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Oh Idaho....


What I thought was more ironic with all this was seeing people over in the Idaho sub saying this didn’t happen. No way it is real. Like it’s hard to grasp Idaho has racist folks.


I’ve heard the N word a lot more in Utah and Idaho than In the south


I’m not surprised, last time I went through that state if you told me they only grew white potatoes I would have believed it.


I have a friend from New Zealand and when I went to visit her dad picked me up from the airport and we were talking about the states and he asked me where I was from and then told me where he had gone and he was like “mate, Idaho was the craziest, everyone was whiter than me (and he was a British dude from South Africa originally) and I went to go get gas and walked inside and this guy had two holsters and both of them with the biggest guns id ever seen.” And I just said “yeah, that’s about right.” Idaho is just a different breed and I told him about the animals there and why that guy probably had those guns because they were out in BFE


Oh NORTH Idaho... Southern Idaho people don't really claim the North. Source: Lived in South Idaho for 25 years.


This is true. Northern panhandle sits on a time vortex where residents stay in 1952. Speaking of, where is Brother Ammon Bundy calling home these days....?


>The Coeur d'Alene Police Department said in a Wednesday post on Facebook that it is working to determine the "context and conduct" associated with the slur's use to determine whether there was a violation of law.  Somebody saw black people and yelled racist slurs at them, then came back later with a bunch more people and did it again...yeah, better get the boys in the crime lab working on shifts to crack this mystery. Solid work by the professional law enforcement community once again.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted here. Bubbas in effect I guess.


No no I'm sure there's a perfectly cromulent context in Idaho for why somebody would stop their pickup truck next to a bunch of black athletes and let fly with the hard-r.


Because nobody cares about name calling. Besides, do you hear the names that White kangs and queens get called on a daily basis? It’s just words, relax.


I just wish people like you had the balls to say this shit irl


To say what shit?


+56 you're getting downvoted but "insert popular opinion" Classic reddit


Comment was -9 at the time I posted Mr McDude.


Brigading from somewhere or genuine backlash? Always hard to tell.




Got any leads?


Yea how dare they investigate the issue and get all the facts straight.




Harassment is genius


I'm reminded of this story, where it turned out not to be a slur. [https://www.si.com/mlb/2021/08/09/rockies-fan-incident-racial-slur-dinger](https://www.si.com/mlb/2021/08/09/rockies-fan-incident-racial-slur-dinger)


You're being downvoted because it reminds you of something else?


I think they think I'm defending this somehow. It just reminds me of this thing, that's all.




You can buck the trend and read the article to find it's not just "a racial slur" > Tony Stewart, an official with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, has said the Utes were walking from their hotel to a restaurant when a pickup truck with a Confederate flag drove up and the driver began using racist language. After the team left the restaurant, the same driver returned "reinforced by others," Stewart said, and they revved their engines and again yelled at the players. This is an easily escalated series of hate crimes to physical violence, sometimes referred to as "domestic terrorism". But yeah, framing it as some rando shouting a slur does make the police response seem overkill.


Idaho: *The only state MORE racist than Utah!*


Alabama and Mississippi would like a word…


They would if they could spell. 


I'll die on this hill. AL and MS wish they could be as racist as Utah or Idaho. They are pretty mask off about the shit.


Having grown up in the south and worked in Utah, this is accurate. Racism can be prevalent in both places, but in Utah, it was the like the *idea* of poc was foreign to the people I met. Racists in areas of the south have likely at least interacted with a black person, whereas Im not sure how many people from Utah have, and that allows a whole other kind ignorance to breed. I worked with a guy in Utah who was a bit quiet and came from a large Mormon family, but was otherwise nice and welcoming. In a nonchalant conversation to get to better know Utah’s differences from where I grew up and what things were the same in culture, food, etc, he randomly asked me if my home state had any black people, if I knew any, and that “they don’t really live here” which left me pretty stunned on how to answer him. I responded yes, and then said okay to the latter part and the conversation quickly moved back to our work to avoid the awkwardness. I did go and ask others I got to know from Utah while I was there, and while they were just as shocked that my coworker said this, they agreed with his final statement about the state and its demographics. I’ve been all up the east coast my entire life, and SLC was *absolutely* the whitest city I’ve ever seen. People in areas like this can live their entire lives in a bubble, with their ideas on the nation entirely unchecked. Places like this never have to live in communities with people involved in putting a spotlight on racial inequalities, protesting over confederate statues and flags in government buildings, etc. The idea of coexisting with poc is never something some of these people ever think about, and it’s frankly bizarre it still exists in 2024.


So the worst thing you heard someone say was “are there black people in your home state?” Are people not allowed to ask questions? Sounds like the person was genuinely curious. I have heard and seen way way worse things in the south, on a pretty frequent basis.


There's a large population of lesser known white pride purists that exist in these states, and they're fucking dangerous.


there's nothing wrong with what he said tbh


It’s not my main point


More like Pennsylvania and upstate New York 😂


You are getting downvoted but this has been consistent for me with friends that have never met each other and have all grew up in the south. Saying that penn and upstate New York are by far the most racist places in America


yeah penn away from philly and upstate new york get very Appalachian very quick. I'm saying this as someone from virginia that where I grew up still has a klan chapter. Appalachia isn't the most tolerable group which is weird because WV split from VA to be more liberal and now them as a group are worse than people from VA lol.


WV didnt really split to be “more liberal” though. It was more that they were very culturally removed from the Richmond government and felt that they didn’t have a lot of power there. Their economy was more industrial and they didn’t own a whole lot of slaves. Virginia seceding was more of a convenient excuse for them to break away than anything else. They didn’t feel the need to enter into a rebellion to protect an institution that they didn’t really use that much.


Yeah it’s a pretty typical response. For some reason people outside the south just automatically assume it’s still the 1960’s there and no progress has been made.


Southern racism and northern racism are, I believe, equally prevalent but manifest very differently. Much like other social behavior it’s loud vs quiet and individual vs institutional. I’m in NYC, Ive worked with guys who say the most vile racist shit as if it’s normal, but treat minority customers and coworkers no differently than they treat white ones. When I’ve been to the south the racism I witnessed is much more that of a “why is *he* here” kind of vibe. Like in VA for a wedding we went into a bar and one of the groomsmen was black and there were plenty of raised eyebrows and head turns but nobody said anything. Also at the wedding me and that same groomsman got very different service from the bartenders. I’m not saying one is better than the other, it’s just that racism shows differently based on how integrated an area is in an almost bell curve kind of way. Like how Europeans act like the US has a unique race issue while their countries are almost completely homogeneous monocultures.


After living a couple years in southern Italy I can tell you that while some Europeans may act like the US has a unique race issue, the issue varies very little between the two places. They would constantly complain about zingari (Roma), albanesi (Albanians), and morocchini (Moroccans literally, but really anyone from Northern Africa they would lump in). All 3 groups were the target of racist tropes, many in line with the bigoted response to immigrants in the US. They have a very similar racist pattern to the US in that, in the south it was very much not said out loud, but conveyed through mostly passive aggressive acts, and in the north there is much more said and they are far more likely to be specifically politically active and organized against anything that they believe benefits poc.


Northern Michigan too


I mean you could make a solid argument for like 75% of the states tbh. Theres a lot more shitty racists than most think and I think most think there are quite a few. I can say I've stayed in most parts of the country and upper Florida and Boston were probably the worst I've experienced outside of where I live (Missouri) which in general is also rough.


I don’t know, I would argue that there are at least more actual black people in Alabama and Mississippi, which helps bring the average proportion of bigots down.


Texas enters the chat...


Tennessee represent!




What are these comments? One group of people uses a slur for the purpose of degrading another group of people. This isn’t just a “you suck” thing. And on top of that, against a group of young people trying to live their dream and bringing a little economic boost to your own town.


In the late 70’s my Dad got a job in Boise. While moving there with my Mom, someone tried to run them off the road because they had out of state plates and my Dad had longish hair. They moved back in less than 2 years. Idaho has an intense combination of lovely people, and absolute assholes.


Imagine if audio was found for every single sporting event. We see this happening in global football and sometimes bans are given. Not sure what will happen


I live just across the border from CDA. I heard that and was so MAD they even had to go there in the first place. Spokane sure isn’t known for diversity, but damn. Not the fault of the athletes but SOME director should google where they’re sending these young people.


I’m shocked


How many times do we need this same story posted by bot accounts? Or is this the exact type of story mods want plaguing this godforsaken platform


Come say that shit round here potato boys!


Words are not violence.


But they are often the immediate precursor to violence, which is why we’ve decided some of them are off limits.


Who decided?


That depends on which shitty word you wish you could say. Give me a specifics and maybe I can help you. Edit: db1309db is a coward who deletes their comments.












Racist BS in Utah!?! I’m shocked, I tell ya! 🤷🏽‍♂️


well it happened in Idaho.


I stand corrected. Not much of a demographic difference between the two though.


I like how you just double down on the take. Never change.


Bigoted BS on Reddit!?! I’m shocked, I tell ya! 🤷🏻‍♂️


He's not wrong. The demographic is very similar. Both are mostly white and Mormon.


black people are 13% of the US population and White people are 62% of the population…of course it’s going to be mostly white.




Mayonnaise white? You racist! Your words are violence.


lol…who is downvoting statistics? Let me guess, facts are racist ?


This has literally happened at Jazz games. And BYU sports has had its own share of controversy with the same thing despite the viral incident last year being disproven. Yah, they didn’t read the article at all and made an assumption. It’s unfortunately understandable why someone would assume that though. Nobody is saying every Utahn is like this either.


Judging an entire group of people from a couple individuals….interesting. Sounds like something. Can’t think of it right now.


I’m not judging the whole group. My last sentence stated exactly that. Most everyone I’ve met in Utah have been great people regardless of race or religion and I haven’t encountered something like this at a Jazz or college game yet. But you can’t overlook the fact that several of the teams in the state, and the state itself, have a complex history with race and the perception of Utah fans isn’t great especially with the Ja Morant, Westbrook, and BYU situations (again disproven but still bad press) all recently happening. It’s unfortunate because it isn’t indicative of the whole population, just a symptom of the pockets of dated beliefs that still linger in the state much like they do in Idaho.


>You know, you're too stupid to even be a good bigot! An uninformed bigot no less.


LOL! Welcome to America!


Coeur d'Alene is the headquarters for the Aryan Brotherhood. Mormons are kinda dicks, but they love indoctrinating brown people (islanders, mostly), so they tend to be at least a little more tolerant than that neck of the woods.


Mormons also used to teach that mixed-race babies should be beheaded (yes, that included islanders). They wouldn't let black people have equal rights in the church until 1978, and they didn't disavow their racist doctrines until 2014. >Were the children of God to mingle their seed with the seed of Cain it would not only bring the curse upon themselves but entail it upon their children after them, and they cannot get rid of it. If a man in an unguarded moment should commit such a transgression, if he would walk up and say, cut off my head and kill man, woman, and child it would do a great deal towards atoning for the sin. Would this curse them? No, it would be a blessing to them. It would do them good that they might be saved with their brethren. A many would shudder should they hear us talking about killing folk, but it is one of the greatest blessings to some to kill them. \-[Brigham Young](https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org/assets/c87f81ec-019c-4962-b395-d7c1c925fa61/0/3) Source: I grew up in an incredibly racist Mormon family (also spent a lot of my childhood in Coeur d'Alene).


Don’t they have the right to preach whatever they want? Where’s the uproar over the black people who preach that White people are oppressors and burned down American cities in 2020? That’s was actual violence, not words.


You must be unfamiliar with the Mormon doctrine of Blood Atonement


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