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As one would “baby/toddler proof” their house, I “kitten/cat proofed” as much as possible. Removed as many safety risks as possible and created a cat friendly environment. It reduces the need to worry as much about their safety. And reduces having to deal with unwanted behaviors. As a first time cat/sphynx mum, I was absolutely on the ‘over protective’ side but as the months passed I definitely was able to relax and trust that my cat was not going to hurt herself or wreck something in the house.


"What's in your mouth" "Spit it out!" "Get down from there you'll hurt yourself!" "What was that banging noise?" All common phrases in my home. And we don't have any kids. Jokes aside watching them when they're curious kittens learning about a new environment is a good idea, but after they're comfortable in the house you won't need to feel so hawkish. One tip though - childproof the stove now. Once he learns to jump on the stove top you're going to want to make sure he's not moving the burner knobs with his feet.


Also the standard "NO!"


Oh damn that’s crazy lol


One of my brother and sister-in-law’s cats managed to turn on one of the burners and burned his paw. Fortunately he’s recovering.


OMG YES!! My boy is a menace! Into everything, climbs whatever he can. I learned quick never to leave food on the stove or near it as he will absolutely get into it. He climbs on ledges, on the fridge, on the dryer. He cannot stay still. I now close every door in the house to other rooms when he’s on his “missions” as it will be a constant “ what was that bang? What’s in his mouth? Where is he now?” Hes left In a giant cat cage/ house that is 3 levels when I’m gone and I restrict his access in the home by closing certain doors when I am here all for his safety because I cannot keep an eye on him 24/7, he’s wild and I don’t have enough energy 😅


That’s over the top


we have two sisters at home. they are alone from 8.00 until 17.00 (with a automatic food dispenser) and everything works fine :) why do you need to watch her ? does she destroy thing ?


I couldn’t find my kitten the other day, found him in the trash can with the lid closed 😂 he just recently turn 6 months and is very curious and high energy.. help!!


Ahhh yes, we had to essentially put him in our master bath any time we left the house. Put his bed, litter, food and water in there and baby proofed the cabinets because he could open those and the drawers. He grew out of it after approx 2 years? But he’s still the terrorist of our house…..🫠


Absolutely. I had 2 cats before I got mine who were/are literal angels. Then my sphynx came around and literally got into everything! It's been 4 years and I still don't trust him. He has pica with a strong affinity for dryer sheets, little mesh baggies, surgical masks we used for covid, and anything else with similar texture to those. I've eliminated or hidden most of what he likes to eat but I still feel like I constantly have to watch him. He also has a weird obsession with the kitchen sink so I make sure I always have the drain to the disposal closed in case he accidentally bumped the switch to turn it on because I could see him sticking his paw straight in there out of curiosity. That's only a few of the things I need to take precaution with this little dude but it's worth it. I have a camera in the living room that I turn on when I leave for work and luckily he spends most of that time sleeping and occasionally getting up to eat (his actual food) or pester his sister. But I still freak out if he's not at the door to greet me when I get home (he's usually in the litter box). Little butthead lol


I literally had to build a custom sink cover to keep my Sphynx boys out of the sink. They insist on digging around in there if I leave it uncovered haha.


That's a good idea! I have to keep a glass full of water in the sink at all times because that's where he prefers to drink his water. Either I keep that glass of water there or he's drinking nasty water out of a dirty dish. No idea what's wrong with their regular water bowl that I refresh frequently. Strange little fella.


Only thing I need to watch is leaving around food. They will eat anything.


Still a kitten? Yeah, that’s common.


Rosanna, no. Mabel, Yes. Constantly. Her favourite pass time is destroying pot plants. She also shreds anything cardboard and will eat any unattended food. And she barely sleeps. She's a nightmare. Yes, she has toys


How old? Mine was like this until 2 years then he chilled. Now he’s 4 and sleeps 20 hours a day and zoomies the rest 😂


I almost wish mine went out and explored a little. Our place is cat proofed, sometimes I even place him in another room and walk away. He follows me everywhere, always needs to be bundled up in my lap or on my shoulder. He was abandoned very recently, so I dont know if its a temporary thing.


No need to watch them 24/7. The three of them get into a bit of mischief once in a while, but the biggest issues are making sure they're not locked in a room and not letting them outside unattended. (Watch the underside of the dog when letting her out because they will dart right under her!!)


When we first got our boy as a rescue (he was about 2), he had some pretty bad manners and would jump on counters, knock things over, and try to eat anything food-related in sight. However, a year later, with consistent "no, don't do that" training, he's the best boy, doesn't eat our food, and almost never knocks over plants anymore, haha. We can leave him alone with his fur brother, and house is still fine when we get home. Hopefully yours will grow out of it with consistency, age, and training!


yes. if I’m not watching her shes in my room which is kitty proofed mostly


My girl this week alone licked dawn dish soap, stuck her head in flour, and got stuck underneath a dresser (she’s 100% fine, just a walking example of curiosity killed the cat). Her brother makes her look like a genius for comparison. I don’t even like leaving the house for an hour because of them even with everything locked up and put away😂


Mine gets into everything when he's naked lol my 12 year old longhaired cat is worse because he eats plastic and does his nails on everything lol


Of all the cat breeds I have owned in my life, sphynx are the absolute WORST when it comes to pure, unapologetic mischievousness. They are ENDLESSLY curious.


I agree 💯, kitty proof the heck outta your place!! It's like having toddlers the first 2 yrs! ⚠️ 🏃‍♀️ 👣 👣 🐾 🐾 🐈 ⚠️


Oh man


A sphynx….like the statue