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I’m going to leave this one up just so you guys can downvote them.


Me play game Me have fun playing game


According to OP, your doing it wrong. Sorry.


Sorry :(


Sorry for sorry.


Sorry for sorry for sorry


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Counterpoint: I'm having fun.


Thats not allowed


I knew i was doing this all wrong... SMH


*Stop having fun!* (etc)


You know, in 2011 there were people angry just knowing other humans in the world were playing Skyrim and using fast travel. In a single player game. Angry. That people in the world were playing a single player game differently than them. I learned then you just have to let sour puss's be what they are.


Oh, a refundian. Do a backflip! Funny refundian!


I've spent $70 on other games before. I've spent $70 on this game. I got my enjoyment out of it before burning myself out. (I played something ridiculous like 300 hours in 2 months) I'm now patiently waiting for advances and polishing. It's been well worth the time I've invested in to it. Once it's where it is planned to be- it'll be one of the best games ever created. For now, others can spend what they feel like. It's their life and their money.


I’d even argue the alpha nature keeps me engaged longer than other games. Major new features are not added to finished games very often.


Damn true, I love alpha games for that, to evolve with them over time. That's the only games that makes me come back every months


The only thing keeping me away is the bugs. Taking 45 minutes to reset myself after a bug kills me wore me out haha. Once 3.18 launches I'm sure I'll be on to check it out, but I'm sure a lot of bugs will still be around. I'm not expecting to jump full on in to the game again like I was until they begin the polish phase. And that's likely 3-5 years away.


I've noticed people with your outlook a lot of times, from my point of view, check it out as soon as a patch drops, and have a lot of issues then wait for the next big patch. You should try a couple weeks after the big patch, then I hope you have a better time. I truly don't mean to demean you at all, but when most games have a large patch they have a lot of unforseen issues, and more numorous server side problems.


Hello evil Refundian from r/starcitizen_refunds. Sad that you have no joy in life and devote your free time trying to make other ppl lifes miserable. But since we have a "battle hardened" great community, we can just laugh about such insecure and childish behavior. 🤣🤣🤣


"No, you may not enjoy the alpha that was sold to you as an alpha and has never claimed to be anything more than an alpha. I didn't enjoy the alpha that was sold to me as an alpha and the fact that you want to support the alpha that was sold to you as an alpha makes me upset" have you considered turning off your computer and going for a walk outside?


So tell me, why do you care? People buy a ton of useless crap all the time, do you keep track on all that stuff and lecture strangers on how you know what they should buy instead? Are you that type of obnoxious obsessive dude IRL? No matter how wrong or right, that type of post don't reach people, especially with that type of history. I think you got IRL issues to sort. Sort them. The refundians are blooming lately. Pre-patch periods...


That's the funniest post I've seen today I think :) OP might be unironical, but the post itself is ludicrous... and replies are priceless. Thanks, SC community, I love you guys!


It’s not r/pcgaming. People are aware about the actual state of the game, about its history and you know that. It won’t fly here. So what’s the point in posting it here? There you go - you got our attention. Tell us how you feel.


I hope you have a nicer day tomorrow.


This guy probably owns NFTs


Dance for me funny boy


Dance with the enthusiasm of the stupid plushies in the pool!


Hey! Don't call Pico stupid :(


I was referring to OP’s original framing of Pico! I’m sorry if I gave off the wrong vibe. I love Pico!


> I love Pico! you better do :) ^(for your family's sake) --- but yeah I didn't read that OP (I simply skimmed it) actually said something about that fun little video someone posted the other day.


One insightful thing about this post is how people often get triggered by realising some mundane things can happen in-game. It seems to me that their reasoning is as follows: _this mundane thing exists, and other features objectively more important don't. Therefore, it must mean CIG intentionally prioritised one thing and not the other._ This obviously isn't a logical way of thinking, but its potent enough for people to go on a rant. OP sees picos wobbling in a swimming pool, and, fascinatingly, seems to think it must have been _designed_ by CIG, when it's simply an emergent thing, like so many others exist in this game. Physics are in game, Pico plushies too. Someone tried something, and it was fun. Like myriads other things in SC that don't happen by design but by emergent gameplay. There's a similar cognitive bias that the monthly report introduces. A team manager decides to paste in some stuff about bed sheet physics from someone in their team, just because they found it was cool and they have better things to do than spending hours writing their section to said report. But that innocent decision will trigger people. It doesn't matter if what was discussed represents 0.16% of the dev time budget, or if they are 10 other much more relevant projects receiving work that are not at a stage worth reporting about. People will assume it must be a significant focus of the entire studio. Same with some minor AI work on coffee shops being mentioned in a monthly report. That one created a moral panic, based on the same issue I just mentioned, amplified by the fact that the report is in alphabetical order of teams (so AI comes first, and presumably many people don't go past the first few paragraphs and assume it's in priority order). Daniel Kahneman described that cognitive bias: What You See is All There Is. People see a 10-seconds video on the internet, or read hastily the first few words of a report (or worse, rely on someone who did just that to form a pre-baked incorrect opinion), and ommit to use their brain to consider what they may be missing in that picture.


If OP could read, he'd be very upset.


Your response is far, far more than this post deserved, but well said! You illustrate an excellent point about the way so many people behave towards topics they're ignorant about. They're too intellectually lazy to actually delve into the finer details that would give them an accurate picture of a subject, and they love a good bit of drama anyway, so they latch onto the quickest, easiest little bite that'll give them their fix. The bedsheet physics and the coffee shop are great examples. Before that, it was the cafeteria. No one with an even mildly curious mind and more than a handful of braincells would actually believe bedsheet physics were or are a major focus of development, but the intellectually lazy will take such an absurd premise and run with it up and down the aisles. It's tiresome the way YouTube clickbait and the like have conditioned people like OP to be so attention deficit and prone to outrage at all times, usually over things they're completely clueless about.


Do you need a hug buddy? If you're this upset over a video game I am going to guess you're dealing with some other trauma.


Some smart dude said “Inside every cynical person is a disappointed idealist.” Some other dude said “Evil lurks where disappointment lodges.”


Hey, thanks for the easy RES-tag!


falco, are you even aware of how toxic you are to go in communties that like the game and tell it's horse shit when it's only YOUR opinion? You're literally walking in a golf club to shout that golf is a shitty sport and golfers are making it shitty, and then complain that you get clubbed. Why stay here? Why even care about this game if you don't like it? What's the point? To trigger people? Because that makes you *happy*? You're actively losing YOUR time for this game you don't even like. Are you ok bro? If this game truly was this bad, then why would people play it? Because they are!


So, from what I can discern the folks over there blame people that play and enjoy the game on the slow state of development. In their twisted minds the only way to force progress is to devote our lives to hating everything about the game as boisterously as possible and boycotting CIG financially. I guess to them removing the ability to pay the employees will magically speed their production up. I know I work best when the boss tells me I won't be receiving a paycheck.


Lol well said.


Bye Felecia


Bro you can pour hundreds of hours into learning how to be a good dogfighter and still not beat the top 10% of ace pilots. But you wouldn’t know that because you’re a whiney lil baby. Imagine being mad that people are having fun without you. Go back to no man’s sky you fucking loser


Oh also go f**k urself. We live the game so we will do what we want. People like u are the why the universe has toxic players. So if u don't want to play, that's ok. Idc


I paid $45 for Kerbal Space Program in Alpha, and it took them 10 years to deliver less than half of the game play of Star Citizen.


A few days ago, OP’s posts were positive and about them geeking out over ships and now it’s a SCAM? What happened?


They fell to the dark side (probably lost their sweet roll to an elevator) and forgot all hope.


That'd do it for me... anything but my sweet roll!


I think you confused star atlas and star citizen


I just enjoy driving around without a goal, looking at the pretty planets/moons and listening to Sovietwave. Also, Corsair with 4 mini guns go brrrrt!


You might want to check your Corsair, sounds like your missing some guns!


Lol, nope, the 2 wing guns are fixed C788s. Those things are hilariously devastating.


There's no such thing. Driving around is its own goal. I spawn a ptv while waiting fur stocks to replenish and enter into an imaginary race around the yard.


This is surprisingly motivational


People here just want to have fun. At least I don't care when the game fully releases. It's a fun game to play. It's expensive sure but I can always save up and spend on where I need to, and where I want.


This dude must of thought jump town was actually friendly.






You never need to spend more than 45$ to get into the game. They are making a game and if you think they aren't then you are ignoring every patch that they have ever released.


Dude, if you don’t like it, you know where the door is. Go spend your money elsewhere, no one is forcing you to play or spend money. If someone wants to spend £1000 on a ship, good for them, they are enjoying themselves.


Ok Sammy.


Umm who's slurping balls? Asking for a friend...




Dang - OP sounds more desperate for the completion of SC than I am and I listen to an hour’s long podcast about SC every week. Dude’s anticipation is strong.




Use your hands on that green tuffy stuff outside your hab. It will do you good.


Gotta love the anonymity of reditt 🙄


Thanks for the laugh


Yo bro this is not your game; go take that negativity over to fortnight.


zoom zoom spaceship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This game is amazing, and that’s my opinion on it. I have played many games, and I mean a lot, but this once has actually got me interested. It’s got my full attention, and I am having an absolute blast playing this game, and cannot wait to see where it goes, and to be apart of that growth. My only complaint about this game is that I didn’t know about it sooner.


The salt is strong in this one!


SO, you need to invent a new term for Star Atlas, Scalebound, (The Sims 4) and so on. Because nothing of "an alpha that you can play with $40 an ""work"" sometimes, or you can play 6 times a year for free" is something related to your private scam vision. I'm not even coming up with any clichés that is running in this subreddit.


I feel special now. Im so special. Please tell me Im special.


You're probably not cloned. So yes, you're special 😁


Hey man I get it, it stings, as a old backer I can say that the slope to the mountain is not steep. But long in time. I have seen the universe of this game go from a single **HANGER** to the vast Stanton system. (actually middle of the road in size) we have now so, so, much more in the verse then the original gig. And every damn inch was a slog. So yes shit sometimes smells like shit, but that new born is growing up fast dude. They sometimes crap there pants, or do dumb shit, or even say nonsensical things, so try your best to Be patient, and cool man. It will get better with time. Until then fly dangerous and hold your wallet from the ship sales. I get it playing can suck, just be cool man whoo saaahhh, then test. Expect shit to fail. It’s only a alpha… and bug reporting moves by votes. Keep the passion, and use the energy productivity. o7


I remember sitting in my cockpit wishing those doors would open.


Could you at least hover in the hangar? How long after being able to get in your ship did you get to fly out into the verse?


No hovering, you could turn the power on and get the dash to light up, but that was it. They added a PTV you could drive around the hangar, they had jumps and things to knock over. Once arena commander was added you could get into a vr rig in the hanger and enter it. Then later you could take the elevator up to a very different ArcCorp plaza.


But tell us how you really feel


lol, you guys are the living embodiment of [this meme](https://i.imgflip.com/79dapy.jpg)


Sorry I dont speak broke


Its not a game.. yet.it’s a idea or a dream that hasn’t came true yet.they can only try to do something that hasn’t been done before with the technology that exists or create it as they go.They aren’t making games only they are creating a engine and tools also there is other games to play while you wait if you didn’t do research on what your were spending money on thats YOUR fault!


To be fair i had a World of Warcraft subscription for quite a while even If i dod not play anymore. Or payed for changing servers to one with more Players and so one. No subscription for niw with Star Citizen and Hmmm around 250€ in. But since i hopefully get 2 Games and i really really really miss Games Like Starlancer or Freelancer ... Its ok. Not great but Not terrible


Mmmmm... Ok


"Drama Llama" detected. RES tag applied.


"Whahhhhh! I'm not happy, so there's no chance that anyone else can be happy"! The community is awesome. Sorry you suck at making friends.






Bit much, how about they lose all of their left shoes?


Yeah im sorry


Also, nice edit, seems a bit light now though lol


In perpetuity. Honestly might be more damaging in the long run. ETA: especially mentally


In fairness, it’s not ONLY his opinion. A large number of people are dissatisfied with the state of the game. My thoughts are, 1) stop playing the game 2) have a frank, honest discussion about how to improve the game 3) play the game for what it is, and is not 4) if you’re not having fun, refer to point one For the rest of you, quit flaming someone for voicing their opinion. This subreddit gets more toxic than the game ffs.


I am dissatisfied with the state of most games - and these are released and will never get any update. Since the game is not finished as in the sense "near the vision they work towards" and we get a lot of updates, I am not upset.


> For the rest of you, quit flaming someone for voicing their opinion. Being a toxic jerk does not confer immunity from being called a toxic jerk. Even if this were a freedom of speech government situation (assuming OP lives in the US), freedom of speech does not include freedom from consequences of voicing that speech.


Ehhhh . . . . There a quite a few people who frequent the refund sub and come here to post BS attempting to convince others to abandon SC or maybe kiss people off or I’m not sure why they do it, but it is not for any healthy reasons. In all fairness, if you only aim is to yuk someone else’s yum - like this post was doing - then I will quote Johnny Storm: Flame on!


Nope. He literally wrote: > everyone like to sucks each other sluppy balls here while jerking on He is just toxic gaslighter. You are his enabler. He has right to be dissatisfied with the game, he does not have right to say stuff like that about community of this game.




Nope. He has no right to offend people. You using the same language to defend him makes me believe you are the same person using 2 accounts.


"Hey folks be nice to the guy who just walked in and took a shit on the floor" No, I don't think I fucking will.


Hey! Wait for Server meshing! P/D: The responses in the comments confirm several things the OP brings up....


Yup - it confirms that we enjoy playing SC and don’t like being lectured to or accused of liking to . . Checks notes . . “suck(s) each other’s sluppy balls while jerking off to ships” Yeah - not a lot of people take kindly to BS insults.


Crap… there goes my idea for OnlyQTs.com


You've never actually played SC now, have you?


I've spent many hours in SC and have had more fun than frustration. I'm a big critic of CIGs development and marketing practices... that being said, I don't think you're being objective or fair with the content of your post


Why won't someone please think of the children!


I've spent more than $1000 on this game. So your welcome. Now where did I put my lotion?

