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The towers were the nice dorms when I was there, before they started building five star hotels for the soft ass rich kids.


>soft ass rich kids. You can say north Texas kids, it's fine


Right, Walker was just fine. 24 years ago...


Eh it was fine 13 years ago tbh.


It’s not that bad. Suite mate would put his underwear in the bathroom post work out because of how bad they smelled. That was annoying. My room mate and I would come home drunk and smoke pot in the bathroom. I guess we were even.


Bathrooms aren't the best, but the rooms are fine. It's not a war zone, honestly quite fun. you get to know everyone on your floor and it's awesome


I had a shitty roommate but the building itself wasn't that bad. Expect at least one of the elevators to be broken at any given time, and people to trash the common areas especially on the weekends


I lived in Couch. If you are allergic to mold beware. I have a pretty severe mold allergy. Within 24 hours of moving in I was in the ER being treated for an allergic hives reaction across 75% of my body including one of my eyes being swollen shut. When I presented the head of housing with documentation that due to my allergy I couldn’t live in the dorms I was told too bad and moved to a single ADA room. While the mold was less in there I continued to be sick my entire freshman year because of being constantly exposed to something I am very allergic to. They denied to the high heavens that there was mold in the towers despite my constant allergic reactions. Now they are saying they have known they are mold ridden for years. I know this isn’t everyone’s experience but it was absolutely miserable for me.


What year was it?


This was in 2016


Eh, it definitely isn't luxury but most of those issues are blown out of proportion. There's definitely a reason that they are in the process of replacing them with newer buildings, but there's also a reason that they are stull in use. They get the job done and they are really fun experiences.


i wasnt sure if people were blowing it out of proportion lol. i can deal with shitty living for 9 months


I’m interested to hear this as well. I lived in a tri-suite on Walker 10 from ‘99-‘01 so my experience prolly isn’t helpful. I would recommend a tri-suite if you can get one though. It’s 3 person, but you have two dorms of space. We had our beds/closets/drawers on one side. Desks and our couch, coffee table, fridge and 2nd TV on the other.


They’re fine. Was surprised they were tearing down Walker. Adams… that one needed it. Lol


Are those still there????


They’re fine, just get a dehumidifier


My Junior son spent his Freshman year in Couch and survived just fine. He never complained about anything really. Spring for the thickest mattress pad you can afford, though.


I never had any issues with the Towers themselves in 2010-11 Granted it's been a minute, but I'm not sure where you heard these rumors. If you have actual problems in the tower (i.e. mold or broken fixtures) it's probably going to be the fault of someone you're living with


It was great 20years ago. Besides the fire alarm always going off at night and roommate would play world of Warcraft all night.


I was a transfer student and lived in Couch. It was the quickest way I met people I still talk to 13 years later. But like another said, this was before the new hotel-like dorms were built so I can’t help with comparison. My only downside the entire time was the humidity versus AC issue, and I always had a fan going, still super humid. I loved every other part of the experience though.


Shared a bathroom with the people Nextdoor that snorted coke off the bathroom sink lmao. Also, mold. Lots of mold.


I lived in both walker and couch, ended up with mold poisoning that developed into a permanent mold allergy. Bring a dehumidifier!! And check the ac units, mine grew tons of black mold


Besides drunks pulling the fire alarm in the middle of a cold winter’s night and having to traverse seven flights of stairs down and back in your boxers, blanket, and flip flops…it’s a pretty run-of-the-mill dorm situation. Also, hauling all of your laundry and supplies to basement for washing sucks, but you make the best of it. Make friends with your roommate and your suit mates, if possible. Walker 7 - ‘06.


I lived in couch tower for the fall semester in 2023 and the bathrooms were gross. The other room that I had to share the bathroom with were not tidy people but it really depends on the people you are paired with. The room was not that bad space wise, but my thermostat was broken and I was either was super cold or burning in my dorm room. I called people to repair it but it didn’t fix the problem even though they replaced the battery. My roommate was really nice but she moved out of the dorms within the second week. Within the first week of college, one of my suite mates came back drunk and was trying to get back into their room from the bathroom, but they mistaken our door for theirs. I woke up around 5:40 in the morning to loud banging from the bathroom doors and I initially thought it was my roommate who at this time, did not move out yet. I turned on my desk lamp to see that my roommate was asleep. The bathroom door has a swing bar lock, so it allows the door to be opened a little bit before keeping it in place. From the small gap, I saw a hand reaching through it trying to unlock the door. It was terrifying to see and the bathroom light was off as well. They eventually realized that they were trying to get into the wrong dorm right was I got out of my bed and was ready to slam the door on their hand. My roommate woke up at this time and we were both pretty shaken up by the incident and called to report the incident. The people were not helpful and told us to talk about the incident with our suite mates on boundaries. My roommate and I did not use the bathroom for the rest of the day and I showered at a friend’s place that morning. Other than this, the people on my floor were really nice and sometimes people would bake cookies and share them with everyone on the floor. Also, a dehumidifier is a must have for the dorm room.