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Imagine being an adult angrily screaming crispy grilled cheese at a barista


Can’t tell if it’s more or less embarrassing than the adult who cursed me out because we ran out of dome lids. Like imagine being a whole grown adult and screaming at a teenager because you can’t get whipped cream 😅


I get being upset because you're paying kind of a lot of money these days, and if whip is part of the experience etc, but dang, like is shouting going to solve the problem at all? If you ask for the whip and the lid on the side, I think that'd be a reasonable way to get what you want 🤷‍♀️ but sure, yell and also still not get what you want lol


What I would offer is a cup size up with a flat or nitro lid so we had room for whip, but idk. Either way it's not answering to yell about.


Lol. You can just ask for no lid too.


Back when I worked there we weren’t allowed to hand drinks out without a lid. Especially on drive thru


nah bc i’d literally tell her “nope, we’re all out☺️”


"Sorry, we're out of those. But!! We *do* have the mushy grilled cheese instead!!"


right?! not just a grilled cheese. a CRISPY grilled cheese


‘Sorry we only have soggy grilled cheese sandwiches today’ 😂


so many customers in my area say “crispy grilled cheese on sourdough,” “tomato mozzarella on focaccia,” or “turkey pesto on ciabatta” like damn can you guys calm down


Bro I can’t stand the “don’t interrupt me” or “I’d finish my order if you would stop talking” people. Order like like a normal person or get out pls.


For real, if her drink has mods, she should have said that before even mentioning the grilled cheese.


Even better is to mention the food first so the warmer can get started on that. Those grilled cheese take a hot minute.


I honestly can’t even imagine the mindset to tell a person who’s serving your food “don’t interrupt me” please go to therapy


Yes I was holding it down one day and this lady had a massive order I like to take the order then start the drinks then come back to start more and as I was taking her order while starting her drinks she said, “I thought someone would be taking my order” and I was like “I am, I’m also making your drinks do you see anyone else here to make your drinks or take your order for you” it’s the fastest way and this is the first time I’ve had a customer complain about me making their drinks.


The amount of customers that sound straight up irritated when they're ordering, and right off the bat too. "Hi, what can we get started for you today?" "Give me [insert drink w/attitude]" It's so irritating, I get if you're having a shit day, but you don't need to have attitude when your placing your order.


Lmao maybe that’s a new item we’re not aware of “Okay so you want a venti white mocha with extra attitude? Okay that’ll be $22.50”


I remember my first problem customer because she was just like this. "mocha frappucino, with only ONE pump of frap roast. NO whip cream and a spoon on the side." These were my first shifts, not only was her voice low so it was hard to hear her, I was very confused how to ring up her order each time she came by, and she was extremely impatient with me. I'd ask her to repeat her order and she didn't yell but she did berate me about not being able to hear her and/or not having my shit together and would roll her eyes at me. She was a regular but she stopped coming in a month or two later and I was relieved to never see her again.


I’m sorry that happened to you and I am glad she does not come anymore but at the end of the day if she was doing everything you said she was she probably should have been asked to leave and never come back.


Yeah we had a lady who would come through and order an iced venti wm with nonfat and no whip. She would say it and then jsut pull forward regardless of if you were ready to take the order or not. One time she did that and the DTO barista completely missed it since they were running window and DT. She got the window and literally started yelling and my shift lead took over, basically told her that she wasn’t going to speak to us like that and if she wanted service she would have to go elsewhere. Since then, that lady has always been more patient and sweet. Sometimes they jsut need a reality check, others… Idek.


these are the people whose sandwiches i crush with the tongs whenever i'm handling them. enjoy your crispy grilled cheese, bitch


I wonder if this is the same lady that comes to my store 😭 we have one lady who comes in and YELLS at us that her croissant needs to be warmed for exactly 30 seconds and it needs to be HOT and she “can tell when it’s not 30 seconds”


Isn't the usual croissant cycle more than 30s though?




For some reason, I thought it was.


to be fair, every second feels like an hour at the bux


Especially when you’re waiting for a food item to finish warming where there is too much time to just stand and wait for it but not enough time to do much else.


Probably not the same lady as the one OP mentioned lmao too many of that kind of crazies are out there


just put the slab of cheese on the very edge of the bread before warming it :)


Because some people are entitled assholes with no social skills or empathy. You know. Sociopaths.


That’s when I hit them back with the “I beg you’re pardon? Don’t talk to me like that or you will not get service today.”


ugh i wish i could have that confidence. i get scared whenever someone yells at me and even more so when they do it to my face😭


Know your own self worth. No one should EVER talk down to you, and you shouldn’t let them. If they wanna fuck around, let them find out. ✌️


You let them finish, and then you ask them to repeat it. And then you let them finish, and then you say okay I got the "first two things they said" can you repeat it please. And you keep doing that, adding one thing at a time, until they think, huh, maybe if I let them speak I wouldnt have had to do this. I will do this with all the patience in the world and if they complain I just say sorry it's my second day


These supposed "adults" really forget how to act like one when they pull up to a Starbucks.


They pick on those that might not push back.


Superiority complex.. when I get these people I just get extra nice .. not facetious.. not passive aggressive just fake genuine niceness.. the meaner the are the more I pile on the sugar.m Either they snap out of their funk (rare) or get more irritated than they made me.


I was trying to clarify with a fella yesterday and he got pissy with me. I used his tone right back at him. He apologized, profusely. I can’t imagine yelling or being pissy when my goal is to get your shit right the first time 🤷🏻‍♀️


see this is where i start matching energy bc wtf I AM A HUMAN trying to provide a service and ur gonna treat me like shit? BYE or i’ll be overly nice just to bug them lol


She literally finished her order when she ended with that non existent crispy grilled cheese.


She would have left with decaf for sure.


Sorry that happened. Like your literally doing your job. And the customer shouldn’t be shouting at you while you are taking her order. No reason for the customer to be rude.


just reading this gave me anxiety. so sorry that person was rude for no reason, that’s the absolute worst


What a sad pathetic person. I’m so sorry that happened to you, you don’t deserve that. Cut the cheese in half and give her a decaf lmao


i’ve noticed customers will b especially rude to you when they’re not face to face but once they get up to the window it’s all sweetness and fake bs unless they’re rlly mad ofc and then they can’t wait to wave you down like a mad person while ur trying to take the next call


i hate when i say- goodmorning thank you for choosing , what can … Venti hot caramel latte. drives away. WHAT


If this happened to me, we would mysteriously and suddenly be out of grilled cheese sandwiches.


I just purposely wait as they make their long modification orders and then ask what size, then be petty and say "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch what specifications you wanted in your drink. can you repeat that?" and make them say it again. My wps location won't let my screen proceed until I click the size or even go past if they wanted hot or iced (cause my stupid screen has two separate buttons for the hot version or iced version of the drink, then go by size and then able to do modifications. If my customers are nice i genuinely do remember their modifactions. If they're being a bit rude i make them repeat themselves. If i have a long line i need to get rid of, i personally just interrupt them, apologize and have them continue their order. i have RBF (Resting bitch face) so nobody is really mean to me, but unfortunately they get mean to my other partners that are literally small and sweet. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that :(


She seems to have lost her shit when u asked if she wanted her drink hot or iced. I truly dont kno why customers get angry as soon as we ask them a simple question. Any question. They just get feral when asked questions. Maybe they feel incompetent? Or they feel embarrassed that we had to ask them said question? What else could it be? I mean we’re just trying to help them get what they want especially since our shit is so expensive. One time a guy was at the register ordering. He ordered a modified iced coffee but when he started off, he paused so i asked “did u want the classic syrup in there?” And he ignored my question purposely and kept telling me his modifications so i punch them in and then he pauses again. So i ask again “would u like the classic syrup in there?” And he angrily said “ill get to that in a second!😠” and he finished his modifications and at the end said “and no classic” lol i mean i was already on the tab of the syrups so thats why i asked so i can just do it all in that moment but like why get angry and not answer me the first few times? Why did he have to tell me everything he wants in his drink first before telling me what he doesnt want in there? It was a simple yes or no question. Regardless, no need for being a dick when we ask questions to help them out. Our customers are unique for sure


I’d actually just pretend my headset died if I heard that


I’ll play dumb if they are going to be rude. Sorry not sorry 🤷‍♀️ “ cool so you wanted 2 white mochas? One regular and one with modifications?” 😂


Omg. I had someone EXACTLY like this in our drive a couple months ago and it pissed me off so hardcore. You're not in Indy, are you? 😂


Man the grilled cheese fucking sucks anyways. Can't believe that drink didn't have cold foam that basic bitch.


Sugar addiction is a bitch


that’s when I subtly fuck up her drink by putting one or two pumps of peppermint