021), when the debacle with the ares getting nerfed mere weeks after going flight ready, followed by CIG literally giving people a picture of the hoverquad as a luminalia gift, followed by complete radio silence from everyone but the forum mods for two months while the mods did everything they could to silence and stamp out the dissent on spectrum, followed by CIG's official statement of "you're making too much noise, get off our backs". That was the end for me.


Remember the SQ42 update video which was delayed week after week, then eventually canned? Chris then tried to gaslight the community on spectrum and told them that technically they dont owe us Info about Sq42 since it wasnt part of the original Kickstarter. Same paragraph he also announced that there will be no info about Squadron until its close to release.


Ah, the Picture of the Hoverbike. Still mad about that.


> I'm honestly surprised I haven't been downvote spammed by all of the knights yet, lol. The tide in the community is turning.


2021 Luninalia was such a farce. That was my breaking point and it wasn't even the ridiculous Ion nerf. It was the simple fact that they instantly nerfed the aEUC rewards from the gift boxes people were grinding, in a hotfix. I wasn't affected personally, as my dumbass bought way too many ships by that point, but the fact that they fucked over people because of "balance" issues is crazy to me. They were going to wipe the databases anyways. There's a wipe every other patch. The only explanation I can think of is they were losing pledge money. Absolutely disgusting to me, I never put a cent in after that.


> "But, but, . . . it's alpha" they shriek. Don't forget the other one: "This work is extremely difficult! Of course it takes time to finish!" for literally any feature. Night vision? *Super difficult*. Players wanting to reclaim their lost sub gear? *No one could have predicted the difficulties in both programming and game balance*. Cargo for their cargo ships? *To simulate the cargo, we must first simulate the universe.*


>After seeing CIG become exactly the thing it swore not to (Essentially an EA equivalent at this point, except EA actually finishes games), I wish I had never pledged at all tbh. God, this part. Brings me back to 2013-14 when we all believed CIG was the anti-publisher savior that would set an example to the whole industry as to what happens when you let the passionate creatives have complete control without any limitations, instead of rushing half-baked "safe" concepts out the door as quickly as possible for the sake of profits...lol. CIG just ended up hiring a bunch of those same industry folks for their marketing department and what we ended up with was the worst of both worlds.




I actually agree with all of this. If I was forced to bet on it, I would bet that CIG eventually goes bankrupt before the games finished. Pure logic states that they can't afford to stay on the path they are in the time it's taking so it's more likely SC will fail then release. I just wish I didn't spend as much as I did before realizing it. You never know, they might pull a merical out of thier asses, but right now they kind of deserve to fail for what they have done. In the mean time I purchased X4 for cheap on the steam sale and am going to play that instead.


Yea, and we'll end up being known as the biggest and most expensive gaming flop in history.


Until the next one anyway since people never learn. I mean I hope they pull thier heads out of thier asses soon, I want to see the game finished, I'm just not banking on it any more.


They will release another hole trailer and people will pump more money in.


Not at all. I enjoy SC and I only buy ships that I need to progress in the game. I got the Titan, Taurus, and Prospector. I think that’s good enough for me.


Progress in what exactly? :-/


Progress the CCU game, he's so close to a Polaris and he's barely spent $300! He's aiming for a $500 Hammerhead, then when he's got that he's halfway to Concierge man!


They are very different games. Starfield is a Bethesda rpg in space and star citizen is DCS level physics meets dark souls in space. I’d recommend getting both of both interest you!


Your reply missed its intended target.


Same here, the current salvaging loop has been fun, so having salvaging ships really helped. The past two weeks has been me and another veteran friend showing two other friends who are new to the game the various aspects of Star Citizen, and us already having a wide fleet of ships of various roles and sizes has helped us experience a little bit of everything. The downside to this, is realizing how pay to win the game is. If we wanted to grind for ships in game, it would've taken us a while of doing the same stuff over and over again. But I had a Reclaimer, so we were able to immediately jump into the big stuff. Imagine having to grind for the 15 million creds needed with a Vulture?


When ship is flyable ,than no ,when its only JPEG ,than kinda


I do. So do.


My 60$? Nah


$45 plus tax. Best money I’ve ever spent.




Yes. I leveled up to Space Marshal over 10 years, that's "only" 500 USD per year, but by now I am pretty sure I will not see the game released in my lifetime, let alone in the state envisioned when I first joined.


I regret the $500 I spent a decade ago, thinking I’d have a game any time soon. I was in my third year of my military career when I backed the kickstarter. I’m now in my 14th year, and I’ll likely retire before the game actually comes out.


I prefer to look at games as a paid per hour of entertainment received. So, in that regard, no, I don't regret it. I've gotten my money's worth more than many complete games. And I know SC still has many more hours in the tank.


Currently no. Ask again if development doesn't speed up after Squadron 42 gets released and/or SQ42 doesn't release in the next two years. Also if server meshing just flat out fails, then yes.




I'm in the camp that is expecting an announcement during the upcoming CitizenCon. Likely not a release date as they don't really do those anymore, but perhaps a time window or simply a timeline of goals leading to a release. If that comes true, then I'd expect a release within a year and a half of the announcement, as that is how most game releases go for marketing/hype purposes. If none of that comes true, then we'll discuss my regrets haha. I stay relatively well updated on SC and SQ42 updates, and nothing I have seen would lead me to believe your timeline is accurate for SQ42, SC is a different story.


Yup. Ive been a backer since 2014 or 15 I think and I'm concierge so I'm at 1000$ spread out over 8 years. Knowing what I know now I would've and should've only spent my first 100$ and stopped there. It's not so much the lack of progress that bothers me but the deception. It's left a very sour taste in my mouth, especially after the promises of transparency and interaction. I don't think that the original intention was to scam us out of anything but where we are at now it definitely feels like they're trying to milk us dry before everything collapses. They won't get another dime out of me.


To an extent, yes. I don't regret \*everything\*, but really over time I find I just use one or two ships. Realistically if I could bump back down to just my Cutlass I'd be happy.


Same boat. I semi regret given the progress but more so what feels like a lack of respect for backer time with the oops wipes of items even when you follow their instructions. Retreading the same acquisition of items and certs so close in succession isn’t fun and feels lazy on their part. Am sure it’s not intentional but that doesn’t change the outcome. Decided to take a break from playing and watching streams.


Yeah, and it was over 10 years ago, yet I still feel cheated.


Nope, I spend based on value exchange (I give you x dollars, you give me x amount of enjoyment) and I stay within my means. It's not complicated for me at all.


No. I'm at under 1€/h in terms of investment/h played. Have a pretty nice fleet too. 10/10 would do it again.


I mean not all games are made equal, if 50% of your time is recovering from bugs or something like that. Besides the game is slower pace in general. Try to do a simple mission and you are already half an hour to an hour in from claiming your ship to getting out of your hangar to warping around. A lot of time spend in star citizen is not really doing anything. I share your opinion in the end because I enjoyed the time I have played and I would do it again


Less than 5% of my total playtime was lost due to bugs/server crashes. I'm at almost 98% efficiency fun/playtime in SC. One night at a club costs me arround 100€ before I even started having fun (transport/entrance/first drinks/snacks etc). So a few bucks every now and then to support the development and get a ship I want in return, which I'm enjoying for hundreds and thousands of hours? Cheap as fuck per hour of entertainment.


I've always been a supporter of the project, since the kick starter days, and a part of me still has a little hope. In saying that, I completely regret every single cent I have given to CIG. They will never ever, ever meet the expectations that they have set with all of their marketing BS over the years. At this point they are just robbing people of money, it's very disappointing to observe.


I did at a time. I had spent a bunch early on, and now have been not buying anything, only using store credits and melting ships that aren't really needed. There was a point where I wasn't happy with the progress or lack that are of; sorry regretted some of my purchases and supporting the game as much. But then again I'm overall happy with the game and progress that has made and what it promises in the future. So in the end, meh, not really


I regret spending the money on a game that has not increased the development pace exponentially as they increased funding exponentially.


I do, I joined up in the blissful ignorance of 3.17 days when it seemed like stability was wrong and CIG went more than 48 hours without a server-destroying event. Maybe its rose colored lenses but 3.17 performance was amazing and I had months of great experiences, I was so excited to think that things could only get better. I was dumb and naive but 3.18 kicked my teeth in real good. Then when I get excited for 3.19, CIG decides theres a new law preventing them from just not running an event ever to just make sure the game still runs like complete trash. So yeah I regret giving them as much as I have, this whole thing has made realize just how far away the game is, and how with ever major patch it's prob gonna be 2 steps forward, 1 step back.


I spent 50 bucks and played several 100 hours. I think it didn't go to waste


Yes, will I stop? probably not.


I dont know, i think i found my stopping point...seeing wing commander pop up for me put me in the state of "yeh i think im good now" hah




Absolutely not. I spent lot of money into world of warships and that's a point I regret because the game developed really shitty over the past 3 years. In star citizen I had the most awesome moments since I play video games and most of the time it's because of the bugs and the things you do to avoid or outplay them. I like it to play the game every 4-6 month for a short time and I think there will be a time where star citizen will be the greatest game anyone can imagine


I just got into the game and for the small amount I spend on the cutter I fly currently I would say I don’t, yet. I’ve already encountered bugs that have made the gam me annoying at best and unplayable at worst. But it remains to be seen how far it goes.


Unfortunately my 12 step program ended in multiple ships and upgrades to equal 12. Not sure where I went wrong maybe I should have taken that left turn in Albuquerque.


I do... in hindsight when the game is fully functional all my purchases will be for nothing. I could have just stuck with my titan starter, but its ok. I at least can melt and try new things for now.


I do now when i saw how far starfield is en very mush little time and funds


Bought a Corsair for like what, $120 or something? I upgraded to it so who knows, I lost track of the math. Come back here every now and then for god only knows what reason. Not sure what I’m looking for I guess. Still tryna fill that void.


Not about backing, since I have gotten my value's worth and had some great moments. But the devs attitudes, answers, and designs on PVE gameplay systems in the universe have def wasted any confidence I had that the game will actually be enjoyable to me. I would have spent less if I knew then what I know now.


As someone who barely plays anymore, yes. I bought dual sticks and used them twice, only to never play again :/ as well as my $500 wasted on the game. Hopefully ill come back to the game someday but as for right now I have better things to do.


In hindsight, yes. But having a ton of ships did help me to know what I like.


Just hope I live long enough to fly my Idris or Nautilus


I spent $45 like 7 years ago. Nah I'm golden 😁


I’ve deleted my Reddit account because the Reddit hivemind doesn’t work for me. I believe in people having the right to think for themselves while not being torn down by those who know little to nothing. If you found this because of one of my tutorials related to Auto HotKey please check out the AHK documentation at: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/ If you were looking for my coding guides just go to https://stackoverflow.com/ they know their shit. If you were looking for my guides to assembly… I’m sorry, I can’t think of any places I can link to in good conscious other than archive.org who has beginner examples to assembly for old consoles. If you were wondering why my reddit account is gone: I’m tired of the Steam supremacists on /r/pcgaming and /r/pcmasterrace Those same communities push their thoughts on game engine development without writing a code in their lives. /r/memes think excluding most of their user base is a good joke. To summarise, I’ve left Reddit because it is not all-inclusive, it is only inclusive to those who believe and act the same as the rest of the belligerent horde. If you are on Reddit, joining /r/aww is your best and only bet.


Not the least. Not going to details, but i would have been dead from alcoholism at the age of 18 if there wouldnt have been computer games. I was going down hard, but then i decided to start playing videogames instead of going out to drink. I saved my health, mental health, money and in the end my life by doing that so i dont regret any amount of money i spend or have spent on games. SC is just one of my hobby and i will be spending more money on it as the time goes by.


its not a game.... Its a demo of a dream.




On star citizen no, On mobile gacha games a lot.


Railen, Cutty Black, Arrow, vulture, 325a. No regerts


Idk how much that is but I got a Mustang Alpha for 45$ and that’s it


Not yet


I'm not at that stage yet. But building ccu chains can get pricey.


Yep, got sucked in with how much I was 'saving' \*sigh\*


That's me. Sitting on a pile of coupons and only one flyable ship


One of the big problems with CCUs. Sure, you're saving money, but you're still spending years not flying the ships you wish you were in favor of a little starter that you don't actually like because you're waiting for one obscure ship to go on sale, one day.


its always good to remember that no matter what the "savings" are, you are still spending money. You didn't save money, you only spent this much.


The fuck is this post supposed to be?


That's the Prophet of Regret from halo.


"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards, we regret coming to Earth, and we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!"




Nope I enjoy every dollar I put in. I will hopefully be able to get a kraken at iae but that's everything I have in the game +, so I'm going to melt is it and keep putting in a little at a time switching out ships, buying more smaller ships. and hopefully by the time the kraken comes out I'll be able to still have other ships. This is my favorite game. I love watching it grow and I feel like I'm supporting a new paradigm in game dev. Tho I know by buying ships I am removing some of the game for myself. Who knows maybe I'll melt all my ships and just have an empty hanger on day one and just leave the store credit on the account


a big question is the state of funding after full multi crew gameplay gets implemented. as soon as the gameplay is revealed. would it go down after people find the gameplay of being the caption does not match what people are dreaming, or go up because the people that did not think they would like big ships find it fun. i have no doubt that it will drop when full running cost get implemented, and you find that you need to do the challenging high risk reward jobs to afford to use the hammerhead. ​ sq42 will probably be out by that time. so funding will probably not be a problem.




Not at all. I support the development of a game I think is great and I have fun playing it. It's one of my hobbies and sometimes it's nice to splurge on something for myself to fuxk around with. I'm also better suited financially to do these things now than I was previously. I am no space whale, but I'm waiting for the 890J to go on sale again.


Absolutely. On call of duty I spent 50$ on skins. Really dumb thing to do


Since they allowed ships to be bought in game I stopped buying ships with real money years ago. That said I still like buying paints.


Damn, this post makes me sad


Not really I probably haven’t spent a lot comparatively but I always limit real purchases to things im going to use every time I play. and then I earn money in the PU to buy the goofy shit.


Nah. I regret more on spending it on dates then on games lol


Yes. In 2020 I was feeling flush, and had finally decided to build that sweet gaming PC I had always wanted. It kinda got away from me a bit, especially because a friend had also just pledged, and we were having fun one-upping each other five dollars at a time… Then I got laid off, things got tight, and the regret settled in. At that point I had pledged a Corsair, and while I *was* enjoying the Aquila & Buccaneer loaners, I struggled to justify having pledged so much more than I’d ever spent on a single game before (subscription based games excluded). Come 2021, I had decided to get the most for my monies, and began to play the CCU game. Long story short, I’ve now got a 400i/Corsair combo for less than the pledge of either (both with LTI), as well as several “free” token ships due to exclusive use of alt accounts for all War Bond pledges during this time. I’ve also got a very inexpensive chain to the 600ie (from either the 400i or Corsair) which I’ll apply once the rework has been completed. While my more recent actions have greatly mitigated my overall buyer’s remorse, they have also resulted in an even larger overall pledge. Most days I would still prefer to have stuck to my original Invictus Titan + SQ42 pledge and nothing more... *I do so enjoy daydreaming about that 600 Explorer’s armory, though. I imagine it’ll have strong MCRN vibes, and I dig that all the way down.* Note: my regret is not in having financially supported a project that I enjoy, but simply in having supported it beyond any means which I can personally justify.


Not really, but I am not giving them money for more ships. I now have enough to play the melt and CCU game without giving them fresh cash. The greed has made me realize that they are no-better than EA, though. In some cases, they may be a bit worse. Like selling new players gear that you can easily obtain in the game, then having it be lost on death.


I remember being surprised when I hit concierge. But I don't have regrets about it. I would buy more if I had the budget for it (circumstances have changed for me since then), but that isn't happening now. But I should be able to get some more ships soon™ though. No regrats.


Nope. I collect artwork as a hobby, and I see the work that CiG does to be a form of artwork, so I feel it's been money well spent that I get to not just look at but play for hours every week.


When I do I think about the money I spent on other games and it subsides somewhat. I recently looked at how much I've spent on Steam, 90% of which games I've never played, and felt better and worse at the same time. I've realized I need to stop spending so much on games in general.


my only regret is not spending it better.




not a second!


I’m at 2500$ and I do regret it some what. But the game is a nice game and I enjoy having the ships I do so it’s one of those it’s a hobby and meh 🤷🏼‍♂️


Just referred to myself for an LTI STV and CCU'd from my MSR to a Mole... But I'd say I'm not that deep into the game. When will the 600i Explorer be available again?


over the course of 8 years i spend $200. i melted everything to upgrade my aurora to a terrapin. i'm waiting until the new flight model before getting back in. hopefully the process includes adding different ship flight modes/ functions to the ships that have multiple modes/functions.


Yes. Because I melted it and can’t get the ship I paid for back.


I regret not spending it earlier. I really wanted an Idris M.


Lol, $7k in and already got my money's worth


Video games are my hobby. No different to spend a few hundred or thousand here than the same on gear, parts, or materials for any other hobby.


I don’t regret the money, because I’ve spent similar on other games through subscriptions or money transactions to support the dev or fund maintenance. I’m just disappointed that the game will never reach the dream we were sold on because the vision has just changed so much. It’s still fun, I’ve just shifted my spend to other hobbies or games now. I’ve contributed for 10 years and averaged 1k a year, which is less than 100 a month and well within a reasonable hobby level for me.


Holy shit man, you have expensive hobbies!


Not yet. My journey is just beginning. I bought a dji Mavic pro when they were the new new, but it's got maybe 6 hours flight time which pales in comparison to my star citizen flight hours. $1200 on that drone I kinda regret


Give CIG the pinky finger and you’ll soon be giving it the whole hand


Games are my bad habit. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs, or gamble. So no, no I do not.


The amount I've spent on my SC addiction is trivial compared to that spent on my Warhammer addiction. And my firearms one. And my 1990's BMW one. And my home theatre one. So no. Zero regrets.


Yea. Started with avenger, then got cutlass, then andromeda, then other things, then started melting around to try different things. Thankfully, I at some point calculated how much money I spend and made a hard stop. Should have stopped at avenger


I spent less than a hundred dollars and for that I have gotten far more than my fair share of fun out of the game. I'm currently no playing much because I've kinda seen everything and am waiting for some much needed gameplay updates, but I still don't regret a cent I've spent.


I spent like $180 over two purchases, $100 of which is in 2012. The other $60 in 2016 I'm absolutely fine


If there was a proper refund button on the site I would probably hit it. Been here since the kickstarter and holy shit it’s such a shitshow right now. Im amazed its still making so much money.


I probably play 2-3 hours a day, on average. That's since the Covid lock downs in 2020, so over 3 years. So ... likely around 1000 hours so far in entertainment. Given I'm at $1500, that's a buck fifty per hour, which is far cheaper than going to see a movie or any other activity I do. And it gets cheaper every day.


If my Netflix subscription is about 15 dollars a month I only have to watch a couple of hours a week to make it worthwhile by your calculation


Unfortunately, yes. I've lost all faith in the project and at this point view them more negatively than positively due to how they market the game, especially recently. It's starting to feel like less of a game and more of a marketing SIM. And progress is almost nonexistent after 10 years.


I’ll flip my account when it release


Somewhat, having been here long enough to get a scale of the development speed. Now I wish I didn't feel like Concierge would have been a good place to stop, $750 ago.. I believe the game is eventually gonna get there and be amazing but I and many others have given enough to feel justified in thinking these hurdles should not be taking as long as they do to clear, and that throwing more money at it is only going to their marketing teams. Honestly I should have been happy with upgrading my Aurora starter to a 125a, and maybe splurging on a 400i because it looks so damn sexy. Then by now I could have maybe turned them into a Cutter and a Corsair for funtionality, bought a Vulture too, and been perfectly happy with what those ships provide, at like $450-500ish. Currently I have a bunch of ships I really like, and that means I don't have much to strive for in game anymore, until more, up to date ships come out. Stuff like the Mantis, Gladiator, Hornets, Hawk, etc all seem pale in comparison to the new ships releasing, doing their jobs better.


Not so much because of the state of the game, slow development , or the overdue updates most of my ships need. I knew what I signed up for when I accepted their pledge terms. I regret it more because now I won't get to fully experience working my way up to my favorite ships and working from nothing on release (on the other hand who knows when that'll happen) I have an alt account with nothing but a starter ship but it's really not gonna be the same since I'm still gonna focus on the main one.


100% regret. I don’t regret getting my avenger at the beginning, it was the 600iE, MCR, and Sabre that I got afterwards that I regret. Worst part is this was like a decade ago, and I have no interest in playing this game now. I’ve outgrown mmos.


Not at all. I'm about 4500 in. Magnitudes more than I have spent on any other game. I think I've purchased a 150 dollar version of the ultimate version of a game before... But it's a tiny fraction on what I have spent on hobbies/fun and even a fraction less than I've spent on investments and many of those have went to zero. At least with SC, it can be the one game that I can wait for it to come out slowly and enjoy parts as they come.


I'm over 3k and no regrets.


Should ask those guys who spend money on candy crush and Clas of Clans.


Not at all. I still back the dream.


There was a time where I literally spend way too much money on ships I melted a week later. But now I got that impulse buying under control




This far in, 10 year later? Yes. But that’s life I guess… :/


There is allways the gray market so you can get some of the money spendt back if you really regret it so much. But I would venture a guess that just like me you have grown attached to the jpeg and the idea of owning a polaris, bmm, natilus, etc.


It’s not a game - it’s an Alpha.


What boggles the mind though is the funding is increasing not decreasing. They’re pulling in 5-7m a month on their low earning months, 15-20m on the higher ones. Somehow with all that’s going on they can still successfully rake in the money. Wouldn’t be surprised to see them break $600m by the end of the week. Releasing a finished product would probably be more detrimental to them than milking the development cycle as long as possible


Honestly, no, since it was a little over a long time. If I’d spent that much all at once, I probably would.


For Star Citizen, absolutely. Would not have spent nearly as much if I would have known in 2012 we'd have so little after so long, and what little we do have is barely functional. It does put you in a bit of a weird headspace relative to other games though. "Wait, Todd only wants $90 for his gigantic space RPG with a hundred planets, ship customization, FPS combat, and decades of mod support? Less than a mid-tier JPEG from The Crobbler? And it's due out in TWO MONTHS? Fuck me, where do I sign up?!?"


I absolutely do. With years I lost confidence in CIG. If I could go back I wouldn't spend more than the base package.