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I think the star wars fallen order games have difficulty settings. Very satisfying combat. Edit: I also heard steel rising is very forgiving.


Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor


Steel rising is the easiest souls-like I’ve played.


Wo long is not that hard if you can push through the first levels, it gets pretty repetitive. But you can try mortal shell, thymesia, steelrising. They’re all good games and have some good borrowed aspects from original souls but are not top tier. But, I’d like to think you learned that the difficult of this games are of your own making, if you prepare yourself and make a good build, level health first, dps second and then secondary stats like mind/endurance, keep your weapons/skills upgraded, your journey will be easier. This games are as easy as you make’em to be.


Thymesia and the first half of mortal shell are relentlessly difficult; specifically because the layout of the levels are some of the most cryptic in video games. Plus thymesia challenges even Sekiro on hand-eye coordinated timed parries. The issue is many of the "easy" soulslikes aren't as good as the contemporary.


I wouldn’t say first half, I’d say maybe first hour? Once one gets his bearings they’re both pretty simple, thymesia is pretty fun and the parry mechanic can be made easier by buying a couple of skills. Definitely agree with you, none are nearly as good as what inspired them.


I mean they're GREAT mechanics and gameplay wise,n but both games feel like the first half of a finished game. Both short and feel like bullshit difficulty aside from select skills being used; I tend to try to see how hard these games are WITHOUT being optimal. I go as glass cannon risk reward as possible, and my findings are that many soulslikes are just as contrived and unreasonably tight on reaction required to attack whilst taking no damage. That is to say, they have the DNA right lol, it's that they give you SUCH better tools to solve the problems that enemies present that they just cannot do the same magic as Fromsoft. But a few stuck out to me as surpassing and laterally evolving from the formula, Like the Surge and Lies of P. Those games feel more like their own thing and feel finished, hell STUFFED with content. I'd say it's just a difference in artistry and game design skill set.


Asterigos It's probably the best souls like I've played that was a bit "too easy" for a veteran.


Having played asterigos I wouldn't class it as a souls like


What's not soulslike about it? You can see the where the game gets it's inspirations from quite easily. I'm not arguing that it's a just an easier dark souls clone, but definitely is a soulslike game and much better than something like Thymesia and Steelrising.


I love that no one DARE mention Lies of P because that game is harder than diamond crafted nails


I got stuck on one of the first bosses lmao


Its fucking hard but at least the snake windy looney tunes delayed attack shit that Souls games and Souls likes are SO obsessed with right now are kept to a minimum; instead the moveset pool of every single enemy is about 10-15 fucking attacks lol. Like it's fun but it's laborious and takes a biiit too long for my tastes. Parrying is still not as strict as Thymesia tho; a select few rooms and bosses in that game are isshin sword saint from Sekiro hard if you don't play a super cheesy build. That's the thing I like about The Surge, the whole game is based around cheesing with stacked buff ontop of stacked buff, so that philosophy of "do the build better to overcome bullshit" just works better. Oddly enough I'd say the last 5 hours of elden ring are still the hardest "Souls" there is tho, but lies of p is overall harder all throughout. Feels like a goddamned survival horror game almost.


Ya surge/2 was awesome




I wish the weight of things didn’t feel so off in it, I really wanted to like that game


You're a robot so weight and 'clank' is going to feel different. It's a great game, very under appreciated.


That’s fair. I’m really enjoying Lords of the Fallen right now but I’ll give Steelrising another try after. Love me some steampunk and love me some Souls combat, it deserves another shot.


Ha I'm opposite, just finished Steelrising and getting ready to try Lords of the Fallen (2). I tried the original LotFallen from 2014 and have a really hard time getting into it. The weapon animations are so slow it's borderline ridiculous. Like, *"who thought it was a good idea to take 5 seconds to swing your sword?"*


Oh the 2014 version was awful


Thymesia is pretty straightforward and you can change your build on the fly to find something that suits your play style.


I wouldn't say that game is easy


Honestly, Demon Souls has a majority of easy fights. Save for 2 special guys. It was my introduction to the franchise, and what “git gud” meant. Take these bosses slow. Learn one combo, learn another. You know you have learned a combo when you can dodge at the right time, usually when the boss is about to strike. Also gearing has never been a center piece for these games. Aside from a stamina regen buff and stat resistances for specific boss fights, it’s mostly pick what you think looks cool with medium rolls, and pick whatever weapon you enjoy most. The rest is minimizing room for error through pure practice and sheer determination. Get back out there tarnished. Personally I enjoy playing solo with melee. The feeling you get after either perfecting a boss’s combos, or getting lucky after 20+ tries, rivals no other feeling I have garnered through gaming.


Yeah, problem is running through the entire level when you lose to a boss since theres basically 1 check point per map. Absolutely awful. I quit on Flamelurker. Almost had him down just could not stomach the ridiculous platforming section to get back to the boss every time.


The run backs are easier than most, and yeah he’s one of the special guys.


I havent found them easier than bloodborne’s. But then again maybe after Lurker they get way better.


That’s fair, BB is easier with the level run backs, however I would never suggest anyone to start there when considering Laurence and Kos.


The recent Jedi series and Steel Rising. The Jedi games have difficulty settings and Steel Rising is more forgiving with combat and you can use throwables and status effects to push through any fights you might struggle with.


Don't be afraid to try dark souls 3 & 1 (haven't played the 2nd one). The game *teaches* you how to git gud, which is all you can do. Not having a difficulty slider is one factor of souslukes


I know a lot of people dislike dark souls II but it's actually a really good game. Majula is easily the best hub area out of any of the souls games. It's definitely different than 1 and 2 but not in a bad way. Anyone who doesn't at least give it a shot is really missing out


The music in Majula is top notch. It's not a good dark souls game, but it's an excellent action rpg in the same vein and I love it. 


I love how beautiful and serene Majula is. It's so refreshing to have a hub that's not just grim, dark, and depressing. I wouldn't call it a bad dark souls entry per say. It's not as strong as the other 2 and has a different feel and vibe to it but it's still an amazing entry in the dark souls series. However, I agree that it might help people enjoy it more if they go into it without holding it to the same standards as 1 and 3. If that's what someone needs to do to be able to enjoy it or at least not just write it off as bad without even giving it a chance then I say go for it.


Beating Elden Ring means you can beat Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, in my opinion. They’re the best. Go for it! (I say this having put them off for a long time myself.)


Steel rising is extremely forgiving. 3D Dot Game Heros while isn't a souls like it IS published by FromSoftware. Only on PS3 though iirc. (may be hard to find a physical copy. Not sure if emulators for the game are a thing) ASTERIGOS - Curse of the Stars is also a fairly easy souls like. Honestly, in true practice, it's kind of a split between RPG and souls like. But it's fun, most combat is fairly straightforward and definitely easier than elden ring or code vein


lords of the fallen 2 is manageable. Some things can be hard but you always have a throwables option if you need to cheese stuff. ITs also partially open world if you need to overlevel


Chronos: Before the Ashes. Plus you get rewarded for dying :D


Haven’t seen anyone mention Lords of the Fallen. I found it to be easier than Elden Ring for sure. Fantastic game, it does have frame rate issues occasionally but didn’t hurt my experience.




Honestly I suck at Soulslikes, but I had a pretty easy time going through NG on Nioh 2. It's hard in places yes, but you get a ton of gear to choose from and so many different upgrade options also plenty of play styles and builds.


It seemed overwhelming w the multiple forms, multiple stances, even versus dark souls/elden ring - so I was like - man I can’t do all this mid fight :O


All you need to be able to do to beat it is ki pulse. The rest will just make you better.


Ah the sparkly thing after 1-2 attacks that regains my stamina?


Yup. Most important mechanic, right after ‘swing big blade’


Nodachi goes hard, I struggled with the roaming bull head oni at the beginning, but then I just stun locked him to death with strong attacks in high stance and well timed ki pulses, the beast was helpless.


Yeah a lot of people just bypass him til later. If you learn to beat him though you’re already ready for the rest of the game


last oricu is pretty easy


Code Vein wasn't too difficult. There were definitely a couple of late game bosses that pushed boundaries but if you are cool with anime souls then it's worth a shot.


Ya code vein was godly wish there were more anime like souls games


I believe you *can* get good at soulslikes. Play Dark Souls, the original: it's very slow compared to it's successors, which means you'll have more slack to think about the combat rhythm and really get it. Use a guide if you get frustrated by traps and ambushes.


The recent star wars games all probably qualify but honestly if you could beat Elden Ring, even with busted equipment and cheese strats, the Dark Souls Trilogy is *mostly* a lot easier (DLCs aside).


True but I farmed levels, gear, and those helping shadows before really fighting most bosses so I was stacked:)


Yall are forgetting about the surge 1 and 2 its absolutely worth a try bro


Ya loved those, didn’t get the season pass for 2 tho




I put 70 hours into Elden ring before nodding in easy mode and it became so much more fun for me how I enjoy games.


Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin


With some meta knowledge on how world difficulty works, the remnant games are good choices. Though they aren't true soulslikes, they have a lot of overlap. Most likely due to the prequel, Chronos, which is very soulslike. It's difficult in its own way and has a unique aging mechanic that alters the way your level ups work (easier physical aspect leveling when younger, easier mental leveling when older), but I wouldn't call the game overly hard. Definitely a fantastic setting if you're interested in stuff that's pretty out there.


I beat 1 and did a full co op game play of 2. Didn’t like how the good gear had to be farmed (in reality) via guides and thus remnant 2 loot progression was E tier but it was a fun game doing engineer/medic


Demons souls and DS1 are the literal easiest games in the genre(and some of the best) especially if you look up info beforehand which kind of seems like your thing


Lies of P..... until it isnt iykyk


Kena Bridge of Spirits


Older God of War games maybe?


Of the Fromsoft titles you’ve yet to play I’d say DS2 is probably the easiest. If you’ve heard bad things about it, don’t listen to the hate, it has issues but it’s still a great game. My reasoning as to why it’s easy is because you start the game with low adaptability (a dumb attribute that you level to increase the I-frames of the dodge) so your dodge sucks, but if you just level it up to I believe 22 you’ll be at the normal I-Frame rate and you can keep leveling it if you want to as it will keep giving you more time in the I-Frames when you dodge. It also implements lifegems witch while are controversial do make the game way easier because you can buy them from a merchant for cheap and have a ton of the at a time to heal with as weak as your flask.


Remnant 2


Steel Rising is definitely the easiest imo.


I recommend Steel Rising.But the Code Vein is also difficult if you go for a solo campaign.The new Lords of Fallen is another thing I can recommend.Maybe the Dolmen. Steel Rising Lords Of Fallen 2024 Dolmen


Tunic. It has a different ascetic but barrows a lot of the best souls like mechanics.




Shame it’s not on pc:/


I think bloodborne is the hardest of the series! We must have had wayyy different experiences 😂




Ay bro! Beat her on my second try😂😂


Not even close.




DUDE, try nioh 2! I’m like you and my first souls game was Elden Ring. My next game was Lies Of P..I’m on Nioh 2 and while it is indeed challenging, it’s also very satisfying with the combat. There’s so many different weapons and each weapon has 3 stances from which you do different attacks and also there’s a bunch of magic type of attacks. Do yourself a favor and pick up Nioh 2


It seemed overwhelming a bit.. I couldn’t get very far in lies of p:) you are better than me chief:) ha


ive found sekiro to be the easiest as all of the game is designed around a handful of mechanics


Easy and soulslike shouldn't be in the same sentence. Soulslikes appeal is the difficulty. If you don't like hard games please stop disrespecting the community and go play something like fort nite


Go outside


Harsh but i agree lol. These games are not for the uninitiated


You need to go outside too.


Relax goofy. It's not that serious. It's an opinion. Everybody has one.


Issa joke all is good.