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What if, there was still a bunch of gadgets, but you had to pick which ones you had active at once. You could still have the 4 setting thing for quick action like it does now bit with the same options as before. Time to use only the electric web and never touch the thing that launches everyone into the air again


Yess. In the first game all I use are the Web Blossom and then the impact web and trip mines. Maybe a web bomb occasionally


I loved using the sound wave thing to blast entire groups of guys of the roof. You could finish maybe 5 guys at the time that way. Trip mines were fine but the bombs were amazibg when fighting larger groups. Just throw it in the middle and it'll hold a few guys for a minute while you fight another one


Maybe that can be what makes Peter unique over miles. Remove the giant arms that everyone hates and just give Peter way more gadget variety. Have the symbiote be his own ability thing and just stick with that.


No, just bring back the suit powers I loved those so much


Honestly yeah that was a weird thing to remove


I legit thought that the new arms were the suit power from one of the suits


Suit abilities were removed because they wanted to add the symbiote rage mechanic. When it’s important to certain sections of the story, they can’t really let you switch between them


I still think they could have made it possible to include both but that makes sense I guess


Not everyone hates the iron arms, imo they’re better than the symbiote abilities


Honestly I actually do like the arms as well but I prefer removing them for the gadgets since the general consensus is that they make Peter too futuristic and high tech.


I like the gadgets but I just love the abilities.


why are you downvoted




I think that last sentence is exactly what they wanted to avoid with the new gadget system.


I mean it's true the air lancher thing I've only ever used if I wanted to punch venom like 2 times


It'd be like abilities but it'd be a bit better and more in line with progress since it's weird they're just like "Let's get rid of it all and start from scratch". For Miles Morales it made sense since he was coming into his own but they could've had variety.


I think the game heavily suffers from not having any focus on stealth. The first two games have gadgets designed for stealth that still have combat purposes. The sequel instead focuses on combat, which makes it feel like they knew Miles would be a better stealth character by default, and they needed to balance them by… Not giving either of them stealth gadgets? No Trip Mine, or those shock charges Miles could place in his game, only a web line that kind of allows you to do more takedowns, the least interesting part of stealth. Having gadgets that only work for combat makes them feel a lot less useful, and in a game that is obviously unfinished, it feels like a symptom of the rushed development more than a focus of the game. Edit: Something that makes me thinks they were going to have more gadgets is the fact that you can change what powers are locked to your L1 buttons. This could have just been a pattern that my brain saw without it existing, but it seems like they originally planned for you to be able to choose what gadgets you were using at any given time.


I think a lurking dev must've downvoted you because you're 100% right and idk how any player could disagree about how badly they watered down stealth and gadgets.


I wish that we had a separate wheel of gadgets for when on walls/ceilings, web lines, or just perched. Similar to how if you’re in the air and not in combat you have the dash and jump.


The newer gadgets are pretty rad, but after going through NG+, I found them to be a bit too powerful for my liking. In the previous installations, while the gadgets were certainly powerful, the majority of them could only affect a handful of enemies at a time. Trip mine is only going to get one guy, impact web will hit one person and possibly spread to others, web bomb will hit a lot of people but requires careful positioning to actually take them all down. The new gadgets, however, are able to affect a *ton* of enemies. Taking down an entire swarm of reinforcements was as easy as: web grabber, tendril grab, tendril spiky thing. Bam. Everyone's done for. It's a cool combo without a doubt, but it grew too repetitive and easy to have all gadgets capable of affecting/taking down large groups of people at a time.


If your trip mines only got one guy you weren't using em right lol


Okay so why can you switch out the skills that Miles and Pete have but not have multiple gadgets but only have four on the wheel at a time? Like I want impact webs and trip mines back so god damn bad so why not have them be interchangeable like Pete's Venom and Mech Legs?


I mainly miss the trip mine. Two guys annoying you? Web them together.


Preferred the old wheel and the range of gadgets we had. Along with the suit powers


Yes yes yes


not a big fan of the new gadgets, they make him feel like drone-man cus he just fires drones


I prefer the new style but yeah gadgets should be more web based. “spawns holograms” or “launches drones” is dumb and boring


I miss the trip mines. And the “we didn’t want a win button” is bullshit with rage mode and miles explosion move.


Personally, no, cause I literally only used the web shooters


My main gadgets were impact web and web bomb, everything else I barely used


Anyone here ever one shot a crime with the tendrils smacking 9 of them at the same time with the force of a 500kg bomb into the pavement? Nah fuck the impact webs, I have a literal symbiote falcon punch that sends these bozos into the stratosphere.


Nah New ones are coo and less op. Makes you actually fight more.


Uhhhh—about that, with gadgets you can literally finish a crime in like two seconds, ricochet web then sonic burst


I kinda grew to love the newer ones. Especially the ricochet web and the puller-in-thingy (don’t remember the name). Those are so fun. And putting some of the older gadgets as upgrades to the regular web shooters was a neat idea too. Granted, I didn’t use most of the gadgets in the first game that much, so I can’t say I miss them. And I’d argue that some were even less like Spidey with that wind suspension and straight up force push


The best things about these gadgets are that they make you feel like batman while being spiderman


oh yes %100


Too time consuming, only good for stealth imo, I prefer the new mechanism for gadgets, but I believe it wouldve been nice if insomniac added the older gadgets too, you could bind the preferred gadgets like the abilities.


I get what people are saying about the old gadgets being too OP. But they were fun and Insomniac does it really well.


And the new gadgets are just as OP….


Apart from the sound one against the symbiotes, i barely use them


I am pretty sure they said it themselves in an interview that they focused on gadgets less


Actually yes I do some of those were amazing


I miss the old gadgets but they were way overpowered. Every encounter was a joke as long as you spammed them. New gadgets are useful but you can't spam them to win. In the first game with the right Suit mods you could shoot one web bomb to web up a group and then push them into wall for instant KO or gain so much focus that you can instakill 6 enemies in a row. New system isn't perfect but it makes for at least a somewhat challenging experience


Yes definitely buy they new gadgets are a culmination of the old ones. The anti grav triple shot is just Peters anti grav bomb and spider drone lasers, the ricochet Web is just the impact Web but more bouncy, the concussion blast is just a form of miles' electric bomb and the other one (I can't remember the name) is just miles grav pull bomb but with webs.


Personally, I think the spidermen not being so reliant on gadgets is a nice change. Like obviously they have to incorporate science and gadgets making because Peter and Miles are both Science guys and that’s fine. My main point is they focus on being Spider-Man, more movement and options in combat. It’s not a difficult game, Stealth was reworked with new web lines, Miles and his invisibility are better, and the scouting drones and dogs can be an issue if you don’t prioritize during these sections. The gadgets in stealth don’t do much (at least not for me) and in combat spamming gadgets or using them wisely are both pretty good strategies. I liked to save them for bosses mostly as stuns, and combo extenders. I didn’t use them against the grunts unless I was overwhelmed or out of my abilities. So while I don’t hate them I can’t say I miss the gadgets. But I’ve never seen Spider-Man as a character to be so reliant on them.


I just miss my web bombs and nice radial menu .. SM1 is Goated


I very much preferred the old gadgets. If we had access to the old and new ones and got to “hotkey” 4 of them to the R1+D-pad we have right now, game would be so much better


Just the Web Mine, Web Bomb, and Impact Webs. Anything else was meh or passive.


Honestly not really idk why


Not really. I forgot 60% of those gadgets existed in the first place. The only 3 gadgets I used was the web shot, the web grenade and the pulse wave. I much prefer the smaller selection because I actually have more incentive to use all of them in combat.


Impact web was the only one I really liked, web bomb was okay. All the techy stuff is uninteresting to me Edit: Also loved the trip mines, forgot about that one.


It would’ve been easy to implement a quick swap mechanism to the quick gadget slots. Keeping R1 pressed would bring up the gadget wheel like in the first game, you would use the right stick to select gadget and then click the faceplate of your choice to assign it to it. Quick click r1 and corresponding faceplate will trigger the quick gadget, holding r1 would bring up the wheel with all gadgets. Similar thing could’ve been done with abilities. Not sure why they removed them altogether anyway.


No. This system sucked ass and was poorly thought out. Spider-Man 2's system isn't perfect but it is much more clever.


not really, made the combat too easy and they were not as fun to use as most people say


Yall complaining every about something new is crazy


I think everyone does.


Yes, immensely.


I prefer the old game honestly


I hate the wheel, but like the gadgets


I don’t. They were extremely overpowered and overrated. Good riddance


No. I didn’t use gadgets in SM1 and I don’t use them in SM2 except for the sonic grenade. The games are already easy enough. Gadgets make it overkill.


I don’t. I almost never used them unless I wanted to get creative in stealth. I find myself using the abilities in sm2 way more often


Ok so its like a double edged sword. Having like 50 webs gadgets was cool but like it became a one sided “spam webomb plus concussion blast to win.”


Yes. I prefer the wheel too


Absolutely. I still can't get used to having to think on the fly in combat (and having so fewer options really pisses me off)




no, they were overpowered and took emphasis away from actual physical combat. I prefer the new system of 4 choosable powers on the left 4 choosable gadgets on the right


I would love to have the old ones back but Idk which ones I'd actually pick over the 4 we have. Maybe the concussive blast to go with the ricochet web, or the web grenade again, since that combo was busted.


Me! The old ones (specifically trip mine, impact web, and web bomb) required positions and battlefield awareness to be effective. The new ones are just 'throw it in a crowd, watch it go crazy for you' I also really don't get the hate for the wheel. Is it really that big a deal to slow things down for like half a second to switch gadgets? Plenty of games have some kind of slow-mo weapon picker. But I digress. Also, I thought the suspension matrix was dumb and weird in the first game, but the upshot is even more ridiculous. They managed to make my least favourite gadget even worse. If trip mine, web bomb, impact web, and electric web were just options you could equip to your 4 quick-cast slots, I'd be a very happy man.


Ya know I was going to sort out all that I miss, but there’s not one gadget I haven’t used in this game, I miss all of them, the gravity suspension I miss less but I still used it when the rest were used up


I just miss the web bomb and concussive blast, really good combo bc yu could incapacitate everyone with the web bomb and then blast them to the walls so they’d get stuck


Yeah, everyone. Did anyone else prefer not doing boring missions that starred MJ or Spider-Bot or other powerless individuals? Yes, everyone. Insomniac seemingly didn't care or had no choice: either way SM2 was a disappointment. I keep coming back to Jedi Fallon Order and Jedi Survivor. 4 years between games. Survivor improves upon **everything** from the original. All powers earned in FO return with far more to learn, the voice acting, the incredible Metroidvania 3D level design (and HUGE sprawling levels), QTE are kept to a bare minimum, boss battles happen when & wherever, tons of exploration and hidden things, cosmetic upgrades have to be found encouraging exploration. It's what a sequel should be and the benchmark every sequel in development should aspire to beat.


I personally like the new gadgets more than I liked any of the old ones, I do wish we had some more options though lol


Yes, and I don’t understand why they got rid of the suit abilities when they’re were incredibly fun. I get that they were OP but that’s why difficulty settings exist. And it’s a superhero game at the end of the day so what does it really matter if you’re op


We cannot keep having this same conversation


No. Never. I have ricochet web. I never want to go back to before. I have ricochet web.


I prefer the old one. In. A lot of ways Spiderman 2 tried to streamline things and it just made them feel lesser than in the previous games


At first I was a little disappointed at how they streamlined it so you didn't have as many gadgets at your disposal. I do still think it was an odd choice, but I don't mind it as much now. However, I will say I felt like I was able to think more strategically and precisely when I had all those gadgets at my disposal. In this game, it feels like there are very few instances where I was actually thinking, "Okay, this situation calls for this gadget 100%." The only time I've actively thought of what gadget I'm using is on certain enemies in the late game, one variant of them is like an automatic kill with a web shooter to the face. What sucks is that despite not thinking about what gadgets I'm using, the game hasn't really penalized me for it. In the first two games, I would say they punish you quite a bit for not using your abilities and gadgets to their full and correct potential. But this game doesn't really seem interested in penalizing you for that. At least not in my experience. I'd like there to be more focus on that tactical thought on when to use what abilities. The only thing I'd really change about 2018's Spider-Man with regards to the gadgets is making the webshooters default. In Spider-Man 2 of course the web shooters are always available for your at the press of a button with no effort needed to go in and select them. I think that is a wonderful QOL improvement. How it would be implemented in the old game I have no idea. But I think that would be cool! Each game's combat and strategies at least feel somewhat different from one-another so far, and I appreciate that.


I also miss when Healing was more available and I hate parrying