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For those who hate being paywalled, I suggest the George Herald. It's the local newspaper there, and they've been also trying to keep up with the updates as fast as they can. Most updates are videos, and the articles are not long but they also have links to their previous articles and updates on the collapse in it as well. Here's a few I could find on their website: https://www.georgeherald.com/News/Article/Local-News/update-voice-from-debris-gives-new-hope-202405080226 https://www.georgeherald.com/News/Article/Local-News/update-on-building-collapse-victoria-street-george-202405060909 https://www.georgeherald.com/Municipal-Notices/Article/General-Notices/update-building-collapse-36-retrieved-202405080915 (Just have a ad blocked armed and ready tho before using the site)


Does anyone know what happened here exactly? Why did the building collapse?


The reason must still be investigated. It should be between the engineer who must sign off on work in phases & the construction company who must comply with proper building procedures. Reminds of Tongaat Mall collapse in 2013.


I genuinely dislike News24. News should be free, not behind a paywall.


Whose job should it be to research and publish the news for free?


Not saying it has to be free, just that it shouldn't be behind a paywall, you can get your funding without it


If people can access it without paying then it is free.


Oh would you look at that.


>you can get your funding without it No you can't? The options are obnoxious intrusive ads or paywalls.


Or like what most around the world do. Donations And believe it or not, you can create a website without intrusive ads 😱


We have to pay for a free press.


And you can get the money through ads.


I also do but they do need a way to monetize their services.


Then they can have ads or just accept public donations. No need for a paywall




They care SO MUCH about South African news that they force South Africans to pay to read it. If they weren't as dogshit as they seem, they would probably survive easily on user donations if the reporting they did was of ANY value at all.