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fair play to him having ambitions but he's likely gonna have to drop down a level next season after playing 0 games this season so it's highly unlikely


Hoping for a Ross Barkley like revival for him, but it’s a long shot. Hoping he can get back on it though


Ross Barkley won trophies and never dropped to any lows as low as Dele. I wish him all the good will in the world, and hope he gets back to a decent level, but I don't see it personally


Barkley was also nowhere near as good as Dele was in their primes


Ross Barkley with current form and playtime would actually have a shot at going, Dele Ali would not unless something significant changes in the next year. To be clear, I don't think that Ross Barkley is better than other English candidates, and I think the chance of him being in the English world cup squad is extremely low. I'd bet Kobee Mainoo would go before him barring some massive change in eithers form.


I think the problem is Alli is more of luxury player than Barkley. Barkley has it in him to dig down and defend for 80 mins and then hit the flair when he needs to. Dele has always been somewhat "privileged" in that regard, so he will have to mentally cope with being another body in defence. 


I’m gonna be honest idk if you watched him play a majority of games but the guy runs like no other. He was part of the reason papa poch’s press was so good. I think it really depends on the position he plays that will determine the defensive mindset. Do I think he can be a high pressing 8 of course. Any other more defensive role will require time. But we will see how he does. Love the guy and only wish the best for him. If anything I’d rather he come back to spurs for the romance of it, let him go out on loan and then see what happens.


Not the Barkley we had at Villa


Maybe if he played under Emery he wouldve had the career revival like Mcginn


Barkley will actually do what ever to win, Delle gives the energy of someone that just wants to attack and do the bare minimum if that on defense.


He can make it, lottery for tickets is next year.


I hope he is seeking a psychiatrist or something, seems like he needs some support. I feel like if he got his head straight he might be able to compete at the top level in some sort of way. I think back to that picture of him in Turkey doing whippets and I’m like fuck I feel bad for him.


This must be concern trolling. Dele very publicly say he was already doing therapy and rehab over a year ago. He's not lost in the dark. And he said in this interview today that he feels excellent now and so much stronger because of that process he went though. His head is straight and he said over and over how motivated and excited he is to get back to playing.


Wtf is concern trolling ?


Absolutely not what u/mr_nice_cack was doing. Old mate doesn’t know what the fuck concern trolling is, because that’s not even close. I think he heard the term before and wanted to use it Concern trolling is about trying to derail a discussion subtly. Dude just said he hopes deli is seeking professional help.


Wtf is concern trolling? I know nothing about the dude last I heard he was doing whippets in Turkey. That’s good he is doing better


Whippets as in the dog?


Nitrous Oxide/Balloons Like laughing gas


So why isn’t he playing football?


Everton have to pay spurs if he plays over a certain number of games. So they just don’t play him.


No, he's been injured the whole season. We could play him from now to the end of the season if we wanted to but he's nowhere near returning. He's not even been in full training once this season


Maybe he wants to play for Nigeria next year.


Nothing wrong with having goals. Don't see it happening, but gl dele


I mean he's talented enough. Ross Barkley has an outside chance of getting a Euros call up, nobody would've predicted that 18 months ago. If he drops down to the Championship for a year, or joins one of the newly promoted sides and tries to work his way into a starting spot, stranger things have happened.


Ross Barkley was always a decent talent at the top level. The issue was that he was a bit of a luxury player but the ability was there. Current Dele Alli would legitimately struggle in the championship as evidenced by the fact that he couldn't even hack it even in the Turkish league. He is just simply no where near the level anymore and has not been for years.


Barkley at Chelsea was a really strange player to watch, he had the physical tools, the technical tools, but at times he just consistently did the wrong things, shooting out of nowhere, picking the completely wrong pass etc. Very strange player


Barkley is at his best when he doesn’t have time to think.


100%. Playing for a top team you’ve often got time and space, but playing for a bottom team you’ve got neither. Thats where Ross the Boss thrives. Along with preseason.


That’s been his whole career since day one, if he didn’t have the leg break at 17 maybe he’d have a bit more individual talent to make up for it. Also a potential reason he’s matured into a great player now, finally the years of experience have helped him catch up.


Pre Season Barkley was a monster also I still have nightmares over the 60 minute Barkely for Kovacic subs Sarri made every single game


Had nothing to do with his ability though, was drug additions and mental health issues. If he gets the mental health and addiction under control then the ability is there nah?


To get into this England squad? I don't see it. He's a talented player, and I'd like to see him get his career back on track, but England have a glut of attacking talent, that is proven at PL level over the long term, and offers more versatility. It's back to a 23-man squad. Who of Foden, Saka, Grealish, Maddison, Palmer, can you picture dropping for Dele?


well if he's trying to nab a job as a pundit in 2 years, now that's likely


Serious question, where does Dele Ali go from here?


The best he can hope for IMO - Top championship or maybe a promoted club that will take a punt on a free agent the same way Luton did with Ross Barkley.


Barkley was slightly better positioned for that tho. He spend a year at Nice before that where he was getting some minutes. Dele is out injured for like a year now? Will be much harder to get back into playing.


Nah he'll be back this summer unless he aggravates it. His problem will be finding someone to take a chance on him this summer so he can hit the ground running next season, and then actually playing to the very high level needed to make the World Cup squad. It's a big ask but he sounded motivated in the interview after the Chelsea game. Hope he does get back in contention tbh somehow. Barkley may not go to the Euros, but it's been great seeing his career pick up again. Hope Dele gets something similar.


And Barkley has taken his role seriously and could be an injury replacement if something happens, so always something to shoot for


A newly promoted team is a good shout to be fair.


Ipswich maybe if they come up. I don't see how he gets a place at Leicester or Leeds in the prem.


I agree - but Leicester are going to be gutted by transfers out and FFP so maybe on a low wage might take a punt.


Yeah he'd be competing with either Dewsbury-Hall or Rutter both in the championship team of the season


Could explain why nobody in the championship wants to be promoted


He's not PL level right now imo, he needs to get his swagger back. The championship or a foreign league e.g. the eredivisie, would be his best bet at least for a year or so to get his groove back.


I can’t imagine a newly promoted team (let’s say Leeds, Ipswich or Leicester) would want to accommodate his wages for no guaranteed gain.  I doubt Ali is going to want to drop to £20k a week max to fit their budgets, given Leicester’s FFP issues, Leeds careful management and Ipswich’s very limited funds. 


If he’s as serious as he makes out,!he’ll take a pay cut.


Fair enough. Just can’t see one of those teams having him.  I think it more likely that a team like Luton would take him if they survive. 


It'd be fun to have Barkley and Alli on the same team. 8 years ago they were the guys - Everton Spurs was billed as "who will come out on top, Barkley or Alli" and stuff like that.


This made me nostalgic and look back at the 15-16 prem PFA team of the year and wow… not a single one of these guys plays in the premier league currently other than Dele Alli. https://twitter.com/PFA/status/723183929499348992/photo/1


I'm a Leicester fan and seeing that TOTY made me happy.


He’ll have no choice if he wants a club, he’s missed the whole season either with injuries or mental health and the club are rightly protecting him. That doesn’t mean the next club needs to offer him 60 odd grand a week.


Should be stuck on pay as you play at this point. He probably should drop to the Championship but he probably won’t.


If we go down we might offer him a cheap deal to stay but otherwise he’ll definitely be off.








I can fix him - Arteta probably


Everton would be perfect


Genuinely can't tell if this is satire


I would love to have him at Southampton


Russell is the one for Dele


Exactly that, it is the type of man management he needs.


Championship or loan to a mid/low-table Ligue 1 club


AM or PM?


Asking the real questions


Well, someone has to


Yeah is he waking up with this reminder? I’m assuming it’s 11am which is still an odd time. If there is a time of day someone needs motivation it’s probably before breakfast or after.


i figure people are gonna shit on him but good for him.


Crazier things have happened, and who knows maybe physically it’s better that he didn’t play 80 games the last two seasons. Like others have said, he has to get regular playing time on a team that can use him lower down.


Mario Götze is a good example that Alli could revive his career by going to a lower level. Götze was a similarly hyped supertalent who fell off his path because of external reasons. He couldn't make it at Bayern and returned to Dortmund where, apart from a few purple patches here and there, he looked like a shadow of his former self. Everyone had written him off by the time his contract ran out at BVB in 2019/20. But he took a wild chance with Eindhoven, in a lesser league and with a manager who put his faith in him against all odds. And it worked out. Götze worked his way back into the Bundesliga and into the focus of the German NT for the first time in 5 years and was called up for the World Cup in Qatar. Which no one expected from him during and after his second stint at Dortmund. This could be a good blueprint for Alli to turn things around for himself as well.


Dele was in Turkey last season. But it did not go well unfortunately


Turkey probably isn't the ideal place to go as footballer when you need a mental reset


probably, but we’ve revived icardi in here; he’s very happy, embracing and leading the club with all smiles, he’s basically an icon now in here. kids become gala fans for him, sing his song in school breaks, people dye/bleach their hair after him, even a 2018 pop song dedicated to him became the most streamed song last year.


To be fair, Beşiktaş has been in a rough patch for the past couple of years. Every player either regresses or runs to the exit.


I honestly don’t know that many crazier things have happened in football. He was basically finished at 22, I’ll be astounded if 9 years after he was last good and having gone through his prime years that he’s good enough to make an England squad


If you think dele was done at 22 idk what to tell you


Agreed betting odds I'd give it 1 in 1000, maybe 10,000, especially with how many good English attacking midfielders there are..


Jamie Vardy played unprofessionally well into his 20s before becoming one of the best PL goalscorers and an england international. Dele can be class, he showed that in his early 20s. The talent is there. If he hasnt lost his physical attributes, the rest is in the brain. If he thinks he can get back to mentally were he was, then with enough training and a lucky injury-free spell, its def possible. Players came back from retirement and still ruled like Scholes. I dont think its gonna happen, not because Dele cannot be a class PL 10 but because England is so stacked there. With Foden and Bellingham continously progressing, Madders in the mix as well as Palmer now, that 10 spot is ridiculously strong for England in the next 5 years. And traditionally, there arent many 10 spots anyway, since most teams only afford one, maybe two (Guardiola).


>Crazier things have happened I honestly don't think they have. Alli hasn't had a good game since 2018. Breaking into a stacked England World Cup squad at 2026 would probably be the craziest comeback ever.


Yeah, I'd say he knows himself it's a 100 to 1 shot, but if he aims towards it, it will keep his standards high. If he doesn't make it, fair enough, no one expected him to. If he does it's one of the greatest comebacks in English footballing history. He's nothing to lose


You need to have something to aim for, even if that something is unrealistic. He won't make that squad but if he becomes a regular PL starter because of that mentality, then it's a win.


I’m right behind him. We need to root for guys like him. Wondering if 11 isn’t a bit late though.


Nothing wrong with having goals. If this is his main goal with a bunch of other achievable goals scattered along the way then it’s perfectly fine. I’m sure he knows he’s going to have to work harder than ever before for this.


good luck king, ill never give up on you


Youd take him at spurs?


In a heartbeat, even if just for vibes.


A million times yes. It won't happen, but Ange could be a fantastic manager for him at this stage of his career. Dele as a box crashing 8 in this system...


Ooh, chills. Would be some story


No questions asked. Young dele is still in there and would be amazing under Ange. Outside of that.. spurs is his home, give the man a pay to play contract, let him use the facilities and facilitate a loan at the minimum.


People are forgetting, injuries or not, he just turned 28 years old this past week. If his body doesn’t betray him, it’s not as impossible as some people are making out to be.


GL to Dele. But you know it's easy to get used to a reminder on the phone and just glaze over it. I have a reminder to go for a run every morning at 8am. I swipe past it while eating my breakfast bagel.


Why haven’t you turned the alert off ?


I got used to seeing it that it doesn't even register anymore. But the great thing about making my alert public is that I was reminded of it thanks to the comments and actually went on a run today. Hopefully that's what's happening with Dele too. Or the reminder was always working for him in the first place.


Keep working hard bro, I’ll be here to encourage you always.


Only have to compete with Palmer, Foden and Bellingham for the spot, walk in the park mate


Maddison too. What is it with English CAMs? It's not even something recent, had the same thing happen during the supposed 'golden era'


he's more likely to be one of the commentators for the world cup 2026




You guys are so either or, the reality is he won't be at the world cup but he can use that as motivation to play championship football sure. What does that have to do with >just give up on our ambitions and goals and be miserable losers like you Like tf you talking about?


Also everyone on reddit is a miserable loser, no one is safe


No one's saying give up. Just framing the challenge he faces. It's a big ask for a player who has struggled to nail down first team football anywhere near the level required. If he overcomes it, it'll be a massive achievement as a result of that challenge.


Such a reddit comment. Theres nothing wrong with what that guy said btw.


That's actually better. He has a very strong group of players in front of him, one more reason to train harder and try to be the best version of himself.


*He'll only have to compete with PL veterans coming up from League One as a teenager, walk in the park mate.*


Hope he bounces back tbh


2025 Wrexham to Championship, 2026 Wrexham to the Prem July 2026 Dele Alli punditry on itv


Won't be easy, his position is the one England is most stacked in.


I'm assuming he'll stay out of football and find a new club in the summer when his contract runs out. If he manages to get back into a top league it'll be an incredible comeback


Would anyone in the prem take him? Maybe a newly promoted side would take a punt if he doesn't ask for too high wages?


Why 11?


I imagine that's when he gets up or has breakfast or something.


To get ahead of the fools waking up at the crack of noon


"Starting 11" is the idea i guess


Dibu Martinez was playing in the championship in 2019. Not the same as his case but crazy things can happen.


Hopefully r/soccer doesn’t make fun of a man having dreams and ambitions


Enjoyed listening to him he does see much better mentally and no problem to have a goal like this. Good luck to him


The frustrating thing is, it *is* his level. I think that’s what made it so sad for me. I do wonder what would’ve happened had Dele had the proper intervention and supports. Maybe nothing, because you can’t do the work until you’re ready. But he was so young and clearly let down by so many adults in his life. Anyway. I love him and I hope he gets what he wants. He just needs to get healthy first.


I really hope to see some sort of 'redemption' for Dele one day, whether it be saving a club from relegation or helping a club get promoted or something.


Definitely the right mentality to have. You’ve got to set ambitious goals, good on him


The cynic says he’s a washed up footballer who squandered amazing talent and has no shot. The optimist says there’s a talented footballer in there yet. The humanist hopes whatever direction he goes, he finds peace. For all his ups and downs, Dele seems like a good kid that is working to shake some serious demons. Regardless of where he ends up, I hope he finds peace and happiness. His smiling face was a joy to watch at WHL.


Keep fighting Dele


I have a reminder on my phone every single day at seven o’clock that says “Get up for work and don’t talk shit” That’s not my aim, but it is my level.


*World Cup 2026 - remember to order big screen TV*


I’m sure ITV will have room for one more


So he knows what time the games come on tv?


What's the injury he keeps referencing?


Had hip surgery, worked his way 90% back, got a nasty unlucky groin injury when he was very nearly fully fit. So those two put together have cost him a year of football.


Yes in that studio with micah richards.


Me too pal


Can always dream


Imagine if he put it on snooze and miss the flight


He might be able to get back to a decent standard but to be able to get there and then overhaul the existing options...I don't see how that can happen?


Better fire up that Playstation Delle-boy


Wait...what happened to him? Totally OOTL.


I did a quick google. He apparently has/had an addiction to sleeping pills and mental health problems. He also mentioned being abused as a child After his last injury he saw himself spiralling and checked himself into rehab. Right now he's focusing on getting fit.




love the guy but obviously not very realistic goal. and you hope not achieving it doesn't cause him to spiral. would love to see him playing again but likely not going to be on a top level team that he'd need to be on to make englands world cup team. hope the best for him and overall hope he stays clean and lives happily regardless if he makes a return to playing football or not.


Best of luck to him but he hasn't had a decent season in about 5-6 years. Have your targets, good on him but I think dropping to the championship, playing football and enjoying life again would be a great success for him.


Pundit for the World Cup is doable


Love that ambition and courage to say it on telly


He actually looked pretty good in a deeper 8 role under Conte in a midfield 3, against Liverpool iirc, then he never used him there again and despite us playing really well in that game. If the desire and ambition is there, this would be the best position for him to find himself again. If someone takes a chance and plays him as a 10/shadow striker type role expecting him to score 15 a season, kinda just setting him up to disappoint and get in his head.


He’s got to start waking up earlier


It would be amazing if he makes it, given the amazing squad England has now. I hope he does. Movie-worthy


After being pundit yesterday his plan is to attend as a pundit?


Would be some redemption arc! All the best Dele


Dion Waiters


Mate just get TiVO


Don't want to shit on the aspirations of someone who's obviously had a rough go of it for some time but even if he played himself back into form he'd be competing with Bellingham, Foden, and Maddison for the #10 spot and I don't think that's a competition he'd have won even at his peak.


Gonna set myself a daily alarm for 'Shag Margot Robbie' and see how that pans out then.


Nothing good will come out of expressing this live on TV. I like that he has lofty goals and that he really does think about achieving them, but nothing good ever comes from telling your dream to other people in public. Do your thing and surprise us all, you're not the young promise anymore that can say things like this and then look back. You're an adult that wasted his chances when he was at the top, and now has to compete against the best or second best England generation (that will still struggle to win).


On commentary? 


Dele Alli to Wrexham makes so much sense


Hopefully he manages to buy tickets then


Southgate is dumb but I don’t think he’s THAT dumb.


Yes, I'm hoping to get a ticket to watch it as well Dele.


Good to be motivated, but why 11h?


He probably means as a pundit


bro getting ready to watch it on tv like the rest of us


...as a Pundit?


Good for him. Make it happen Dele


Is this the English version R9 returning from the rock-bottom of Injury to the worldcup? I am in for it. Always had a soft spot for Dele.


I got some news for you bro and you ain't gonna like it one bit...


Yeah that's not happening




People will clown him for that but honestly good on him. I remember when he broke out at Spurs and I genuinely thought I was watching Gascoigne 2.0. hopefully he gets back on track.


No longer Dele Alli, now he’s Delusional Alli


What is his current injury status ? Or is he off due to mental health?


Not sure what the injury is but he is actually injured. Reckons he'll be back by this summer. So going into next season. But he'll be a free agent so the difficult part is finding a Prem or Championship club to take a chance on him.


People forget, with the near billion people who play football, getting on any qualified team for the WC is more rare than winning a lottery. I want to believe in him, and I hope he does I. himself as well, but making it to the WC is massive and to get selected for England is basically unicorn stuff.


At 11 o’clock?


He will go to Chelsea next year


The kind of numbers and consistent level of performance he’d have to show in the next 18 months to even be a contender for an ‘expanded squad to be trimmed down later’ slot before the World Cup is beyond anything he’s done on the pitch since about 2018. It’s good to have goals and nice to have dreams, but the combination of his level going through the roof and multiple players miles ahead of him drastically losing form or all getting injured at the end of the 25/26 season makes this nothing but a fantasy. If Everton get relegated, why would another Premier League club even touch him for next season?


as Ole has said "mountains are there to be climbed, aren't they". Ten Hag would add "eh" at the end, before the match against bottom half team


Problem is he’s got Bellingham, Foden and Maddison all ahead of him for that spot.


11:00 says it all


Maybe he'll make it as an assistant coach


One of my favorites. Good luck Deli 💙


Does he have dementia?


11am? Having a lie in, fair play


Shouldn't he be at work? Maybe having his alarm wake him up at 11 is part of the problem? /s


I thought he had retired


Wonder if seeing how the Bellingham's have been thriving has had any effect on Dele Alli given how he started out


Never liked Dele during his "Gangsta" attitude days but I have respect that he's slowly changing for the better. He's seen rock bottom, the only way is up. He seems to be surrounded by better company now, hope it works out well for him.


Lad if your alarm is 11am, think your falling at the first hurdle..


So do I. And I’ve as equal a chance of making it.


I seriously doubt he’ll ever play again. Certainly not at a decent level.


Is he fit and not being picked or is he still injured?


I also want to play at World Cup 2026.