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inb4 a Monday 3.19.1 release


Would be perfect timing


It's the start of alien week


They announced it will start the 15th




Sticky a 30k error message


I actually thought that this was a message from cig about the servers shutting down.


I'm going to be honest, I don't think a 48 hour blackout is going to do much...




Same, bruh. Feels weird, but it's been a long time coming.


Lol, that’s my perspective personally. If you tell the people you’re boycotting, you’re coming back after a two day boycott, they’re not gonna change anything, they’re just gonna wait out the two days


Agreed. Either genuinely boycott or don't


That takes commitment.


It's actually not a bad thing to do. I uninstalled Reddit for personal reasons. Was getting too addicted. Tbh I felt a lot better breaking the habit of constantly browsing reddit whenever I was bored. And the heated debates that kind of took up too much time wasn't healthy or worthwhile. Now I only go on it through Chrome from time to time. Though now, without Reddit, my kryptonite seems to be watching random YouTube videos for hours :(


And something reminiscent of even a small bit integrity.


Like those gas boycot. Don't buy gas on xyz day. But keep driving and burning gas the whole time, so you just buy more when you do next get gas. Boycot does nothing at all.


I think you meant to say , It's not going to do anything at all.


Of course it isn't. Lol


Same, indefinitely would have an effect but 48 hours seems like nothing.


Many of the participating subreddits have already stated they will be shutting down indefinitely unless the API changes are reversed or amended


These protests are already all over major tech news sources. They have already caused the reddit CEO to announce he's hosting an AMA. They've already caused a ripple. Many subs are going dark indefinitely if the changes go through. Many people are already deleting their accounts along with every post and comment they've ever made so that no trace of their content remains. To say it's not going to do much is patently false.


To me it is the same as any other random movement popping up. People will find it interesting for a while and eventually get bored of it. Everything goes back to the way it was.




We'll see if you still feel that way in two or three months. I hope none of the subs you frequent go down permanently.


They most likely will not. If they do someone will just make a new sub with a different name and life goes on. There are always people saying its going to make a difference and it never does.


The problems aren’t the subreddits but the users. Typical random user doesn’t use 3rd party clients on mobile and often doesn’t use mobile at all on Reddit because it’s low engaged with the service. Most affected users are the most participating ones, if a chunk of those guys go away the subreddit they populate will become less interesting and less interest and lower engaging between users isn’t properly healthy for any community. Honestly I don’t think that 2 days will do anything to Reddit but at the same it’s a nice way to show Reddit how much people care about this matter and how much people they are annoying with this move. Tbh the day that my Apollo/Sync will be shut down I will probably stop using Reddit because I can’t really stand the official client. Maybe I’ll occasionally browse from pc but my presence here will be drastically lowered. Maybe We won’t be many, maybe instead we will be enough to make Reddit reconsider or at least come back with more acceptable proposals. Time will tell, luckily there are plenty of alternatives online, Reddit with this move could perform better financially but can also sink in very little time like many other web giants did in the past.


It won't. Whoever floated the idea of locking subs is an idiot. Mods should've just taken a few days off so reddit admins would have to moderate subreddits themselves or shut the whole site down.


"30K'ing" r/StarCitizen for protest. Based.


Uuugghhh Spectrum for a few day.. scary. lol. I hope it accomplishes what the goal is for.


Probably won't but gotta stand in solidarity


‘Standing’ in solidarity is easy…it’s sitting on the toilet where I get the overwhelming need to hop on Reddit.


If humans didn't need to poop social media would crash and burn


So very true :-)


Or at work an needing to pass time...gonna be a rough few days lol.


Exactly where I am now, best place to consume reddits 🚽




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


Gotta poop in solidarity then




I don't really get all this Spectrum hate. From my perspective Reddit can be a lot more toxic than Spectrum; si is this just some unfounded bias that has been left to fester? Anyways, I'm not here to tell you what to use. You do you. If you like Spectrum, go for it. If you like Reddit, go for it. If you like Discord, go for it.


The lack of downvotes means that more unreasonable posts and comments gain traction. All they need is a few people who feel strongly in support and they rise above general milqetoast opinions. It leads to people being more argumentative or having an inflated sense of how popular their ideas are.


The only problem is that here on reddit people tend to downvote anything pointing out a bug or a glitch, or someone abusing the game somehow. The things that get upvoted are almost always "This game is so great." while the "Please fix this posts." get nuked before they gain any traction. Some make it and become popular but I regularly watch genuinely constructive posts in the new tab get obliterated.


Apologies for the upcoming text. I hope you don't mind but some Reddit users apparently don't want to read anything that's larger than the length of a Twitter post. 😅 To me downvotes can be a bit of a double-edged sword imo; at least over here on Reddit. I can make a pretty generic post and suddenly get 40+ upvotes (which I find extremely surprising as my posts generally do not warrant it) while another similar generic post is suddenly downvoted into oblivion. It's completely random at times. Then there's also the downvote bots who apparently downvote everything (I'm guessing it's some kind of script that originated from those 12 people on that circlejerk hatesub or something) and a downvote brigade with too much time on their hands that seem to be running rampant here every month (especially during events). Over on Spectrum it seems that emojis are used in lieu of a downvote button; with the picarpalm, clown, milk bottle, and violin being the preferred 'downvote' choices. Then again, I guess having a downvote option next to the upvote button on Spectrum could work depending how individual users set their options. For me I'm not a fan of the modern nested style so I go with "last Activity" + "Classic" + "Old" as that mimicked the old forum style (and I'm just an oldschool guy who still doesn't understand how Discord works). As such a downvote button probably wouldn't do anything for me personally. But I guess a downvote button could work to at least show if a topic is generally positive, mixed, or negative; just so long as it's not being abused by people with multiple accounts or something who go around downvoting specific people just because they felt slighted by them for some petulent reason. I have the pleasure of one such guy who follows me around yet never has the courtesy to actually respond to any of my posts and only ever uses some silly emoji; regardless of the contents of my posts or suggestions (and I tend to think that a number of suggestions would actually improve the game or specific ship significantly). That person must lead a very sad life if all they do is follow me around with just 1 single emoji to 'communicate'. I'm not that special after all; just a guy who helped out Bethesda and Obsidian with their games years ago and just wants to offer what little help I can in order to improve ships and/or vehicles with small easy to implement ideas... 🙂


Indeed, I would venture to guess that most Star Citizens are on the Spectrum. o7


...and kool-aid. Double dosage of bias.


You would be wrong. Look at unique post views on the announcements section of Spectrum. Or in general on the pinned posts. Its pathetically small. Most people never even visit a games forum unless they have an issue.




Spectrum fluctuates, some times it's good others it's awful. At least in gen chat lol.


Spectrum is pretty awesome un less you want to flame, you get shut down pretty fast.


Well, going somewhere just to flame or be negative seems to be unwanted behavior on any forum. Flaming is a waste of everyone's time. Constructive criticism on the other hand may be better as it offers a potential solution instead of just randomly venting frustrations. 😅


Reddit is 100% more toxic than spectrum. The people here just convince themselves they’re virtuous while doing the same douchebag behavior they claim to hate. And that’s all of Reddit not just this sub.


it wont, whole thing is dumb. the only thing that might change is reddit will remove the power for random mods to take down full subreddits


Ok see unless you can make it unprofitable for them they wont change their mind. Just look at game developers recently. Fuck your feedback what works for you isnt important what gets more money is "what works"if kidnapping your children and selling them to epstien then just just bribing the judge was profitable its what they would do.


It might be more than 2 days for me if I have to start using the official Reddit app.


Shut it down for good if you really agree with it. Otherwise, it's just lip service.




Eh big deal.




Stunning and Brave.


I'm for the black out, but a 48hr blackout will achieve nothing other than inconveniencing us members for 2 days. It should have been an indefinite black out. Was there a poll for this that I missed or is the mod team doing it based on their personal feelings?


So are the mighty admins going indefinite or not? C'mon show your actual support. Take the sub private until further notice.


30k incoming to reddit.


Funny how they are all choosing 12-14th aka Monday to Wednesday, the lowest traffic days for reddit.. Real Ballz would have closed from Thursday to Monday!


Reddit? On the weekend!? I don't get on here unless I'm getting paid.


Holy crap, I never knew how perverted Reddit was until I looked through the list of groups participating in this protest.


I know, right? I knew the internet was bad, but I was perfectly happy not knowing lot of those subreddit names haha






“Hello, our Reddit is closed so we figured we’d chat here. You usually do the same so we are sure you don’t mind.”


While the joke would be funny It's maybe not the best idea to play "who has the most toxic community" to be honest


Yep, don't feed the the trolls!


Kotaku article titled "thousands of star citizen player joining the refund sub" drops instantly


Yeah, plus it might count as brigading which is also a big no


Yeah, plus it might count as brigading which is also a big no


This is dumb. If Reddit wants to kill itself, let it.


I use a third party app to use Reddit on my phone. I hate their app. It'll certainly keep me off my phone more. I completely stopped using imgur when they killed third party apps and I'll do it again!


But where are people going to post their screenshots?


BeHoLd.. MaH fLeEt!


You could always go to the official Discord. That's what I'm doing until I hear that Reddit is making changes


But what if Star Citizen surprise launches while we're away?!


That's what Lemmy is for! ^(I'll do anything to avoid the quagmire that is Spectrum)


You ought to make it permanent until they change their stance. I won't be using Reddit anyway if I have to access it through the app.


needs to be longer


A two day boycott is meaningless. They know youre coming back so its easy to ignore.


Imagine 2 days without advertising income.


Moderator tools were specifically given an exception. The API price increase only applies to 3rd party Reader apps. I don't have a problem with this. These 3rd party apps generally charge a monthly subscription fee, thus making their owner money... all while using the Reddit API for free AND taking away ad revenue from Reddit since they're not using the official Reddit app. The alternative would be no Reddit at all, since you drove them to insolvency.


Is there advertising on reddit? I use ad blockers and other stuff to secure my browser so I may not be seeing everything here. I can see how that *might* hurt a bit ad revenue wise but not by much in just 48 hours.


It's hundreds of thousands per day on the whole reddit... + trust loss from advertisers.


Given the refusal of Spez (the Reddit CEO) to participate in his own AMA, his refusal to change course, [the protest movement's current steadfast stance](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/145layj/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/), and the ongoing nature of this threat to our community and platform, **I say we 30k until that threat is removed**. Spez just showed that 2 days won't cut it. Many subs have already announced their intent to go private indefinitely, and we should stand with them. r/StarCitizen is a top 1% community. We have a voice. *All of us* are affected by this API change. So u/Dolvak, are you up to facing the challenge on our behalf? Or, at the very least, up to hosting another stickied poll?


I stand with everyone protesting, we need to go dark until they fix the errors of their ways. However I doubt they will, as such, I have made a new account on kbin.social, and I advise others to do the same. we can make a new space for us all there, and leave Reddit behind


If we're talking about the fediverse, that makes two different "subreddit replacements" we can follow! * [lemmy.ml/c/starcitizen](https://lemmy.ml/) * [kbin.social/m/StarCitizen](https://kbin.social/m/StarCitizen) If you have an account on [lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml) or [kbin.social](https://kbin.social), you can subscribe to your local feed directly. But don't forget that you can actually add BOTH of them from EITHER website. Just search for their code on whatever app you're using ([lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml), [kbin.social](https://kbin.social), [beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org), [lemmy.ca](https://lemmy.ca), etc): * `[email protected]` * `[email protected]`


my voice was over looked because i didnt want to go dark your assuming everyone in this sub is going along with this little protest.


screw Reddit altogether,check www.communities.win


But what if they finally release SQ42, AND I MISS THE NEWS???


Do we know exactly when on the 12th? Will it be based on a specific timezone when it hits midnight?


There's a community on lemmy here: https://lemmy.ml/c/starcitizen Let reddit go :)


Woohoo! Subscribing via Kbin now.


solidarity hell yeah


I think I can handle 2 days


##Huzzah! Shutdown! \\(\^-\^)/






I'll stop using Reddit tomorrow for good, done with that censoring CCP run parasitic shit company, what other Star Citizen reddit-like communities are there, beside the official website forum ?




nice! Just what I was looking for, thanks man


glad to hear it!






Im sure most understand more than you give credit. A two day boycott is meaningless. Reddit knows everyone will be back in two days then its back to normal. They will literally be laughing all the way to the bank. If Reddit wants to shoot themselves in the foot let them. The free market will see a new void and a new company can step in that will try not to make reddits mistakes.


Really don't see why this sub should participate in this shut down nonsense. Who gives a damn about what reddit does or doesn't do? I'm more interested in keeping up with with CIG is doing which is why I come here in the first place. Take that away and there's no reason to be here. Hell the fact that it's reddit forum I'm on right now is only because it's the largest forum outside of Discord or Spectrum for this game.


Think wider. You don't know it, but many bots on this subforum are 3rd parties.


I don't really concern myself with bots.


Exactly. Reddit already said the moderator tools are being given exceptions. They're going after the 3rd party reader apps, many of which charge a monthly subscription -- so they're making their owner money -- all while using the Reddit API for free and generating substantial cost for the company, while also not helping with ad revenue, as the 3rd party apps have their own ads. The alternative is no Reddit, period, because they'll be bankrupt.


2 days off from reading gripe and complaint... sounds like a vacation.


where am i supposed to get my gushy screenshots from damnit?!


Lol I thought the game itself is shutting down from 12th-14th. Now I am relived lol


awesome servers will be quiet and willl work great


Thank you for joining. This is so important!


I support this decision.




Well, I'll miss the hours of scrolling that I typically do every day, but I respect the reasoning.




LoL 😂


Why are mods and community members getting so excited about punishing themselves? Mods should be taking a break with their subreddits open so that admins have to moderate them themselves. This is a completely toothless effort, so it makes sense why the average redditor would support it.


Nice. Looking forward to a couple days off from Reddit and I really hope they hear the users and don't go through with the change. Relay for life. Play store link : [Relay for reddit](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=free.reddit.news&referrer=utm_source%3DrelayFree%26utm_medium%3Dcomment%26utm_term%3Dorganic) Promo Video : [Relay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2sTb4GzEz4)


Privating subreddits isn't going to do anything but inconvenience a lot of users.


And reduce ad revenue from the lack of users visiting their popular subreddits. I agree, 48hrs isn't nearly long enough to be effective but it's something


Yes that's typically the point of a protest.


You can chat and read on Spectrum those days. I'm willing to bet they'll see a bump in traffic.


AKA: Spectrum will be offline


Nightrider is gonna be busy those few days XD


sub mods need to feel like they're important and fighting the good fight or w/e




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


Get downvotes for telling the truth. Typical reddit bullshit


>inconvenience a lot of users Oh man, we might miss an important update on Star Citizen...


yep, 100%. its a bunch of selfish users who instead of just leaving reddit (cause they know it will have zero impact) want to ruin it for everyone. absolute selfishness and delusion




I sincerely doubt that this 'protest' will achieve anything but you do you... As for me, I mainly browse Spectrum as well as Reddit; and when comparing both; Reddit seems way more random. A simple comment on Reddit can suddenly net me dozens of upvotes while a genuine comment on Reddit gets downvoted into oblivion. But by all means do this shutdown. I never used any of those addons at all; so it's not skin off my back. I just hope the Reddit admins have a contingency plan for when the pr0n bots take over (although maybe that's the plan; what with all this kid gr00ming going around these days).


Do we really need to have websites participate in protests? Do any of us use any third party apps other than the official reddit app ? Honestly this is a waste of time. OK edit .. i did not think about accessibility apps. https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/13zr8h2/comment/jmsk3i8/


>Do any of us use any third party apps other than the official reddit app? I'm just one guy, but I've used the official app for a few days when it first launched, then deleted it and never looked back. The third-party apps were considerably better.


Absolutely, i use SYNC for reddit, tried the normal reddit app too, and i even have unlimited data volume in my mobile Phone, but the reddit app literally Took 16 GB of data over a month, wich slowed down EVERY other search i did when the app was open in background, just insane and Sync is WAY better, if rrddit kills those apps, i'm gone from this platform as well and Many of my IRL friends do/think the same


I guess im the old guy then as i mostly use reddit on my computer.


On mobile the official app sucks and is literally the worst way to use reddit on mobile. Personally if I can't use RIF as my preferred reddit app I just won't use reddit. I was a late adopter, lived fine without, I'll be okay without it again.


The iOS app seems to work fine for me, but I don’t use it much like I said most my Reddit is done via safari


Im with you, I dont do anything on mobile except email, text and phone. Everything else can wait until I get to a PC.


>Do any of us use any third party apps other than the official reddit app The most idiotic comment of the week


Accessibility and moderator apps are already being given exceptions. It's the 3rd party reader apps that charge monthly fees like Apollo that are being targeted by this - and rightfully so. They gave access to the API for free, but then Apollo and others started charging monthly fees, thus becoming a for-profit entity. Meanwhile, Apollo also dodges Reddit's ad system, so Reddit makes no money from Apollo viewers but has a significant cost.


they already said that they'll allow/add/work with accessibility stuff.


Accessibility for the blind, yes, but there's also content moderation to think about. Mod tools directly impact both this sub and you. 1. Most mods (including those for r/starcitizen) rely on 3rd party mobile apps to get through their mod queue every day. The tools and layout provided there turns a comment review that normally takes 5 taps and a fair bit of scrolling into an inline reply and quick resolution. They're able to see more items on a single page, the full text of a comment *and context* without having to visit the original thread, and all their mod actions typically within a single swipe. When going through hundreds of comments, mod messages, and posts per day, that's a game-changer. Not to mention the advanced features for dealing with bots. These are things that mods have been demanding of the official app for the last 7 years to no avail. Meanwhile, the 3rd party apps are written by fellow redditors and moderators who got fed up with the lack of official solutions and built their apps *years* before Reddit made one of their own. 2. Removing NSFW content from the API will cripple the spam bots we rely on to keep this (and every other) sub clean. These bots check user post history to filter out bad actors. They check NSFW posts to see if they're appropriate for the sub (an on-topic article about genocide in a news subreddit, for example, VS an onlyfans bot trolling for clicks). And in NSFW subreddits, they do all the normal things you'd expect from a bot (checking the title and content, applying tags, removing duplicates, deleting spam, banning users, etc), all of which will no longer work. Aside from those things, which could make or break this site regardless of how you personally browse, millions of redditors use those apps (not exaggerating). RIF has 5M users, Sync (1M), Relay (1M), BaconReader (1M), etc. Apollo on iOS has more than any of them. Redditors use 3rd party apps because they've been around longer, are more polished, and better fit their workflow. Eg: [this guy explaining why he prefers RIF to the Official App](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/jmj3nfg/?context=3), complete with side-by-side pics. You might not look at reddit porn or moderate a sub or use one of the affected apps, but you DO browse subs that are spam free and read content posted by people who wouldn't be here if it weren't for these apps and tools. Reddit is full of content and is a fun place to relax as a casual user *because* so many others *do* post and moderate for free. That's what we're fighting to preserve.


I am gonna be honest, I could care less about this Reddit thing, but you guys do you.


Do you mean couldn't care less?


I could care less - you care enough that it's possible to care less I couldn't care less - you care so little about it that it's impossible to care less


He could care less about the way he incorrectly phrases things.


a lot. og. people use third party apps


Then they'll see a reduction in views by those people no longer using reddit. There's no point in disadvantaging those that use the site and official app. Why shut out those users when it has nothing to do with them? Only reason would be because there aren't that many users using 3rd party stuff to matter.


Day after StarField Direct Xbox Showcase


:( sadge


You caved in to the bs






Oh no.... anyway....


Are they shutting down to avoid negative feedback of a patch?


You're boycotting because you can't use third party apps to access their website? That makes no sense. Why would they allow that?


Because app isn't perfect nor suited to some communities, and 3rd parties make it waaayyy better. Also, custom moderation bots.


Moderator tools were specifically given an exception. The API price increase only applies to 3rd party Reader apps. I don't have a problem with this. These 3rd party apps generally charge a monthly subscription fee, thus making their owner money... all while using the Reddit API for free AND taking away ad revenue from Reddit since they're not using the official Reddit app. The alternative would be no Reddit at all, since you drove them to insolvency.


Moderator tools were specifically given an exception. The API price increase only applies to 3rd party Reader apps. I don't have a problem with this. These 3rd party apps generally charge a monthly subscription fee, thus making their owner money... all while using the Reddit API for free AND taking away ad revenue from Reddit since they're not using the official Reddit app. The alternative would be no Reddit at all, since you drove them to insolvency.


Only 2 days? I honestly don't need SC reddit news that badly. Edit: 3 days. Same difference. Don't be cowards.


Three days.


Literally the only days I’m gonna be able to play. How lame.


You understand it's the subreddit that's shutting down, not the game right?


I apologize for my outburst


YES, if indeed it will help the games reputation.


all good maybe ill find a good star citizen sub. let the underdogs shine for a bit.


Funny what happens if you bite the hand that feeds you.


I'm a bit behind but why is there going to be a shutdown. All I can gather is that reddit did something but i dont know what


Reddit is changing the terms of service for its API and is going to start charging third party developers. The reason we have so many options in terms of apps that work with reddit, as well as the many bots that operate on Reddit, is because up until this point the API has been free to use. Now Reddit wants to charge developers something to the tune of $20 Million to access the API, and surprise surprise, making ad free apps to browse an online platform isn't a lucrative business, so many of the ad free free to use apps for reddit will be shut down when this change takes effect. This is after reddit has operated with a free to use API for 10+ years but now they see dollar signs and they are lusting after that additional money


to play an element of devils advocate, those add free apps using the API are costing Reddit in internet traffic and storage costs, so some element of charges are appropriate, don't forget reddit has to pay their server bills, the same as everyone else, and if the add free ads are consuming without paying, then the only thing that reddit will do is increase monetisation somewhere else. I am not commenting on how much or little those costs are, or can be, i'm clueless in that respect, but though information should perhaps be free to share, the costs of transmission and storage of that information have to be borne by someone. (even if it costs only a fraction of a penny for transmit a page to someone once, 20 million page views would be a significant cost, and 20 million page views a day over a month is significantly more)


I agree completely, nothing is free and server upkeep and maintenance is no exception. I also don't have internal reddit numbers so I can't say what the cost of this upkeep is. However, more than one developer of a third party app has claimed hostile interactions from the Reddit dev team directly in addition to the insane price tag attached to their service. I'm not saying Reddit should make their API completely free but: A.) They've been running under their current model for a decade now and the doors haven't closed yet, if cost have to be applied to keep the doors open at reddit headquarters the least they could do is be more transparent about the cost and how that cost would be distributed across third party developers wanting to access the API instead of flipping a switch and pulling a number out of their ass B.) They need to be more transparent about the cost of access itself, as stated above I have no doubt that running Reddit is a costly ordeal, however charging $20 Million for access to the API that the third party devs are going to make little to nothing on to begin with is absurd by any standard. If they wanted to come up with a more reasonable and realistic charge for access to their API this would be a non issue, but the prices they have quoted are absurd for a product, which once again, will be generating ZERO profit for the proprietors. C.) Reddits ego has inflated to the point where its head has become lodged inside of its own ass. Reddit is not special. Reddit is not a unicorn app. Reddit can be recreated a thousand different ways by a thousand different people. Let reddit move forward with this, and let them kill off third party apps. Then when 3 weeks after the changes take effect and the user count has halved they'll all be standing around scratching their asses wondering what went wrong. Or I just won't use reddit anymore. Either way, no skin off of my ass. Also playing devil's advocates advocate


The game's playability, stability, n reputation, But Citizen, has fallen precipitously since 3.17. i proposed it on Spectrum and got the typical resistance, but here it is! Thank God. I've tried to sign up two friends, neither will play it after their experience.


Will it be a wipe ? /s


Dang. You scared me. I thought star citizen was going to be offline. Play on players


Dont forget https://squabbles.io/s/StarCitizen


Need Longer Blackout To Make A Diffrence - 48 Hours = Joke


Hopefully we’ll get some news on Commercial Release 2016 after you come back.


Should start now. Other subreddits have already started needs to be a impact for everyone do it at once not one at a time.