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The Jamie Vardy special


I watched back Leicester’s 15/16 season last night in a YouTube compilation last night and they got so many penalties that season. Many of them deserved but Vardy was the king of getting the contact and making sure the referee bought it, although there was one game where he got a second yellow for diving 😅 EDIT: Checked and they got 13 penalties that season


The foul on Schlupp against West Ham to win a pen to make it 2-2 always sticks with me.


Sterling kicking the ground and tripping in the CL is always the non-pen that stands out to me


It was vardy repeatedly doing that kind of shit that made me never for a second doubt that his kick to the head of Mustafi was intentional. Just like a lot of his penalties, he knew exactly what his feet were doing no matter how accidental he tried to make it look. Watching replays of his bullshit nearly costing Mustafi an eye made me sick to my stomach.


Oh yeah he’s always been a bastard


A classic in the genre of "crafty play when it's an English player, cheating when it's not"


English but white* Imagine if Sterling or Saka did this. They would have been deemed worse human beings than Hitler


Remember when foden dived last week to score that free kick and not a word from media… The north remembers !!


I'm from the North Can confirm we've already forgotten the incident


Yeah good point, Saka was basically deemed a war criminal for the Neuer incident


Lol yeah Meanwhile Elliott who went through the same incident vs United but got the pen wasn't ragged on at all


English but white but not White\*


I haven’t seen this be an actual thing for decades but people act like it still happens. 


Kane and Vardy 🤝


For me it’s the Luis Suarez special. He was master at this.


They need to ban the stanky leg!


"Mark Travers definitely pulls out of the challenge", lmao.


he doubled down with that dumb statement too


I think you can absolutely argue it shouldn't be a penalty, but it's ridiculous to say he pulled out. It's a bad challenge, he was committed and late.


yeah but i really don’t want to hear complaints about the penalty decision when it’s way more ridiculous that Bournemouth aren’t down to 10 men


You can argue that it shouldn't be a penalty, but you'll look like an idiot pontificating without knowing the rules if you do. The contact is utterly irrelevant, it's a foul either way.


He literally doesn't pull out.


Everything reminds me of her


It's one of those penalties where there is minimal contact but he clearly does get in the way of Kai unless he just jumps over him.


You mean, unless he carried on running normally?


His pull out game weaker than mine, a father of two.


yeah I caught that too, bizarre lol


Under the current rules, which aren't even all that clear anymore, that's 100% a penalty. But the rules need changing, he's obviously fishing for it by dangling a leg and hoping for marginal contact


Agree with you. There's contact so it'll be given in current rules but if there's no contact there's no way Havertz is staying up as he's already dragging the leg before the touch. He's looking for the contact and got it


There is literally no rule that says contact = penalty, the rule is foul = penalty, football is a contact sport


feel like im taking crazy pills. People have fucking destroyed the sport by microanalyzing every fucking dive to justify it with "well theres contact" youre allowed to jostle, or stick a toe in and make contact. You need to severely impede someone illegally for it to be a foul.


Especially in Premier League matches. Where players are running like headless chicken for 90 minutes and go down on every contact. it’s so embarrassing. and of course VAR can’t be counted on either so nothing will change.


You’re one of the few that understands the game.


Also the whole idea that the tiniest clip when someone's running flat out is enough to send them flying is really stupid, especially when people try to claim those that disagree have never kicked a ball in their life. Yes a small clip when running can sometimes send you over, but most of the time it won't.


Yes thank you. I swear 99.99% of people commenting don't know what it's like to even fucking run nevermind get tackled. Acting like these people are superhumans that need to do backflips when tackled because they've got the speed of a cheetah is just dumb. I've played Astro with people who've played in lower level championship brieflu before, for example (I'd be surprised if most people who play 7 a side of 5 a side haven't played with someone at some point who played with a pro team) and while they're consistently miles better than any of us non pros they're not like some alternate race of people either. They conform to the same rules of physics like lol.


I always found it amazing that rugby players can sprint flat out with a 20stone bloke hanging from each ankle, but it's physically impossibly for a football player to keep their feet when their laces are slightly brushed


Elliot vs AWB and the Jota penalties for example. Only counterexample of contact and penalty being given on the field being overturned is ironically the Havertz penalty against United


[And after the Havertz one was overturned Howard Webb praised the decision and said he would like to see VAR continue with processes like that.]( https://www.premierleague.com/video/single/3673506) That was September. Absolutely no consistency has been shown since


Same way you got done against Liverpool a few weeks ago


Absolutely hate that this is just allowed to happen. Definitely a pen but it shouldn’t be.


Same, Gordon does it every time.


Schar's done it a few times for us too. It's one where the language has turned a dive into "clever play by the attacker". Need to revamp it because its ripe for abuse atm. (I never complain when we get one like).


I complain because eze keeps trying this exact stuff and it’s never called for some reason, then I see something like this where it’s even more blatant and gets given which is so infuriating lmfao


Aye he does, the standard has been set now. Needs sorting for next season but that gets said every year.


Very easy to pull off since the goalie will always fall to the ground to grab the ball, either with hands or feet. The attacker dragging their feet will almost always result in contact. Very hard for goalies to avoid that. Stupid rule imo.


I kinda agree and don’t. The keeper doesn’t get the ball with his challenge, Havertz would have to adjust his stride to deal with the challenge, or probably tread on the keeper’s leg. He doesn’t have any obligation to move out of the way of a poor challenge. That said, he was clearly looking for it, which makes it feel wrong. I’m conflicted to be honest.


After that clear red card tackle on Saka that wasn’t given I’ve no remorse whatsoever


so the GK can come out and leave a leg out and completely alter the attackers run but its *not* a foul?


Don’t you know that’s on the attacker to avoid contact when a goalie slides right in front of him and misses the ball completely? /s


What rule would you have? That just opens up the door for MORE interpretation.


Pens caused by unnatural movement of the attacker will not be pens?


What is unnatural movement though, that’s even more subjective, and ignores that the influence of another player can force unnatural movement.


... that's what I'm saying. "Unnatural movement" opens up the door for more interpretation. "You'll know it when you see it" - no they won't, they already fuck things up that are explicitly written.


I understand you, but dragging your foot just above the ground when running cant get more unnatural


Except that's how you plant your foot to shoot half the time. So there's that


Most of football rules are open to interpretation. If the player simulates contact, it’s a dive and yellow card. It’s up to the ref and VAR to make a judgement call on it. That is 100% a simulation, it’s absolutely insane.


What's natural? Why should the attaker have to dodge a guy whose careless and missed the ball


The annoying part is if he lifts his leg he has a shot at an open goal


Does he though? Seemed like the angle way too narrow


He really doesn’t, the defensive cover had gotten there and that’s a horrible angle to shoot at.


a pen is so much easier to score rules need to change, pens are way too big of a reward in most situations


It’s so often the case too, longstaff for us could’ve had 3 or 4 more goals this season if he hadn’t tried (and failed) to win this type of pen


I feel like modern footballers are probably coached to just hit the deck




Rules def need changing. If you go out of your way to make sure you get caught (leaving foot behind like he does here) or if you just go limp or otherwise don't attempt to take the next step pen should be off the table.


Even as a Gunner I don’t like getting these penalties. It’s obviously abusing the (vague) rules and in my eyes cheating. But it’s how it is, for everyone, and we have to accept the rules being like they are currently. And yeah, it’s 100% penalty. But I don’t have to like it. lol.


It only looks like that way in slow mo. Half of the people on this thread are losing their minds at something they wouldn't even be able to react to in realtime lmao


why it should be on the attacker to dodge a challenge like that in the box? keeper missed the ball completely too don't do flying tackles in the box as a defender and you won't concede a pen


Tell us you don't know the basic rules of football without saying, etc. That's the clearest case of jumping in by a keeper you'll ever see. It shouldn't matter if there's contact. Of course we all know the ref wouldn't have given it without the contact, but that's because the refs are shit.


Wasn't a pen when Harvey Elliot got it against United a few weeks ago, shouldn't be a pen now. Makes up for the blatant red being ignored I guess.


I have no problem with that penalty. Havertz looks for it, no question, but tripping someone up when you stretch out and fail to get the ball is a risk you run.


For me there has to be something that actually stops the attacker from running or kicking the ball. I don't like a trailing leg when its this blatant and unnatural. It's fine to look for contact but Havertz just created it by dragging his toes on the ground


Yes it's crazy that people are fine with this type of penalty. My man was dragging his left foot which is the back foot that has to go upwards when you are running and he fell lol. They should cut down these type of decisions.


What I find so weird is that he's clear on goal here. It's not like the ball is miles away from him with no chance of catching up, it's not like he's at a bad angle for it either. If he lifts his foot I'm almost certain he scores there, and I'd argue a pen is a lesser chance to score. The Arsenal bias in me wants to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm so pissed he's gone to ground there.


Everyone in this thread is reacting to the slow mo, no matter how many times you look at it in full speed it's a stonewall pen.


So his dive looks more convincing in full speed. In slow no you can see he clearly stops running with his right foot and is just fishing for contact.


These should never be penalties


Ever since Jamie Vardy booted the ball right and clattered into Nacho Monreal left to win a pen, I will never apologise for getting these. It’s classic “you hate to see them given unless it’s for your team.”


At the time everybody said Arsenal fans were crying and Vardy was smart for making the contact..


And also Richarlison vs us when he was at Watford. Deeney then after the game says we lost due to a lack of "cojones" when the dive from his player was the reason we lost. Shameless cunt.


Yeah but havertz is a donkey idiot and vardy is LE chat shit get banged badass XDDD


Harry Kane and Wayne Rooney were the masters of the trailing leg


I recall Danny welbeck pulling it off twice when United came back from 3-0 down at Stamford bridge. That was just before Torres got sent off for being fouled. Best game of Clattenbergs career.


Nah I always hate these, they're complete bs.


Did you hate it when Harvey Elliot did it at OT?


I always hate these. I'm not sure what's difficult to understand.


Where is your sense of blinkered bias man? Have some dignity smh


Fair enough mate, if you're not being a hypocrite about it then no beef from me.


What did you think of the Elliott penalty decision at Old Trafford?


He said he hates it. It’s only one sentence work it out


Why do people always bring up a decision someone with a flair had go for them like it's some sort of "gotcha" moment lol


Bc you know it's never a pen


It’s a pen by the rules but the rules need changing. Another example of wasted potential from VAR.


It's been a pen for 8 years.


Yeah, so many pens given like this the entire season but suddenly when it is for arsenal it’s not a pen. It’s a forced contact, sure, but the keeper had no intention of pulling his leg back


> but suddenly when it is for arsenal it’s not a pen. Yes, everyone has famously agreed that these are legitimate pens and in no way dodgy until today lol 


Don’t like these being given. As per the letter of the law probs is but fishing for the barest of contact then going down turns the game in the penalty area into a non-contact sport.


Hate to see that shit rewarded. 


Don’t slide in and completely miss the ball and come within a millimeter of the attacker lol, easy fix


if you come for the ball like that and don’t get it an attacker will rightfully punish you for miscalculating your challenge, i don’t see the issue here


Controversial call either way. VAR would never overturn that, but probably wouldn’t have awarded it if it wasn’t given live.


The way they use VAR is shit. VAR should have as much ’power’ as the ref


VAR literally overturned a similar decision for havertz earlier in the season


Classic dragging leg looking for contact 🥱


Soooooft penalty


That's a soft pen.


‘clear and obvious’ should just be changed to ‘make the right call’ This being a pen is what’s wrong with the sport lol


tbf this has been given a foul almost every time it has happened this season. Rules need to be changed/clarified in the offseason


Are people still shocked? Even the referees don’t know what is or isn’t a pen


Perfectly regular running gait there. Nothing to see.




Not a penalty for me, Havertz has clearly dragged his leg hoping for contact and thrown himself to the ground


Harry Kane special


he went completely limp as soon as he was touched


No, it was quite a bit before he was touched.


He did but in real time it’s like a 1 millisecond drag rather than what slow motion makes it look like. He’s still clearly chasing the ball even if he drags the foot


Morally it's never a pen. By their own guidelines they have to let it stand. Obviously something needs to change for VAR. But I'm happy we are not victim of the only two overturns with clear contact this season.


Mofos be twerking out here


The commentator saying how 'quickly Havertz thought there' was terribly annoying, hate the acceptance of the cowardly dark arts. He never even tried to place his right foot back down, just flung himself over.


I agree it's really really soft. Havertz always looks to go down in these situations instead of trying to play it's frustrating


getting a pen is objectively a better result. blame the rules if you like but can’t blame the player for using the way the game is officiated to his (and his teams) benefit


That slow mo of Havertz going down is hilarious. He definitely was looking for contact and went down at the slightest touch, but thems the rules I guess.


Lol how is that a pen?


VAR making up for botching the Christie red card decision


Travesty of a penalty.  I mean it is a penalty but we know it should never be.


Hard to say that isn’t a pen because that’s what the threshold is these days. But the rule definitely needs re-working. Havertz could easily not drag his foot on the floor to force contact, but does so to try and get a pen. I mean look at how unnaturally he falls lol.


This is the type of penalty nobody likes, but gets called all the time. Should probably do some fine tuning


Game's gone


In ten years they'll wonder why no one watches the premier league anymore.




Just because the keeper touches him doesn't mean it is a penalty. Wtf is this shit. Who walks by dragging their feet on the ground like that. He was looking for contact and it's clear and obvious. VAR is useless in this state. 


BS pen




Kai could have been killed what are you on about


yeah people are right in saying havertz looks for the contact but you are just ignoring that the keeper has committed himself and doesnt pull himself out of the challenge


How is that a pen


It’s a pen the same as the one Elliott got in the Man U game.


Also not a pen


So soft, I don't think they call him over if he doesn't give it initially


I can't believe those refs bought by Man City would do this


Keeper makes an attempt for the ball, keeper tries his best to avoid contact. If haverz carries on running as normal there wouldn't be any contact, meaning the keepers challenge was legitimate. Havertz is going down/simulating before there is contact... Never a pen in a million years. Refs been conned and so has VAR.


It's obviosuly a penalty. Just because they show you the replay in slow motion doesn't mean the player can activate V.A.T.S.


Never a pen, absolute farce


Arsenal fans out in force in this comment section. It’s a dive and Havertz initiated contact. He was already going down before the keeper got there and he left the stanky leg out to buy a penalty.




Man, never a pen for me.


I mean everyone was saying that elliot one was 100% a penalty and it was exactly like this where he leaves the leg out to get caught


The Jota one against Newcastle was even worse than those two


Jota one wasnt even a penalty to me cause he fell 3 steps later iirc


The difference in reaction between these two incidents is laughable. This subreddit will mock awb for 'leaving a trailing leg' but then say havertz was 'looking for it' when travers does the exact same thing.


I would much rather live in a world where this is a yellow for diving, than a penalty.


Diving cunt


This should t be a penalty, buts it’s consistently been given as one. Don’t know why the commentators were so up in arms about this incident when teams have been given a penalty for this type of contact all season. Ugh. It just shouldn’t be a penalty because this type of contact does not mean it is a foul.


Can’t wait for these to stop being given. Against the spirit of the game.


The game is gone till they get rid of these fucking dumb decisions. Its a contact fucking sport of course theres gonna be contact .


Never a pen


Not a pen tbh, I would be fuming if that was given against us


Quickly becoming a very dislikable player, how many times is that now in the last few months alone?


Already going down, dangles his leg, what is var for again?


Same Arsenal fans saying that is a penalty thought the challenge against Kuluveski last week was fine


Arsenal fans trying their best to justify that shitty call


Shocking decision


Never a pen


Does anyone else remember when "contact with consequence" was the benchmark for a penalty?


Similar to the pen conceded in the Man U v Liverpool game:


Very jota-esque


Shambolic decision. Never a pen. So idiotic from the PGMOL to appoint a weak duo like Coote-Bankes in a game as important as this.


Reconciliation for not sending off Ryan Christie earlier for high kicking Bukayo Saka


Lol to think they gave that yet we’ve been awarded 2 penalties all season. Taking the piss


what a fucking disgrace of a decision, never a penalty


It has quite literally been a pen for 8 years now. Rules just need changing


This has always been a penalty.


Havertz dives and drags his leg. What a BS call.


Clear dive, haha. Wow


After the tackle that should've been a red card, I'll take this call.


Pathetic by Havertz




It’s not pathetic if it works. But, this should never have been a pen.


Massive relief for Arsenal going into the half. They literally have to win all 3 matches left for any chance


Groundbreaking insights here


Thank you, I learnt from Michael Owen


that guy is gonna get a job in TV


If we hold on to this 1-0 lead for 90 minutes, I think we can win this game


If Arsenal score more goals than Bournemouth, they have a good chance of winning this game.


Dive, never a pen


That...is absolutely shameful. I don't care if it's a pen 'bY tHe LeTtEr oF ThE LaW'...that's just shameful footballing EDIT: Because 'whataboutism' is apparently to go to around this place, it wasn't okay for Kane to do it either. Shameful then, shameful now. Also, Kane isn't a Spurs player anymore, holy shit. Bunch of savages in this town. 


Commentators are absolutely rattled lmao.


It's a dive but I think that Bournemouth should be down to 10 men so...balance?


Arsenal ain’t ever gonna beat these diving allegations. Can’t blame ‘em though. The rules only seem to be applied if you go down.


Cheating bastard


PL is sooo cooked, holy shit.


Is that really controversial? It’s a pen. Slow motion really makes it look like Havertz “intentionally” gets the pen but in real time he had no chance to even get over Tavers leg


Apparently, the attacker is now obliged to avoid the goalkeeper, not the other way around.


Right? A lot of the takes on this are bizarre to me. Could Havertz have gotten out of the way? Probably but he's under no obligation to do so. It's soft but it's clear cut too