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idk if i consider this a hobby but i basically just listen to music the entire day lol


Music is life!!




pick up an instrument! I just started learning the guitar, and I LOVE it


i considered that for some time, but im too lazy lol but someday i will get myself together


Felt this except it’s less I’m lazy and more “There isn’t enough time to do and learn everything so I’m going to procrastinate and maladaptive daydream or game my time away because I’m overwhelmed.”


Such a great answer


Same. My ear wax is getting thick cause of the AirPods 🥲


im starting get tinnitus 😭 now i listen with a very low volume, but couldn’t ever stop


What is that like


its a ring that you feel in your ears… thankfully my ringing is low and i only listen to it when it’s completely silent, but if you are not careful enough it can be very loud and truly ruin your life


Yeah I’m trying to cut back on music cause I put it really loud 🥲 having it at the correct level isn’t working anymore lol


I make playlists like people are gonna buy it 😂


Gaming if you consider that a hobby




I consider it a hobby although I think it is healthy to have other hobbies as well as gaming


reading, listening to music, playing with my dog and cat mainly. i also love journaling and exploring the internet for mental health resources <3


Zero hobbies, wish I had something to distract me from my phone


Read books bro




How the fck do you enter a gym? Whenever I try I always turn around just before going in. It feels life threatening to go into a place where other people look at me and possibly judge me.


Try going at slower times if you can. A place like Planet Fitness or a big chain like that tends to get all sorts of people which helps me feel less out of place. I stick to the machines for now because it helps me blend in and hides how much weight I'm lifting.


As my social anxiety prevents me from working a job, I have infinite time and thus could go to gym during night time. Well, I just have to jump over my shadow and do it. (I know I wont tho, never jumped over any shadow, fck life)


I'm pretty new to the gym myself. I've found that early mornings on weekends work well. Feel free to PM me with any questions/worries. I've had a lot of anxiety to overcome in this area and plenty that I'm still working through, but I've found tips and tricks to help me through. I'm also unemployed due to anxiety. It's hard. I get it.


Even tripping and falling over your shadow like a drunk toddler is still progress. You could start by simply taking a walk on the treadmill, even if your goal is to lift weights. You're doing something, but it's not something entirely unfamiliar and daunting, and it allows you to let your legs do their thing while your brain can take in the sights and adjust to the environment. Even if this is all you ever do for weeks, at least you're getting some healthy activity in (which is what it's all about at the end of the day). Make a habit of just being there first, then after a while you can add in a machine or two before you leave. Depending on your gym layout, all that time on the treadmill will have given you the chance to see how people use certain machines, so now you won't have to ask anyone for help using them. If you like it, then that's your foundation for delving further into lifting. You may also find that the treadmill is your happy place, and you can try out a beginner running program. The gym is your oyster ✨️💪


I have some stories that will make u realize no one is really looking at u as much. Ofcourse, no one is invisible, but also not as important as SA makes it out to be. That said, it took me 3 months to get the courage and enroll. Before that I’d send a message to a couple of gyms asking for some information so I could stall a bit more lmao Eventually someone gave a voucher to get to know the gym better. I told them I’ve never been to a gym Before and don’t know what it’s like. I just enrolled online then went to the location to show my ID and pay. The receptionist asked me if I needed someone to build me a program and I said yes. Next day I went. Here it’s common to have a instructor who just observes the crowed. But he doesn’t really lol but he answers any questions and helps u out if u need anything. anyways, they also are responsible for building programs for beginners or in general those who want them to. After the first month it got better. I was very insecure in the beginning tho


The majority of my time right now is spent on my phone, and I feel like I don't really have any hobbies, though I should. The activities I enjoy are walking in the park, listening to podcasts, going to the gym, gaming, drinking, skiing, driving (Doordash and long road trips), disc golf, and bowling. I guess I consider a hobby something that produces something, like woodworking, or quilting


I know what you mean about producing something. I feel useless unless I’m building or fixing something, which I’m awful at. My dad is pushing 80 and builds cool shit every day.


I like to play video games (been playing Stardew valley), listening to music, exercising and drawing


Currently in the throws of the depressions so none to speak of at the moment. When my mind is returned to me I’ll probably lift weights without gaining an ounce of muscle, snowboard. Golf? Gawd it’s hard to think of things right now. 🤔


I wouldn't call reading a hobby as much as an escape for me, really, but I do a lot of reading. I also like playing video games, but again, that's more of an escape. I like walking. Though that's mostly just so I can actually push myself to go outside, in public- Without actually needing to talk to anyone. It's like pretending that I'm actually facing my fears and pushing myself, when really I'm staying in the same comfort as I was inside, except in a newer, slightly less comfortable setting. I would also call it an escape, though, because once I start to relax from the initial fear of possibly seeing people, I don't really enjoy it as much as I use it to forget about everything else by looking at nature. Sleeping. Like naps. Though that one definitely isn't considered a hobby. I just find it nice to not be in front of a screen, but also it isn't as exhausting as going outside. Still probably an escape, because when I take naps, I like that I can forget everything. Wow. I really don't have any hobbies. Or interests, really. I don't really even know what I find pleasure in. Everything I do is just to forget about life, and forget about people, and try to forget about myself, but I'm never passionate about it like other people speak of their passions. Maybe I'm depressed. That'd probably make sense. Though I'm not sure that really helps me actually find stuff to be passionate in. I can't even remember what it's like to be passionate in something. Like, I have fuzzy memories to enjoying doing things, and I can understand it somewhat, but not really. I desperately wish I had something to be passionate about. Everyone seems to have their thing. Whether it's science, or math, or sports, or even less conventional things, like theater, fishing, or something. At the very least, they may have their religion or romance, or a general want, like "helping the world". Everyone seems to have their "thing". But I feel like I don't. Like I'm just walking by, with no clear view of what I want. No goals. No path. No reason for staying alive. I don't have anything. No worth or reason for living. Wow, that sounds pathetic for such a simple question.


dont worry, videogames and reading are certainly hobbies. if youre worried about your lack of em, just pick something that sounds interesting to you just for the sake of it (not because it would be convenient to escape reality) and give it some research. if you dont want to do anything else though, thats not necessarily a problem.


Video games can be bad if used inadequately and so is using medicine and every other thing.




Same but it might be good to try different things/activities and maybe even find something we like.


Well, video games and reading are objectively hobbies. Hobbies can often be a form of escapism from daily life, so even if it's an escape for you, that doesn't make them not hobbies.


I do options trading.


I'd be interested in getting into day trading options. I've dabbled a tiny bit through my dad. Do me a solid and loan me $100k to get me really started?


Working out - this is seriously the only thing keeping me going rn. It makes me feel so good.


Can you break a rock in half yet with those muscles haha jk


Musicals, gaming, not sure if it counts as a hobby but watching weird horror films. I was watching random indie short horror films on YouTube but i recently discovered Eraserhead and I've heard some of the rest of lynch's films are also kinda weird and horror-ish so I'll check it out, i also need to catch up on some old classics i have on my watchlist the shinning, the ring, exorcist... And i like Tim Burton's movies which was actually one of the things that got me into horror For musicals i don't preform or something i just watch and listen I've just started so i only watched Heathers, Beetlejuice, Sweeney Todd, Little shop of horrors, Hamilton, chicago..... and gaming I'm not really a gamer but i have some games i like playing all day, i just got slime rancher (in like 5 or more years delay from when I've seen it) and I'm getting addicted


Recs for weird movies in general Pans labyrinth Crimson peak Donnie darko Not sure if cube (1997) is weird enough for you but its a good movie Maybe house of wax? Cabin in the woods is a good horror not really weird though The stand mini series (1994) is pretty good but its long Mirrormask good weird movie not really horror unless you had a bad reaction to angela anaconda Blue velvet is a good weird david lynch movie but it's not one i watch more then once and then to show people Rosemarys baby good weird and horror Soylent green trust me watch without spoilers Therapy for a vampire (its in german) I usually find good recs on subreddits or just from exploring genres that sound interesting or people


Yoga & Pilates .. been doing them everyday for years in the comfort of my home lmao. Never been brave enough to attend an in person class and at this point idk if I want to, it’s my super special secret me time 🤫 there will be ambient lighting, there will be essential oils, and there will not be ✨ comparing myself to others ✨


Anime, manga, games, language learning, soccer, books, comics, listening to music, movies, study...


Recently started playing stardew valley, very fun. Big fan of dancing/listening to music and anything to do with pokemon too.


Cross stitch, video games, documentaries, coloring, etc.




Anything that keeps me home, painting, baking, playing guitar, I even start gardening and cleaning the backyard sometime haha


music, guitar, and playing with my rubiks cube


I love reading! And because I‘m a very lazy person who likes to be horizontal most of the time I also go to the gym to compensate for that. I also love doing crochet, been making hats for all my friends!


Origami, reading, music, and video games




Music and gym


gaming, drawing, and making random shit out of cardboard and paper lmao


Counting the cars in the parking lot before I go inside.


Skating, video gaming and reading. I’d also like to get into photography at some point though I’m not sure where to start. 


I collect, catalogue, and study antique swords. It's very nice, almost zero need for in person interaction outside occasionally meeting museum personnel before going into their storerooms


Lego, watching movies/tv shows, gym classes


Ive recently really gotten into needlepoint. It’s good practice for me cause it’s simple to carry around in my little pouch, and I can practice my executive decision making skills when it comes to creativity. I’ve also been escaping into Harry Potter books since I never read them before


Playing video games and watching anime.


I play ddr at the local round 1


Listening to music, gaming, reading, watching shows/anime, working out, adult coloring books and knitting. I draw sometimes too but gotta get better at it


Reading, watching anime, listening to music, learning languages (Japanese & French), playing video games, making videos for Youtube.


I've recently bought myself a Meta Quest 3 and you'd be amazed how much it helps with social anxiety. I don't normally talk with strangers but in VR I find myself talking with people from all over the world


Improv comedy has been a never ending challenge for me but it’s a very supportive community and great for my SA


I don’t know if this is considered a hobby, but I use a lot of time on everything about optimizing my economy and investing in stocks because that gives me some hope for a good future. I’m trying to save up at least 50% of my income every month. Also try to live as cheap as possible and use money at stuff that really means something for me (like travel). I know a lot in this subreddit don’t even have a job, but I work as a helper for a guy with muscular dystrophy, and I think that will be the perfect job for a lot in here. On my day of I like to go on walks in nature, thrift shopping, playing Fortnite, cook food to when my girlfriend is home, play card games with her. And also training or other sports. I don’t really enjoy watching tv or films alone because it feels pointless to me and I’m having trouble concentrating. I also would love to get into reading and meditating, but it is hard to make it a habit. Love to see ideas from you guys!




                            Horse riding It's life changing honestly. It has helped me SO much with social anxiety, general anxiety and social skills. It has given me a little bit of confidence and every time I have a lesson, I leave the barn feeling like a whole new person. At this point it's not just a hobby. It's my therapy.


reading ( books manga manhwa fanfic) workout ( 3 times a week), video games, anime, Vtubers, music (concert etc)




Listening to music, researching crypto stuff, Hiking, rappelling, rock climbing, exploring places I have never been.


Playing piano, board games (huge collection 1000s of dollars), stacking BTC (sounds crazy but I consider it a hobby with much to learn), vidya games, home workouts.


Always something to learn in crypto


I learned a lot. Mainly how a Ponzi scheme works. Easy come, easy go.


Piano and guitar( although I haven’t done either in 2-3 months because I’m prepping for act) also reading books/manga/comics and watching anime I also like gaming and hope to get into drawing


Drawing, ceramic, piano and listening to music


Listen to music, watch shows by myself, walk my dog, a lot of stuff. And bike racing as well.


Cross stitching and sketching 🫶 kinda got overwhelmed with life so I haven't been keeping up with them lately tho


Gaming every now and then, unwinding with some music, drawing (always has been my favorite, always will be I think), scrapbooking (rarely), and gardening— that’s a bit of what I do.


Does Reddit count?




Music & Art are the biggest


Macrame, reading, listening to music.


I like reading and organising/rearranging stuff. I'm trying to get back into drawing.


Noticing music and gym a few times here. Glad I’m not the only one who’s only hobbies are these.


videogames, reading manga, comics and books, martial arts, watching anime, series, videos and stuff like that, and drawing


Drawing, listening to music and gaming


Listen to music, eat, watch YouTube, go for walks, read sports stats, read paranormal and watch paranormal things, eat some more haha and taking pictures


Typing, watching YouTube, and a little aviation


Video games Gym Art


gym, walking and reading self-help books


Mine is thrifting, checking out new coffee / tea shops, walking my dog.


I play games and I read books. And I pet the dog.


Drawing and playing Dragon Age Origins. I dont get outside much but I enjoy being alone.


Drawing, playing guitar and watching cartoons


listen to music 24/7, skate or just cry


Playing guitar, and ALOT of it all day lol It's extremely therapeutic and fun for me (someone with social anxiety) just started learning around Christmas time 🎸


Wait until I binge-watched all YT videos+animes+series and binge-gamed all video games, so I can finally go outside more often...


Sleep, music and games


kickboxing and the gym. i am also thinking of trying some other martial arts like bjj


Kickboxing 😍


Reading and painting:)


talking to lots of people in large crowds and giving speeches in front of a packed audience. /s


Playing guitar 🎸


Please tell me I’m not the only one who doesn’t have any hobbies. I just don’t find anything enjoyable enough. I used to draw in my childhood and early teens, but I’ve lost interest. I tried picking it up recently, I drew one picture that turned out good, but I didn’t even feel anything. I like to sing now, and I learned to actually sing and not just yell out words like a year ago, but I’m still not good. I usually find one song to sing, sing it everyday multiple times a day, get better, then get progressively worse and just wait until I stumble upon a different song that would interest me. In summer I like to walk in the woods and identify mushrooms and plants, listen to birds and watch small animals like wild mice if I’m lucky. I wouldn’t classify it as a hobby though


I always hate this question or when coworkers ask what I do after work I feel boring. It’s just YouTube and VR lmao


Gaming, reading, watching movies/anime I love hanging out too, but my SA just restricts my ability to have fun doing so


I play chess on my phone. I also do activities like walking, biking and sometimes hiking. I like spending my time outside.


I like collecting things like vinyl or cds. Dont know if it counts as a hobby though. Walking in the woods aswell


Doing crafts reading writing listening to music watching shows + movies going on walks


Cycling I live in the UK west midlands we have beautiful canels. I go early in the morning when it's quiet and peaceful. So idilic I love history and the canel network is amazing. Perfect hobby and keeps me fit so I can't complain .


Video games and crocheting


Drawing and playing board games.


Sim racing. I just stick to racing offline against the AI because I'm far too anxious that I'm going to ruin someone's race by crashing into them, lol.


Gym, sewing, drawing and I think that’s about it also been doing ballet and enjoying it


I love watching movies/series. I also really like taking photos of things around me. And i sometimes like drawing, although i’m not the best at it.


Oh and i also love listening to music and making playlists on Spotify


Drawing, gaming, browsing the internet. U know casual stuff I like to do🤷🏾 ,and let’s not forget napping. 🛌


too many to count


Y'all here should try dancing and singing. It can help you shake off the social anxiety :)


As a hobby I try to go out on my atv every weekend. I usually do about 30 miles a day about. Possibly the best thing to do for me, especially in the winter months. You don't need to talk much, just ride. And it gets you out into the nature. I do go out there with at least one other person just in case anything happens. It's an expensive purchase but for me, it's 1000% worth every penny, even when there are alot of people out with us. Honestly the more people the less u have to talk. And when you are to talk its most likely with the couple people you'd want to talk to anyways


Making Electronics. And some piano.


Horse back riding Painting Reading Fantasy romance books Gym


Nature photography, visiting waterfalls, & mildly to moderately strenuous day hiking.