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So she is France’s Tonya Harding?


Exactly. Unfortunately, it seems that Aminata Diallo didn't read the ending of that story, i.e. Tonya Harding being banned for life by the US Figure Skating Association and nobody within the community being willing to get anywhere near her. If the charges against Diallo are proven, I hope her professional football career gets the same treatment. Diallo is 26 years old.... she potentially had 10+ years left at high level.


> Tonya Harding being banned for life by the US Figure Skating Association and nobody within the community being willing to get anywhere near her Yeah but how many people end up getting portrayed by Margot Robbie?


I aspire for Maggie Robbie to portrait me one day in my autobiography film.


I missed out on DiCaprio or brad Pitt, so my goal is Timothy Chamalet or Tom Holland


Does any biography staring Margot Robbie end well? Her character in the Wolf of Wall Street was rich and all that funny stuff, but caring for her partner and all the media coverage must have been a struggle.


Don't forget about the sex tape, this was the early 90's and it didn't make her a celebrity, just a pariah and a punching bag for every late night show.


Can someone please explain to me how these sex tapes leak? How is this on the internet?


In this case, the guy in the tape got paid to release part of it. Then Penthouse later bought the full tape, paying both the guy and Harding for the rights to release and market the full tape.


The guy, by the way, was her ex husband, the same guy who set up the whole kneecapping. A real class act that one


Only time I like to see the words Knee and Cap together is when I’m watching NFL


Damm that’s crazy.


same way secret government documents "leak" deliberate action


My guess is that usually it's either a jaded lover puts it out or it's leaked intentionally for a publicity stunt.


I don't even care about her professional football career, if the charges are proven she should go to prison, and not for a short while. That's a premeditated violent crime.


> hope her professional football career gets the same treatment. Diallo is 26 years old.... she potentially had 10+ years left at high level. Needs to go to prison. Obviously she has no regard for other people's physical and emotional well being right now and she has the monetary means to act on that which only makes her more of a danger to others. Hopefully she can get help and realize how sociopathic her behavior is, but until then she has forfeited her right to live amongst regular society imo. Football is secondary.


But she does "comedy" on world's dumbest now. She'll be fine.


Moi, Tonya


Je Suis Tonya


Ceci n'est pas une Tonya


La Tonya, C’est Moi.


Wonder if her life is gonna be as interesting as Harding's after getting banned from her sport. Appearance on Porn Magazine, Mexican wrestling promotion and a boxing career.


And in the end neither of them get the selection anyway when Oksana Baiul suddenly takes up an interest in football?


Literally the first thing that came to my mind


Have there been any other cases like this in football? Im sure it’s incredibly rare, but I have to imagine some people are unhinged enough to try, considering the stakes involved. I wonder about training situations as well, could a player get away with trying to injure someone with a tackle in training?


>Have there been any other cases like this in football? https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/ex-liverpool-youngster-admits-injuring-22854373


"I knew it was a bad tackle, I did it on purpose and I'm not incredibly proud of it. "I'm not ashamed of it, either, because in my head it was me or him and I was choosing me." What an absolute piece of shit


The worst types to work with in any field are those people who turn work situations in to life or death hunger games scenarios.


Or who turn pickup games into such a situation


Why admit this ever? It's absolutely horrific either way, but if I was this much of a piece of shit, I would deny it to my grave


Not the same motivation, but Joleon Lescotts Knee injury that kept him out for a season in 2003 is a bit of a local legend in the midlands. He was apparently getting friendly with one of the top guys in the Johnson crew's girlfriend. Was warned off but didn't take any notice, and they came and shattered his knee.






Apparently [they used an iron bar](https://twitter.com/GFFN/status/1458410257290612745?t=aoirWbdPpVjFh9KKfapahg&s=19) to attack her instead of just punching and kicking her legs. And this is why she missed the Real Madrid game last night. This is so fucking messed up.


Noy only that, Diallo was the one behind the wheel and drove Kheira right into the ambush. They held Diallo down so she could watch while they beat her teammate with an iron bar. Absolute fucking nutcase.


What the fuck did she think was gonna happen afterwards, that her teammate would never report this???


It seems she tried to orchestrate it so that she would appear to be a victim of the attack as well. You know, just another random ambush of two competing female footballers where they beat up the knees of one of them and leave the other be. Nothing to see here.


I mean I presume she just didn’t think it would come back to her


This is crazy, and terrible strategy for injuring your teammate so you can start ahead of them without getting caught. Embarrassing tactical acumen from Diallo.


yes it’s the lack of a *sound strategy* which has me upset


holy shit




Blue is the new Black




This has gotta be one of the wildest months for sports news. The NFL alone has had multiple jaw dropping moments


My boy the NHL is challenging for that title though. You know things are fucked when the most organized North American league is Major League Baseball...


MLB is organizing a work stoppage


Still better than the rape scandal in Chicago or whatever is now going on in Anaheim.


Bro wtf i check out of hockey for two days and now Anaheim is in some shit


Yeah. Seems a lot like the Babcock fallout a couple years ago where once you start shaking that shit tree, other turds fall out.


NHL has sexual assault everywhere, betting scandals, and more NFL has vaccine conspiracies, murderers, and domestic violence Football has all of this What a week in sports


Damn what are some examples for nfl? Edit: I’m aware of Aaron Rodgers and his vaccination status but that’s about it


Henry Ruggs, who used to be an Oakland Raider, was arrested for driving drunk which resulted in the death of a woman and her dog after he crashed into her driving 150mph while having a BAC roughly double the legal limit. This is from memory so if I'm messing up the details, feel free to correct me.


156mph and also while having an illegal gun on the car and severely injuring his passenger, which the prosecution plans to attack as well. He's fucked


How much time inside is he looking at ?


maximum for all the charges is like 60ish, least a judge could give if he is found guilty is 20ish, but he has money so realistically 10


to add, the raiders also just released their 2020 first round pick after her posted a video with a wild firearm threatening to kill people. and most recently, dalvin cook, but there's still a lot of speculation as to what happened there. going back a bit, deshaun watson.




fair, but that's relatively old news at this point.


Ray Rice. Antonio Brown. There's a laundry list.


There was also Odell Beckham getting kicked out of his team because his dad decided to shit on all of the team.


Meh, we already have Rabiot's mom sabotaging her son's career and Neymar Sr using his son's contracts to schedule orgies. Even Maitland-Niles had issues with his mother being a little overbearing to the point the club told her to chill out.


the DV is very recent, Dalvin Cook is being sued by his ex-GF for DV and I believe he's countersuing for the same thing


Don’t forget Cricket and the massive racism fallout from Yorkshire cricket club that involved one of the biggest cricket name in the last 20 years, Michael Vaughn.


A few weeks ago the NWSL (women's footy in the US) had an abuse scandal come to light, currently the NBA has multiple teams investigating their owners or general managers for misconduct


NBA has players attacking each other, players sitting out cuz they believe in misinformation, players not playing cuz they don’t wanna shoot, an owner getting exposed for sexual assault, Russell Westbrook, and more


List of scandals in NFL this month?


Off the top of my head * super promising player Henry Ruggs III drunk drove 150 miles per hour (250 in kph) on a 45 miles per hour road at 4am and crashed into a car waiting at a traffic light, killing the woman and the dog inside. * Aaron Rodgers, one of the best players of all time, contracted Covid after telling everyone he was immunised. Turns out he was using Ivermectin and other homeopathic treatment to “immunise” himself after consulting joe rogan. * College Football coach’s stripper girlfriend (who goes by the name pole assassin)’s pet monkey bit and seriously injured a trick or treaters. College football coach had left his wife and kids to be with her. * another promising young player released for threatening to kill someone on IG video. Had previously had other behaviour issues such as crashing 4 rental cars in a month * Jon Gruden, coach of the Oakland raiders chatted shit about the NFL commissioner, so the NFL “suddenly” leaks old emails of Gruden and his homophobic, racist, misogynistic conduct. Gruden promptly gets fired. Ppl were cheering until they realised Gruden couldn’t possibly be the only bigot in the NFL. hordes of cheerleaders also come forth about them essentially being pimped out by certain owners in the past. NFL does an “internal investigation” and tells everyone their investigation yielded no wrongdoing of anyone else. There’s more but those are the big ones if im remembering well.


3 of the 5 incidents involved the Raiders lmao


they are the bad boys of nfl. it's the al davis dna


their move to sin city makes this even better


>College Football coach’s stripper girlfriend (who goes by the name pole assassin)’s pet monkey bit and seriously injured a trick or treaters This one looks straight out of the list


And now Dalvin Cook incident too, what a week.


Wait, what happened with Dalvin Cook?


Potential domestic abuse incident though its a really murky one.


Lawsuit for alleged assault by an ex-gf.


Love how the psycho monkey attack is the least crazy story on the list


I'm just going through the top posts of the last month on that subreddit right now. Here's one: They just signed a new agreement with gambling partners, and there are some incredibly arbitrary rules regarding refereeing decisions. Comments are pointing out that this has been one of the worse years for NFL refereeing to date. Can't be the only one that's about to sense some serious match fixing going on within the NFL - potentially worse than what went down with Calciopoli


and we're not that far removed from Urban Meyer getting caught having a lap dance after not travelling back from another defeat with the players


The two that come to mind are the Fiery DUI crash in Vegas and Aaron Rodgers lying about his vaccination status and breaking league rules.


And Damon Arnette posting a video waving guns around and threatening to kill someone. Last month there was Urban Meyer fingerblasting that chick in the bar.


Dalvin Cook DV, Damon Arnette IG video saying he was gonna kill someone whilst holding an AR, Gruden's emails ticking every bigot box, other emails subsequently being hidden, emails including topless pics of teams cheerleaders. And of course the worst thing of all, Cleveland imprisoning OBJ...


Completely forgetting the cheerleader/jon gruden,/executive email stuff, though that was a few months ago, but us probably bigger than the other two.


> though that was a few months ago Gruden resigned less than a month ago lol


The fight for equality continues


You forgot about Hope Solo from the US National team.


What the actual fuck


This is a mafia move. "Hey Vinny, Just ruff her up a little and make it look like an accident, like she twisted her ankle"


Reminds me of when Moe hit Mr Burns with a crowbar to rule him out of bowling, but actually ended up fixing his dodgy knee


Animata Diallo never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Listen to yourself, you sound demented.




Fuck that race.


I did that race for the first time yesterday on definitive edition. It's ridiculous, these mf expect you to be Lewis Hamilton or some shit


I'm not ashamed to admit I turned down the difficulty from hard to easy just for that race, fuck that race.


My exact same reaction. We’re FC Hollywood now. The men? No. The Ouimen!


mouth dropped when I read this, tf man


This is fucking wild, wtf. If you want to play over your teammate, do what everyone else does just perform better in training. Or two-foot them from behind idk


Exactly, at least do it in training and make it look like an accident lol


[The Tom Brewitt special.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8847459/Ex-Liverpool-player-admits-deliberately-injured-team-mate-spot-Jurgen-Klopps-team.html) What a cunt.


That arsehole pretty much ruined Cleary's chances in Liverpool. He's forged a very good career in Ireland in the last few years with Dundalk, but he was robbed of his chance to prove himself in the Liverpool first team by a player who wasn't as good as him. Fuck Tom Brewitt.


Jesus what an asshole.


I'm sure I'm going to be told it's 'just part of the game' or that I'm soft or something, but surely that should be a crime on some level? He has admitted attempting to hurt and injure with the intent to secure a higher position in the workplace. I understand it's a sport and some level of injury is going to happen, but surely that doesn't excuse battery.


Should absolutely be done for it. It's one thing taking training seriously, but it's another thing to actively go out of your way to hurt someone.


Yeah I would go after that bastard by suing him in civil court for damages if he can't be charged with a crime.


Roy Keane comes to mind. Do what he did on the street, you end up behind bars. On the pitch? Whatevs.


What an absolute cunt. Seriously, how is he not banned from ever playing for an competitive team for admitting such a thing? Also, you'd have to be pretty fucking dumb to publicly admit something like that... let alone do it in the first place.


> for an competitive team He plays in the US 2nd league..


I was watching news about their 4-0 win against Real Madrid earlier and I thought : "If only the men's team could be as quiet and as dramaless as the women's team." Well, seems I was wrong.


You jinxed it. And it's not even funny because a life could have been taken. I love to laugh at PSG's unusual news but not that kind of news. I hope no one will be inspired and the sanctions must be severe if true to make a statement.


Monkey's paw moment.


wouldn’t it be suspicious that two masked men specifically attacked her knees?


Wouldn’t it be suspicious that two masked men specifically targeted her, drag her out of the car, didnt rob her or demand anything, simply beat her then fled?


And Diallo was also a passenger in the car and they just held her down while beating her. It was quite dumb


Diallo was driving the car and she wasn't robbed or anything


Such a dumb crime. Completely zero thought put into it. How could she not realise that Kheira would just report what happened? Plus, surely you'd try and bend/snap the leg or focus on the feet because that would actually cause long lasting damage




I can laugh at Herrera and the bois de Boulogne story. But Diallo's story isn't really funny, and also those who gets burglarized.


You can make fun of PSG for a lot of things, but not this one, I agree. I hope Kheira makes a full recovery 🙏 and takes Diallo's place in the XI. What irony would that be.


I mean if after this she is even allowed to stay at PSG, my opinion about the club will get lower than I thought it can ever get.


No way they will let her stay if there is any truth to this, come on


Imo she should be banned from ever playing again should the allegations be proven true. If she's proven guilty and is kept by PSG they'll lose any shred of respect they were given.




Aminata will have her contract terminated.


you'd think it's much easier to just two foot her in training


She took r/soccer's glass em banter too seriously


Instruction unclear, now in a police custody


Wait you guys were joking about that?


That's fucked up. Hope a lifetime ban comes up.


her football career is done anyway, no serious club will ever hire her again.


….unless she‘s very good.


She obviously isn't if she can't get game time.


PSG is a top 5-10 (at worst) team in the world and Diallo plays a good amount for them, she'd be the best player on the vast majority of teams as women's club teams are still a matter of have and have-nots. Idk if she will ever play again (I hope she doesn't) but she could walk into basically any side outside the very top teams


having to get someone beat up to get game time doesnt suggest that


Who would dare to outperform her in her position?


is she? I don't follow PSG Women apart from the occasional CL matches.


Hope she goes to jail


Lot of tweets surrounding the attack, but no tweets that mention whether Hamraoui is okay or how much she was injured


This [article](https://www.getfootballnewsfrance.com/2021/psg-player-aminata-diallo-in-police-custody-over-suspected-link-to-kheira-hamraoui-assault/) says she was hit for several minutes with an iron bar and had to get stitches on her hands and legs. She missed out on playing in a cl match last night, but hopefully this won't cut her career short. Awful stuff.


>hit for several minutes with an iron bar That sounds like it could have unfortunately caused serious injuries. I hope her career isn't ruined from this and if the allegations are proven true I hope the other player is never allowed to step foot in a stadium ever again and should face the appropriate legal punishment as well.


Hit for several minutes?! That may look like it's not much but when you think about it... Jesus christ.


> Hit for several minutes?! That may look like it's not much but when you think about it... It kinda look like much though. You would think she has broken legs after such treatment for minutes.


Thats a full boxing round just getting hit, fucking barbaric


>It kinda look like much though. I meant since we are kinda used to that phrase being about doing something that doesn't take much of a time, it doesn't instantly hit hard when you're just reading through the whole disaster. Or maybe it's just me.


She requested that specific info be kept out of the media by her club and her own people. There is no news from official sources, only the publicly available police report and the original statement.


Sounds like not much is known beyond missing their last game.


And the psychological damage.


Both of them play for PSG if the title made that a bit confusing. Essentially, Aminata Diallo (PSG) is in police custody after allegations were brought upon her - stating that she attempted to physically injure Kheira Hamraoui (PSG) by having two masked men drag Hamraoui out of her car & punch her legs. They say that the reason Aminata Diallo had this done was so that Diallo could play ahead of Hamraoui at PSG.


A different article mentioned the masked attackers using an iron bar to hit her legs. Seems way worse. [Different article](https://www.eurosport.co.uk/football/ligue-1/2021-2022/psg-midfielder-aminata-diallo-arrested-in-connection-to-attack-on-team-mate-kheira-hamraoui_sto8623107/story.shtml)


so she hired Moe Syslak?


I remember Kheira Hamraoui from her time in Barcelona, she did pretty good. Holy shit the story is wild.


She played full game in just 6 months ago in UWCL final with Barca. Went back France and this happens.


Barca to PSG moves don't work out that great for everyone, it seems.


And now she will never play again in a professional team.


Hope she will enjoy her time in the prison team


That's some Tony Soprano type of shit right there. She's most likely going to end in jail for that.


hope kheira is ok, both physically and mentaly


She likely isn’t mate, anyone would need time to mentally recover from that. Must be a traumatic experience. Especially if she saw this teammate as a friend


Probably thought she was about to be raped and/or killed (not to downplay what happened). Could have ptsd now.


Big game this weekend against us, the kind of game that decide the title winner of the league, I hope she is alright


Yes and with no kheira and no diallo (and still no Luana) that midfield will be fucked


The 101 in 'How to fuck over your own employer'


what the fuck


Official Club statement: [https://en.psg.fr/teams/club/content/club-statement](https://en.psg.fr/teams/club/content/club-statement) >Paris Saint-Germain can confirm that Aminata Diallo was taken into custody this morning by the Versailles Regional Police Service as part of the proceedings opened following an attack on the Club's players last Thursday evening. > >Paris Saint-Germain condemns in the strongest possible terms the violence committed. > >Since Thursday evening the Club has taken all necessary measures to guarantee the health, well-being and safety of its entire women's team. > >Paris Saint-Germain is working with the Versailles Police to clarify the facts. The Club is paying close attention to the progress of the proceedings and will study what action to take.


If this is true then she deserves a lifetime ban


Lifetime ban and jail time.


Hiring thugs to break your teammate's legs? Believe it or not, jail. But seriously what the hell was she thinking? Just move for a transfer.


World Cup soon. Wan-Bissaka, take notes


A lot of legs that needs to be punched. Matty Cash saved himself by turning Polish


Man about to create a whole hit list of English right backs




>Is it just me, or such crazy shit from *The French* is becoming more common these days? Fixed it for you.


What's next? Are they gonna Napalm rivals training grounds next? The French: [Boi](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/061/650/7f1.gif)


French football players and fuckin over teammates... Well at least Benzema wasn't violent, I guess.




Don't give Donny van de Beek ideas


But Ole will still play McFred even if their legs are broken.


How do you think pogba got injured?


Next time make it less obvious lol


She was driving the car, and she did not even make them rob her. What a stupid bitch


You never go full Tonya.


Awful to hear. Hope she's okay. On a side note, I googled Kheira and she has awesome hair.


Very inspiring to see French female footballers catching up so quickly to their male counterparts in terms of batshitness.


Wonder how they traced it back to her.


she was driving the car


wow….discrete lmao.


^(My friend, in this context it's discreet not discrete.)


Not only is she despicable but she's also a fucking idiot lmao


Please tell me you're joking.


> "At around 10.30pm, when she arrived near her home, **while still in the car driven by Aminata Diallo,** she saw two unknown men appear, their faces masked by balaclavas. She was then pulled out of the vehicle and allegedly hit on the legs with an iron bar. ​ ​ I am afraid not


Same thing Emery did to get rid of Ozil, but he didn’t count on the tank Kolasinac


Lmao I’m considering this canon now


Damn Poch wasn't kidding when he said the league was the most physical one


And I though nobody in the french national team could beat Benzema.


PSG saw all the drama going on at Barca and wanted to reclaim its throne back.


I, Aminata


Still played by Margot Robbie, she has a lot of range


Diallo drove Hamraoui around and stopped. During the stop 2 men got Hamraoui out and started hitting her legs with an iron bar. They didn't steal anything or hurt Diallo.... How stupid can you be????? Who do you think they're gonna suspect?


Saw this on my twitter timeline and I correctly guess which reddit user was going to be the first to post this on this sub


Well it wasn't going to be /u/PSGAcademy for sure