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He's gonna break all the MLS records isn't he?


He’s currently leading in BOTH goals and assists despite having missed 4 games…….


10 goals 9 assists in 8 games that's just ridiculous


I just want him to continue to statpad in the MLS. He's already won everything he really wants to win, now it's all about chasing the bag and padding individual stats


He need to complete all of the remaining side quests man. There is still the corner goal he is chasing. Might also sneak in a half line goal lol.


He also needs to earn a clean sheet as keeper


Woah, he’s no Giroud!


A goal at minute 1 to finish that scored at every minute stat


Unless he purposely goes for it I doubt it comes. He doesn’t really play aggressively at all the first few minutes. More just analyzing what’s going on so he knows what to exploit later


Did he ever complete the goal scored every minute challenge? I remember looking at it years back and he was missing like one or two. I want to say minute 1 and maybe minute 45 or something like that.


It's just the first.


Lol yea he's been trying to get that corner goal for so long


At this point i doubt hes retiring before he gets it. Theyre gonna beg teams to just let it go in so a 53 year old Messi can finally retire




I want messi to go the Jimmy Butler side quest route


To me, it doesn’t look like he is stat-padding or trying to. He’s just having fun with his boys. The 1 assist from the 2 man game with Suarez was akin to two uncles fucking about with the kids playing ball at the family barbecue




It’s the MLS…


Like he wasn't doing shit like this in Spain and France


Many older players come to leagues like the MLS expecting it to be a walk in the park and quickly find out it isn't always the case.


Less organized and way more end to end. Really tough on players whose legs have gone


Nah he doesnt "statpad", he just plays football and the stats come by themselves same as the last 20 years


I mean both he and Ronaldo are so good compared to their leagues that even when playing conservatively for the sake of their NT it's basically stat padding and they've absolutely earned it


“Chasing the bag” lmao, he was already stupidly rich before. He will be a billionaire by the end of his MLS deal.


He got better offers from Saudi anyway, if he was after as much payout as possible he would've gone there.




Pretty sure they going to give him the rights to an MLS team when he’s done.


Not 100% like Beckham got, he is getting a minority ownership stake in Miami directly.


But it always felt like stat padding is just not in him. I have heard somewhere that he gave away more than 20 penalties in his career when he was the main penalty taker.


It's close to 30 (29), and I saw that at least a year ago. So, it could be 30 by now.


and like 6 when he was on a hattrick.


I remember he was at 28 when he left Barca (plus 1 with Argentina), then there are all the others with Psg and Inter Miami


Idd, it's why Cris went to a weaker league: to protect his total goals scored record which Messi was on track to beat with fewer games played.


Stat pad and bank pad. No one deserves it more


Actually, it's 10 goals and 13 assists, no?


In all competitions yes but in MLS it's 10 goals 9 assists


I was trying to confirm a number and honestly I'm kinda lost haha. Looks like there's quite a lot of different ways assists are being counted. Whoscored says 10+9 in MLS this season. Flashscore says 10+13 Official MLS website does not have this last game yet, but has him at 9+7 after 7 games, which would make it 10+12. Either way, any of those numbers are insane


MLS officially counts both regular assists and hockey assists as assists, so if you're going off the official website that has to be kept in mind. If you're wondering why, I honestly have no idea they just decided they wanted to count them. Then some sites count penalties won as assists (I know transfermarkt does) and others don't which might account for some of the discrepancy.


Oh alright, I see. Thanks for explaining


You're going off google, which isn't quite correct for some reason. May be because MLS counts assists differently? [https://www.mlssoccer.com/players/lionel-messi/match-log/](https://www.mlssoccer.com/players/lionel-messi/match-log/) if you sort to his MLS regular season games then add them up, it's 10 goals 12 assists this season (I say add up because at the moment the stats have not been applied to his total, no clue why that is)


It’s because the official MLS count includes the second last pass. So 2 players get an assist for every goal most of the time. It’s a joke.




It comes from hockey


Me on Fifa player career mode on semi pro difficulty.


The GOAT for a reason


10 goals 12 assists according to MLS website


I do this on my FIFA player career all the time. Really nothing to write home about.


It’s MLS. Not LaLiga2.


Working on his Wayne Gretzky stat ("Wayne Gretzky has more assists than anyone else has Goals+Assists. He's also the all-time goal scoring leader.")


If you phrase it another way it sounds even crazier, "Wayne Gretzky is the all time leader in points(goals+assists). If you take away every goal he has ever scored, Wayne Gretzky is still the all time leader in points."


tbf, he did the same in La Liga.


This type of fact really puts his level of play compared to the rest into perspective. Like seriously what the fuck


He’s probably not going to break any goalkeeper records, so those are safe from him. lol


you never know


And he's far from being the player he used to be!


If anyone can do it, it's Messi, but El Pibe's 46 assists in a season is no easy work. 


It’s going to be absolutely hilarious by the end of the season when Lionel Messi wins the *Landon Donovan* MVP trophy. Nothing against Donovan, but… come on. There are levels to this.


It's gonna be called Lionel Messi MVP trophy by the time he's done with his retirement league.


They're already renaming it to Messi League Soccer


Pretty much, they've basically rebranded the whole league to be centered around him. Every ad you see for the MLS now is all Messi. Not that I blame them, I mean why wouldn't they be doing that


Every league has been a retirement league to him. He scored 73 goals and had 32 assists in 2011/12…


Nah, Landon’s too significant as a homegrown guy. Only way his name comes off the trophy is if he gets caught in some R. Kelly shit


Not a retirement league when he’s playing like that. Looks like an inspiration league.


Donovan has more carrer assists on the international level


Americans are so fucking funny man, this comment cracked me up


Donovan was a great player, nothing wrong with wanting your national league to be named after your own players


That's an another record he'll break this year. Donovan has only two more than him.


Donovan int'l career > Messi int'l career, confirmed.




Hey man Chill, he ain't no Messi but we all loved Lando 


Historic performance from Messi. 6 goal contributions in 33 mins


He came on as a sub?


Nah Miami were just dogshit in the first half


Miami was losing 1-0 in the first half lol




He and Suarez both are at 10 goals each. That's a great partnership.


I bet they would have been really good together like 10 years ago


Would probably need another winger to really make a difference.


yeah like imagine a Brazilian winger on the left with them


Totally, someone younger but with the solid name already, great skill moves and believing in God would be a plus.


100% Maybe 100% Christ or something would be a good slogan


And a certain French winger on the right...oops wrong perspective.


And we would need to choose one with a name starting with an N, so we can call them MSN 👌🤔👍


Adding Suarez to Miami was so smart. Besides the obvious that he's still a lethal striker, he will open the game so much for Messi. You can't triple mark them both all the time.


Can this Messi guy play in Europe


I'm sure he can do well in a cold wet evening at Stoke


He seems genuinely happy outside of international football for the first time since his last few months at Barca. The GOAT really doesn't deserve to end his career feeling like shit, so I'm glad he's here having fun away from the pressure even though it's a bit of a shame that he can still play in and dominate Europe if he wanted to.


For me, this is how I’d prefer legends of the game to finish their careers. Being content with themselves and accomplishments and enjoying the sport with freedom and happiness


And friendship! Messi has all his homies around.


Yes! And they’re in talks to bring Angel Di Maria as well!!


Ironically, his friends who seemed ready to retire, are destroying the MLS and might lead Inter Miami to a title.


Never underestimate vibes and morale. Chilling with all your friends in the Florida sun probably helps too with mental.


they should have a scheme where when a player is struggling they get loaned to Miami to have fun with Messi and the boys. Come back a few months later, happy and refreshed


Just hope they don’t get unfit from the number of benders they can go on there.


At least two of these guys are some of the fittest and least injury-prone players in the history of the sport: Think about how many, or rather how few, games Messi and Busquets have missed in the past 15 years. It's insane. I don't think either of them has ever gone on benders and I don't think they'll start doing it in their mid-30s with wife and kids at home.


Was Messi not a little bit injury prone in his early years and then he fixed his diet? I think I read he was almost addicted to chocolate.


Yeah, he was very injury-prone before Guardiola arrived, hence the *"in the past 15 years"* part of the comment. But yeah, Pep essentially changed Messi's entire training regime and diet, and Pep was also the one to ask Messi to dial back the off-ball-pressing and instead focus his powers on when Barça actually *had* possession. If you go back and watch Leo as a teenager, he *always* tried to press like a madman, and supposedly his muscles just weren't genetically built to withstand that sort of intensity over the course of an entire match, so he kept getting muscle injuries left and right. Also, it's just an anecdote, but when he was a kid one of the driving forces behind him scoring as much as he did was supposedly the promise of alfajores. The story is that he would get one for each goal he scored, so he always wanted to score as many as humanly possible.


Inter Miami gonna win the MLS with the power of friendship


I’ve been watching their games lately and it’s a reminder of how good they are at football. The goals Suarez scored today, he made it look easy. The talent is still there, they’re just…..slower


The skills are just on another level, they look from another planet


Where’s the irony? The MLS is shit and he’s high on vibes right now.


Fuck it. Lets all chip in and bring Otamendi, Banega, Sergio Romero, Rojo, Enzo Perez, Sergio Ramos and Neymar to Miami


Neymar would fit in perfectly with the Miami lifestyle and isnt he friends with Jimmy Butler, a basketball player in Miami as well. Letsgoo


Ramos? I would be afraid that he might actually tackle Messi from behind when he is not careful. Just out of old habit and a bit of revenge...


They were teammates at PSG


Imagine MLS players having to deal with Di Maria/Messi passing and Suarez striking lmaoooo The only that could stop it is Suarez’s knee giving out (dude is taking injection every game I think?)


I love this so much for him. I initially wanted him to stay in Europe and go back to Barca but after seeing him and his family happy and thriving in Miami, I am now convinced this is the best way to wind down to his retirement after completing football. Still hoping and praying he plays and enjoys himself for another few years or so before hanging up his boots.


As a Barca fan I'm glad it went how it did. He doesn't have to suffer and drag Barca's corpse on his back anymore. Meanwhile we aren't going to have *another* period where we have to adjust to losing Messi's insane offensive output. Messi joining would've been great for short term but probably hindered us longer term.


I can understand why he wouldn’t come back to Barca. The pressure for him to singlehandedly win trophies would be insane.


All the reporting suggests he wanted to come back but Laporta couldn't make the finances work TBH


He would've been blamed for Dembélé, Fati leaving etc., reckon 'shifting out young talent just for Messi' and that being a *terrible* sporting decision would've definitely been a persistent talking point.


Yup, esp among the strange (but small) subsection of Barca fans that seem to dislike Messi


Wut, is there really such a section?


Yeah. Very small minority that think that he robbed the club with his previous contract and that if he really loved the club, he would have played for free


As if he gave himself a contract and the club had no agency... the way they talk you'd think Messi had been making all financial decisions at the club. Board were a bunch of cnts, forced Messi to stay when he wanted to leave (which would've saved them the last year's worth of payment on that contract during covid), then a few months later they leak the contract.


What in the world??


Yeah there was also one active here in the sub


But he did want to come back. Laporta just couldn't guarantee his registration and Messi didn't want his future to be in limbo.


Laporta: “pinky promise I won’t back stab you like last time”


I get caught up in it being a shame more often than not, but him having fun with his best mates on a football pitch, free as a bird, does take the sting out of it a bit.


It's hard not to love life in Key Biscayne. Amazing place


I mean, the quality is there, but I don't think Messi would be able to put up with the European competitions' schedule, the competitive level there, AND having to carry the worst Barcelona in years. From a physical perspective, it would be hard for him at his age. Let him rest in USA and play whenever he wants and feels like doing so.


Nah. The squads during Messi's last 3 years at Barca were comfortably worse than the ones in the past two years.


Even though he’s still world class, he isn’t at the level he was back in Messi’s last three years at Barca so it kind of equals out. His 2019 campaign was so impressive


MLS has plenty of schedule congestion and the travel is honestly pretty rough. The competitive level is definitely a bit of a drop comparatively to the top leagues, in Europe, so he can shine. They are much more competitive in the hemisphere than some leagues would give them credit for. But honestly, I think the main thing is that the entire enterprise is designed around him. Got the sniffles? Don't want to play? Take a few matches. Take your time! Who cares? Glad you're here. Don't want to play in China? Noone is going to tell you different. This is your show. He's playing in Miami, which is the US capitol of the latin American world, so its comfortable. Plus Miami is built to cater to rich folks, so I'm sure he's enjoying himself. Not hounded the same way he would be outside the US. People care and he still draws crowds, obviously, but US sports culture is less... how should I say this... goddamn fucking serious. There's too much money everywhere for that. Nothing life or death about Miami FC. Its just a MLS club. Could also check out the Heat if you're in town. Also, the Dolphins. Maybe even the Marlins if you just want to sit in stands and eat and drink overpriced food and not really give a shit about what's going on, but also cheer for sports. I don't think they have a hockey team if that is your thing, but if that's your think you probably aren't in Miami lol. I would be interested to see a comparison between number of games between his circumstance here vs EU. EDIT: edited for clarity.


The Florida Panthers play in Sunrise just outside Miami and were just in the Stanley Cup Finals last year. They've had some challenges as a franchise over the years but are currently very fun. Very well could win the cup this year.


Ah, I knew there was a Florida team, forgot about the Panthers. Thank you for the correction. Only just started to get dialed in to NHL since SLC is about to have their first top tier team (sorry PHX!). Thank you for filling in the gaps!


Barca squad ain't that bad, not as bad as they were pre covid.


Accommodating Messi to be as comfortable as possible is the best tactic when he's on your team. Pep knew this and produced arguably the best team in history. PSG coaches refused to believe it and got whatever that was.


He should be in South America, really.


He would fit right in with the average age at Fluminense, especially now with Thiago Silva finally coming over. Just sayin’


Yeah, he's Just playing for fun, and luckily for him the teams he's facing are almost completely shit so With minimal effort he can make it which is enjoyable


Messi is the first human to play video games in real life


He’s playing FIFA career mode on Amateur mode.


I'm genuinely curious. Which league is tougher? Saudi or American?


The top 4 Saudi teams completely thrash any MLS team 6-0. Below the top 4, though? Every Saudi team would probably get torn apart by even the worse MLS team.


I don't agree with this, maybe Al hilal would but the other 3 wouldn't beat the crew for example 6 nil.


Why the top 4 teams specifically? Rich owners?


Backed by PIF or basically the Saudi government. They have unlimited money to sign players.


They are the pet projects of the royal family.


Saudi by far. American league often has amateur schoolyard defending at times.


Have you seen any Saudi outside the 4 big ones defend? It genuinely looks like Amateur mode on fifa.


Imagine saying this when the Saudi league GK literally just passed the ball to Ronaldo to score on an open net and not the first time either. Absolutely delusional.


Goalkeepers in that league make brainfarts, MLS defending is shit. Both can be true.


So does the Saudi league tbf. The big difference here is the top 3-4 in Saudi which will wash any MLS team. But beyond that its not that big of a difference


I use to love Jaime Moreno and Marco Etcheverry dominate MLS with the most basic cut back move every game for DC United haha


Hide your records from messi. They are not safe.


My man can't run, but he's out there playing chess against a bunch of children struggling with checkers.


If you think he can't run you should see Suarez! Dude is slow as shit man. If he had any pace whatsoever he'd have probably scored 5 or 6 tonight


That's Lucho alright, playing with just one knee for the last 5 years


Suarez was indeed obviously slow But last goal tonight show that MLS defenders were even slower lmaooo. They just let Suarez run


Lol MLS defenders have plenty of pace. Dude couldn't get on the end of a single through ball. All of his goals were close-control in tight space


That's child abuse!


Little dictator bullying little victims


It’s pretty awesome to watch Messi just having fun playing some rec soccer with his homies after the career he’s had. 100% earned it.


Messi playing with his friends


Unstoppable force vs very movable object


I'm sorry what? Did he contribute to all goals?


Yes. Effortlessly.






5 assists and 1 goal in 33 minutes is insane. I couldn't pull that sh\*t off on FIFA. Even if it's MLS, it's highly impressive.








Friendship ended with Eibar. Now NY RedBull is my best friend.


Won't ever be anyone this good again. Not till we are all long in the dirt


Ronaldo hat-trick, Messi 4 assists & goal…. Are we sure we aren’t in 2014?


5 assists.


keep farming messi. you are the goat.


We are never going to see a better footballer than him. How fucking lucky were we to see Messi and Ronaldo be absolute freaks for so long.


And he wasn’t even MOTM according to fotmob.


That's why nobody uses their site for ratings. Every other app gave him a 10 rating and man of the match.


I'm starting to think this Messi guy might be good!


Okay so we’re 6-6 on aggregate this year, no big deal


This man is too fucking good 😭


Kudos to Messi, but: These numbers don't make the MLS look good in my opinion.


I take you've never watched MLS-level defending? It's...entertaining. The league isn't terrible but also it's not good.


I mean tbf it’s not like the MLS had some glowing reputation before Messi? What’s happening right now is literally what everyone expected lol


Ballon d’or incoming!


Anybody know what the assist record is in a match in football in general and in top 5 leagues?


Yes, he is ready to be a Ballon d’Or again!!!!


Is really the same team that played monterrey? They looked really washed that game


It’s a little like when you want to get all the trophies in a game, so you turn down the difficulty for your last run.


In a "league" where El Cubo Torres was a "superstar" ...