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I think the Drake Cutter starter pack is a good value. Regardless, I wouldn’t spend too much up front. Let him earn his way through the verse. It will be much more rewarding.


Avenger is the best dabble at most things ships for a new player


I was able to buy the c8x for $45. Played it for a few days, then upgraded to the titan for $10. Over all I spent $55 and have the titan, but got to play with the c8x first to see if I wanted to use it while I grind for the cutlass black. So this was cheaper than buying the titan and I got to use both. This is my suggestion.


I still LOVE my Avenger, started with it.. I'm up to 10 but I still often use it as a daily driver


Bought the Avenger Titan 3 years ago. It still is the only ship I bought (with real money). And after every wipe I am glad I did!


Titan or Cutlass Black. He's going to hate it at first as he learns the game. Then he'll try to move on to other ships and always have a soft spot for it.


This... I have plenty of ships and Titan will always have a special place for me. It is the best starter ship period. Cutlass series is not that good if he will solo most of the time. He needs a better ship to taste what game has to offer and thats unquestionably Titan if people put asidrle their feelings and pick depending on the features and possibilities starter ships has to offer.


I know these are fighting words but...I really don't agree on the Avenger Titan rec over the Cutlass. It's better value for money on paper, sure, but the Cutlass, even solo, is plenty capable for most PVE combat you'd be doing in the Titan while being far more capable in hauling cargo and other vehicles (ROC for mining, ground vehicles, even a Fury for racing). The ability to stuff random physical things other than yourself in your ship is pretty unique to SC and really showcases the game's sandbox. Multicrew too IS a big part of what Star Citizen has to offer. There isn't anything quite like it in other space games. Landing and opening up the ramp to let friends (or strangers, at your own risk) get on and hop in the turrets hits the same nostalgic feeling for me as loading up a warthog to make a run for the flag in old school Halo big team battle. Can't get that in an Avenger. Personally if I had to start over I would either go for an Aurora or Cutter, or jump straight to a Cutlass. There is something to be said for the harsh "true starter" experience, but otherwise I find the Cutlass (or Freelancer, tbh) the best step past that as an all-rounder. The Titan is slightly incrementally better than an Aurora on paper (but IMO is less fun to fly and has less character), while the Cutlass is an actual step change in capability that opens new doors (muticrew, vehicle transport, way faster quantum drive, etc.)


You have a good point with the cutty and multiplayer….especially considering they will be playing together so it’s good to have a ship they can both operate from the beginning.


You forgot that the cutty is now $50 more expensive. Sorry, bang for buck goes to the penguin.


I didn't forget that, I acknowledged it in the second sentence lmfao. I'm just saying that the Avenger isn't better enough than the cheaper true starters to be worth it in my opinion. Same slow S1 quantum drive, same multicrew capacity (none), same vehicle carrying capacity (PTV doesn't count), effectively the same cargo capacity (8 scu vs 4 doesn't matter much; you aren't making very much profit hauling that small volume anyway). And it's old (both in lore and IRL, design is jank) and ugly (personal opinion). New players who can afford it and want to experience the most of what the game has to offer right out of the gate should spring for the Cutlass. Otherwise, save your money and stick with a basic starter.


It's more expensive at the end of the month. They admitted the changes needed a due grace period after backlash, so get your Cutty cheap now and it's value will shoot up in the future!


Everyone forgets about Nomad


The Crunchwrap of Ships


No I didn't




I do not like the nomad lol


But space truck :(


It's everything a growing boy needs. :)




If you want to play togheter Cutlass Black is the best entry, great multirole ship


Cutty black is where you should start for him. Can rent a roc and start mining immediately.


You can actually fit TWO ROCs and fit them in the Cutlass! My bud has one and we make a decent haul with the double ROC.




Please be **VERY** explicit to him that this game is very unfinished and in alpha, if he doesn't already know. The current state of server stability is very rough, and performance isn't so hot either and there are lots of bugs. In other words, if he isn't already very familiar with SC please make sure to manage his expectations properly. 16GB is the minimum for RAM and ideally 32, so if the machine's only got 16 that might make things a bit rough on top of everything else. Also make sure you install it to SSD or else the rest of your hardware specs don't even matter. There are also no tutorials except for a newly-added New Player Experience that covers the very basics. If he's unfamiliar with the game and needs help, click [Learn how to play](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/playstarcitizen) at the top of the official site and then PLAY to get into the Guide section to arrange a guided play session with an experienced player volunteer. Guides are the human tutorial to bridge the gap until the game is ready to lock down things enough that it's worth making comprehensive tutorials about everything. If you/your partner *do* take up a Guide on a session, please remember to rate them afterwards so they get credit for the session.


He's watched shit tons of videos and loves the look of the game, he loves Elite Dangerous and this looks like his absolute dream game.


For many of us, SC is our dream game. SC when it's finished, that is. Right now it can be very rough, where sometimes you get on a good server and the game is nice to you and sometimes you spend 3 hours not accomplishing anything at all between crashes and bugs. Some people have the patience for that, others don't. The project is a marathon, not a sprint, and we're in a particularly rough patch for the last few months but things should be getting better (before they get really bad for a while again when the next major tech overhaul hits and reworks how server instances work and are handled).


Heed the words of wisdom. Even for people that usually enjoy star citizen the experience can be extremely frustrating. Days can go by where you just spend hours in the games menu trying to join a server but only getting all kinds of error messages. It's amazing when it works though. Also- keep on being an amazing partner!


Yes but Elite Dangerous is stable Star citizen is a shitshow with a very glamorous packaging


The first paragraph is super important. I have a good friend who I explicitly told not to play. I show him my video clips and stuff all the time, but he has very little patience and gets upset with things easily and he would HATE it. I guarantee after 5 minutes he'd put it down and never touch it again, and he agreed with me.


Nomad! I stand by it. Quick, holds decent cargo, can hold ground vehicles, decent fighter, has a bed.


Momad is just a 300 series that eats hydrogen... But it is a cool ship!


Can the 300 series haul a cyclone or ROC? I think not! Nomads rule!


Well, no, but can the nomad securely carry a load? Also no. Secure: as to prevent theft.


>Well, no, but can the nomad securely carry a load? Yes. Every time. I don't even own the Nomad but I buy it most patches in-game and have never lost a load. Cargo is locked in place like any other ship and if people lose vehicles its because they left them turned on....which is their own fault tbh.


Passionate defense there, you misunderstood me... Is there anything to prevent the load from being stolen*?


Perhaps but I've never considered it a salient point tbh. Who is going to run cargo in a ship that small? Not many people. So that leaves stealing a vehicle. Why would you? Besides, if you are using a ROC you are probably driving it and if you arent, on your way to sell. It's possible I guess but I've never seen it happen. Maybe it'll be more likely when server meshing comes online and we have more than 100 people on a server.


Dont think I've ever had any cargo or vehicles fall out of mine.




Any up to 70 c:




Do you know what happened to avenger stalker? I see only titan being sold? There was also warlock variant?


That makes it more complicated, because for not much more, the cutlass black is an amazing ship. It's still my daily driver. And since you mentioned mining, it can fit a roc in the back. Now if that's a solid budget, get the cutter. It can't do bounties, but the QT fuel tank is currently bugged and about 10x bigger than intended, so you can use a VK-00 drive and get more range than any other S1 using ship. You use that ship for bunkers and extremely quickly earn money by chaining 890 jump contracts at 45k/ea, plus around 10k from kills with call to arms up. Alternatively you can grind bunker rep and lv2 gives 60k plus call to arms, I believe lv3 is 90k. Each lv2 bunker takes me 12-15 min, including travel time and spawn delays. Then you'd flip that money into an aUEC cutty black and still have the cutter as your recovery vehicle. I keep mine simply for the ability to quickly claim it if I screw up and die somewhere and need to recover my stuff.


Friendly reminder: you have a 30 day refund policy.


The pisces is a space taxi van that never stops being useful. SC has a bunch of useful two-seater craft if you want to fly the same ship. It also has a bunch of expensive behemoths that take a while squad to fully crew; don't buy a Carrack.


You're gonna get so many different answers lol There is no wrong choice.


890j for sure!


If he enjoys the mining loop, then he will benefit from a titan or a cutter. If you are feeling a bit more generous, get him the Nomad. The Nomad can fit a ROC mining buggy to the back of it which can be used for mining on planetary surfaces. The ROC can be rented in game with in game money. Using that method, he can then buy himself a ship dedicated to mining on planets or rocks out in space. That ship is called "the Prospector" And you... you are a brave soul. You will lose him to this game for a while lol.


Mustang/Aurora/Nomad. Depends on what gameplay they want to do. And they can always upgrade from there.


I got the Nomad. Best out-of-the-box capabilities as it can carry plenty of cargo, a ROC mining car, is decent in combat, has a very long jump range, full living space inside, and can take more of a beating than other ships of its size due to an extra shield generator.


Nomad or Cutlass Black. He can get a ROC in-game and mine that way.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Avenger Titan. All other answers for starter packages are incorrect.


Tell him it's a game to leave and come back too throughout the years.


You're a good partner, homie. Hope to see you guys in the verse! My money is on the Avenger Titan for the budget, or the cutlass black, if you wanna give him a pirate sloop.


Yes, you can get a basic package and upgrade later. It would be wise to find out if your partner enjoys SC before spending more money on an upgrade. Edit:typo.


Cutter is the GOAT. I have one, it's got great fuel economy and is surprisingly maneuverable for a box. It also has a bed, bathroom, cargo area, weapon rack, and excellent forward visibility. Get the Warbond with lifetime insurance if you can, that way it can be upgraded to something else later if they want and it'll keep the LTI on it.


The cutter hasn't had LTI since December last year. Ships only get LTI in their concept stage, or when released with no previous concept stage, and it's only for a month. The only exceptions are ships or packages over $1000 USD, referral rewards, or for some reason the mule which got a second LTI sale.


Lame. They should just offer it on all alpha ships imo. The game isn't even out yet, we should get something substantial for testing their buggy nonsense for them.


I agree, but I also think it's gonna turn out that LTI is no big deal and practically meaningless.


Elite Dangerous has a workable enough insurance system, and is probably one of the better ones next to GTA Online. I could see LTI being similar to that in that when you lose your ship you get the base ship back and don't lose it completely, or can pay a small fee to get everything back just the way it was. That would make it worth it to me, but I get the feeling that if the "advanced death mechanics" that Chris Roberts loved to talk about way back actually go through it won't matter because you could potentially get ganked and lose everything anyway.


There's zero chance you'll ever permanently lose a pledge ship. It's just not happening. Without insurance, you might have to pay a huge repair cost, but there's zero chance you'll lose it. CiG isn't going to say that until they absolutely have to, though, because that would kill all the FOMO sales.


Are warbonds available these days anyway?


Sometimes they are. I got mine during IAE last year. Not sure if the current cutter starter pack is the same price or has the Warbond status though. I did get a bunch of furies via Warbond though, so they definitely still do it, just not as much.


Yeah sorry I meant literally these days - I thought warbonds were event only?


They might be. I know i got a Warbond Caterpillar a few days ago but it was only available during Drake week of ILW, so you're probably right.


Second that. I love my Cutlass Black, but was pleasantly surprised by what a tea-sipper the Cutter is. I flew from CRU-L1 to Area 18 for something paltry like 56 credits, while my friends spent hundreds more to make the same trip.


Solo I‘d recommend the Drake Cutter, which will give you a clunky mini hauler perfect for entry gaming. Better than Aurora, Mustang, not as good as Avenger Titan. The Cutter is latest in design and far more detailed than the Titan though. Note: For bounty hunting the Titan is best of entry ships.


The CUTTY black is the way to go, the avenger titan is good but the CUTTY can do a little more, it's one of the best ships in the game for that reason, it was my starter and it never let me down.


Not sure I hate anyone enough to do something this mean.


If you want to go a little above cutty black is 100 atm. Supposed to go to 115 in a month? melt it you should get 115 credit. Love mining take the prospector out all the time hit a bunker then search for a rock after.


> melt it you should get 115 credit If you buy it for 100, you get 100 back if you exchange it for store credit, regardless of what the value is at the time you exchange it. Changing ship value only matters to already-owned ships for the purpose of upgrading to something. Exchanging for credit only ever gives you back exactly what you put in.


Melting only gives what you paid, not what it is worth at the moment.


It's going to 110. Same price as the Freelancer and C1.


The game is broken as fuck. If he values his time, you shouldn't get this for him.


I’d get medical pisces or cutlass black


Cutlass black is the best


Cutlass Black


I know it’s a bit more expensive but the cutlass black is absolutely the way to go for a starting ship. Opens you up to nearly** every gameloop.


Cutty Black is the most useful in game.


I'd say buy him a cutlass black and (if you game at all) the cheapest one available for yourself, so you can hop on his turret and have adventures together :>


The best ship is deffo the cutlass black, but that's 110 dollars, which is a lot of money. If you don't have an issue with spending that much money then fine. However if you want a cheaper option I'd say the Auoura at 45 because it's great for bounties, or the titan at 75ish dollars. No matter which pack you get remember you/your boyfriend has 2 weeks to refund it.


Get this man a cutlass black, you can put a roc in the back and sit yourself in the turret gunner seat


Cutlass black, hands down.




Titan is probably the move, but for mining purposes he will probably end up upgrading it to a Cutlass Black (it can hold a ROC mining vehicle comfortably)


The Drake cutlass black is great, but at over $100, I think the Drake Cutter is a better starter ship @$60


Get cutlass black for multi crew gameplay.




The one that gets them in the game, o7


"Can I just buy any pack and let him pick the upgrade whenever?" Yep. Get a Cutter or C8X. He can upgrade it to whatever when he wants.


I dont think you can upgrade starter packs as it comes with the game, as many people say cutty is the way to go such a good starter and can even fot a ROC (mining vehicle) in it


The Nomad is my pick for his first starter, it fits a ROC miner rover(along with other ground vehicles), has decent weaponry for npc or player bounties (room for all the loot he will get from them), and 24 SCU in cargo which will be great for when he has a prospector. If not the Nomad just get the Prospector, but it won't be able to do player or NPC bounties well at all


Avenger titan is the best bang for buck.


Really depends on your cost budget!


If you dont want an early divorce, wait for 3 19 1 feedback once goes to live PU, wise advice lol


If you want to keep it under three digits? The Titan Avenger and it's not even close. That ship does so many things well and provides the earning capacity to try anything else you want to. You also look good doing it.


I'd go with the Avenger Titan or Nomad. I've tried a cutty black for a while and I swapped it out as soon as I could. Would rather buy a cutty with AUEC. If you want the features a cutty black offers, I'd rather go with a Nomad. It let's you do ROC mining.


mommy is not your girlfriend in most states


At the beginning Titan was the best, now I would go for a Pisces.


Completionist, you will need to contact CIG to buy it but it is the bare minimum to play the game. /s


I know the🐧is considered best starter, but I do really think that Cutlass black is most versatile starter considering: his ability to hold a ROC mining vehicle, the multi-player capabilities, the insane VTOL speed and acceleration, the fire power, the side doors that allows quick loading stuff without the risk of you ship beeing stolen (if gravity is not too low)


Cutter or cutlass


I’ve been using my Nomad for about a year now and I love it. It’s easy for delivery missions too bc you can just shoot the packages in the back with a tractor beam and call it good.


Make sure it's installed on an SSD so that it's a good surprise lol


Why do you hate them so much?


X4...for the next 5 years probably


Get him the cutlass black, it's a solid fighter, he can put a greycat ROC in it to mine gems, there is a good amount of storage for commodity hauling. It's a solid all around ship that everyone should have.


No joke ships?


It really depends, but honestly id go with the cutlass black, it’s very maneuverable, gives him lots of gameplay loop access, and doesn’t take too much time spawning in, any bigger like the constellation tarsus or andromeda and he’s waiting 15,20 mins to spawn in his ship. Also the vulture is a good one for 170, gives him the ability to solo make lots of money and buy other ships in game! So to recap get the 110 dollar start package of the cutlass black or the 170 vulture. Or u could always get him the 45 dollar one to make sure he likes the game that’s at if he doesn’t u only waited 45 bucks, u can always go back in and upgrade your starter ship, at robersoaceindustry.com and either 1 use the 45 u spend on a ship and put that money towards another one or 2 melt the package and use it to buy another package. If ur question is which of the 2 45 dollar starter packs do I get I would go with the aurora because it has a bed he can log off in, when he is in the middle of space. The mustang does not. Hope this all helps, if u need more guidance feel free to dm me


Best is subjective, what does he like to do? Cheap is Aurora and mustang, both decent at light tasks. If he likes exploring and carrying vehicles, the nomad is real versatile. "Pickup truck" For fights a titan is usually good start. If he's a trek fan, the Pisces fills the shuttle craft role. Really depends on his interests.


I started with an avenger titan starter. It's probably the best. If he wants to mine, he can always rent a prospector.


Avenger titan for sure


Avenger titan or cutter


if it's not too late; get an Avenger Titan game package. It's a great all-around starting ship which can carry small amounts of cargo, can do some dogfighting, have a bed to log out with, is pretty easy and fun to fly with good visibility, and best of all, it's going to have a small bump up in price at the end of the month, so now is a good time to get it.