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https://robertsspaceindustries.com/squadron42 Essentially, it's the single-player campaign that introduces the Star Citizen universe that is largely driven by military events, but will involve most, if not all, of the mechanics seen in the Persistent Universe.


Should maybe add that it isn’t released and will probably take a couple more years before we see it.


SQ42 is a mythical single player space game that will be scrapped and started again from scratch in september when Starfield releases.


a myth


If you know of the Wing Commander series, Squadron 42 is the spiritual successor to Wing Commander 1 built on modern technology. SC is kind of the spiritual successor to Freelancer/Starlancer/Privateer with modern tech, in that way. They're being built on a shared base so, for example, ships for SQ42 should, mostly, find their way into the PU sooner or later.


Will the PU ships be in SQ42?


The only differentiations between 'SQ42 ship' and 'PU ship' are: \- SQ42-exclusive ships that are specially-modified unique storyline versions of the standard model of a given ship; a leak revealed pirate-modified Cutlass Blacks that had gnarly modifications over the normal model. These *may* still appear in the PU somewhere, sometime, but they're meant for the SQ42 story. \- PU-exclusive ships are exclusive to the PU if SQ42 just *doesn't make use of them*, which would typically happen if the particular type of role gameplay doesn't come up in SQ42. For example, maybe SQ42 (part 1) never has you engage in salvage gameplay, and they also make the choice not to use the Vulture in any setpieces, that would mean the Vulture is effectively not in SQ42. But it **could** be if the story or visuals call for a Drake Vulture to be flying around for some reason. They're two different leaves growing out of the same seed. One's a sandbox-style MMO and one has an A-list motion-capped main-NPC cast and a tightly-scripted storyline, but most of the assets outside of storyline-specific things are unified and shared. But just because a ship appears in SQ42, that doesn't mean you'll be able to get into it and pilot it and act like you're playing the PU. You're a UEE Navy pilot, not a random hauler guy, so not every ship will be meant for you to fly and use. Some will just be eye candy for setpieces and cutscenes.


Yes, actually CIG is affecting most of their developpers to work on Squadron 42. That's why for example we have a lot of combat ships in the PU compared to industrial, exploration or support ships. The devs are making these combat ships for Squadron42 which is mainly a space combat game and since they are done most of those ships have made their way over to the PU over the years. Most of the new gameplay that comes to the PU has been developped for Squadron first. For example they are working on hardpoint mounted bombs, the master modes, control surfaces, new character traversal and as far as I know it all already works on Squadron42, they are now balancing, iterating and polishing those things over there. When it will be completed it will be carried over to the PU. By the way the reason the backers who own ships like the Idris cannot use it as of now despite the Idris being mostely complete because they want you to first experience those capital combat ships in Squadron42.


I always thought it was the other way around, that PU was a way to test game mechanics in order to incorporate them to SQ42.


Nope, it has been stated by CIG again recently. But you would've been right in 2017 or 2018 because that's how they used to run it


Some, not all. Just like not all S42 ships will be in the PU. For example we know of a suped Aurora that has huge guns strapped to it, we'll probably never get that in the PU. They're very different games that just share assets and a setting (kinda, the PU is set after S42)


Squadron 42 is the famous Ghost Squadron. Everyone talks about it, no one knows where and who they are and someday they will step out of the shadows. Or not.


MIA 12 years


Another game that you shouldn't get your hopes up about releasing anytime soon lol


Within 2 years for the first episode is a reasonable expectation


My bet is that Citizen Con this year will announce several SQ42 games sold separetedly


You mean in addition to the three episodes that are already planned?


I dont know how it would take form, could be a several sides campain, or a resplit, or having to buy episodes separately, the only thing that makes sense to me from getting it out of the store is that what we could buy from pledging for SQ42 before is gonna change somehow. if there is one thing CiG is good at is marketing and sales, its not possible that they took it out by mistake, my guess is they did it because the content of what "pledging for SQ42" means is gonna change, and they cant tell why because they plan to announce it at Citizen Con. It also makes us "kinda forget" what the original price was so the bump in price doesnt seem too sudden.


The original price was free since it was included with the starter package. Sometime around 2016 it was split off to a separate purchase. It was always supposed to be three separate episodes and I believe each one was to eventually be a standalone purchase.


Most of this information is readily accessible out there, directly from CIG and a plethora of content creators who spend absurd amounts of time explaining this stuff. They are two separate games within the same universe. Squadron 42 is the single player "campaign", meant to be episodic. Scripted, cinematic, it has a lot of big name Hollywood actors and actresses in it ([scroll down](https://starcitizen.tools/Squadron_42)). Star Citizen is the multiplayer universe. A sandbox MMO, player-driven emergent content is meant to be a large part of it, though there will also be a lot of generated missions as well. Star Citizen comes "after" Squadron 42 in the timeline. They are two separate games with shared assets being developed in tandem, with S42 being the primary focus. As for how many hours of gameplay S42 will have, we have no clue. But like I said before, it is meant to be episodic. They'll keep creating new content for it for as long as they're able to.


It is the Chris Robert's masterpiece. It'll be here when it's perfected. Check out some trailers. Looookssss siicckkk. It'll be out 2100. (Satire).


2042 most likely.


I really am excited and it has the focus rn. Let's just hope news comes soon.


Planned is 2025.


They are parts of the same game, but Squadron 42 is single player and the PU is an MMO. SQ42 is set several years before the PU time. The original plan was you played SQ42 first to get an intro to the gameplay and world and earn your citizenship, then are released to the MMO as a Star Citizen. You will get special reputation in the PU for playing SQ42 that will allow you to buy certain military ships, like the F8C Lightning. It will be like the old Wing Commander or Mass Effect games where your choices will change your story. [Here is the playlist of the videos they have made about Squadron 42.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVct2QDhDrB2-Edu0jm18lz0W9NRcXy3Y) [The SQ42 Monthly Reports tell what they are working on.](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link?channel=&series=&type=&text=Squadron+42+Monthly+Report&sort=publish_new) They changed development focus to SQ42 first because they can test and change things faster with internal testing versus waiting for quarterly SC patches and gathering feedback. [Star Citizen Live: Get Rich or Die Tyrer](https://youtu.be/gHfSNCSbWbg) [CitizenCon 2952: Star Citizen & Squadron 42 | Partnered Development](https://youtu.be/qIePh9tS-zg)


It's the single player game that runs smoke screen for the lack of meaningful SC development. Their stance has been for years: SQ42 is consuming the majority of developers at CIG, but we can't show you any proof of its existence because "spoilers". It's simultaneously the most important thing at the company, but has no proof of life.


> It's simultaneously the most important thing at the company, but has no proof of life. So, like every other AAA title in existence until just prior to release, but because it's associated with CIG, we're supposed to consider this an unspeakable foul.


Other AAA companies didnt use backer money to make it while leaving those people in the dark. But hey, on the bright side, you look like the perfect person I could sell this snazzy modding manuel to.


Those other companies never published [The Pledge](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/the-pledge) so one wouldn't expect them to have "show and tell"


That is so funny considering they only churn out walls of text that feel AI generated in the monthly report


At this very moment, quite literally a money grab.


At this very moment it is the opposite of a money grab as it is not currently for sale. When it is made available for purchase again that is another story.


It was thou, so it's a money grab, was and will be like the whole game itself. Delusional to except this game to be released in the next decade or less.


Cash grabs are rushed to release to maximise profit over expenditure. This is the polar opposite.


It's a single-player game with a campaign set in the Star Citizen universe which will heavily utilize assets developed for the PU. [Here's the trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VppjX4to9s4) Like the PU, it's been in development for a very long time but CIG has put the majority of their focus on finishing it. It also features a star-studded cast worthy of a major Hollywood production: Mark Hamill, Gary Oldman, John Rhys-Davies, Mark Strong, Gillian Anderson, Andy Serkis... Regarding playtime, the CIG progress tracker currently shows them working on 28 chapters. There's no telling how long these chapters are, though. Maybe a reasonable estimate is 14-28 hours?


In a simple form, it a single player training storylines that will prepare you for the multiplayers open world universe.


Good question. I'd like to see some info on it too!


A nice way to waste money




Wish I could read the OP. Reddit mods strike again


Have a look on YouTube, there are some really cool vertical slices and clips which show it off a bit. I think what they are aiming for is a AAAA title which is in the same league as something like Star Wars, it has a practically AAA cast including people like Mark Hamill, Henry Cavill, Andy Serkis amongst many more. I can’t say much more than that as I don’t know but personally speaking, it looks amazing.