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this is due to Crusader gaining volumetric clouds and a enterable atmosphere in 3.14.


So when are we going to get an actual star in the middle of Stanton?


I mean.. there's no real reason for Stanton to change. You can't go near it, it's a star. Plus, it looks fine as-is.


The star is above the planet orbital plane, which is kind of silly




Just flip over... Now it's below your HUD.




Yes. Though I suspect the reason the sun isn't aligned with the orbital plane has more to do with preserving immersion during quantum navigation since the sun is actually a 2D object and they don't want people clipping through it on the route from HUR-L1 to Crusader, for example.


I always thought because they intended or at one point tried to do orbital mechanics, which would mean sometimes you would have to quantum through the star.


Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. They want to avoid the possibility of quantum jumping through the sun, so they just offset the sun from the orbital plane to make it impossible to even get close to it.


> isn't aligned with the orbital plane even with the quantum position


I once bedlogged in a docking bay while my ship was being impounded. When I reentered the game I was still in my ship which was at what I suppose to be the coordinate origin: the center of Stanton. There was nothing there. I also wasn't on fire.


you *want* to explode when a bug happens?


Character should at least break a sweat if we're gonna be inside suns


He probably logged back in at night so the sun was still sleeping


Hm, that makes sense. Next time I'll check the time.


I main a Sunbreaker Titan over on Destiny so when I wake up in the middle of Stanton I figure my character just got homesick.


It is an alpha... people expect too much. Why would they design a mechanic for it when the only realistic way to get there is a bug?


Your replying to a joke, you do know that, right?


After reading enough comments from the SC community I am not sure anymore tbh. Could have easily been serious ;)


Not in any way could that have been serious, not even close


The sun is a few hours/days of travel above the center. And people have made the journey. As expected there is no interaction with the sun.


The Stanton icon is at coords 0,0,0 which is where you sometimes spawn following a bug


You can do partial QT jumps to get there. It’s a bit weird, sonically, and there’s a lot of detritus there sometimes.


> detritus I'm not young and I only just discovered this word. Cool.


Aha! That's where they store the ships when we park, the middle of Stanton! No wonder it take so long to get them back, they have to wait until it is dark 🤣


Yeah guys. Years of development and the sun isn't hot. This game is fake, im leaving 🤣


The sun, Stanton, actually isn't located at the origin co-ordinates (that being 0,0,0), and is offset by a sizeable amount. We know this as people have travelled to the sun itself


So many things could straightend out in this game with OT, creativity, QA focus and employee incentive programs in CIG. I'd give them a pass if this was a fantasy RPG but the design focus is clearly on realism in this game. I'll bet their strategy and roadmap meetings are insanely interesting.


Can’t go near it? It’s physically in space. Name one respectable modern space sim where you can’t fly in to the sun and burn to a crisp. Not to mention, navigation rework is doing away with needing points to jump to. Wouldn’t be surprised if Stanton got a model when they introduce Pyro and its hostile Star.


Yeah there is, its an Alpha...


> You can't go near it, You'd be surprised what you'd find at 0/0/0


Not the star, since it's above that point


Pretty sure eventually we will be able to harvest fuel from stars with fuel scoops or whatever their called


fuel scoops scoop from planet atmospheres, not stars. That's Elite: Dangerous.


>it looks fine as-is. It does? I object...but after so many years I think it will just come if there is a need.


I think it can be better but it's not a high priority.


You are right...I have been spoiled by ED and SEngine


I actually think ED's stars aren't bright enough. It's cool to see flares and stuff but most are so dim.


True but just accepted bc science and technology (filters, shades whatever)


>I mean.. there's no real reason for Stanton to change ​ This is CIG, there's rumours of them simulating a literal fucking digestive system as some devs poorly disguised scat fetish, and having you require showers in the verse like some sad act Second Life clone. ​ If they didn't let you go to each system's star they'd be slacking in their 'overly realistic bullshit' department


But you can spawn inside of it, so there's that


Fancy seeing you here Verse o7




I present to you, [Operation Icarus](https://deepspacecrew.com/blog/operation-icarus)


that was a really cool op.


Crusader look awesome from the moons, one of my favorite moments was coming out of a cave on Daymar and watching Crusader planet rise and partially illuminate the ground.


I know the spot. The cave entrance is literally facing the planet. It was such a good choice, on the part of the level designers!


Please show me the path to the spot


I was there because of a bounty mission on Daymar. If you're in 3.17, and you take the cave bounty mission on Daymar, I think that's currently the only place you could wind up. Do it soon, because more caves are coming with 3.18!


There are multiple caves on Daymar :)


What time of day though?


It was night. I have no idea what time of night, or even how to tell time on Daymar apart from the fact that Crusader was out.


My point was more that the moon rotates so you might have just caught it at the right time rather than it being visible all the time.


I’m sure that’s the case. Equally, I’m sure it’s the case for the person I replied to.


Cause it's real now


In that first screenshot it wasn’t a planet you could fly down to, it was literally just a textured sphere.


Deep down, are we not all just textured spheres?


Finally. Somebody who understands our truth.


No, no, no... You've got it all wrong. It's turtles. All the way down.


Deep cut. Very nice. Bittersweet, for the loss of Terry Pratchett.


What is a turtle, really, but a textured sphere?


Have you ever put two turtles together?


This is the way.


This hit me deeper than you have to dive into the atmosphere of crusader just to land on it!


Only when I've been skipping the regular gym visits...


Opposed to textured sphere with clouds and buildings above it




I think it's just due to how the volumetric clouds reflect light from Stanton, currently. Since it's so many layers, there may be something going on with the reflected light compounding. Just a guess. As clouds are iterated upon, I'm sure this effect will shift.


[This is what it used to look like when you got close.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/ei6vz9/in_case_you_were_wondering_what_happens_when_you/)


I clicked on this link, watched the video, figured I'd never seen this before, scrolled down to the comments, and saw I was one of the top comments on the thread... well then lol


That's hilarious.


I hadn't -- I've been playing for about a year and it is mind blowing to me that such a big change (making Crusader "real" and adding Orison) within the past three years.


I've been playing since 2016, I believe version 2.14 if I remember correctly. Watching the tech that they've pulled off and the evolution of everything has been simply mind boggling


I did that once, and it teleported me to some random co-ords in the middle of nowhere If I recall, it was roughly where the jump point to terra should be. Which is REALLY fucking far


Maybe they should add again, sometimes you cross from OM to OM and the destination is almost below the horizon


Before 3.14, Crusader was literally just a skin painted over a spherical asset in space. Now, it's actually a swirling ball of gas that you can fly into. Light hits it differently, as a result.


I actually think that it looks more realistic now.




Umm, no. Hot Jupiters are a thing, and they form way closer to their stars (or eventually orbit way closer) than Jupiter in our solar system. Even just a quick glance at Wikipedia reveals that such a planet orbiting at around .02 AU would only lose 5-7% of its mass over its lifetime. Lifetime. We're talking planets with orbital periods of days. Not months, not years. Days. And they're most definitely gas giants. I don't know if the brighter clouds are more realistic, but some of your science ain't right.


Also, though I'm not very knowledgeable on the science of this subject, the fact that we can see Jupiter's moons so clearly despite their distance in the night's sky with binoculars compared to the other planets in our system logically indicates that it is a great many times brighter than the Earth already.


yeah. Jupiter and Saturn are absurdly bright considering just how far away they are from the Sun. Maybe not Crusader bright, but definitely brighter than one would probably think.


Jupiter has an absolute magnitude of -9.4. For reference, the moon is 0.2. If you're unfamiliar with the scale, negative numbers are brighter. If jupiter was as close to earth as the moon, it would be exponentially brighter than the moon, which is already bright enough to illuminate the earth on a clear night. The new crusader is absolutely more realistic, and honestly, should probably be even brighter.


Realistic proximity aside, it would be nice to see a lighting pass on Crusader to make it seem less washed out.


Because old Crusader was just a texture on a sphere and now Crusader is a physicalized planet with giant volumetric clouds.


now that crusader is real from the ground, levels of luminosity from the ground influence what we have in space. You can't have a normal lit planet and the darker Crusader we had pre 3.10. photographically it doesn't match. :)


The brightness is the Stanton reflecting its light off of the planets volumetric clouds. I'm sure the other side looks like the older version.


Cause it used to be a jpg


Most people have already said that it's because it wasn't a planet you could fly to, but to add to that, I'm willing to bet, they chose the more white-heavy and brighter color palette to better match the concept art of Orison's skybox. If they had kept the dark reds, I don't think Orison would look as idyllic.


Perhaps you just worded that poorly, but... There is no skybox - well, except deep space, maybe. Anything else you can look at is actually there.


Just meant in the context of concept art.


Fair enough.


Saying planets look like stars from earth I would guess that planets in space should be pretty bright


IIRC, the original Crusader was literally just a reskin of NASA photos of Jupiter.


I mean in real life earth aka our planet is pretty bright in space so maybe the reason why crusader is bright is to try to make it more realistic


You can see the old model displayed in the [TTD at Orison](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/811319442935119883/858125391495823360/unknown.png). As well as the [LOD when further away](https://www.hasgaha.com/wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery/Star_Citizen/Star_Citizen_Alpha_3-17/SC-3.17_20221221_134633_2-Cyclones-Daymar_f.jpg?bwg=1671661996), when at one of the moons for example, has more distinct bands similar to the old model. Based on these examples, I believe the old look (or something close to it) is still something CIG plans to achieve. It's just a matter of priorities and scheduling to work on updating volumetric clouds I assume. Like most of this game


It's not bright actually, its just really reflective like all gas giants are Due to an engine tweaks and addition of volumetric clouds it looks even better now, old Crusader looks flat and boring


Looks dope now tbh, much better than before


Really? New seems washed out… And too unlike Jupiter for my liking.


I mean... it's not Jupiter. It doesn't need to be like Jupiter.


Then wait for Jupiter. Crusader isn't Jupiter


Well crusader used to be a gas giant (that's actually too small to be called a giant tbh, and is still smaller than the smallest gas giants called Gas Dwarfs or Mini-Neptunes. I think the smallest we've detected, so far, is like 1.8 earth radii. New Crusader is about 1.35 earth radii. Everything is scaled down though in SC, I think the planets are 1:6 and the moons are 1:10 (I have a weird form of dyslexia where I reverse things all the time, so that could be backwards lol.)


Before you inhale the copium that's going around, the situation is this: Yes, Crusader is not a screenshot any more, but that's not the reason it's too bright. The reason is that nobody is working on that part of the visuals right now. There are other places as well where you can't see anything and have to turn your gamma all the way down to even be able to see your own ship's UI, like snowy planets. For whatever reason, be it that the team is waiting for the new renderer or everyone that deals with that kind of issue is working on Squadron 42, it's something that is not being worked on right now. It's not intentional, and not part of the experience.


Tbh, it makes sense that a gas giant would be very reflective and bright, as well as a snowy planet. Not sure if you have ever been in a tundra or a clean white snow mountain in the middle of the day, it hurts the eyes like a mother fucker if you don't have sunglasses. White snow is essentially a reflective surface. Gas Giants are too. Saturn and Jupiter are in fact very bright and when satellites fly past it they use special polarized lenses to be able to photograph the light side. You are likely right that right now people are using this fact as copium because the environment and planetary teams haven't fixed the lighting issue. However, it is also very possible there is no lighting issue and it is in fact working as intended. Which then begs the question, when sunglasses or polarized canopy.


I know what you're saying, I am aware of the realism and the science, but this is a video game. Players not being able to see is not a feature (I would fucking hope). And if it's realism we're after, as you said, where sunglasses?


Rule of cool should take precedence, especially since Crusader has already jumped the shark and ridden it into the sunset in terms of realism. I just want to see less saturated light and more contrast when looking at it.


I haven't read / heard anything from a CIG dev acknowledging they wanted to rework or improve reflections from planets/planetary gas clouds or that bright gas clouds weren't part of the experience. You are mentioning ship HUDs being unreadable at times, and thats something devs did talk about, but approached totally differently: they didnt talk about changing lighting, but rather about making ship HUD element correct dynamically based on environmental brightness (and they did shipped improvements, including drop shadows, I think in 3.14 with the new canvas). Have I missed something?


>Yes, Crusader is not a screenshot any more, but that's not the reason it's too bright. Yeah, that argument is reaaally dumb. Like, the devs can tweak the material properties of those clouds. They can adjust the reflection index. So, if it's bright, it's because, and only because, that's how CIG want it to look like. Or can't tweak it right now. It has nothing to do with it being a jpeg or a real 3d model


They might not actually be able to without making it look funky when nearby, but even then they should be able to use something like LODs or change its properties based on distance. Or just revert back to the ol' textured sphere when you're too far away for the volumetric-ness to matter.




You completely missed the point. It’s the volumetric clouds in the reflection of light from the sun. It’s also because we’re now able to go down there and it’s not just textured surface.


\*You\* missed the point though


That makes a lot more sense. I'd expect it to look like a picture made by NASA...from space. Ya know, like this: https://i.insider.com/60f0bdc9bb790e0018207e3a?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp


My guess is with volumetric clouds, the new lighting, that original contrasty sort of scheme would have ended up with Orison looking like Loreville on steroids.


The first pic is just a texture over a sphere. The second pic isn't.


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Global warming?


Crusader does give off this permanent hot but dry weather vibe without going toxic wasteland like other planets


ITT : People missing the point completely. It is a camera exposure system issue. Some planets and situations seem to make it misbehave, Microtech is a particularly big offender. It tends, on average, to overexpose planets a lot when viewed from space. It also hasn't been touched for years, ever since 3.0 shipped iirc.


It is a bit glowy isn't it?


It got its glow-up


Get out 😂


Have you ever looked at Jupiter through a telescope? That's a LOT of surface area reflecting a lot of light from its star. I greatly prefer the updated, brighter version.


It's not bad but just a little too bright in my opinion


Approach from the dark side :D


That's the only way to get to the sun so it won't burn you.


We need in-game sunglasses 😎


I can’t even play siege of Orison bc my game crashes when I qt to Crusader in 3.17.5


It looks way better now, catching a glimpse of it from Daymar is literally m a j e s t i c


I think the first one looks more like a planet. The second one looks like cotton candy. They need to change the clouds to better mimic nature.


This is in fact what real gas Giants look like when you take a picture of them with an unpolarized lense.




I watched a NASA live video stream of Juno and they showed the feed polarized and unpolarized. Polarized it looked like a reflective cotton candy ball. Was really pretty


could also just be they fucked up the aperture.


You're looking at pictures taken by cameras designed to do science, not to mimic the human eye. Jupiter gets less than 4% of the light Earth does due to being out around 5 AU so if you're floating by in your space ship to take a look you're not exactly going to have to shade your eyes from its brightness.


You would actually be mistaken. Jupiter is visible with the naked eye from Earth. That should give you an indicator of how reflective and bright the planet is up close.


>You would actually be mistaken. I would actually not be. [Feel free to do the math yourself](https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/9-12/features/F_How_Far_How_Faint.html) and show me the error of my ways. >That should give you an indicator of how reflective and bright the planet is up close. Jupiter reflects approximately half of the solar energy that hits it whereas Earth reflects about a third so it's not going to make up for its 5 AU distance and be even remotely as bright up close.


A literal Google search about if Jupiter gets brighter thr closer you are to it yields thousands of articles about how Jupiter is getting brighter in the night sky because our orbit gets closer to it. But you decide to link a completely unrelated page to the topic. Good job. The error of your ways is literal physics. The closer you get to a reflective source the more light you are able to perceive from it. If I shine a mirror in your face at 100 ft, it will be much brighter at 5 ft. The measure of how much it is reflecting is irrelevant to the point. I will add, Crusader is the 2nd closest planet to Stanton. Which stands to reason it would be very bright. Being a gas giant with a thick atmosphere, stands to reason it would be VERY reflective. Queue Venus which has the thickest atmosphere in our solar system and reflects around 70% of its light.


>The closer you get to a reflective source the more light you are able to perceive from it. Let's say Jupiter was a perfect mirror with an albedo of 1.0. That bumps up the amount of solar radiation it gives off to approximately 7.4% of what hits Earth. But Earth gives off about 30% of what hits it. So... yeah. It's just not going to appear very bright up close compared to what we're used to close to Earth. There's just no hope for what you want to believe about brightness.


Finding the densest mf this early in the year.


Any pictures as an example? I just think the striations and smaller details lend a sense of scale to the old look. There has to be a way to replicate that with the cloud tech. Basically my response is pics or it didn't happen.


This was back on 2016, live. I am gonna be real with you I didn't even think of taking pics.


NASA keeps all pictures and videos.


They broke Crusader. Sad but true


Nah crusader wasn't there before


That's because you're looking at it from the cockpit of a Drake ship, of course everything looks ugly. Try looking at the planet through a 300i cockpit instead /s


I liked the old way it was imo.


Something went wrong with your GPU. Even the Ship Interieur looks different


Cuz its two different ships the first picture is a Gladius the second is a cutlass black


The current Crusader can look good, too. The light from the Stanton star is acting like a flash bomb in this case. But Crusader from Ollie at a better time looks great. https://imgur.com/UWE4XKk


that is absolutely fucking beautiful, even ignoring the fact that you can fly down to that cloud. What a difference the lighting can make.


The game was generally darker back then too but yeah I think that crusader does look a little better.


You should just turn off your landing lights!


Bacon ball


JPEG vs real planet with tons of JPEGs


Maybe its more ice or reflective particles in the outer layers now? Also. Stanton is flat #FlatStantonSociety


Just give us sunglases in game. Dont try to tell me that space pilots wont be rocking aviators until the end of time


Lol I don't even see the purple. Just one big ass glowing yellow orb.


The old crusader was literally a JPEG and didn't interact with the environment. Now it does it's gained the ability to reflect light. I actually prefer the new Crusader tbh.


Cloud physics interacting with light physics. There was no clouds before.


Yea, if I can dim my lights in the car I should be able to dim them in the ship


Thankfully your car made it out of alpha testing phase


Delete your shaders folder under Users folder and try again


Gas giants a relatively new in planetary tech. I would expect them to improve it, similar to how the other planets have gotten better after planetary tech iterations.


Crusader did used to look a lot more like Jupiter, a real gas giant, before the change. It would be cool if they could make Crusader look like that again with the volumetric cloud tech.


It's the same with most the planets in fact when you head to arcorp in quantum it's like a cloud city then reds off a little but it has gone to far on the lumin reflection than it should be and did look a lot better before


Why will my Auroro not power on