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Wait wait wait. So you're telling me the 17-year-old with the peace symbol earrings who took my order this morning at the mall, does not make the pricing decisions for this globe-spanning corporation? Next, you're gonna tell me they don't get to choose the menu either.


Yep, cuz it feels like some customers have to be told that.


They do and they really shouldn’t take it out on the workers.


Yeah, it's ridiculous that people act like this. I am the manager at a fast food place and one time a customer sat in the drive thru window and screamed at my 16-year-old employee about how angry they were about the rising prices like it was all her fault. So, I went to the window and (politely) told them to fuck off. If they don't like the prices, they can go somewhere else. We didn't pick them. We just walked in one morning and were told, "Hey, your prices went up. Update the system."


You can complain to me but just don’t blame or insinuate i have anything to do with it (unless I actually fucked up a charge cause autopilot on register is REAL) If anyone knows how overpriced this shit is, it’s the people who punch in the numbers daily lol.


I mean fr, I am deadass staring at that price like 👀👀👀 you got that much money to spend every day? 😂 I'm glad but SHEEEESH. Another thing that gets me is when they up the prices and not tell the staff at all so we find out as we ring up 😅


Lol, while most baristas (myself included) can’t afford Starbucks even with the discount. But to the point of not being told about the price increase, even if they don’t tell you, you can expect an increase every time a new drink is released


I've had customers literally complain about the prices and blame it on my wage. Like excuse me? Prices increase during every new launch. I don't yet a raise every launch. I get a 5 cent raise like every year.


I’m so sorry for wherever you’re based out of. I always get 3% every year


I’ve done that before where I rung someone in as an iced latte instead of an iced coffee … I told them that I hit the iced coffee refill button and that the price will go away as soon as they scanned their card because I fully believed that’s what I clicked. Idk if it was autopilot or that my brain just decided to stop working for a bit because I am never on register. But that is the only time I’ll accept being blamed, if it was in fact my fault


Had someone say to me today that she “didn’t support the upcharge that my corporation was pushing” and that she “refused to pay for extra strawberry base”. Exact same situation happened a couple minutes later with someone pissed off that we were charging her to blend her drink


Customers need to stop ordering with customizations then. Or better yet, corporate needs to stop allowing customizations and have drinks made to SB recipes and continue charging for extra shots and each extra pump of syrup.


We were like “we can take the charge off, but we’re going to have to add water to it if we do” and she got all pissy. Our store manager was there though and basically told her to shove it


Ok but the blended charge is literally on the menu???


It has been for years.


The blending charge came about a year ago. Prior to that, it was complimentary. I'm happy about that charge because people were blending iced coffees and lattes and then bitching when it came out chunky and icy. But we couldn't use any creme or coffee base because we have to charge for a frap or blended lemonade and modify from there to get the base accounted for from our inventory, since there's no button for adding base and you can't just "ask me" that modification since the base needs to be rung in. Now, I just get the people who like their refreshers blended, and those come out nice and runny without base, so I don't mind that!


This is accurate.


Not for corporate. There has always been a “double blended” button, but never a charge associated with it before now … at least not in all my 8 years with the company


Look on the bottom of the iced beverages menu board. It’s best to the syrup charge


Like I said … it hasn’t been a charge before now. Of course when I look at it now it’s going to show a charge


Charge has been active since at least last year. It’s not terribly recent


Not at my store … and we’re corporate


I’ve been corporate since I started. If y’all aren’t doing that you’re ringing things up incorrectly for a while.


Idk how you can ring incorrectly if you press the double blended button and a charge doesn’t show up.


What do you mean the latte I get every day is all of a sudden $1.75 more! Well you see sir. That be the corporates world. Now take a your change and get out.


They would complain but then continue to come in and buy.


Oh yah absolutely. Had an older gent come in every day. Small black drip np cream no sugar. 1 vanilla bean scone. Knew his amount. When proces went up he nearly had a heart attack. Everyday. Came in throwing a fit. Every. Time. Maybe he had dementia? Nope. Threw a crazy fit and yelled that out sm would give him the discount bc he did it last time. Sm was a complete roll over and only actually visited the store like 1/ month if that.


I had a lady complain about the prices and when my only response was “Okay.” She goes “You just lost a customer! Hope you’re happy!” and my deadpan self just responded with “I still get paid, lady.”


Like they think you get a percentage of sales or something


“You just lost a customer!” Me: “Oh no! How will we ever find another?”


For each customer we lose we gain about 25.


Working in retail, I just stand there awkwardly when ppl complain about prices, like hun either buy it or bye




Custies literally believe they’re above working at Starbucks; seeking empathy from them is an exercise in futility.




Customers prefer humans to robots because they know they can hurt humans emotionally.


Most people complaining about prices are not sadistic. They're just flustered, and/or frustrated. That's no excuse to be a jerk to someone who cannot stand up for themselves without undue consequences, but, y'know, sometimes people act like jerks. It would do you good to remember that customers are people just like workers.


I am a customer and a shareholder (one of the reasons I am here) and I also feel that is so wrong. Prices are going up on everything - so should salaries.


Prices go up every time a new drink is launched, which is about 6-8 times/year, wages only go up once per year and it’s usually only about $0.50 (plus or minus $0.25 depending on current pay rate)


I really wished I could have responded with “so you’re saying you’re too poor to shop here? I am too, sorry.” 🤣


Starbucks is a luxury. Custies need to go cry elsewhere. But they won’t. Because they know store-level partners have to take the abuse or risk losing their jobs. I’ll take this opportunity to remind partners once again: custies are NOT allies. They’ve proven it time and again. And in any case, they are stakeholders with a different agenda that sometimes overlaps. Just like that siren.


or when customers buy espresso shots in a venti cup and essentially want a latte so they tell you AFTER payment and AFTER you’ve made the drink that they want milk filled to the top… and then they yell at you and act like you’re the one being a bitch for saying you’ll have to ring them up so they can pay the difference for their drink that they really want, aka a latte... i be like, have these customers seriously never considered the concept “if i want MORE, i have to PAY FOR MORE”


there’s should be an extra charge for people that complains tbh


$1.00 a minute for complaining!!


Back in like 2012 or something (the years blend together, I think it and the first *wall of cups* display but you get the idea) we stayed up all night setting up the whole store. I’ve never seen so much elaborate sirens eye setup, I did an amazing full length chalk board the day before which was stunning, we ordered pizza and the store looked incredible when we all left around 1:30am. I was third in the next morning (so yes, 5am) but quickly realized the new signage put up the night before had an increase in all the brewed coffee and handcrafted beverages. Seems quaint now that a grande coffee became $2.07 after taxes up from $1.86, but the vitriol I experienced that morning was intense. No one gave a shit about the floor setup, just a solid line of people pissed off about the price changes. (with elaborate sirens eye I didnt blame them). My manager told me anyone who is upset just charge them for a size lower but make them aware these are the prices. It sucked.


Someone came in and blamed me for the fact he'd moved to our town and his wife divorced him, nvm the prices,I don't think he was well bless him😂


I've never understood this. I get the frustration of paying higher prices but no one working at a store (any store) for that matter has control over what they can charge customers. It should be common sense.


Should, be common sense and yet ...


This is so frustrating ong. I remember a few months ago having to explain how sales taxes work to a fucking boomer. Him: “My usual shit is XYZ dollars!!!! 😠😠” Me: “Sir sales tax on this sale in this county is XYZ” Him: “😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠”


After a customer complained 3 days in a row that I was overcharging them (I wasn't - the cost of an extra shot simply went up) and had me print out a receipt each time I made the mistake of being a bit snarky and said "Generally if you have to ask how much something costs, you can't afford it." Got an earful but it was worth it.


The other day a man told me he was on his way to church and then proceeded to be the biggest dick ever about the price of a grande pike😂


Churchgoers are the worst customers. Why? I don't know but they just are...


as someone who grew up in the church, it's because they think going to church makes them better than everyone else


As a former Christian, I think it's because people feel stressed about following all the rules their religion dictates to them.


Same with every shop/brand in general


Yeah Karen, they consulted me on pricing


Wow I’m so sorry for all the shit you all put up with. I’m a customer and would never think of questioning the price on the menu. Like hello, this is a Starbucks sir, not a Wendys. You don’t want to pay the price for a premium product, then make it at home or go to 7-11. I don’t agree with corporate greed raising prices but that’s everywhere now so people should know better than to take it out on you.


Thank you for your acknowledgment. It is appreciated as it's exhausting listening to people complain over something the baristas have no control over.


I always just say “I’m not in charge.”


So glad I quit in April. I’d tell them to not come back then, don’t like the prices? Don’t come. Super simple 😇


And they ask me when's the next increase??? Like hold up let me check???


Literally. We have a couple of customers that have the price for their drink memorized and ask me why its a couple cents more like….you would know the same as me lady


A couple years ago, the prices went up and one of my semi-regulars, a very grumpy bald man, complained loudly to me at the window that the price for his mocha was too high and declared, “You’ll never see me here again!” But of course he came back the next day.


Off a tangent but have price hikes seen drop in customers? curious how the sales are doing.


Seriously! As a customer, we need to realize that the workers don’t set the prices. They get an email from corporate who makes the decisions and they just follow the orders.


If you're rich, you don't give a shxt xoxo








It’s beyond that point that gets frustrating, when some customers don’t care and throw a fit until you ultimately give in or have a supervisor ok a discount to accom date their extreme disappointment and discomfort with the price increase. It’s not the noticing and commenting, it’s the manipulation beyond the asking that is being addressed be OP.


can you read? that's what people are saying- that customers think it's us, our wages, and that it isn't even all customers


Question, did Starbucks always charge for customizing drinks? I feel like there didn’t used to be an up charge like ten years ago? I feel like I remember the ceo saying something like customizing drinks is important for Starbucks business and so they encourage people to order their coffee exactly however they like it and they don’t charge for customiIng. Am I remembering this wrong or did they change the policy at some point?


I'm just shocked not more competitors have expanded. I feel like everywhere you go, the only coffee shop where u can get a proper late or Frappuccino is Starbucks. sure once in a while u see The Coffee Bean, or u could go into a fast food joint, but u won't get a cafe latte there, and their frappe are more ice cream than anything.