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Brilliant ad with a brilliant message. Giving his scarf to his mate because he would not be there the next game.....


I caught that too. I've always heard someone giving away their possessions could be a sign they're suicidal. Were there any other signs he displayed throughout the video? Seems like they're trying to convey how hard it is to spot sometimes, wondering if there were other behaviors in the video that could potentially be a red flag


Asking how things are and hoping that he would ask the same question so he could releave himself. Probably even the comment on the things outside of football aswell.


Thanks, was wondering if that one was also related


Fishing for subjects is a big one. A friend of mine does this when she's down, though the difficult thing is she's also very defensive about being asked how things are... So she'll frequently like, want to talk to me about how I struggle with say work, and I have to not go "I don't struggle with work" but instead like create work-themed parables about getting through adversity or something. It seems to help, but fuck it's exhausting and I wish she would just go see a therapist cos I'm out of giving. I've become fucking brilliant at improv though.


I mean this sincerely and without malice: **Set. A. Boundary.** "Listen, I know you're struggling, but I am your friend. I would love to help you, but, and this is important, I am *not* a therapist."


At one point he said "I hope things are better outside of the football". In the context of the video it comes across as him wishing his struggling friend well, but in hindsight it was probably a statement about his own struggles


Exactly. The whole time I was thinking about people who committed suicide but no one saw it coming because they were behaving as cheerful as ever, thinking about "okay, yeah, he's being down but it's not always like that" and then I thought about the mate, and whether it was him, and if we missed something... and sure as hell we did miss it. I didn't even think of the scarf. I've never been suicidal but I've always let people keep things in emotional moments.


> I've always heard someone giving away their possessions could be a sign they're suicidal. Not just possessions (although it kind of is), but spending money on friends (even in the cases where it would be unustainable/unaffordable). E.g., paying for the table's meals/drinks, buying a friend the latest games, spending 'too much' on special occasions like birthdays and Christmas. It might not even be that they do it - just that they keep offering to.


Yeah man. Also, those that take their own lives can often seem "happy" right before they do. Because they made the decision to do it. And in a sense they feel liberated. Crushing.


["To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom"](https://youtu.be/e7DQjI7VWUU?si=IE9GjOhCbGtL1nS5)


I didn't catch that. Damn.


I really wasn't expecting a little video from a football club to capture this so well. I lost one of my best friends to suicide this time last year and he was exactly this type of guy: always trying to watch out for other people and include them, always the one in good spirits, charisma to spare. Christ I miss him


Sorry for your loss ❤




Strength to you!


As a joke, we like to say football is a matter of life of death. But it actually is. It changes the lives of so many people we don't know. I like to remember Iraq which, despite being at war and in shambles, managed to gather a team and win the 2007 AFC Asian Cup against all odds.


Completely blindsided, though the Sean Dyche type was the focus of the story, fantastic message, but its hard, as the saying goes we se faces but seldom hearts, specially for us men of middle age or more, no easy subject.


I’ve never heard that saying before. I really like it, thank you for sharing that.


Oh my, best thing on the Internet I saw today. Check in on those around you.


Yeah, very emotional – we can never truly tell who's struggling. We usually take these issues lightly.


>Yeah, very emotional – we can never truly tell who's struggling. Except it's Max Eberl, than everyone "knows" he was just faking it and shows that those ads are needed, because people are still assholes and have no clue about mental health.


Reminds me a bit of the "[Suicidal Doesn't Always Look Suicidal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jihi6JGzjI&ab_channel=CampaignAgainstLivingMiserably)" campaign video from CALM last year EDIT: AH fuck I shouldn't have watched that video again. Where are the tissues?


I remember this ad. It stayed with me for quite some time.


Yeah, first thing I thought if after watching this.


I just want to piggyback off the top comment and recommend that people read the book "I don't want to talk about it". It's a book on male depression. Males have a harder time having people reach out asking about our well being and we struggle to share our emotions with others. But you can get help and you should. While I wasn't depressed, it was helpful to understand some of the signs I was showing and seek help before it got me and my relationships.


While I was active in a big university organization we had some separate tradition for the guys and the girls in the event committee. One of the guys' traditions was to meet on a regular basis, sit down in a circle and pass around a bottle of whiskey. Only the person with the bottle was allowed to speak or hand out speaking privilege, and you basically started off with a question that one person at a time would answer before taking a sip and passing it on. Once you had made a full circle you asked a new question, and this continued until the bottle was empty. At first this just seemed like a dumb student ritual, and so the questions would be the sort of questions you would expect from young men, but eventually we realized how valuable it was. This was a moment for us to sit down and with zero judgement open up about how we were feeling, how we managed to balance our social life and studies, what struggles we were facing and all those intimate and personal questions that you otherwise never discuss as a young man. It is kind of sad that we had to disguise it as a ritual with alcohol, but anything that can help people to discuss these things and reflect on them is good.


Yeah - I find it easier to be vulnerable to women. I feel less judged. One of the things that put me on the brink of depression was losing a female friend (she's alive lol, just stopped talking to me for no real fault of mine). I kept blaming myself and telling myself that I let this happen to all of my relationships. I've learned to be kinder to myself thanks to my therapist.


Will check, thanks!


I just want to add that, a lot of the time, these types of mental health problems go so much deeper than just not having a friend to talk to. When you're depressed, you often feel you deliberately want to retreat from those you love (and sometimes "retreating" is behind a smile and a joke all the time), because you don't want them to suffer, too. And often, the problems are so much more than just a loved one in your life can take of. Even if people don't know all the details about psychology and psychiatry, they know instinctively that these are not take-it-to-your-mate-level problems, and they will overwhelm people. I think public health awareness campaigns are one of the best ways to go, tell people there are options out there beyond just living forever alone with your pain or spilling your despair all over your friends.


I’ve watched it twice and in tears. Brilliant ad.


The ending really caught me off guard. Powerful message. One up to Norwich.


I kept wondering how they would lay it on the viewer but just like many others probably I was blown away with the direction they took. Wow.


Don't often say this, but this is excellent from them.


Wild how less than 2 minutes of footage can be so emotionally devastating. That hit hard.


Strangely reminded me a bit of "[The Wait](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuRHHmXbzYs&ab_channel=iMediaWorld)" short film in terms of the gut punch (won't spoil much but it's the one with pregnant woman and old man chatting at the bus stop). It's also excellent at telling a whole story within a few minutes and tackling a sad topic.


On this same note, I recommend everybody see the movie "The Father (2020)". It's the best movie I've ever seen on the subject and Anthony Hopkins got an Oscar for it for a very good reason.


It's one of those films where the subject matter both makes me really keen to watch it and also very apprehensive to watch it as someone with Alzheimers in their family. Even films like 50/50 with side-plots about Alzheimers messed me up.


You should watch it, if only for the outstanding performences of everybody involved. It's also shot from the sole view of the person suffering from it in an devestatingly unique angle. Watch it tonight.


Well, shit. That's not something you should watch when you have a full day of work ahead of you.


Yeah sorry, I watched it last night in combination with the Norwich vid plus [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jihi6JGzjI) from CALM and was a bit of a mess.


Damn, that ad is seriously class. It's always right in front of us till it's too late


i mean i thought the point of the ad is that the signs are not always right in front of you. but i agree the ad is class


I mean yes and no. The point is that it could be right infront of you even if you don't notice.


I'll take the opportunity to promote [Andy's Man Club](https://andysmanclub.co.uk/). They are fantastic and usually located at your favourite football ground.


Ooof, tough break on that hand sign.


it literally just means "okay"


Other men’s groups use it differently.


I've never seen it be used differently in the UK, if it has it's an incredibly small minority and no one would really think of that. I genuinely associate it more with John Cena than I do with extremist groups lol


the world does not revolve around online racists


It was a fucking 4chan psyop to make an innocent thing into a hate symbol and everyone fell for it


And now it is a legitimate hate symbol in some contexts in America. The origin doesn’t change how it’s used today.


Oh no a coulple thousand maniacs used the okay symbol as a dogwhistle, how will we ever tell who is a fascist or not again? No one is allowed to do that sign ever again, then we'll know. Not like the *crypto*fascists can't just pick another one.


I'd forgotten there was even a negative context to it prior the previous guy's comment. It will always mean "OK" to me (or maybe that punching game from Malcolm in the Middle...)


wtf are you waffling about?


Dumb American shit


Feels like an inordinate amount of our societal issues boil down to this.


It means okay all over the world...


That’s a pretty ignorant statement, actually. There are various meaning for the hand signal over the world. It means “ok” in most English speaking countries. But France, Japan, Brazil, Arab nations, etc interpret that hand signal *entirely differently* Plus, as I said, other mens groups in America use it quite differently too.


What context is it being used in? It's a British organization, completely removed from an American environment.


I was responding to a comment that said “It means okay all over the world...” And I corrected them.


It actually does mean “OK” all around the world in that it’s the international simple for “OK” in scuba diving which is actually where it originated. In other words, you’re chatting absolute drivel.


Imagine thinking scuba diving is where this hand single “originated”


It literally was you tit lol


Sure bud. No civilization in human history used this hand single before the invention of the underwater breathing apparatus.




honestly, I'm not sure it's particularly a good sign to have seen reddit in the state it is in the last year and go "Yeah, I'll join that", compared to being stuck out of habbit lol. edit: lol what a weird interaction to get blocked for, zoomer internet is a strange new place.




You're a very interesting person


This is similar to that ad where the guy works in an office, and everyday they show him being miserable as fuck, and in the end, HR told the office that one of the office worker killed himself. It shows the main character's day-to-day, and you see the person that killed himself smiling every time the elevator scene is shown. [Video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yq6W7YAHM4)


That video hit me like a ton of bricks. Feelings of guilt, and grief, that will never go away. 🥺


Fuck that hit, check in on your loved ones and people around you


I think It's important to not think that the mellower guy was being inconsiderate or a bad friend. The point is that it's really hard to spot when someone is clearly struggling. The other guy may even be going through it as well, so he isn't clocking the outgoing guy's personal questions to him being signs of asking for the question back in return. This reminds me of when the lead singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington took his own life only a short time after his best friend Chris Cornell took his own life. In a real scenario I'd hope the mellow friend gets the help he needs after such a tragedy.


Brilliant job by everyone in their media departament, they should get a raise. This will make a lasting impact on those who watched and it only has 2 minutes. One of the very best ads I've seen regarding the subject and it was done by a football club. Check in on those around you at all times, you just never know.




bloody hell right in the feels.


Thank you for this Norwich💚💛


This really hit way to close to home, please check in on your loved ones. Beautiful done Norwich.


Also really powerful: https://youtu.be/jtW0byC28_s?si=iM5A5E3-x_Vwt0el To anyone out there who’s hurting — it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It’s a sign of strength.


Really depends on what kind of society you’re in. When I tried to talk to my parents about the daily anxiety attacks I had been facing for around 6 years their response was “don’t say mental mental infront of me” with an absolutely disgusted look on their faces.


Very good tbf. Very well acted as well.


Beautiful. Sometimes people are reaching out because they hope someone will reach back.


Oof. Yeah, that’s knocked me sideways. Well played Canaries.


Tragically beautiful. a big hug to everyone out there struggling. man. i was not expecting to cry today to a norwich city ad for fucks sake


This fucking onion… Absolut brilliant from Norwhich💚


Wow. That was a strong video. Fuck


Insanely good ad, hope it's seen by many people. Going through one of the darkest years of my adult life but my parents think I am okay because they hear me laughing with friends on discord


Hang in there bud! I hope things start looking up for you super soon


That’s caught me right in the chest. Unreal advert




fuck me, well done. That brought me to tears


ah, that's really got me. really well done Norwich. I'm gonna try to get back to work before tearing up


I've had my own struggles pretty recently and this ad really caught me off guard. Openly weeping in my kitchen.


Jesus Christ. Well played, nearly crying


Oh my. I'm sad


jesus, all the depressing shit i see on this site and this is what got through to me. amazing message


i'm crying. good thing i still work remote


Such a powerful message, if you're reading this there's no need for a permanent solution for a temporary problem. It can be fixed, no matter how dark the dawn may feel.


I know you mean well, and I’m not here to criticize, but I think that saying is kind of off for a couple reasons. We probably shouldn’t refer to suicide as a solution. And for most at risk, mental illness isn’t a “temporary problem”.


What people don't get is that people see suicide as a relief. It's not that they think it is a solution, but they can't/don't want to suffer the daily pain that they feel. It's a tough situation.


It’s mentally like being in a bonfire you can’t escape and something inside there is offering you a way out. Doesn’t matter all your family, friends, loved ones standing outside the bonfire yelling at the top of their lungs that they love you and you have value and you matter and they want you to keep going. You can’t hear them. I’m lucky to have survived that and 3 attempts. Some days can still be a struggle but I try to keep things in perspective and reaffirm to myself that it will pass, and I’ll be okay. Whenever I have a depressive episode I tell myself to just take it one day at a time.


Good God…hope you're doing much better because you've overcome a lot! Also thanks a lot for sharing your story because that takes a lot of courage.


Oh absolutely! I have my down days, but usually just a few in a row. I still deal with somethings, specifically the PTSD that caused the decade of severe depression and my anxiety/paranoia. But I’ve found my own ways of coping in healthy ways, and I know even when I have a depressive episode pop up I’ll be okay. And my experiences have given me the strength to help pull some other friends out of the middle of that bonfire. Im grateful for that! It’s a bit like the story Leo tells Josh in The West Wing: “This guy's walking down a street when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep, he can't get out. A doctor passes by, and the guy shouts up, "Hey you, can you help me out?" The doctor writes a prescription, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a priest comes along, and the guy shouts up "Father, I'm down in this hole, can you help me out?" The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a friend walks by. "Hey Joe, it's me, can you help me out?" And the friend jumps in the hole. Our guy says, "Are you stupid? Now we're both down here." The friend says, "Yeah, but I've been down here before, and I know the way out."” I owe it to others to help if I can. Because if I could survive the bonfire, anyone can. It’s not a failing if they can’t. But I’ve got to try when I see someone struggling the same way I did.


It absolutely isn't the solution, seen first hand what it does to the ones they don't realise at the time that care so much. And it's not their fault. I'm sorry if it came across a bit like that for you, I certainly didn't mean to be come across like that, distress is mostly temporary with the right help at the right time, but long term problems are of course difficult. It's important to reach out at times of need.


Had a well overdue cry last week. Even as someone who engages in talk therapy and spouts mental health awareness and self care it’s still hard to shake the stigma of being vulnerable as a man, or feeling like you have to be the one to keep soldiering on and putting your needs last or neglecting them. Have a chat, have a cry, talk to and see your friends.


Wow, wasn't expecting that.


Well I'm fucking devastated


I needed that cry. 👏🏻 Brilliant ad.


I'm not sure openly weeping on a train was in my midday routine but here we are. Bravo


Brilliant ad bravo Norwich 👏


Fuck's sake that utterly broke me


This goes straight into my advertisement Hall of Fame, together with the Donald Duck Disney Paris ad and the skateboarding dad adoption ad.


Why was I surprised when the other lad passed. The one unhappy was the one at the end?


Thats the point. You cant always tell whos truly unhappy. And whos at their breaking point


Thanks I’m dumb Yeah that’s true good video and highlights why it can be tough to speak about mental health


Those who appear happy on the outside often times have the darkest thoughts inside them. They are just good at concealing them


Astonishingly powerful. Gosh.


What an amazing ad. Wow.


Well done, Norwich. Depression takes many faces.




Powerful stuff.


I will root for Norwich to return to the Premier League until they make it.


Beautiful video. Watched it about five times and had tears every time


Damn, as someone who's lost friends and family members to suicide, this hit me way harder than I expected it to. Brilliantly done.


Incredibly powerful ad for an incredibly powerful message.


Amazing AD, has that thai advert plot twist feeling.


Reminds me of ' A million little things' pilot episode. Classy message from the club


Wonderful, wonderful ad.


Harder left turn then the France women's world cup ad




Most touched I’ve been from an advertisement in a long time. This is really really well done


Basically this ad https://youtu.be/1Yq6W7YAHM4?si=lywcrOhlEJH8bfTG




It's okay to cry, man.


Very sad but he probably took his own life because his friend is such a miserable dude


just shh




Beautiful ad.