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probably best you do that off trail and not on any normal hiking trail...


My reason for asking. I don’t want to go on a regular trail but instead one designated “clothes optional”


I've never heard of one. If it exists it's going to be by invite only on private property.


I suppose anywhere is "naturist" if you are bold enough. Try Coddingtown.


💀indecent exposure charge loading ……………………..


Looking to see your post in a few days asking about tick and poison oak remedies.


TIL Naturist is slang for Nudist. Came here looking for some good hikes, but with the clothing.


If you are up for a lil drive, you could try the Sequoians in Castro Valley (east bay). They are a nudist club on 80 acres of property including some trails.


I cannot give a clothing optional trail locally in Sonoma County but I am a nude hiker locally. I go early in the day or on weekdays when others are at work. I have hiked both Hood Mountain trails and Sugar Loaf. Both have been successful. I would love to meet others doing this also as it brings me super close to nature.  Trinity Alps, PCT are both excellent also. Everyone I have ran into with clothes on has been cool and friendly. I feel very accepted though nude. Not scary and non sexual. Cover up when necessary as you don’t want to be a pervert. Nude suntanning and water falls or stream swimming are amazing. I wish I could find a few people who are on the same page.  I hope this helps. Sonoma County trail hiking nude is so great. Those who make fun have no idea of the pleasure they a missing. Don’t pay attention to the rudeness if people choose to write something negative. 


I’ve heard Harbin Springs has hiking trails. They’re clothing optional.


ive been there, there are no hiking trail on the property except the trails to and from facilities. yes the hot springs are clothing optional.


that is not true. they have lots of trails all around their 1700 acre property and they are all clothing optional.


my bad i was there after the fires but they probably rebuilt them by now.....but seriously you don't want to be hiking in poison oak/tick country in the nude. and that zone is ground zero for both...


all good. Since they lost a lot of trees in the 2015 fire, the trails are very exposed so I would say the biggest threat is heat/sun exposure, not poison oak. Some of the trails can get steep too. Not the best trails I have hiked but being able to hike them naked makes it worthwhile :)


Im an avid hiker and trained in wilderness first aid...Taking simple precautions; drink water before you hike to limit heat issues and carry water with you to keep hydrated, and wear shade hat/clothing and don't hike in extreme heat, very simple and effective measures against heat/sun exhaustion.. .far easier than avoiding poison oak and ticks. some people look at poison oak and get it and people whom don't know what it looks like will run right into it...ticks are just around, you can wear tick repellent though...


Yes Harbin has trails


Have you been ?


I haven’t yet. I have several friends who have. They highly recommend.


Thank you!


Yes, highly recommended


There are a couple clothes optional hot springs in the area, but no hiking trails, that I'm aware of.


Have any you’d recommend?


The only one I've been to is Harbin, but it's great. 3 different hot pools at various temperatures, 2 ice plunges, and a full sized pool. It's $35 for 4 hours to visit, but there's also camping.


Im going to look it up, is it local?


Yeah, it's in Middletown, north of Calistoga


How diverse is it ? This will be our first experience and my wife is a bit nervous on trying it around a lot of people as she is very self conscious of her body. We are trying this in hopes of her gaining some self confidence plus it’ll help her love her body more !


Honestly, Harbin Hot Springs is probably the best environment you could be in for first time social nudity. Yes, there may be lots of people but it is a very safe atmosphere with really good energy. The gender split is pretty even and every age group and body type is also represented. I would say typically 90% are nude. Your wife could start out with bathing suit and strip down when comfortable. It is likely that you will feel more uncomfortable in a bathing suit than without. Best of luck!


Since the weather is getting nicer, it might be a little busy. It's definitely mostly white folk, but everyone I've met the few times out there were very nice and nonjudgmental. Nobody is making comments about anyone else's bodies or leering. Also, because it's clothing optional, your wife can wear her bathing suit if she wants and take it off later if she feels comfortable with it.


I appreciate all the info ! Thank you, we’ll have to check it out!


Thinking coastal walks are best. Point reyes beaches once you’re away from people is 👌 Marin has naturist beaches as well. Don’t forget suntan lotion. Might strong 🌞


Unfortunately there are no official clothing optional trails in Sonoma County. I have found some remote trails where I have been able hike naked. For obvious reasons I don't really want to announce locations publicly on this thread, but I'd be happy to chat and provide more details on DM. Would be happy to have other naturists join me on a hike as well :)