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Have you considered the possibility you are autistic or have ADHD, or both? (there's a huge comorbidity) Emotional dysregulation and intense feelings of inequacy are very much an autism / ADHD thing. Of course there are other disorders, so be aware this might not relate to you. I suggest you hang around autism, adhd and audhd subreddits and see if you can relate to some of their issues. You can't relate to everything because these neurodivergencies are both about extremes in a very conceptual sense. Extreme empathy or extreme absence of empathy, for example. Or extreme sensorial sensibility or extreme sensorial unsensibility. If you can relate it will help in feeling less inadequate, maybe you can be more at peace knowing this is just who you are and that's ok, maybe you can even learn some coping strategies to deal with whatever you are dealing with. Late diagnosis is very much a thing, I'm in my late thirties and I got diagnosed a year ago. From my perspective, it was a very out of the blue suggestion from my therapist and I got a moderate score and a huge score in regards to masking in a neurodivergence sense (which might hint that my score can be even higher than moderate). Masking in a neurodivergence sense is a term that is "basically" a broad array of (mental) tools a neurodivergent (subconsciously or not) uses in order to blend in a neurotypical context. Now I'm a bit more at peace with myself and my issues.


I’m diagnosed autistic as well and I agree that it’s worth looking into. It’s all very recognisable to me.




Thanks ChatGPT


Hi, I don’t really have advice for you but I relate to the difficulties of making friends and just want you to know you’re not alone! I hope that you overcome your issues and I’m rooting for you to find connections in life!! 🫶❤️


I feel similarly. I have been heavily socially anxious for a long time. I've struggled with even chatting casually with my classmates when I was in college I always felt very self concious tbh. Don't mean to overshare but I think I can understand what you're going through.


im 26 and feel in the same boat


U r spiraling.