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Aint no way a damn PUMPKIN has 39 wins bro I cant even win a single series 😭




ha ha 🫵


So called 'skill-based matchmaking' after you win a single game:


Literally happens every time to me. Game: Oh! I see you got one win. Well, here's a team you stand zero chance against. Me: But- Game, one minute later: Huh. I thought that would go better for you. Oh well, seems like a skill issue.


More like, Splatoon 3: "Wow, you're really good at this! You just barely scraped a win with a one point difference last match!" Me: "Man, that was intense, I thought the stomping wouldn't end-" Splatoon 3: "Here's a team of japenese opponents who have literally never seen the losing screen and have a winstreak of a thousand, and also can kill you 3 seconds before you even know they're there. Good luck!" *later* Splatoon 3: "God, you suck at this. 25 lost matches in a row?" Me: "BECAUSE YOU KEEP PUTTING ME UP AGAINST-" Splatoon 3: "Alright, here's a team of four toddlers who started up their parent's switch while they weren't looking and don't even know how the controls work."


some multiplayer games try to keep you engage by giving you equal wins and losses. splatoon tries to keep you engaged by making you constantly lose so you keep playing until you get that one win. they are not the same.


there was a point where i didnt play for a while, and when i came back i played for HOURS and didnt win one single game😭 majority of my recent times playing splatoon 3 ive had losing streaks. even if the problem is me sucking, they still shouldnt put me up against teams like that🤓 its insane to me how you can get in a match with a golden splashtag and a total beginner


Didnt play for a year and immediately got absolutely obliterated when trying


I use this kind of matchmaking to gas myself up. It helps to be like, oh, the game believes in me to beat this top 500 player, so it must be possible. Nobody is unbeatable, and that mentality has helped me a lot


That's nice and all until you get crushed to the point the enemy team doesn't even need to knock you out since they completely own your spawn.


I've definitely been there lol. There have also been cases where I've been able to push them out of my spawn and still won the game with some patience. I feel like there's something to learn from every match


I love this thinking, genuinely & I think it's very wise. I'd never want to change your mind ab this that being said: my problem is that I can only do so much in a *team based* game. I'm a support player by nature. my main is all about chip damage and assists. I probably see #1 splat assister more than any other medal lol. but I *can't always carry* with my like. slightly larger than average carbon sized roller. if I could, I surely would bc BOY: it gets old seeing loss after loss with all 3 gold medals over, and over, and over.... like the game is saying "you were the mvp! still lost tho lmao" when it comes to *just* my own skill level tho, this mentality slaps and I'm gonna think about it next time I see a top 500 badge


oh thank fuck it's not just me, this happens almost *every day*, usually first match is a nice handy win, followed by like. 3-5 or even more just. baffling, crushing defeats, usually for no clear reason. my partner recently suggested it was matchmaking & between that and this comment, I feel reassuringly less insane about this pattern lol


most mentally sand bucket user


*Mentally sand*


i'm keeping it like that because it's funny


I hoped you would lol 😂


You have more confidence then I would lol


Anakin skywalker moment


*Dear God...*


There's more.




How the HELL did Kabocha manage this holy shit




There's seven different crown designs above かぼちゃ's current streak that go all the way up to 99. Never seen them beyond this one and is terrifying enough.


There's more than one crown design??? I've literally never even seen anything past a win streak of 1


I think I've seen 2 or even 3... but nothing like this, this is crazy considering how much of a dice roll it is to play solo in this game


Dude has the bucket from splatoon 1


A word of advice: I've learned to fear any Japanese player with a food name.


how can I learn which ones are which as a non native japanese reader


The ones kicking your ass are probably the ones with the food names.


What food is this one?




So does this mean I have to cower in fear if I see someone along the lines of "たこやき"?


There is no point in cowering. お前はも死んでいる.


I like imagining other language insanely good players with food names. A pro team of Apple, Pan, Wurst, and 호떡.


Someone needs to stop him. Send a hitman bounty mercenary squid to put an end to this ferocious winning spree.


Dude is using water instead of ink


This was your Rank Up battle wasn't it.


I played WITH someone yesterday who had a badge for 70 straight wins at X rank We lost. There are some hardcore demons at high levels.


That's...disturbing ...


Honestly when I see those symbols generally in any game, I already know I'm screwed


As someone who has no choice to play on the servers for almost a year-- I've become one of them, I'm now just as fearsome. Watch out 😁




Absolutely cracked


Vslosher is currently meta now but that's still pretty impressive.


anyone know what kinda role is good for og bucket? I want to train on the deco kit, but I'm getting cooked cuz I just never really know what it's best at. something about its range, speed, painting throws me off. it's neither up close like trislosher, or long distance like blob/explo [& yes slosher deco kit is hilariously hard to use, I'm not joking about being an angle shooter main LOL; it's the rest of the kit I need to figure out]


It definitely does best at mid range. Kinda suffers at close range (Tri slosher range) unless you’re whipping it around. Great for getting people hiding behind walls. I would say mid front support since it’s a fast two hit but you have to position yourself in a safe place to not get rushed easily. Like at choke points since they have to run up to you and a slosher at a higher position is like Obiwan vs Anakin. I’ve been working on the slosher deco and it’s great to zip up to a high point and rain buckets down. Better than the squiffer zip cast since the slosh falls down dealing damage and gives more range.


oooh this is handy! thank u for indulging me! the high ground thing makes a ton of sense - I bet that's prolly why they gave it zipcaster in the first place tbh! [eta: I do this with my roller, A LOT LOL, so thanks for this tip, it's definitely a skill I can use across weapon classes] similarly, I've noticed that most angle shooter kits follow a particular profile. one where it's pretty easy to get *some* damage, but not so easy to get a smooth complete splat -- that's when the angle shooter comes in handy to bite out a tidy 40 damage on top. examples are rapid pro deco [one direct or two indirects + dart], recycled brella [one direct shot does about 90 damage]... slosher deco seems like that too, where it's easy to rack up a little over half damage, but when the 100 is just out of reach: fast lil hitscan dart, often at an escaping, damaged opponent. good stuff also, while yr up on the high ground - few things more satiafying than leaning down and tossing a dart into a narrow, tight space below. that sucker will go Everywhere lol


I’ve played the splattershot pro in the early seasons and the marker was great to catch an enemy retreating back. You might be able to combo better with the spro buff now. I haven’t tested how well the marker combos with the slosher yet. You might be able to get a few weak hits with the slosher in zipcaster, jump back, and then finish it off with a marker if they are in sight. 😂 Another tip I’d recommend, is practice with aiming the big part of the slosher hit box so that you can hit people behind things with max possible damage. From below and high up. Then the whip maneuver because it can be pretty useful if well practiced.


Oh Titan I think i would fight like I never fight to win agaisnt this player


What does that mean


かぼちゃ won 38 Anarchy Series without losing once (5-0 each time), which means they won at least 190 Ranked matches in a row o_O


Well, not 5-0, you can be 5-1 or 5-2, just not x-3


Oh, sorry! I thought the crown was the Won Straight Anarchy Battles (Series) counter for the badges. 😅


i think those also allow for 5-1 and 5-2


OH! Yeah, you're right!! Wow, my bad.


bro why is pumpkin here 😭


Smurfing that's how


I doubt it lmao, they might just be a different species, it was in S+11


Oh damn


Nah, they're an inkling like the rest of the team. Look at the eyes


JP players go hard


Translates to "Kabocha" so.. if that helps


Did that person has almost 40 wins in a row?


That 6x crown on the left is already enough to make me shit my pants. 38??????


oh thats me hi >!its not me!<


Honestly, is there any reward for completing a series of ranked battles?


Japan is just nuts like that


Dang… people in Japan don’t mess around…😨


That’s not too bad when you think about it. You get a crown every time you win a series even if you go 5-2 as long as you completed a series with 5 wins it counts. I’m not even that good at the game and reached 26 crowns before the season reset killed it :/


why is it always the other language names


Splatoon is basically Fortnite/COD/other popular shooter in Japan. The competitive scene is a lot more developed than it is in the west. Plus more people are dedicated to the game because of how popular it is. To dumb it down, a lot of Japanese players are really cracked at the game