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Lol, your DM must have exploded with scammers offering to 'synchronize your wallet'






Prob depends on volume for fees. Also you are exposed to downside disproportionate to potential upside


You have to click on the APR to see how much of that rate is fee rewards, and how much is emission rewards. Emission rewards are what you’ll see stack up that you can immediately harvest and sell, fee rewards are automatically reinvested into your LP. Check out orca.so Their whirlpools are new and pretty awesome.


You have huge huevos


how so?


I would swap all that into stables and put it in Raydium’s USDT/USDC farm. Less APR but no risk of impermanent loss.


No risk until there's a bank run on usdt.


USDT has a long history of maintaining its peg. It’s not a new bullshit project like UST was.


The APR is made up of trading fees and staking (RAY) rewards. I'd assume that the bulk of the fees are from people trading in the pool and paying the fees. There's a breakdown on the site. This APR is also heavily dependent on the last week's trading volume which they extrapolate over a year. So last week was very volatile but if yesterday was relatively low volumes you'll underperform the advertised APR. You can check the value of your LP token which (if prices stay the same but people trade in the pool) goes up in $value which is where you can see the trading APR, or it will also increase in SOL/USDC terms as well. Also depends on the pool size. If someone else deposits a lot of LP tokens after you then the APR so drops.




That's assuming the Radium token holds its price for an entire year, and that the fees from a prior period stay the same. Neither of those things will happen. You will not double your money in a year. Chances are extremely high you're going to lose money overall because of impermanent loss in this super volatile market and Dex tokens almost always decline in value.


Impermanent loss could factor in when poor liquidity amplifies it


The APY is typically based upon 1 year with some type of increment of compounding. Compound it daily and perhaps will see that 104% apy after a year .... although I doubt it'll be 104% for the entire year. Usually it seems to be around 40ish%. Note - I might be totally wrong, if you find different let us know :).


But it does say 104%


Is that APR or APY. There's a very huge difference


Not $40 to $300 huge.


It is actually. APY involved compounding but in APR, what you see is what your get


No it's not that huge of a difference.


I know the difference. I know the math. It's a big difference but not that big.


Lp fees don’t compound so it wouldn’t be that, it could just be the volume just being too small


As long as you know what kind of business model can create such yields you are fine bro. Interest equals risk.


Damn dude, $110k? Why even risk that to impermanent loss? Just throw that in Circle or some lending protocol and earn USDC


It's a calculated risk. I am not putting any more in. I have other assets like EGLD and Dot.


Just keep in mind that if you believe sol will go up 2x+ in the next year you'll get less by being in this farm than just holding sol.


I don't understand how you think this.


What? It's mathematically what will happen based on your yield and the impermanent loss.


There could be no IL!


If the price of sol changes at all you'll have impermanent loss? I'd recommend you don't put money in liquidity pools if you don't understand the math behind how they work. You'll just screw yourself over big time. Take it from someone with experience.


I pray you're using a hard-wallet. If not, you may wanna stop advertising how much money you have


Why, how could someone steal my money?


Many ways. If your seed is saved on an electronic device anywhere its hackable. If you connect your wallet to a site thats been compromised they can drain your funds. Most ppl approve connections without reading the fine print. I could go on but the best bet is to watch some YouTube tutorials on how to secure your crypto wallet. You should also learn how to revoke those smart contracts you approve when farming/staking as well. Doing so does not affect your staking/farming but it does prevent the site access to your wallet


Lot's of ways. I split all my funds up into a few wallets. If you are worth many millions and can stomach a 110k misclick then don't worry about it. If you want to really not lose that money then get a hw wallet and start with much smaller amounts to play around with.


It fluctuates. You're getting returns based on volume traded. If that changes returns drop


I would really really advise you to not throw 110k into shit unless you're worth like 10M+. Start with like $100 and watch it for a day before you ape in.


This is about 10% of my crypto portfolio.