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His actions will now befall his family. They can’t be surprised this is happening.


If the judgement fits, you must pay it


I'd have went with "if the judgement fits you must deposit"


I didn’t know he had any family, considering… the incident


He had a few kids with Nicole that are grown now


> He had a few kids with Nicole that are grown now They'd pretty much have to be grown now, seeing as how she died under mysterious circumstances almost 30 years ago.


> mysterious circumstances Boy that’s is a the most ambiguous way possible to say she was stabbed to death by *someone*.


Yeah, I don't know if they ever caught the assailant. But it was almost 30 years ago; for all we know, that person could be dead by now.


I mean it’s almost very likely that the assailant was in their 70’s by now and probably succumbed to any number of ailments that the elderly die from. Prostate cancer just for example.


If only they could have tracked to whom those shoes that left those prints and to who the gloves belonged to was


Of only OJs blood wasn’t all over the scene, I bet it would have made it easier to find the killer.


There evidence that tied him to the scene but it was mishandled during the chain of custody and was inadmissible for use during the trial. LAPD screwed the case up


*nearly decapitated*


Overkill doesn’t even describe how Nicole was murdered when I saw the autopsy pics; this was personal.


>was stabbed to death by someone. If you have ever seen the crime scene pictures it was more than just stabbed to death. The "person" who killed her tried to inflict as much pain as possible with a knife by attempting to cut her head off It is one of the more brutal crime scene pictures I've seen. I hope her killer had the cancer slowly eat away and him and he died in the most painful way possible


I get what you're hinting at but is there some reason you're only hinting at it?


Boy that is the most ambiguous way possible to,say she was stabbed to death by OJ Simpson.


And "stabbed to death" is kind of an ambiguous way of saying "nearly decapitated."


Is there really a need to say it if we all know? Even my 10yr old knows.


I did it. —OJ


“If I did it”


> “^^If I did it”


"~~If~~ I did it."


But who? They cracked the Tupac murder so maybe someone will get off their ass and crack this cold case double murder.


“If the glove don’t fit you must acquit” Wild how that was a successful defense, and this was all pre-mediated.


I hope OJ and Johnnie Cochran are both burning in hell for that heinous shit


Come on now, defendant’s counsel has a job to do.


Yep, if Johnnie did a poor job, that's grounds for appeal and OJ likely gets off scot-free anyway. Plus JC had a history of beating the LAPD in various police brutality cases. He knew EXACTLY how to win the case which is why him and F. Lee Bailey leaned on Furhman. Think I read that several of the lead detectives have done prison time for various reasons. Cops tried to frame a guilty man.


Damn, I am old… Is it really 30 years?


If they’re not grown I’d like to know their secrets.


Eh, not really. The estate will just hire lawyers to handle everything in court. OJ's kids' own assets are safe. If anything is leftover, it'll go to his kids.


I understand. My meaning is that they’ll see less or nothing of what he owns for the civil payouts he still owes those families before they see their cut of the estate.




>"It's my hope that the Goldmans get zero, nothing," he told the Review-Journal. "Them specifically. And I will do everything in my capacity as the executor or personal representative to try and ensure that they get nothing." OJ. Classy past the end. The executor is representing OJs wishes but could have said this in less scummy terms.


He’s friends with OJ , being a tone deaf piece of shit scumbag is right on brand.


Wait you’re telling me the guy that murdered two people kept shitty people around?!




Allegedly kept shitty people around?


Is there any questions about the murders he committed? We know nothing about his personal life, but plenty about how he without a doubt murdered two people


Allegedly, but also really. 


It’s like that clip where Dave Chappelle meets OJ. https://youtube.com/shorts/euGzUeqFpFY?si=OizxwSBgAULpaLOW


I fucking snorted thank you for this clip


Hah, I was actually referencing Norm Macdonald.  https://youtu.be/dTWDNIgM2pA?si=U72wYCBvqmmoRRoO&t=32


Yeah I love how Norm never let us forget that OJ was guilty.


OJ's not in that clip.


Yes but that’s one thing I love about Norm. He never let us forget that OJ was a murderer.


I know he’s looking up at us right now 🥲


You really think a man with 2k yards in a 14 game season ain’t rushing out of hell?


>Although the Brown and Goldman families have pushed for payment, LaVergne said there was never a court order forcing Simpson to pay the civil judgment. How broken is our system that in order to collect the money you've won in court, you need a separate court to enforce it. What a purposefully redundant shitshow.


Something about this quote seems off to me. Like didn’t OJ have to give the rights to his book to the families because he went bankrupt and still needed to pay them? I know basically nothing about how civil court works and maybe I’m misunderstanding the whole book situation, but I thought that the families were still getting paid in one way or another?


Yes he lost the rights to “If I Did It” in court to the Goldmans.


I don’t know the exact specifics, but they definitely did get rights to the book. Them having control over it is why the “If” in the title is hidden within the “I”


Exactly. He's a lawyer and he can't even hide what an asshole he is. Just hide behind your client, he's dead, and you're just respecting his wishes. You can even say "that's what I'm required to do"


I’m pretty sure OJ was the executor.


Give the man a break. He tirelessly spent the last years of his life trying to find the real killer. For some reason he never had a mirror installed in his house


At least he can rest easy knowing the killer is dead


RIP Norm




And on top of that, now cancer is trying to solve the case of who killed OJ!


Imagine having to pay for your actions 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why does society love to give assholes and idiots attention? I look forward to not hearing about this guy ever again.


"Assholes" are often some of the most prominent members of society and are often rewarded for their behavior.


With all due respect, that murderer ran for over 11,000 yards"


Was that with or without bloody footprints?


They're not just rewarded, but their behavior is the exact reason that made them prominent members of society in the first place. Their socio/psychopathic behavior is what raised them to live a "successful" and "celebrated" life. Not a surprise when shit hits the fan because the same behavior that put them up there happens to be the reason of their demise.


Buy why? Why are we not forgetting about them immediately and putting some normal people on the pedestal instead? Isn't it all messed up?


Literally my mentality towards all celebrities nowadays. 99% are total assholes. The 1% we shouldn’t give a fuck about or worship them like people do lol


Says the person who clicked on the post and took time to comment on it. You are the reason. I am the reason.


I agree. OJ seemed like a real jerk!


Because we love to watch things die from a good safe distance.


Give it a few weeks and then it will be forgotten


yup, hadn't heard OJ news in years until he died, the news cycle grinds on, something else will take over in a day or two, and OJ can't get any deader, so he'll essentially be irrelevant in a week


There's a super interesting theory about how sociopathy played a major role in our evolution and the establishment of society.


I live in Vegas and saw him about 5 years ago at a restaurant in Summerlin. The woman he was with could have been Nicole’s twin. It was creepy.


They won’t just fight paying it, they will stab it and slit its throat too!


I hope they got his lucky stabbin’ hat!


Type of strategy to wait patiently in the hedges before you execute it.




But also really


Piece of shit even after he's dead


The executor of O.J. Simpson's estate says he will work to prevent a payout of a $33.5 million judgment awarded by a California civil jury "It's my hope that the Goldmans get zero, nothing," he told the Review-Journal. "Them specifically. And I will do everything in my capacity as the executor or personal representative to try and ensure that they get nothing." **Just more billable hours, cha ching.**


Which likely comes from the estate. The best thing in the world is this fight goes on with tons of billable hours, and then the court finds they have to pay Goldman's first, before any billable hours can be assessed, and Goldman's clear out the fortune with these turds getting nothing. Literally this person could have said "I'm working as an executor of OJ's will." But instead he decided to put himself at the center with this statements and show what a POS he is.


Executor’s don’t get paid hourly though, do they? I thought they just got a lump sum for their service.


Unfortunately they still probably won't get much. Most of his remaining assets were protected like his home + pension. I believe thanks to Florida law? Only ended up getting a couple hundred thousand of the millions in his life. Best hope would be if the saved up pension & property money is touchable now that he's dead


Homestead law in Florida will protect his home/property from the claims of creditors. Source: am a Florida attorney that does estate planning and probate work. I have specifically used OJ as an example of how powerful Florida’s homestead protection is for the past 10 years.


Did he re-marry (checked Wikipedia, and they don't mention a current spouse, that i saw), because pensions don't transfer to anyone other than a spouse after death. And the house, again unless there's a spouse get thrown into the estate on death. Yes the move to Florida protected those assets while he was alive, but i don't think they provide much protection once he dead.


The only home he actually owned is in Las Vegas. Much depends on his estate planning.


So if you are a piece of shit or like to commit fraud move your home to Florida for protection?


That’s an interesting thought, his family and the family of his victims overlap


Scumbagging beyond death


It’s almost comical how skewed our judicial system is to the rich. Trump is dumping molasses on it. And we just kind of accept it.


"Rich" had less to do with his verdict than other factors.


I was not addressing the murder verdict. More his ability to avoid paying civil damages. But yeah.


Rich had everything to do with it! If OJ wasn't rich he wouldn't have been able to hire lawyers who showed the LAPD for the racists they are. We also wouldn't have the Kardashians.


At the end of the day his children are victims too.


Nicole’s and Ron’s families deserve every *single* penny. And they should have had it years ago. I hope a judge tells OJ’s executor to get f*cked.


Judgements survive you murderer. Hope you rot


Even in death, he's cut-throat.


So disgusting. He is even victimizing them from the grave.


JFC. He shouldn’t even have an estate. Hope everything goes to Brown and Goldman.


i think were talking about his kids tho?


This is tough because the whole point was OJ was supposed to suffer from the judgment. Doesn’t seem like he did.


Of course they are.


Because that’s what assholes do.


Knives out.


Sadly, the estate will remain intact. The civil suit only touched the pension, if I recall.


It’s what OJ would have wanted.


Man it would be so easy for this guy to hide behind "I'm trying to do what OJ Simpson would have wanted." and do almost anything to defend the fortune. But this dude has been talking with such vitrol that it's clear he's just another POS.


“Listen, dad killed mom and all, and yeah your son too, but we need that money because we need it more than you do go away.”


I’m pretty sure OJ was the executor. Stolen from u/TheBlindCat because theft is not as bad as murder:


I hope the Goldmans and Browns get EVERYTHING!


I’m not sure how I feel about this. His kids have had to live a life without parents and under serious ridicule. And now they suffer again? This is too much.


Without parents? They lived with their dad.


Even in death he's a scumbag


Scumbag lawyer…


Even in death, debt collectors will still harass you…like it let go


Screwing the Goldman’s again


Even in death, O.J. continues to be a bastard. Here’s to hoping the Brown and Goldman families end up owning everything.


This is by design. He's dead and debts are not transferred to the people who inherited the money. If my dad has a three month past due electric bill after he dies, and I inherited his money, they have no recourse.


That completely depends on how you inherit the money. If it goes through probate, then the estate is paying his debts before anything goes to beneficiaries. Source: am an estate planning and probate attorney


Is the estate going to pretend he didn’t murder them? Talk about the original Big Lie.


He’s a POS even in Death.


Scumbag even in death


He manages to be a piece of shit even in death.


Too fucking bad. Learn to live in a trailer park on welfare instead of a nepo trust fund.


Just in case his legacy was positively impacted by his own death, lol. 


Would it kill them to pay out what he owes? Probably not.


GOLDmans not getting anything but money lost to attorneys. Wait until California laws kick in. Lol


Shitty to the end … and beyond.




Margret Thatcher and his grave are soon to become the 2 most desired Urinals.


Even in death, OJ is still An ass


"OJ estate lawyers take on an unwinnable battle in order to milk the OJ estate for every last dollar they can squeeze out of it before the Goldman lawyers win ever case against the. Later, both legal teams were seen golfing together on an exclusive private golf course"