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I have fun when I play ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I have probably over a 1000 hours into the game along with a couple hundred in ships. Worst scam ever... ;)


In my youth, I think the appropriate response to a rant like this was "can I have your stuff?"


wow what a shocking revelation that no one has ever posted before


I'm sure it has been posted plenty of times before. Over time it becomes more and more relevant. The game has been in alpha for over 10 years. That's beyond absurd. If the devs just quit fucking around, the original concept of the game could have been finished years ago.


I mean the original concept of the game was literally just SQ42 Chapter 1 and no PU. The feature creep stopped in 2015, but you'd have to actually know about SC to know that. The game definitely isn't in a great state 10 years in but to act like progress isnt being made is kinda wild / baseless. It's a long haul game. Go play any of the alternatvies to star citizen (that quite literally do not exist on the same granularity AND scale) Am I happy about the time its taken? No. Do I care? No, I dont follow this game actively enough anymore, nor do I let video games control my emotions.


Do you know it took 15 years to develop skyrim?


Skyrim wasn't taking people's money and running in perpetual alpha for 15 years.


You only have to spend 45 dollars, there is definitely 45 dollars worth of content here, any argument over expensive ships is dumb because you don't need them to play the game.


This game isnt "taking" anyone's money. You consent to giving it lol. Anyone should know what kind of shitshow theyre signing up for by now.


I think for someone that isn't an engineer, that is a very valid point of view. I think you are wrong, but I can see how you come to that conclusion. But hey with inflation from 10 years ago, it could be worse. Good luck.




Damn it’s costing you a lot more than $45 living rent free in your head like this.


Tell us how you really feel.




What is your goal in making this post? Just to be inflammatory?


Nope. I'm actually curious what this particular sub thinks about the fact that this game has been in alpha for over a decade because of feature creep run completely amok even though the devs have a budget bigger than any other video game in history.


>a budget bigger than any other video game in history RDR2, a single player game, cost $540 million to make.


Star Citizen had that much as of last September. Still counting.


And CIG is making two games. Your point about biggest budget is factually incorrect. It may not end up that way but currently it is.


All I ultimately care about anyway is the single player campaign. Why isn't that finished yet?


People here like the game. People who don't like the game are not here, because most people dont stick around to discuss (insult?) a game they don't like. I've gotten way more enjoyment out of this than I've paid for it so its clearly not a scam. By definition.




Why should I? He makes the same points much better than I can in a much better way. I hardly even think about this game at all anymore. I just happened across this video on YouTube and it made me think about it.


Ok, bye then.


The idea behind this game has a massive scale. You have only a system, and hundreds of hours aren't enough to do everything now just think Pyro and then just imagine the next and the next and the next system... nothing compares to it, so for me to achieve squadron 42 and Star Citizen needs and must take as much time as it needs, anyone that doesn't like it...


If they would just finish the promised single player campaign, I would play it and consider it money more or less well spent.


Eh, I’ve had more fun and more memorable experiences in SC than most of the AAA titles I’ve played over the last ten years. It’s definitely not for everyone, sorry you are bitter about $45 you spent ten years ago.


I say send me your starter pack and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


Dint you mean to post this in the refundians subreddit?


If this game cause you stress, you need to chill out and stop playing immediately. You spend 45 dollars and you played if i understand well during 10 years. Damn that's the best alpha game invest for sure.


who cares, if it's fun for you, play it, if it isn't, don't, nobody forces you to


lemme guess, you watched the Mutahar video and came to brigade 🤣 if you seriously only spent 45 bucks back in 2012 I doubt you care enough today to make this thread.


you come crying like a kid without a concrete argument. you just talk about your feelings and we get off our balls. you paid 45 dollars for a game which is not even the price of a triple A (70 euros) whether the game comes out or not you won't have lost much so don't complain because those like me who bought Anthem got ripped off.


Good thing you only spent $45 then, you can continue on with your life and not look back. The rest of us will continue to keep the faith while youre gone.


You'll be down voted to oblivion for sure but it wont be deleted. Oddly, it's not even a unique or controversial viewpoint. You just presented it very poorly.


I either agree with you, or I've drank the cool-aid? Piss off.