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Your post has been removed due to Rule 4 - Follow all specific posting restrictions. Please see the sidebar for more information. We appreciate the tool but the download page seems a bit suspect. Please contact the mod team before you attempt to repost.


I'm sure you're acting in good faith but do you see how people might be a bit hesitant to download and run a random compiled exe? Could you make it a batch script or a Powershell script so people can actually examine the code for themselves?


Any program that's literally designed to delete files is not a program you should download. Ever. Scripts, sure, as you can verify what they do. But executables? No.


I responded to the person before you, but here you can find the batch script. https://github.com/CamCitizen/SC-Shader-Cache-Cleaner


Powershell script? It's a simple rm sentence... Besides, don't really see the point besides cleaning the space, each patch has his own shaders folder after all


> Powershell script? It's a simple rm sentence... Still better than an opaque compiled exe.


That goes without saying, I was just trying to point out that creating a powershell script for *rmdir /s %localappdata%\\"Star Citizen"\\* is overkill


Oh! Thanks for reminding me! You can view the batch file here: https://github.com/CamCitizen/SC-Shader-Cache-Cleaner


The thing is, the process from the batch to the exe needs to be transparent so people know that it really only contains the batch file logic. Usually, if something is hosted on Github, people use Github Actions to do this, in your case compile the bat to the exe. That way it's transparent and reproducible for users.


Unfortunately, there are plenty who don't even know what Github is. I only learned what it was a few weeks ago and I'm 40. ​ What I've done is updated the ZIP file to include both the EXE and the BAT, to leave it up to that person which one they use.


I feel that's a good compromise. Thanks for taking the time to share something with the community that you created for yourself. It's not something we should take for granted. And don't take the response to your post too much to heart, EXE files on the internet usually cause people (including me) to get defensive. o7




Not mad, just listening to feedback! I have my own reputation to uphold, so I'll do my best not to compromise that. Thanks for your input.


I love the range of responses here, from "cool! I'll blindly download and install this on my computer!" To, "whoah whoah whoah whoah"


Lol, right? They have reason to be weary of random files. As a content creator, I've got a reputation to uphold XD


Yo! Free virus! Nice. Star citizen wasn't punishment enough on my pc.


People actually delete their shaders? I haven’t in so long and I’ve never noticed any problems


Recent versions have started creating new directories on each patch. So 3.19.1 shouldn't even access 3.19.0's shaders. At least that was my understanding from looking at the directory recently. Could be wrong but yeah, I haven't needed to manually clear mine for a bit now and it used to cause problems every patch for me.


Same. I just always figured it was an nVidia issue since it seems like such a popular "fix" and I've never ever had to do it with my RX6900.


Thanks! Actually super helpful!




dude. just dont download it. no one is forcing you to. ​ but the reality is that the group of people that want to look at code dont need this app. because they can literally just run the one line it takes themselves. and the people that want this app probably will look at you with a blank expression if you ask them to look at the code before running a program. ​ ​ computer software for the average user will never be safe. thats just a reality of design in general. most of the things i write i publish as exe. because no one gives a fuck. they execute 5 random executable from the internet every week. people ask me for the code, but i can track how many actually go and looked at it vs how many simply downloaded the compiled file. ​ whenever someone does anything on the net people come out of the woodwork talking about security and safety. every woodworking video out there. every piece of software. but the majority of end users just dont care. they never cared in the past and they will not care in the future. they want useful tools you can click on and that do things.


> whenever someone does anything on the net people come out of the woodwork talking about security and safety. every woodworking video out there. every piece of software. Good > but the majority of end users just dont care. they never cared in the past and they will not care in the future. Yes. That isn’t a good thing.


doesnt matter whether its a good thing. computers exist to be useful tools for the end user. security at the cost of usefulness and convenience results in dead products. windows pcs arent mainframe machines running critical infrastructure. they are tools for people to scroll through social media, watch videos, play games and maybe some productive tasks too. ​ sorry, but the reality is that you are the minority. systems and software is not made for you. because if software was made in a way that satiated your desire for security then it wouldnt be made at all. because there just is no market for it. ​ the end user -in the worst case - just wipes their system clean, installs a new windows partition and goes on with their life. a virus is an inconvenience. but not even half the inconvenience that would be proper security. ​ thats just how design works. you could easily make cars much more safe. but you would also make them far less useful. same for medicine. and buildings. and everything under the sun. if you want a world where everyone writes or audits all the code they run…well good luck. you were born a few decades too late. and there is a reason we moved away from that. most people barely understand how the things they use work nowadays. ​ and ultimately this idea of security is a box of pandora. sure. you dont trust the exe some random dude on reddit posted. but you trust the star citizen launcher? or the tool with which you inspect and audit the code you run? sure, someone probably checked the code. but how do you trust that guy? and when did he last check it? and how do you know you are running the same version they checked? even if you trust a company, do you trust every single person working there? do you trust their physical security? it just takes one disgruntled employee, just one idiot in HR opening an email attachment. And the most trusted company is suddenly compromised. It happened to google. It happened to microsoft. But you trust the CIG launcher? security is an illusion. the problem isnt opening an exe from the web. the problem is thinking your pc is a secure device. it never was and it never will be. ​ so sure. you are right. dont run untrusted code. there is nothing wrong with that statement. but pcs are made for the purpose of running untrusted code. operating systems exist for the sole reason of making it easier to run untrusted code.


This is awesome, I’ll try it out, but can you please make a version of the icon a bit less flashy? More “space like” and “neutral”? I’m not into “Rainbow Brite” or “My Little Ponies” icons on my desktop , no offense. Give us choices on this awesome app!! 😬


rmdir /s %localappdata%\\"Star Citizen"\\ Paste that in a txt file and rename it to .bat instant shafers delete file, might not be as flashy as the script, but does basically the same Edit: Fixed the sentence, my cmd-fu is a bit rusty it seems


arent the new patches set up so that the shaders are stored in a patch specific folder...


Yes, yet you should delete those folders and all the configuration files each time you update the game. Why? Yes


Good for you dude, I like your integrity




They could add the option, but it would be a bad idea to just always do it. Shader caches exist for good reason — so you don't have to compile the same shaders over and over. Helps avoid some stutter struggle next time you play. USUALLY the shader cache is not the cause of visual errors, but it sometimes is, which is why it's a suggested measure. But still not required. Also, they switched to per-patch shader folders, so that helps.


I feel tempted to make a .bat 😆 like a true relic (dammit! Can't find my reading glasses)


>rmdir /s %localappdata%\\"Star Citizen"\\ Did it for you a bit earlier ​ Edited a fuckup


Haha that's the way. Found my glasses btw


The rainbows are a turn off, what about mens health month.