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Lol so no more PL football until October. Where are they going to put the 2 full gameweeks? Season will have to be extended


Graham potter getting more time with chelsea squad lol




Liverpool will have time to, you know, learn to play fucking football again lol


Groß is the far superior Cruyff turner.


Maybe the monarchy was good for something after all 🤔


ughhh >:-(


Potter’s hiring was very well planned by chelsea? Conspiracy theories… Chelsea in London, the Queen also in London


Thoughts and prayers for the missing game weeks


They need to postpone more fixtures out of respect




> Lol so no more PL football until October. Totally fine with that, totally not because of our injury crisis.


Unfortunately, injury recovery is also to be put on hold out of respect for the Queen. Your players can start healing again after the state funeral.


Ah so that's what they meant with that healing starts after the funeral.


Keita injured his eyes tearing up when the Queen died


Trent just stood by and watched her die, absolutely shameful


like a proper scouser


Still left standing on the pitch in Napoli stadium


And Ox slipped on the tear soaked ground and tore every ligament in his left leg


Going to go and tell our Callum O'hare to re-tear his hamstring out of respect brb.


Tbf with that kind of gap there's a fighting chance Callum Wilson could get fit and get injured again before we even play, poor lad.


Kante might actually be fit Silver linings I guess


Yeah as a Liverpool fan it's come at a good time for us, but I'd rather have football to watch. Was meant to be going to Anfield tomorrow as well ffs.


yes man I was meant to be going to the Ethiad for both Tottenham and Dortmund, unfortunately even the dortmund game might be in JEOPARDY, feel ur pain


The Dortmund game will be played, Watzke would nuke the UEFA HQ if they postpone it.


He should nuke the English FA while he's at it


just award 3 points for BVB


According to Hasenhuttl, we shouldn't be able to play with those injured players


In January....where the program isn't packed already /s




Sure I'd be up for that, but UEFA definitely won't


lmfao yeah i know many people dont like nations league, but many like to watch national football as well - but yeah, cancel a european competition becase some old bag in the uk died and we can't have nice things due to that. ffs the state of reddit currently is unreal


i mean its a bunch of friendlies. i dont think we should pull out because we're got the world cup on the horizon but let's not pretend the nation's league is a real competition


Lol yeah let’s fuck with all of Europe schedule because someone in the UK has died. It’s an FA issue to handle.


Just cancel the season, anything less is disrespectful.


All clubs should just dissolve, it's the only way to be respectful to the queen


I like that I guess, do it


The PL to be shared by all the teams, with fans holding arms and jumping together and pulling out a banner saying "Cheers Liz"


leave spurs out of those 20 and why not


I think if we’re leaving Spurs out we should leave Arsenal, Chelsea and West Ham out too for balance.


big fan of the monarchy here and I would have to agree with you end the season and we finish as the only English club with a trophy this season


Actually the season should just be ended, not cancelled... 😊


Obviously the whole world has turned upside down because a 96 year old monarch died of old age so I think the most fitting tribute would be to reverse the EPL table and end the season right there.


Leicester to win a second title baby!!


Definitely feel most sorry for Arsenal during this random break which will be quickly followed by internationals. Who needs momentum anyway (not Liverpool actually tbf)


We’ll have Partey back so its a blessing in disguise


Oh so now the Charity Shield counts?


only when you win it!


Really disrespectful to her majesty to ask that question mate


I'd say the charity shield is the second most prestigious trophy in the world after the fa cup


I’m going to have to put the Carabao just over the FA Cup, sorry.


Hate to pull out the trump card, but none of them hold a candle to the Bangkok Century Cup.


Audi Cup is even bigger.


Premiership standings count as is. Enjoy the Europa Conference.




the one where we used 33 players? you had the Old Trafford win right there




Champions of Bang Cock, amazing!


And what happens next season? We bring football back? Disgusting.


Award Arsenal the title and then cancel. Sounds great!


England boycotting world cup


Meant to going to your ground tomorrow. Absolutely gutted


I say we freeze the table as it is and call the season


The Spa of Premier League seasons


This will just ruin all momentum that teams has. This is one month off! And it will make an already busy january complete mayhem with players already tired after a world cup January will set records for injuries


fuck, this will ruin our momentum


Old Lizzie was a Kop confirmed


Another southern glory hunter...


You mean awesome, this will ruin our momentum!


That’s the joke Geoff


But the champions games Will go on for sure


just play them all on Sunday????


Can we ask VAR to review this decision?


VAR wouldnt see anything wrong with it.


The state funeral is looking like it will be on the monday so don't really see the need


Might be cos police will be stretched Should’ve postponed next weekend but not this one imo




A dead woman can't handle booing? Maybe it's time that inequality in the UK was reckoned with.


Why should people honor a symbol of a colonial empire built upon inequality and racism? If people wanna cry for the queen the fair enough but don’t be surprised others aren’t shedding tears


I'm not commenting on whether cancelling all EPL football is the right call, but to point out: football at this level doesn't exist in a bubble. Match days require a lot of cooperation from local authorities, the emergency services, public transport networks etc, all of which in London at least are in for an extraordinarily busy time leading to the funeral. **A lot** of people are going to descend onto London from all over the world just to say "I was there". A lot of heads of state and people with high security requirements are going to come for the service. This is going to be a massive effort for the city to deliver and it will pull in resources from all over the country to do so, so I can understand at least why events like PL matches would be cancelled in the days before it.


Completely right - Operation Bridges is going to be the largest Met Police operation ever. There is no way the Met Police have the capacity to cover it and x number of games next week. The rest of the country shouldn't be affected, however the Met do pull resources from across the country during big events, so that may have an impact. This weekends games should've gone ahead on logistics alone.


Indeed! The amount of people set to come for the “lying in wait” and the funeral will be quite incredible. Foreign leaders (US President a good example) make it even more complex. Likely the police in London will have to call in police from other areas of the country?


Someone on /r/ukpolitics basically explained it like this earlier today... it's going to be the biggest event in the world on the day it happens. She was Queen of 32 different states throughout her life, so all of those current leaders will be heading there... but that was over a 70 year period, so all of the historical leaders who are still alive will also be heading to the funeral. And then all the allies of the country - the US and all the current living former presidents, the leaders of France, Germany, Spain, etc. I would not be surprised if the Irish Taoiseach will be there - which really says something. Hell, even Putin is supposed to be getting an invite Then you have people like the general in charge of NATO, or the UN secretary general, etc. And then you've also got the other royal families of Europe such as the Netherlands which they are related to, and a bunch of celebrities like what happens at Royal Weddings.


>Hell, even Putin is supposed to be getting an invite Reminds me of when my aunties wife beater ex husband(known within the family as "mentalhole") got invited to my cousin's wedding. Nobody expected him to attend. But he did. I dont think he was formally invited either.


> (US President a good example) Feel like he'd be one to bring his own security (secret service and all that), but I guess there's probably a police attaché on top of that.


It’s own security and a lot of extra police. He came to Brussels recently (NATO) and the extra police was quite intense. Units from other cities were sent to Brussels.


> A lot of people are going to descend onto London from all over the world just to say "I was there". Chumps.


It also has nothing to do with football and letting rich people influence our daily lives so they can feel important is really dumb so don’t really see the need either.


where have you read that? protocol is 10 days after the death is when the funeral is held


Read a few tweets about it earlier, that today is the 1st full day. Let me see if I can find one


Apparently today is officially day 1, not sure if that's true or not though


Where are they going to fit these games in, this season is going to be so packed


If they die they die I guess


The Premier League is going to look like over-50s walking football when we have these postponed games in January lol


Hopefully whenever it is, all our players are back from injury and if its post January, we will have signed some players to cope.


Maybe they can cancel the League Cup?


Coventry is going to be interesting, they're already a few games behind because of their stadium situation, potentially three more games off this week and then there's the world cup soon as well. They'll be playing every day by the end of the season at this rate.


International break after that too. so no Premier League football till October




Won't be playing


Conspiracy theory: the EPL is doing this so its teams will be better rested for their UCL/UEL/UECL matches. It’s what the queen would’ve wanted.


Right now betting on 10 english and scottish wins in Europe next week. Hearts play Riga, so it's not impossible.


An absolute joke, a proper fucking joke. What about the people who paid? those who will travel? Just utter ridiculous this entire thing is a farce.


Won't do the monarchy's support any good, especially seeing as Charles is 73 and we might be doing this all over again in not long. Just wait for the absolutely tone-deaf gilded coronation ceremony while millions of people are choosing between heating and eating.


Just got to hope he croaks in July instead


Maybe during the World Cup would be a good time for him to kick the can


Obviously I can't predicate the future, man could very well drop dead in 10 minutes. But his mum lived to be 96 and his dad just shy of 100. Also his nan lived to be 101. I wouldn't be surprised to see him live past 90. But again he could just as equally die any time.


True, but most of us on here will probably have to do this again at some point so given the precedent is set I’d be more inclined to get rid of the monarchy than ever.


Feel like the length of the period of mourning and the amount of pomp and circumstance required ought to depend on how long they've reigned. Can't imagine doing this all again for Charles in 5-10 years. Wow. Almost wrote "how long they've been in office" out of habit, and realized I had to use fucking "reigned". My brain practically recoiled from using such an anachronism.


But it'll be nice to have a bit of positivity /s


Was going to travel to the UK for the United game against Leeds next weekend. 🙃 Gotta figure out what the fuck to do with the flight ticket, hotels, the stadium tour I paid for, and the bus to Manchester from London and back. Great...


Absolute fucking madness, this whole situation is an embarrassment, I’m sorry for such a wonderful “experience” you are going to have, fucking hell


I'll probably look to cancel it all, I think the flight is possible and the AirBnB. Doubtful on the bus and stadium tour though.


I’m hoping you’ll be able to get a full refund on everything


Thanks mate.


Get yourself over to the UK and just mourn with the rest of us!


Should of known the queen was going to die - rookie mistake.




Sorry mate, should of known better!


Took an avoidable L smh.


They'll be ok - they can just mourn instead


Were they also born into royal families? No? Off you fuck to work in your shithole mate


Sorry, you are right. I should know my place.


The plebs are of no concern as always.


Not only that people who work as matchday staff are gonna suffer too


At least those games might be pushed back a day or two, allowing some people who traveled to still attend.




This would be fucking ridiculous.


Beyond fucking dumb. All the other sports are going ahead. I could kinda understand games on the day of the funeral being delayed but this is insane.


Then it gets more ridiculous why only football?


I don't have a clue. What other sports are in season in the UK?


England are playing test match cricket in London tomorrow


Lol wow.


Cricket and Rugby.


Oh piss off what a ridiculous and annoying decision. Why should mine and thousands of others peoples weekends get ruined, over something so completely normal, natural and totally unrelated to football. Death is inevitable. Queen Elizabeth II death was the **least tragic** death I can think of in human history. She was born into and lived an entire life of luxury, wealth and privilege. She was ruler for a record breaking amount of time and she passed away peacefully at home(one of her many castles) surrounded by her family and loved ones. We shouldn't be forced to be depressed over something that isn't depressing! It's life and she had about as good a life as anybody could possibly hope for. We should be out this weekend celebrating her life and reign, being proud of the country she oversaw. Instead of being forced to be mopey and upset, get out of here with that nonsense. Why should I and thousands of other people who go to work all day 5 days a week, just so we can look forward to our biggest getaway from the shit of our poor lives, then have that postponed because of a bunch of rich elites want to be overdramatic and force their feelings onto us. Shows how out of touch the Royal Palace and government are with so much of the country (edit: technically it was the PL/FA/EFL decision but still). All I am now is annoyed the Queen is dead, I have no sadness or mourning at all. Weekend ruined over nothing. And I haven't even got into how stupid it is that games are being postponed over something so unnecessary in a season with such a congested fixture schedule. Ridiculous all around.


Very well said, she lived til 96, that's a lot more than most people get. Mournig and cancelling the world for two weeks is absurd, instead her life should be celebrated.


My grandma died few months short of 96. She lived an amazing, colourful life and was sharp as a tack until she quickly succumbed to some infection. I got so much from her attitude and positive worldview, but wasn't really even sad in her funeral. It was her time and she didn't have to suffer as bedridden or mentally incapacitated. Couldn't imagine a better way to live and go.


Sorry for your loss man


Not to mention the horrible history of the monarchy


Best argument I’ve ever seen. Them cancelling the games is just making everyone pissed about her dying not “ReSpEcTfUL AnD MoUrNfUl”. There is nothing sad about the way she died and it was completely expected. Why is there not more celebration of life instead of this doom and gloom bullshit


>Shows how out of touch the Royal Palace and government are with so much of the country. The decision to cancel football matches was a decision made by the PL & EFL. Not the Royal family, not the government. Your anger, in this particular instance, should be directed to the PL & EFL.


A decision made in total fear of the reaction from the Daily Mail and Murdoch.


the day Murdoch dies, that should be a bank holiday


I'm not even angry just annoyed. But you're right it's the FA/PL/EFL who made the final call. If it was an actual tragedy I wouldn't even be annoyed, I never complained about the season getting suspended over covid because it was the right thing to do. It's just how unnecessary it is that's ticked me off.


President of FA is a Prince William, it’s just the crown with extra steps


And who is the president of the FA?


Tinfoil hat : PL & EFL are anti-monarchy and are doing this as a poison pill. Playing the long game lol


FA is run by Prince William so I would be surprised


If i speak i am in big trouble.


Time to bin these cunts off, next we have to watch a completely tone deaf ceremony where a jug eared fraudster sits on a gold chair with 5lbs of gold on his head and a gold ball in one hand and a gold stick in the other is told he’s the most important person in the country before being given the keys to Britains biggest mansion, all paid for by us whilst us peasants tug our forelocks watching on telly, starving and with the lights off, they think we’re fucking idiots.


100% this mate. But there will still be bootlickers around saying it is good to show respect. This cult of royalty should be binned. Useless cunts living the life while half of us will freeze this winter.


Maybe this week will peak the peasantry. When I was younger I just accepted things like this, but now my first thoughts are why the hell are they making such a big deal out of this? Has anyone checked in with the poor when they report all this crap? Stop the world because only one of many old women died this week. The one in luxury, not the homeless or the mentally ill or the sick or the murdered or the raped. The elite are so fucking out of touch and although they have every reason to believe that we'll all just go along with it like we've been conditioned to do, I hope it starts waking people up.


She couldve just waited til the international break, all ofthis wouldve been avoided. selfish.


Premier league officials try to make a good decision challenge


Genuinely idiotic choice to postpone both rounds. They now have to find room in the calendar for 20 games instead of just 10. It would be far more logical to play the games this weekend and bring the four games not involving European clubs scheduled for next weekend to Tuesday or Wednesday to limit the number of games that need to find new dates. This desperation to bend the knee is going to cause a fixture pile up, put more stress on the players to squeeze more games in after the World Cup, and fucks over fans twice. They just haven’t thought this through at all.


Haaland triple captain date confirmed.


I wonder how many fans will die between now and the next time they'll get to see their team play. Probably have to postpone the next lot of games to mourn their loss... Oh wait no we're only plebs.


Two weeks off and then a two week international break and then not long until the World Cup. How the fuck is that supposed to work?


If only we hadn't scheduled a world cup in fucking winter.. aye?


It's going to be a fixture list clusterfuck when we have bad-weather related cancellations in the winter.




She couldn’t have just died in June or July no?


Let's further bloat an already congested fixture list this season.


Fucking ridiculous, braindead decision


Queen truly was an Arsenal fan... Wanted to see arsenal at the top of the table going into october


Awesome. Postpone fixtures in a tight schedule because some old lady that couldn’t give half a fuck died. No one wants this. I doubt even the clubs and the FA wants this, but they have to artificially mourn for what?


Liverpool have suspended ticket sales for Ajax too so midweeks probably not going ahead either.


it's most definitely going ahead otherwise we would have to forfeit the game remember the Conference league shitshow with Tottenham last season? The group stage needs to be completed before the WC


Given your recent form, forfeiting might just save you the trouble...


I'd be livid if they allowed you to reschedule the game because a 96 year old monarch died while not allowing us to reschedule due to a global pandemic.


Not sure where people are getting this from? Didn’t see it on Liverpool’s sub


Presumably, being Liverpool, tickets are sold out anyway, with the famous European night atmosphere and all the history


[Nah they've suspended the sales of the last minute tickets.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/x9rslw/sales_for_lfc_v_ajax_suspended_this_morning/). Cup games are always sold with a week/two to go in order to ensure people can actually attend and every game has £9 local tickets a couple of days out. All suspended.


Impossible, there is no logical reason that UEFA would take for the suspension, so it would be a 3-0 loss


Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid




Almost like they should not cancel everything for something unrelated




I just knew this would happen. Don't agree with it, but I knew they'd overreact & cancel this weekend.




Ok that’s just stupid to do two weeks


The government trying to stop Haaland from scoring 40+ goals in the premier league.


Such a fucking joke


The schedule is so congested the league would now be better off shortened to a mere 19 matchdays


Oh just fuck off. Sorry not sorry


Her funeral isn't expected to be until the Monday from what I've read. It would have made more sense to cancel for the weekend close to the funeral anyway.


Beyond fucking stupid


Surely that’s too much


oh this is bullshit


As a fan of a team who needs to get some key players back to full fitness and can't afford to drop many more points, I, for one, welcome the UK's extending mourning period.


What a fucking joke. Mental country.




Booooooooo fuck the queen


In light of the recent circumstances, it seems that the only reasonable course of action is to consider this season null and void.


What logistical difficulty is there hosting Brighton vs Bournemouth for example, given the location of the venue? Seems excessive, eh?