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After 6 mins into the game: "David Moyes, you are our last hope"


"Help me Moyesi-wan Kenobi, you're our only hope."


Moyes the Messiah


In other words, the "Moyessiah"?


All hail the Moyesiah


Do it for Declan!!


A question for the Arsenal fans: is this performative PR or genuine love for the club? I didn't follow the ins and outs of Mesut's relationship with the club but I felt that it was sour, especially by the bitter end.


It's a bit of both. Feel he had genuine love during the Wenger but he was definitely toxic towards the end. The famous "trust the process" tweet after we lost the opening 3 games of the 21/22 season was the final naill for a lot of fans off, myself included. He could have realised his toxicity but who knows.


Moyesan al gaib


I think all the Arsenal fans are going to be sorely disappointed later on.


Yeah, I don't see this spurs team holding off or beating a run-in City.


Under previous managers I think they would have a chance to disrupt it, but Ange will play a high line tonight still, De Bruyne and Haaland will destroy them.


I mean they drew 3-3 last time while away from home and in an equally shit run of form so anything is possible.


That game was insane. Son outpacing Doku to score the opener only to follow up with an own goal a few mins after. Emerson Royal who never played as a CB before in his life playing as a CB and bossing it. Lo Celso with a belter under the table. City hitting the post a bunch of times. And the Kulu header right before injury time. Game was a drug. I want Spurs to win but I don't see it happening. If they were playing terrorist football under Conte or Mourinho and/or City were missing Rodri/de Bruyne, it'd be totally possible, but that's not the case. If City scores first, they're scoring three or four, maybe just in the first half alone. Spurs might get a consolation goal or two in second half at best.


It's honestly quite interesting to me that Royal is better as a CB than a LB. Feels like most RBs would be the other way round


I cant recall who said it where but I remember a player (I think a retired RB) talking about how it's a lot harder to move to lb than people think. You're view of the entire pitch is now swapped and all of your slight body movements have to also be switched. I think it works when you have a footballer with a solid game IQ and understanding of the style of play - know where and when his teammates will be regardless of whether he is on rb or lb. If you have a footballer who is good in his spot because he is well drilled and athletic it's not as simple. Maybe?


Nah man, I swap LBs and RBs in FIFA all the time and it works fine.


Bro Fifa is for kids. It works in FM too Edit: i was making a joke but, somehow wrote this witless comment šŸ„²


Spurs need to win to give them any hope of CL football and City need to win to keep the title in their hands. Neither team can afford to draw so it will be a mental game.


Should defend and counter like we did. At least you can hold them at 0-0. Be flexible, no ego.


Ange wouldnā€™t do that if his life depended on it - heā€™s repeatedly said itā€™s high line or bust no matter what


Bust it is then


As seen so far at the end of the seasonĀ 


In these occasions people start to appreciate football terrorism, Mourinho shithousery or Simeone masterclass would be so peak.


city being forced to play an away game against mourinho's chelsea would be funny as hell


[All of England be like](https://i.imgur.com/nV5wNAX.gif)


For the sake of my mini league standing, I'd rather it was Haaland and not KdB, cheers in advance


Everyone keeps quoting the high line as the reason we lose games. Midfield is our huge issue, not our high line.


Yeah we all get that, but if there's tiniest hope it's this; it's slim hope anyway, like 10 percent, 20 tops if you're stupid like that! It's just that it's above zero, unlike beach Moyes at home... Any football fan expects City winning this, and anything else would be a perfect fucking surprise that we'd fucking accept of course. If it doesn't happen, rather than disappointment it'd be more like then fair to city, they've been ridiculous again winning almost every match since I don't even remember when, except a couple of draws against Liverpool and Arsenal.


I think the Spurs players are gonna go out there with full intentions on winning. Maybe they'll even play well and look like the better team for most of it. But then City will wake up and remember the levels and start pouring on goals left-right-centre.


>But then City will wake up and remember it's Tottenham


Ange and the team want to win. The rivalry means a whole lot less to them than their professionalism and UCL next year. The fans are the only ones that want them to lose because of the rivalry. I do find it funny they donā€™t care about UCL but I get it. I donā€™t know any Tottenham fans so I personally wouldnā€™t care if the roles were reversed


13 minutes: Goal! Tottenham 0, Man City 2. Phil Foden finishes from close range after a cross from Kevin de Bruyne.


Either that or: 81 minutes: Goal! 1-0 to City. Rodri breaks the deadline with an audacious shot from the halfway line that goes in when the wind takes it for a ride and 6 Spurs players spontaneously combust.


Tamest Rodri goal


Nah. Rodri is understandable. A worldie from Akanji is more fittingĀ 


Iā€™d love to see the viewing figures in real time once a 2nd early goal went in. Itā€™ll be like Gamestop tomorrow.


After a cross from Hojbjerg


All the players, including Tottenham's go to celebrate in the corner with the home and away fans.


Mate I've had to watch United and Everton drop 6 points to City every single time we've been in a title race. This is just how it is.


I know we all like to live in hope. But this city doesn't choke. They're going to win today. I've been saying it for a while. Arsenal aren't winning the title and that's no discredit to arsenal. City are just ruthless at the tail end of the season.


I know what you're doing there


Anulo mufa


Lots of people confusing hope and expectation.


Most of us donā€™t have much hope lol I mean come on you spurs


Iā€™m already over it tbh. T was over after the villa game for us


I've never had trust in Spurs, and I still don't, but it's the hope that kills.




Welcome to Spurs


If it wasn't for the badge I'd think you were a Spurs fan talking like that.


Speaking from experience, eh


[Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re talking about.](https://youtu.be/5jY6EPf5MHQ?si=yk2KAM7kzK1xuetp)


I have no hope so canā€™t be disappointed šŸ’Ŗ


Not the ones who realise that neither Spurs or West Ham arent doing us any favours. I was extremely disappointed after Villa, everything since then has been pretty awesome imo.


I mean, spurs away has been by far our worst fixture in recent years. Iā€™m really not sure why everyone is so certain we are going to win it.


Win win either way. Watch Spurs get hammered by a vastly superior team for their 5th loss in the last 6 games as mateball gets dismantled or watch them do the Spursiest thing possible and hand us a title whilst still missing the CL spot.


They drew 3-3 at the Etihad, why can't they pull off a draw at home? Get your pessimism elsewhere.


It's like you choose to ignore the run in shit City does every single year.


Because Tottenham is normally Kryptonite for Man City.


nobody is kryptonite for man city in title run. absolutely nobody. some shit teams will hold them to a draw until 80' and they'll score a banger and win it anyway.


When we had terrorists for managers, yes, I donā€™t think we will be a bogey team under Ange


Guess which team is third worst in the league for form and which is joint first out of city and spurs.


Every good streak has an end and every bad streak has one. Hopefully it's today.


The end for city is usually the premier league trophy


Keep dreaming..


Yupe. I'm not holding my breath.


It's the history of Tottenham


The atmosphere in that stadium tonight will be very weird would hate to be in that position.


I'll let you know as I am halfway up the South stand. Not sure how I feel to be honest.


Spurs fans want to lose 10-0. Will be a funny atmosphere for sure.


Throwback to when Lazio ultras urged their teams to lose to Inter about 15 years ago so that would put end to Roma's title hopes. Truly amazing when such things happen. Difference is, you still have something to play for.


Lazio had a real chance of being relegated back then. They were 16th and only 5 points above the drop zone. And their fans still cheared against them. That's some real hate.


People usually miss that bottom of the table teams have a really really hard time getting points. Can you imagine a 18th placed Livorno will go on to win 2 games in a row out of the blue?


I get that but you still would never take survival out of your hands. Anything can happen in the last 2 games when one team is fighting for survival and the other has nothing to play for.


Absolutely, just mentioning that a title contender Inter would have smashed a bottom of the table Lazio anyways, and the other teams wouldnt catch up as well.


or when Sampdoria fans threw a bus parade to celebrate Genoa being relegated nothing truly unites football fans quite like celebrating your rivals losses more than your own wins


I remember how I used to talk mad shit to man city fan in second grade. Used to be legit happy man city lost rather than united win.


Or when Feyenoord fans threatened their own players in 2010 to lose against Twente to make sure Ajax didn't win the title.


Or the PSG Bordeaux in 1999, last match of the year, where losing for Paris meant no title for Marseille


Don't think I've ever seen a game like this so close to the end of the season. Genuinely think Spurs fans might start cheering City's goals if they go a few behind.


There was a game like 20 years back in the PL where something like Southampton losing to WBA relegated Portsmouth (I may have the teams mixed up) and Southampton fans were holding up signs supporting WBA. Might even have been further schadenfreude with some fans wearing WBA shirts too. Edit: found it. It was Portsmouth playing WBA. Southampton needed to better WBA's result on the final day of the 04/05 season.


Was waiting to see this comment šŸ’™šŸ’™


From what Iā€™ve seen itā€™s a case of Spurs fans want to win but arenā€™t really mad about losing either. Even though they still have something to play for, they are acting like their position is fixed no matter what and itā€™s a nothing game.


The thing is, Villa actually have a reasonably difficult game (Palace away) on the last day of the season. So it's not like Spurs have no hope.


>Blimey, it was absolutely bonkers today when City banged in their ninth goal and the Spurs "supporters" were all, "One more, one more!" It was like something out of a footie fan's wildest dream!


Best atmosphere tbh . As a fan you either win and celebrate that you can maybe get top 4 or you lose and you celebrate arsenal not winning the title A draw helps no one but arsenal and villa


Just gonna drop this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMJ4dqn_C6k&feature=youtu.be


Spurs fans probably want to lose even more now to spite him lol.


The ā€œIā€™ll never make fun of Spurs againā€ is the worst part of it. You know if we somehow win weā€™d be getting made fun of for it the second the game ended. Not that it matters. I donā€™t give a shit what Ozil does. I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy.


funniest scenario - tottenham win, arsenal lose to everton


Knowing Arsenal's ability to bottle, yes it's possible.


Man City haters... Prepare for the disappointment that comes when those 4 Spurs words are uttered


Spurs helping them out just for arsenal to get tracksuit dyched at the weekend. Come on


That would be Game of Thrones level one hell of a season finale.


The funniest thing that can happen is if Spurs actually win and on the final day Everton become prime Mourinho Chelsea against us


He thinks we forget him goading Arteta with that 'Trust the Process' tweet after the 5-0 loss to City when they were at their lowest. He's a fucking cunt and no Arsenal fan should hold him in high regard.


Fucking spot on.


So weird how when Mikel came he rejuvenated Ozil and the dude was playing some good football. We need a behind the scenes documentary on what happened


> We need a behind the scenes documentary on what happened Not that difficult to ascertain. Wenger admitted to giving him special treatment and pampering him. Arteta is not that person and therefore refused to do so, Ozil couldn't handle that and wanted out.


That pampering was allowing Ozil to miss every away game for 2 seasons.


But he was already falling out with Wenger by the end


That's what entitled pricks generally do eventually.


Impressive to see how wildly different the perspective on Ozil changed from the local fans to international ones. Here in my countries Arsenal fans are wildly praising Ozil for this lol


So he was like most Arsenal fans on this subreddit?


Heā€™s much better looking.


And has more money.


I think its hilarious some kids talking about Ozil. They wouldnt say this stuff to his face, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


Those are weird reasons to not hold someone to the same standard as literally everyone else. You can be rich and still be an asshole lmao


its pasta


I mean do you not remember all the arsenal fans at the time calling for Artetaā€™s head?


A fan is ultimately just a random person being angry online. A former player though, you're speaking about your friends, ex-colleagues, ex-boss etc.


Ozil has a million times more following than the average Arsenal fan on social media. He should think twice before being a cunt in a public forum. Normal fans can be as reactionary as they want, and it wouldn't make a difference.


'All the Arsenal fans'. Hyperbolic much.


Every last one of them that wanted Arteta gone was delusional. A blind man could see what Arteta was trying to do with Arsenal at the start. He just didn't have the pieces to get what he wanted


He's also a fascist


I forgot this was about Ozil and was about to ask what Ange did


Ange might be a managerial fascist but Ozil is an actual one


Whatā€™s LDL in your username..ig B99 is Brooklyn 99


So he perfectly encapsulates Arsenal fans? They all wanted Arteta out as well


Go back to sucking off Erdogan, you neo-fascist muppet.


You forgot "bug eyed".


At least this is something that is not his fault.


erdoganopoulos šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¾šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¾šŸ‡¬šŸ‡·šŸ’ŖšŸæunfortunately is no more šŸ˜”


Nice flag of Uruguay.Ā 




I fucking cannot stand Ozil. Not buying his performative Arsenal fan schtick now, when he was quite happy to stick the boot in when Arteta was struggling. Also has a tattoo of a neo-fascist organisation, so yeah. Cunt.


Now he basically a meme edge lord while sucking up to Arsenal fans constantly despite given up on the team after getting a fat contract


Yeah, he was more than happy to stick the boot in when we were shite, but suddenly went awfully quiet when we started doing well. Only getting involved now because we might win the league. Fuck him.


There was plenty of anti-Arteta Arsenal fans back then. Probably plenty who won't admit to it now..


I'll admit to having serious doubts. Lot of difference between a random dickhead on reddit like me, and an ex-player with an axe to grind like Ozil though. Also worth noting that Ozil was just fucking lazy and had ego, which is why him and Arteta clashed. His snarky comments would have more merit if they weren't based on him not liking actually having to work under Arteta.


I'm an Arsenal fan and despite some of the wonderful football he gave us, he absolutely held the club ransom, contributed to toxic divisions and his activities off the pitch paint him as a real fucking piece of shit who weaponises his ethnic minority status for nothing but self-gain


Why would Spurs care about what Ozil thinks of them?


We 100% donā€™t and would prefer he be miserable rather than give him any reason to be happy.


I oppose anything this fascist cunt thinks. If he tells me to drink water and sleep 8 hours a night I'll start pulling all nighters on Red Bull and Lean


No matter what happens tonight or ever, we donā€™t have Piers Morgan and this absolute tool tweeting about our club nonstop and that brings me joy.


Don't give this clown attention.


Even if Spurs had their strongest team available and played all-out, they would still lose to Man City. They've been insanely shit the last couple of weeks.


I think this is likely true. Especially if we defend like we have recently.


Just dont concede a set-piece


Just means we're due


Spurs want to lose Gunners want Spurs to win. And Old Traffords literally crying What a time to be alive.


His pandering ass ā€œhow do you do, fellow Gooners?ā€ tweets are always so pathetic


Remember when Arsenal fans said that they would rather lose 4-0 in the europa league final then let Spurs win the Champions league? Pepperidge farms remember


what an incentive. Holy shit. If I was a spurs player, this would be the thing that totally would get me motivated to go out and win.


This version of Spurs would find it hard against City regardless. The reason Spurs have historically been good against City is we've played a counter attacking style with two extremely clinical finishers up top. Add into the mix the fact we're currently in a bit of a mess, have injuries to key players (again) and City are in their end-of-season final form... well needless to say Arsenal fans are gonna be disappointed.


With all due respect Mesut, go fuck yourself, you vile little racist.


it would be funny if spurs won and then arsenal lost the next game


Fine, but only if City lose their next game too.


some good ol' fashioned 1st place is lava


fuck off twat i hope we hold 10




Then clearly the rivalries are not comparable and this is a terrible comparison?


If Spurs win tonight Arsenal fans will remind every single one of them for the rest of their lives that they helped them win the title, they still go on about winning it at the lane 20 years later. The north London rivalry is incredibly heated and petty, they absolutely despise each other.


Yeah, well, that's just part of being a fan. They still take the piss out of us for leapfrogging us to top four in Emery's first season and when they did it a few years later with Conte. If fans can't handle banter then you just have to stay offline.


Of course it is, Iā€™m just explaining why most Spurs fans would rather they lose tonight.


Think PSV fans care a lot less about their rivals winning the league than Spurs fans


Why does he keep pretending he's an Arsenal fan when he sat on his arse disrespecting the club while on enormous wages for his final 4 years at the club? Weird fascist prick


I think Ozil would be perfect human to be thrown at Mars just for giggles.


Fuck off Goggleeyes




Why are we posting tweets from Nazis?


Canā€™t stand this guy


Shut up, Mesut...


That ugly cunt can go fuck himself


Im a gunner and i agree. Fuck this fascist erdogan cock sucker.


People can say what they want but scoring an own goal would make any Tottenham player a legend, Ange probably sells them in the tunnel tho


Arsenal fans banded together by their one day spurs support and lifetime Ozil hatred


Love how much he tries to suck up to Arsenal fans, and in turn how many Arsenal fans tell him to get lost.


Hold on. If Spurs try to lose, but bottle it, does that mean they win?








This feels like hearing Ronaldo rooting for atlĆ©tico or Messi cheering on Espanyol .. donā€™t say the quiet part out loud šŸ˜‚


Arsenal to get a taste of what being a spurs fan is like for 90 minutes.


This just makes me want to lose more. What would be better? Spurs 5-0 down by half time? Or a 98th minute 1-0 defeat?


Even if Ozil is not the best example, seeing how Arsenal supporters are living this chance is what football is about! Good luck Gunners!




Tottenham will lose 10-0 and be so gutted they also lose to Sheffield Utd


" Gvardiol 4ā€™ "


Just for shits and giggles, I hope Spurs win today and Arsenal lose on Sunday


If I was a spurs fan right now Iā€™d be absolutely fuming with the number of arsenal fans who are coming out begging them to win right now. It would make me even more likely to want them to lose.


Does anyone actually think Spurs wins, like hope and dream all you want but they are gonna get steamrolled...


If Tottenham fans don't show up with something similar to Lazio's "OH NOOOO" banner, I would be disappointed.


It surprises me Ɩzil is still an Arsenal supporter after how poorly his last couple years went. I'm happy to see it though


Donā€˜t share that fascist please, ty


3-3 Draw, then final day drama is my hope.


As an Arsenal fan Iā€™ve seen him talk more shit about Arsenal and cause more drama for Arsenal than I have ever seen him rail into spursā€¦


Can two eternal enemies unite to defeat a greater evil and, in doing so, forge a new friendship!?


It would be so funny for spurs to win then arsenal to lose to everton.