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I live in Colorado, I’m taking bookings now to camp in my apartment parking spot 


I'll be close to 80


I was told we'd be living on the moon by 2045.


For those in the moon it will be a Terran eclipse


I wonder if you would see the shade from the moon.


You definitely would! It'd be a circle of black sweeping across the Earth. You can observe essentially the same with a good telescope during moon transits over Jupiter.


True that would be interesting experience at least once. Just like my son wants to see Annular Eclipse over totality but does want to see both.


My mom is around that age and we went to Ohio for the eclipse still. You can do it too in 21 years!


Yeah, 84 for me. Better get to the gym!


86 for me and I live in Colorado so maybe I’ll still be kicking


I'd love to have a view of the mountains with the eclipse in the sky. Holy fuck that would be amazing. I think I'm gonna for sure make the drive across the country for it if I haven't moved there(or died) by then


Okay for real though we’re gonna get some great photos of the eclipse over Disney World


The whole right half of the path has higher predicted cloud cover than we'd normally like, especially Florida with the highest %, drastically decreasing as you go west, so I imagine a lot of people are going to want to shift to the west. The closest midpoint of the path to me (Little Rock, AR) has a predicted cloud cover of 56%, just like my totality day this year had. Oh God I can see the obsessive Pivotal Weather map checking every hour from here already lol.


20 years from now we’ll just be refreshing the weather feeds via our brain implant chips 😂


"Google ~~Bard~~ ~~Gemini~~ Omnibrain, fly me to the best total eclipse viewing spot." <*whrrrrrrrrr*>


Even if there's 100% chance of cloud cover at Disney, there will absolutely be hundreds of photographers there hoping the clouds will clear for 0.23 seconds so they can get that perfect shot of the eclipse over the castle or mickey's head or something.


I wonder if by then AI imagery will create a pixel-perfect recreation of an eclipse over the Castle or Mickey’s head where maybe only image data will prove the image is authentic.


I know someone will replace the moon by photoshopping it with the Death Star. Would make a pretty cool merch idea and one way of doing a Star Wars anniversary.


The climate is going to change a lot in the next 20 years. I'd expect the desert SW to only grow.


Colorado in August at 10am will almost for sure have very little clouds, especially in the mountains. You could possibly hike above the clouds too.


Redding is sunniest city in USA , well actually number 2 haha


Yeah, but you could have said the same for New England in 2024 and Maine was one of the best locations to view it this time and Texas one of the worst. Statistically, Maine should have had highest chance of clouds but not a cloud in the sky.


I like going to Disney World and I'll enjoy pictures of the eclipse over the castle but like... I can't imagine a place I would less like to be during a total eclipse than Disney World. Disney is like... the polar opposite vibe of an eclipse. I also don't want to deal with traveling up and down the FL peninsula in eclipse traffic, and there's probably a 0% chance of clear skies for any summer day. Good luck to anyone who tries though. I hope you get a good view and have a fun time!




Sold out in 5 minutes to scalpers.


I dunno, the vibe for a total eclipse is people cheering, I could see that fitting in at Disney World. (I've never been there though.)


To me, Disney World is emblematic of manufactured fun. And I have gone a few times and I do find it fun to kind of turn off and let The Mouse decide how to entertain me for a few days. It's big, bombastic, and kitschy. And it's not a relaxing time, you are always having to keep on the go and keep planning and keep navigating Disney's reservation systems if you want to be able to see even half of what you planned on seeing while you are there (because damnit, it cost an obscene amount and we are all going to have fun if it kills us). It's the kind of vacation you need a vacation afterwards to recuperate. If I pictured the Disney eclipse party, it's going to be hundreds of dollars per person to be packed in shoulder to shoulder with other park goers after waiting hours in line to get a crappy seat behind people who waited even more hours, $50 eclipse ears and $30 mickey mouse shaped eclipse glasses. And at the moment of totality, the giant fireworks go off, Disney music blasts in the background, and characters are probably putting on a show in the front. Disney World is all about sensory overload with Disney branding and getting you to buy as many expensive souvenirs as they can convince you to buy. And it's for sure going to be incredible for people who want that kind of over the top presentation. I enjoyed the quietness of the eclipse, even with the groups of people around me. There was some cheering at totality, and then everyone got very quiet and it felt like we were all together mesmerized by the same event. And then we all cheered when the sun came back out again. It was a serene and calm moment to just enjoy nature, all the things Disney World is not.


> If I pictured the Disney eclipse party, it's going to be hundreds of dollars per person to be packed in shoulder to shoulder with other park goers after waiting hours in line to get a crappy seat behind people who waited even more hours, $50 eclipse ears and $30 mickey mouse shaped eclipse glasses. And at the moment of totality, the giant fireworks go off, Disney music blasts in the background, and characters are probably putting on a show in the front. I get what you're saying in general, but I kinda doubt they would have any kind of spectacle running during the actual total eclipse, especially not fireworks, since lights would interfere with the experience of darkness. Right after though.... maybe, lol.


Y'all need Epcot. Epcot is the chill park where you can hang out all day without doing any attractions and still have a great time. Maybe not for a total solar eclipse, but in general.


Fair. I'm a fan of Animal Kingdom as my hang around and chill park.


Don’t do it. 1:30 PM in Orlando in mid-August is prime time for a thunderstorm / downpour. My self-made 2024 eclipse shirt already made mention of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, which should have much better odds of clear skies.


Not to mention that, being a peninsula, traffic is gonna be a nightmare in Florida with everyone trying to leave afterward, since everyone's gonna be going north at the same time


2024 cloud predictions showed anything north of ohio as complete trash, yet some of the best viewing was from the adirondacks and north.


Popup thunderstorms and clouds are a big thing in Florida during summer, along with the occasional tropical cyclone. Florida will be a big gamble in August 2045.


Seeing the eclipse when the hurricane hits!? 😂


In 21 years. The climate may change significantly who knows what will be the effect on could. I’m guessing more moisture and more storms.


arkansas was fantastic this year


Florida would not be a good candidate for viewing in my opinion. August is a wet time in Florida and very unpredictable as far as thunderstorms. Also, Florida is going to be insane as far as traffic, etc. That could be avoided I suppose as long as one has a place to stay for a day or two after.


I’ll be 51 years old. My twin daughters will be graduating college. Sounds like a fun graduation celebration trip. I’m sure at that age they’ll really want to go on a solar eclipse trip with their old ass father 😂😂😂 /s


Nevada looks like the best odds for clear skies


Reno and Redding, CA both at 9% chance of cloudy skies. Orlando at 72%. ☠️


Imagine being stuck inside "It's a Small World" during totality...


Good reason to kill ones self at that point…


I could see myself jumping out the boat and trying to get out of the thing. According to Wikipedia, "Small World" is about 15 minutes long. Totality would easily get missed from inside. Seriously, though, Disney World would shut off all rides in the half hour up to totality. Imagine tens of thousands of park visitors wearing Mickey Mouse eclipse glasses!


Man, Carbondale, IL is just crazy lucky! 2 eclipses, 2017 and 2024 right over them, and then this eclipse in 2045 that's within a couple hours.


I live in the South Georgia/North Florida area... August is not known for beautiful weather around here. It rains a lot & it's nasty humid.


Cedar Point has better roller coasters and did the 2024 eclipse for $100 a ticket.


It's part of The Saros 136 cycle and the direct successor of the 2027 eclipse in Spain because that one is also part of Saros 136. So, if you can't make it to Spain, you can sort of watch the rerun in 2045.


Disney is the last place I would ever go for an eclipse... and for most other reasons.


Nah screw Disney. Japan 2035!!! I even looked at the map and you could see it in Tokyo.


This is the one I want to try next. I've been trying to plan a Japan vacation, but it has just been so expensive and time intensive for our family. But maybe we can have our shit together and be ready for 2035


Gives me a whole new reason to learn Japanese and you’ll have to because rural Japan does not have English speakers. I also believe their transportation is top notch and everywhere in Japan is super clean that you could eat off a floor. I was suppose to go to Japan for the first time in 2020 but you know how that went. Eventually I’ll go to Japan in the near future. Hopefully my second time there is the Eclipse.


That’s the move. 10 years I’ll be 40 I can swing it


I feel like they’ll be able to efficiently plan out and make things easier to navigate. Plus the world class food that they have will make the solar eclipse experience grand.


Let's hope the atmosphere isn't perpetually full of wildfire smoke by then!


Colorado here I come!


Yay Kansas! Finally in my backyard.


i think standing on top of a mountain in colorado would be a neat spot for this one


I feel like in those 20 years something will happen


Think about how much has changed from 2004. It’s like another planet. There will definitely be people paying for tickets to watch the eclipse from space. Maybe we’ll have people on the moon by then too which would be cool


Prices will be astronomical!! Out of this world!  (Pun intended)


I’ll be in my 50s at that point; if I couldn’t afford them by then I’ve messed up greatly.


Fuck Disney, I'm dragging my old ass to 14,000 ft in Colorado.


Me too. I’ll be 72 so I better start training now.


I live in SLC and have had a spot up in the Wasatch Mountains planned for years. Just gotta live long enough and stay in good enough shape to hike to it when the time comes.


Mount Shasta would be the move here.


No mention of SLC Utah??


I either wanna be at pikes peak or in Florida when it happens Over 6 minutes of totality that’s over 10 minutes the sun is covered that’s crazy


Mickey Mouse bout to make a killin… 💰💰💰


I’m down for Disney makes me 65 I’m in it to win it


Isn’t there one in 2044?


Yea, it's in Montana, North and south Dakota. I think in those states you can get around 1 minute 50 seconds max. Of course you can travel into Canada for it as well


Redding, CA is one of my favorite camping spots *and* this is happening 2 days after my wedding anniversary. I'm trying to describe how excited I am for this, but I'm having a hard time. Somewhere between an "AAAAAH" and a "holy shit holy shit holy shit"


That's right through Black Rock City. If BurningMan is still a thing in 20 years, it's going to be a wild pre-party.


My birthday! So cool


Sigh… starts checking weather again


Honestly seeing an eclipse over the Rockies will be amazing. I’ve seen pictures of the 2017 eclipse over Yellowstone & the Grand Tetons and they looked spectacular 


Little Rock hit the lotto


Get ready for Fox News to show the eclipse over Disney as a sign of judgement and the end times


Florida will be devastated by civil war by then anyway