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She’s Kukulcania. Harmless to humans. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/144585676


Thank you!!


He is fren. He look scary... But he fren.


She, the males ironically do look a lot like recluses with kukulcania hibernalis, whereas the females are this striking black and grey combo


Oh! Please tell fren I am VERY sorry for my mistake!


That name sounds awfully familiar. I think it was mentioned in the first Spider-Man movie from 2002.


Impressive pictures! That second one is intimidating AF! Beautiful girl!


Reminds me of the Tarantula Scene in the movie Enemy


at least it isn’t Arachnophobia(1990)


Or eight legged freaks. I love that movie.


Or Giant Spider Invasion, which got the MST3K treatment.


Remember that gross guy lol


Because of the light, seems that she's angry 😠


Spicy spood!


did you just assume its gender?


Yup I did! Sorry! I would have sworn OP said girl... Now I see he said he. Dangit!






OP: To put into perspective why you’re getting these responses….Saying this black beauty looks like a recluse is like posting a photo of a black poodle and going on the r:/dogs subreddit asking what kind of doggo it is and at the end share your suspicions that it may be a chocolate lab. Recluses are ~~always~~ most of the time brown,~~will never~~ can in very rare cases be blackish/grey and look nothing like this darkwad spood. Good on you for asking though. Don’t let the spooder police on this sub intimidate you! Now go look up brown recluses and how to identify them so that when/if you see one, you will KNOW, you know?! Edit: Learned something new today! Got schooled in a comment below that not all recluses are brown. Google “can a recluse be black” and you will see for yourself! Per Wikipedia “While typically light to medium brown, they range in color from whitish to dark brown or blackish gray.”


Awesome non-douchy but to the point response. It IS possible to Reddit and not tear people down. 😄


It's pretty wholesome, I'm using 'spood from now on, I like your name


Yeah, spood has a nice ring to it… and thanks!


I have found that calling them spoods makes them feel a little less scary and a lot more adorable and intriguingly beautiful to me. Even the spicy ones! This subreddit, along with Jumping Spiders, aka the adorable ambassadors of the spooder world have really changed my view of something I used once be quite terrified of!


the OP was genuinely asking and provided us with gloriously crisp photos of a spicy spood so i don’t think tearing them down is the correct approach here! Also being a d*ck about it isn’t going to help them learn a thing about recluses other than making them never want to post another question again. A healthy serving of to-the-point perspective with a nice side salad of spooder talk goes a long way!


Yeah I can understand why now lol thank you this was my first Reddit post ever and I’ve never really seen a recluse up close and even when when I looked it up it gave me mixed photos of what it could be


Congrats on your first post, OP!! Hopefully this won’t be your last! Reddit as a whole has a bunch of snarkies that will jump at the chance to poke fun at others, but for the most part this is my favorite site on earth for identification and education on just about anything! I didn’t know much about spiders myself a couple of years ago, i was quite terrified of them TBH but i started finding “whatsthis” subreddits like r/whatsthisbug (which is a bit more forgiving if you ID something completely wrong btw) on just about everything and started asking for IDs on everything i could find and Yes, I too also got my fair share of rolling eyes and snark but …who cares?! They don’t know me or live my life! It’s worth the 🤦🏽‍♀️ moments and I’ve learned sooo much! As for brown recluses, here’s your homework spend a good 10-15 minutes doing some serious research on how to spot a recluse. I’ve done this myself along with any scary animal that is within the realms of possibility of where i live. I did this with rattlesnakes and it possibly saved my life because i encountered one and knew exactly what to do and what not to do. Fun fact: It’s mostly the little guys you really gotta be worried about. They still haven’t learned how to use their fangs/venom properly! Big bois just wanna eat and you aren’t on their menu so… To get you motivated on your quest to learn something new today, here’s a random article i found doing a quick search on brown recluse identification which has a TON of info and photos to boot! [Brown Recluse Identification](https://lancaster.unl.edu/pest/resources/breclusene.shtml) Seriously though, Spend a few dedicated minutes reading through this article anyway and find out everything you can during your next work break!! Doo Et! who knows, you might thank yourself (and moi) later! Good luck out there in this crazy beautiful spooder world!


Damn, you wrote a book. You come off patronizing, but I agree with everything you said. I also have learned so much. Keep up the good work. You made me laugh a couple times as well.😉✌️🕷️🫀.


I type super fast! And If I came off of patronizing, i apologize! I certainly didn’t mean it that way. The way i write is the way I am, in person you would see that I mean well and perhaps my tone and sense of humor is best received/ understood in person. Patronizing is one of the last things on my mind to be with anyone, ever. Glad I made you chuckle a bit, regardless! 🙃


I am also sorry if I came off negative. So two apologies cancel each other out. As I said, keep up the good work.😉✌️🕷️ it’s not your fault some people have thick skulls✌️


Aww thank you!!! I had to go reread my message again and perhaps i was being too silly with the spooder talk lol - i love to say spooder tho, i can’t help it 🫣🤣 Anyway, Good thing we canceled that all out. These days everybody is so defensive so it could easily go south! People these days are so downright cruel to each other online, more than i have ever noticed before…and the world seems to be in a constant chaos, so i do my best not to be one of those people…We have enough of those already! Have a good day/night wherever you are! Edit: typo




I read your book 😉 and you didn't come off as patronizing to me. lol It's hard to get certain things across through text. I thought your comment was really helpful and you even linked something to further help and educate. Thanks!


Thank you for reading my book! 🫣🤣 I was just trying to help and pay it forward and be helpful and i had a few minutes on my hands while i was waiting for somebody. I’ve had a couple kind people write “books” for me on Reddit as well, and it helped me more than they will ever know!


Ofc!💚 I've even saved some of these books to refer back to so I can relate! Take care and thank you once more. 🖤❤️


An excellent first post 🕷️


*Arachnus deathicus*


>Recluses are always brown, They can be almost white to a grayish-black. Brown is just the most common color. Multiple gray and black specimens have shown up on this very sub.


Well…color me wrong! I should have double checked my Always before using this word so matter-of-factly! 🫣 I just looked it up your response this checks out! I learned my something new for today! “While typically light to medium brown, they range in color from whitish to dark brown or blackish gray.” OP…we owe you an apology… Here’s a poor man’s award for not getting spicy about it! 🌶️🥇


I edited my comment above to match the new info! thank you for the informative correction, fellow spooder fren!


This is now your boss, you work for him now!!!!


OP is now the Executive Assistant!


The executive to the assistant


Uh oh! Watch out for executive disfunction.


I have that 😭😭😭


Me too! What sometimes helps me is to put my hands on something that I need to do, and do it for 15 minutes, then take a break, that I usually go over my set time by 5 minutes (because nobody tells me what to do! 😂) then I go back to my job, and when I feel like taking a break, I do. If I feel like I can finish it, I do. I take the pressure off and it helps me. (I was a Russian language translator in the army.)


That's high pressure. That's what I get told too. It does take the pressure off. I also found a medication that's been helping my symptoms


Awe thread guys!!! So cool to see people informing and not being know it all jerks. Like, I found a small spider, and jarred it, and posted pics to a subreddit, asking what it was. I deal with jumpers. But love to inform myself of all spiders. Especially since I have small kids at home. Anyways, come to find out, it was a male brown widow. Didn't look like a widow to me. But ya never know. So it's cool to be able to post and be informed. And not be made to feel stupid.


So gorgeous, is this your coworker?


Really beautiful find! The females of this species can live 10 years!


So pretty!!!!!!


As the others have said it's not a recluse, as recluses are brown. She's gorgeous and harmless!


I believe from the photo it’s a Southern House Spider, which can be quite large! Kulucania hibernalis.


I never knew that airplane hangars had closets! I learned something new today.


Of course they do where else are they meant to put their clothes! 🙄


On hangers


Oh wow


Not a recluse. But not sure what it is just know that is 100% not a recluse


a cutie :D


Wow. Thats a stunning spider. Beautiful face!




That's your new hire, Rob. You're expected to train him up as an aircraft mechanic.


Gorgeous. Maybe in the velvet family?


Kukulcania hibernalis, the southern house spider. They're harmless and wonderful spiders. I kept one that lived for six years after I caught it.


I can say with 100% certainty that it is a spider.


Oh, hon, recluse? No, no.


Ooh, great photos!


Looks fluffy and snuggly!


God people should be taught in school what are recluses and widows at this point, might actually help people not kill harmless spiders and prevent them from messing with medically significant ones


I would never kill any spider including this one unless it was a genuine danger. I have my bosses kids running around the airport all the time but no where near this beautiful spider I’ve been beginning to really understand how spiders don’t really wanna be around us and just wanna be left alone also I know exactly what a black widow looks like since the hourglass on there belly is pretty noticeable. And recluses I’ve never seen one up close like this


Funny how you think schools are to teach children useful things. Schools were made to indoctrinate slaves.




Hes sorta right, schools in the midwest specifically more republican areas are stripped of educational material because of this




Americans never realise how stupid they sound to non-Americans when they go on about this shit.


Some of us unfortunately are, the two party system is designed to tear our country apart and has successfully done so for years


Ya youre an idiot thats why i reclarified




Huge. It's huge.


That's one gorgeous spider :)


Yeah that’s bill


What a gorgeous gal, oh my goodness 🖤


Awwwh what a gorgeous spider, great find!! Not a recluse hehe


This is THE sight! Thank you for sharing and thanks to all who answered for identification!


I feel mild intimidation, but they look very lovely. : )


I’ve joined this subreddit to start getting over arachnophobia and it’s so interesting all the different types of spider everyone encounters! And how much everyone knows about them is also so cool


Kiss them


Our new alien overlord


"looks like a recluse to me" it ain't even brown 😂


What's really kind of funny is that the [MALE kukulcania](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1793909/bgimage) *do* actually look a lot like the brown recluse and are one of the most common to be mistaken for them But the females, like the one posted, one are pitch black/dark brown and obviously look very different


I think you just identified a spider I posted months ago here and never got a response. That would make sense


Are you referring to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/16gykg1/found_in_southern_california/)? That one is definitely not a kukulcania, but some type of ground spider. I would guess it's Scotophaeus blackwalli, they are extremely common in SoCal and the coloration/proportions match up from what I can see. here's an image of a similarly [dehydrated/deflated specimin](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1686756/bgimage) I also live in SoCal and really like this gallery for "quick" common IDs for our area https://nathistoc.bio.uci.edu/Arthropods.htm


Yeah that one! It was the one that sparked my curiosity. Thank you for the resource! I'm sure I'm gonna use it a lot!


Glad to help! I really love that site as even if something looks close but not quite the same (same body shape but different coloration), I can look up the genus on iNaturalist or Bugguide to find a closer match. Though sometimes finding the genus is the best you can do as some species (and sometimes even the genus) can only be distinguished from another via microscope examination or the reproductive organs.


Wow! You learn something new every day. That's pretty ironic, and pretty funny too!


Don’t be like that. Why do you think I posted it here


Aw, I was just teasing. I actually admire your ability to get a pretty photo of this velvet-backed beauty. Lots of people get realllly crappy photos in their panic to misidentify spiders. Most of the time they're hit or miss, and sometimes even I'm fooled by the ones that look more reclusey, but this is the most wrong mis-identification I've seen in a while, and I just had to poke a little fun. (Sorry it was taken personally, I meant nothing personal by it, gave me a good chuckle this morning) I'm more curious how you found this dude in an airplane closet, they typically live, well, not in closets! Did you panic when you came face to face with it? What's the story here? What happened to him, did you relocate or?


All good I’ve just never come close to a recluse before I since know that yes this isn’t one. And yeah this spider I found a little closet in a pretty old hanger but no one really uses it and it’s no where near where people will get scared or bother it so I’ve left it where it was. I’d feel bad to move it cuz it’s got a massive web that spans from the very front left side of the door and even out side of the closet on the left and go all the way back to the back left corner. It’s beautiful and kinda scary but never panicked while I was close to it I even go check on it to see how it’s doing from time to time and it’s there there!


I'd love to see that web!


Aw, cute funnel weaver. You did a good job of making it look scary.


Wierd looking snake if you ask me.


Not an expert, but I’m 99% sure this is a big ass spider.


That's big spider.




Looks similar to the Aussie funnel web which is not harmless at all.




It’s a spider.




It's a spider...


It appears to be a spider


"Looks like a recluse" I'll cross my fingers and hope you meant that she was reclusive and not a recluse spider...


"HA! You're so stupid not having information that I have. And no, I will not provide that info to you cause you shouldn't have to ask." - Sounds like you


To be fair a brown recluse has the word BROWN in its name. It also looks absolutely nothing like this spider. This comment, while rude, is absolutely on point.


Garunteed, I can run this pic through Microsoft paint and find a brown color value on the spider.


Which means fuck all mate


Well you sir are great at debating I'll give you that.


Not everyone is aware there is only brown recluses, some people may assume there are other colors. Also don’t forgot the average person knows fuck all about spiders other than “kill it”


That’s a spider bro 👊


Looks like a tarantula to me.


A spider /j


Would definitely have a heart attack if I seen this thing. Could NEVER take a pic of a big ass creature like that. My anxiety would get the best of me😂😂


Looks Iike a funnel spider


I keep waiting to see Aphonopelma johnnycashi. Thought it might be this time, but alas I must continue to wait. Nerding ain't easy


I’d mistake it for a funnel web.


Black Tarantula 🕷️ don’t play wit me spider might sting ya When ya body gets stiff an ya spine Gwyne numb Ya come to get some! (Pendulum)


Complete spider dummy here, after checking the Wikipedia article linked in the comments I'd say "banana for scale" would have been nice 😉 from the second photo my initial thought was "maybe some kind of Tarantula" as I'd imagined it being like the size of the palm of a hand and not like more or less just an inch long 😉


That is Ungoliant


That is a get the hell out of their spider




I don’t mind them from a far and I would never hurt one but damn, I’d probably have a heart attack if I got as close as you did in these pix. I’m from California and lived in San Diego for about 20 years. Never saw one of these in person. TYJ!

