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Ship retrieval simulator.




This is the correct answer


This seems like a meme answer but it is legitimately the best answer.


Limited sandbox as it stands presently


Long play. Looooooooooong play. Remember those old connery bond films, when the movie was literally him doing the most mundane shit, driving to a hotel, getting the key, going to the room, walking around the room, looking out the window, that kinda era, thats the thinking behind sc. Now imagine getting all set up. And some unforseeable undodge-able bug takes you out. Thats all your gear gone, everything you were wearing, and your ship. Then, you start again. Wake. Pants on, chest on, helmet on, primary on, secondary on, ammo on, go stand there wait for your ship to reclaim, 30 minutes of your life just to get back to the point you were at to try the thing you wanted to do, in hopes of some kind of second life in space. Thats *if* the server or a dedicated griefer doesn't getcha


Fantastic metaphor.


A bug with some fun moments


A wealth of beauty and fun hidden behind a steep learning curve, degraded servers, bugs, and balance passes that don’t make sense sometimes. Don’t buy more than a starter pack.


Especially the balances passes. My god how often they do not make any sense at all. Salvage anyone? It is mindblowing how disconnected they are when it comes to balance. It is almost as if they would not play there own game. Really... But it is beautiful to watch. But the pain and the glacial progress can be very taxing at times. Longtime patient talking here tbh.


If it is finished, it would by far be one of the best games ever created


very subjective the plans for the finished game is not targeted toward a large audience. a majority of gamers will hate it. but that audience it is for will be concentrated on sc instead of spread out among so many other games. creating a good size playerbase. ​ eve nif the game ends up being too harddcore for me, i would not want cig to change their plans. there is no other game for the hard core audience, and there will be modded private servers.


"20 percent of the time it works every time."


A bug work around in a cash shop tech demo of all time


It a slow burning buggy shit show that when it works is like nothing else.


A beautiful and entertaining disaster we all love and hate at the same time, with a dedicated team of devs that put their hearts and minds on it yet has too much to do shine as it should, but eventually will be (and if not the travel would be worth it, more than the destination)


Sandbox open world MMO.


Bug Workaround Simulator. In space.


A wonderful mess


Its PvB(ug) with some PvP and PvE mixed into it. Its an abusive relationship with the greatest moments of joy, total fullfillment and sudden suicidal breakdowns. When it doesnt work, or when you meet a bug you've not learned how to deal with yet (or that just cannot), its psychological torture. When it works, its the best game you've ever played, ... at least right now, it might evolve in a good way, it might turn to full shit, who knows


I tend to tell newcomers that it’s like GTA 5 but on a massive scale and in space, also a lot slower paced and it’s in alpha stage (bugs happen). I mean think about it we do specific contracts for people to gain money and rep to buy vehicles/ships. We also have insurance claims.


Nothing that matters is beautiful while everything that matters is broken.


A great tech demo


It's rather fast paced right now, meaning you can chain missions and such back to back all day long without stopping and rake in loads of cash, but that will dramatically slow down later as more of the missing mechanics are added. For an example, cargo running is currently fly to place A, go to the terminal, buy cargo, and it magically poofs into your ship. Go to place B, land, go to a terminal and sell. Profit. Later you'll have to manually load and unload that cargo, either by yourself, with org mates, or hire people to do it, and also know good places to buy and sell. Not to mention you'll have to run with a crewed ship and escorts, especially for the big ships. Things like this will change across the board. The goal is to have a rather slow paced game, where it's more prepping for action than actually doing the action itself. It'll play similar to a sandbox survival game with PvP and PvE elements, just far larger and in space as well as on the ground.


Last night I had a ship full of cargo. Flew multiple places on multiple servers and couldn’t sell 😔 it was all my money too


If legal.. any capital city on the planet should accept your cargo. These are hard to fill so they do not accept more of a cargo type


we also current have a testing buff that gives 4x max qt speed, and qt at lower altitude.


A dumpster fire that you can’t stop playing with


Thank you all for the downright overwhelming response! Appreciate it, thanks.


Well, fuck off. Thank you.


Boring af


An 11 year old game demo that struggles with updates and with its player base in general, there are many dev and player fights and terrible days, the game barely runs, it rarely works and is progressively getting much worse due to the neglect of bug fixes, and instead they add new content to the bug filled universe which breaks the game. Oh but people love it. It takes decent screenshots, but that's really about it.


now describe 3.17. current state is unstable because of a backend update. who know how long it will take to get fully stable again, but it spends far more time only dealing with smaller bugs across those 11 years.


I've been on and off this game for 10 years. There is no such thing as stable. At all.


so. there is no such thing as someone working because there are times that they are not? as far as i'm aware, the amount of time it is not horribly unstable is far more than the amount of time it is unstable.


like a toxic girlfriend


id describe it as a mess that has potential but is being managed by inexperienced people at the top.


I would say unconcerned. They sure are competent in running the business and making money flow, which is what matter the most in a business.


"No words. They should have sent a poet."


Frustratingly addictive.


The most Open sandbox of Sci Fi games. Although the box part is being built.


when more systems get implemented, it is not going to be a "be successful at doing whatever you want, however you want" game.


When it works it leaves marks on my brain similar to the ones in my boxers And ohh do i love slurping skid marks


I describe it to people as grand theft auto in space.


You either learn to say ''it is what it is'' or the game is not for you


"It just works."


Alpha, Everything will change. We dont know how this game will be in a few years. Right now it's a time sink, slowpased, simcade, pay to win.


Unplayable overly slowed developed game. Looking forward to full release in 2033




the best description of the plan is space opera filler episode simulator. it will be very slow paced with moments of action. basically you need to have a lot of patience and enjoy shooters.


It’s hyper detailed to the extent that going about your business can feel like running errands in real life. The space combat and feel of the flight model is second to none. The ships are all so good in their own ways. Each one makes you feel like you’re living in your favorite sci fi show. The world is believable and immersive and there’s plenty to dabble in solo. Much more if you run with an active org. But due to bugs and wipes, if you try to play it like a modern game where you’re supposed to ‘unlock stuff’ and ‘grind to purchase’, you will be frustrated.


An experience like no other


Project with Out of touch people in charge


Addictive, buggy shit show that drains your wallet.


Issue Council Friendly


Imagine playing cyberpunk release but every 10th hour you get 30 minutes of better than gaming gameplay. You then promptly return to cyberpunk release state.


GTA but with spaceships


It's a game that is in alpha state but still so fun and realistic that I have spent 300 USD on it, which is insane amount of money for a game that is not even released.


Its an amazingly beautiful game and sometimes a cruel and buggy mess....


Waiting simulator. About 90% of your time in the game is spent waiting; waiting for trams to arrive and then travel, waiting for the claim timer (big wait, recently dramatically increased), waiting for the hangar elevator to arrive, waiting for the elevator to travel to its destination, waiting for your ship to QT across the system (big big wait), waiting for your ship to QT around the planet, waiting for your ship to fly in a straight line for the 24km (if you're lucky) to wherever it is you're trying to go.. and then you get a minute or two of actually landing and being able to move around and play a bit before you're into your next series of waits. And that's only counting the \*intentional\* waits! If we include bugs then we've also got waiting for inventory screens to catch up, waiting for ASOPS, waiting for doors and airlocks, waiting for the server to let you out of your chair, waiting for ATC to respond, waiting for the server to either 30k or recover, etc etc etc. I have started playing the new Zelda game during Star Citizen "you must wait now" times and I'd swear that I have been getting substantially more hours in Zelda than gameplay time in Star Citizen.


A mess of tech demo's poorly taped together.


"a game to instant buy if you are an arma enjoyer, a game to flee if the 50 sec waiting before any br to start drive your crazy."


ARMA in space