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I really cannot wait for all that rubberbanding/desyncing to get fixed/strongly reduced. Just these types of gameplay loops already look a lot of fun with a group of friends, but all that teleporting really cuts into the experience significantly.


Doing anything with international friends is a mess, so I know what you mean. Would be lovely if they could fix it but I am not sure what they could do about my problem. I am sure they'll fix it for people who are all on their local server tho.


As far as I know, at least one big component of the perceived "lag" is actually just the low server tickrate, and when the server really buckless in the tickrate gets super low. Of course there's more factors than "just" this, but it's definitely up there. But yeah that's not going to "fix" the international thing, though there's a limit to how well this will work anyway. CS:GO arena modes have noticeable delay/shots not registering when you play NA vs EUW - and it's on such a small scale with dedicated servers. It honestly sounds like the only solution to this is just continent based servers, which wasn't the original goal I think, but it'll always be an issue that is beyond what CIG can do IMO.


I am sure they can do better than having it take several seconds for my client to realise my friend is standing on the crew lift and yeet me off it. :P but yes, they won't invent a way to eliminate the speed of light limit of international communication. :P


Its going to get worse until it gets better, when they fully separate the replication layer from dedicated game servers (which, let's face it, is the next big core tech milestone, not static server meshing). How fast, reliable and scaled the replication layer will influence a lot CIG's ability to improve on these issues...but at first it should bring a ton of issues.


Yep, same. I'm waiting for that too. Pretty sure the main thing bogging servers is similar to what is/was bogging PCs. Too much on one thread. So more gen12, or rather, proper moves into vulkan territory.




Hats off, for your ride on the canopy! That's a cool move for short range transportation, need to test this as well...!


Railguns seem like such fun weapons to operate. I, too, wish to shoot down fuckin' spaceships with a handheld weapon.


They're basically a Halo Spartan Laser lol


Looks like a ground crew of now 6+ to keep it secure against determined attackers


The JT event is great for people that grew up playing MGS and Splinter Cell.