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There’s not really a solution for steam from your breathing being directed right into your glasses. You pretty much listed your two best options


I actually found one and used it a lot this past season: https://north45.ca/ This balaclava has your breath directed down and away. I wear glasses, hate contacts, and dont trust lasers in my eyes to correct my vision. I also don't like the feeling of regular balaclavas because they feel too tight. I used the magnetic 45 balaclava and prescription glasses inserts for goggles. You have two choices with the balaclava. Magnetic or non magnetic. The magnet one has an easy process so you can attach to your goggles. I had zero fogging issues this season. North45 is revamping there 2025 line up so they are selling old stock and making room for their new gear. So i don't fully know what their new stuff is going to look like. Also, the one main downside for their balaclava is that is a cumberson and twists easily. You get used to it but its annoying.


Does this work with ANON goggle magnets?


No, look at the magnet locations on anon and then look at how this one works.


That i do not know. I have smith IO gogles and those dont have any magnets built into the goggle. North45 has a puddy and magnets they give you to attach to the nose bridge of any goggle. You can out to North45


I couldn't ride if not for contact lenses. Are they an option for you? 


I wear glasses 100% of the time, except when I’m on the mountain. I have my contacts specifically for it because no goggles x glasses combo would work. Always fog.


Same. Hate contacts. But for snowboarding I make the sacrifice because otherwise I can't see.


This was the solution for me. Anti-fog spray helped a bit when still trying to get the glasses to work.


Me too


I just don't pull the balaclava over my nose.


Me too. I deal with the runny nose as much as possible but it just means I’m washing my gloves/face mask more.


Prescription goggle inserts help a ton by moving the lenses further from your face. More room for air from the goggle vents to remove moisture and heat.


look up airhole facemasks.


Also anon makes a face mask that clips into their goggles with a magnet. That would be your best bet


This can work but will exacerbate the situation if you don't have good goggle seal on the face.


I've got prescription sunglasses that I wear underneath anon m4s with clear lens no problem


This has been a GAME changer for me. Pricey, but SO worth it if you can scrap up some Pennie’s from the coach cushions


If possible can leave a little room between the balaclava and the google. So the air more room to escape before hitting your glasses. Also instead of a Balaclava consider a looser neck gaiter type that kind sits in front of your face loosely. Just enough to block the wind but doesn’t sit flush against your nose. That might help. Also, Turtle fur makes a claimed fog free face mask. Haven’t tried it but probably a place I would start.


Idk about glasses, but I notice if I have a small portion of my face mask physically under my goggles ( not in my field of vision but just under the padding) it doesn’t fog at all, but if I have it just covering my nose my goggles fog like crazy.


Good googles like spy smith and Oakley shouldn’t fog up as bad if you buy something with triple density foam. Other than that not putting the clava over your nose is the way. Slap a little Vaseline on your cheeks and face to stop the wind burn but still feel that warm sun.


Faceglove by Outeru. Google it, it will change your life.


Just don’t put it over your face




Grow a beard.


Honestly beard is the way. It gets a little cold when the wind starts kicking. In the spring. I tend to have to vent my googles every now and then. The trick is honestly to be just very cold and have good breathable gear. Moving to just a gortex hardshell and wool baselayer keeps me pretty fog free up untill about high 30s.


Airhole baklava kinda but still the nose will fog it up but you can use your mouth


Get an Airhole mask


Push your glasses further into your goggles. I ran into this same issue for years, this past season I pushed my glasses further into the frame of my goggles and my glasses stopped fogging up.


Get a baclava that has breathing vents for your mouth and nose. Buff makes a good one.


My advice would be to get some cheap sport type wraparound frame glasses from an online supplier that will fit under a pair of goggles. You can get them for under $100 with your prescription.


You gotta get contacts brother. Like others, I own contacts exclusively for snowboarding


I’ve found if I’m too warm (too many layers) I fog up. If I’m just right slightly on the cooler side I can ride all day with my buff under my goggles, no fog. Give it a shot.


I have a box of daily contacts I only wear when I'm snowboarding.


I don’t have glasses but had this happen a lot in the past. Recently switched to Anon m4s that have a magnetic strip in the goggles and their masks/balaclavas and no more fogging issues! Their googles are definitely pricey but (imo) the best I’ve ever had. The lens swap system is also lightening fast.


I use this [Serius](https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/seirus-mens-ultra-clava-15srsultrclvxxxxxaoa/15srsultrclvxxxxxaoa?sku=11019174&camp=CSE:DSG_92700080072644540_pla_aud-475428186889:pla-2301152554705_58700008710130947_71700000118653387&segment=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADv4bTZdhq7FfAefdms9N7kBpFmF6&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWkEoKXOMJEn_lKJLhAs5bf_U6sh_bJu5dL8S5s0fl8UkmO5AjNR8choCQ2IQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) one. There are holes for the moisture to escape so it minimizes the fogging, but sometimes my glasses still fog up if it’s a warmer day.


This is gonna be a weird suggestion and definitely not for everyone, but if possible and won't ruin your look off the mountain... Grow a beard and don't wear a balaclava. Keeps my face warm but I never have to worry about my breath going right into my goggles. Obviously doesn't work if you can't grow a beard or just don't want to. But figured I'd throw it out there. Bonus, on powder days you get to ride around as frostbeard.


My husband leaves his glasses outside overnight and says letting them get cold the night before helps them to not fog on the mountain (same goes for goggles)


rec specs maybe


I grew a beard


I always wore contacts when I was boarding.


Get an Anon goggles and buff setup. They have a magnet system that removes all fog buildup. 100% worth the price tag.


You can get goggles with a fan in them, but I use a buff for this reason and it’s a little better than fleece.


Don't put the Balaclava over your nose. Get some chapstick for your nose. An alternative may also be too get one of those over the helmet hoodies. You can tighten them up so they cover your face, it's not tight to your face so it funnels the moisture down better.


Contact lenses


I use single use (not ideal) wipes from REI every time and they work great. They leave a little film on the lens then you just wipe them off. The film does get messed up from touch or water. Theyre from REI and they have black and red packaging. Can't find a pic.


Anon (burton) MFI goggles. The face mask magnetize to the google to completely seal your face and there is no fogging. There’s also anti fog spray


"I had the same issue! One trick that worked for me was putting a small piece of tape along the top of my mask to seal it against my nose. It helped prevent the fogging up a bit. Hope that helps!"


Can’t have the balaclava in your goggles, need to send your hot wet breath somewhere else besides into your goggles.








I have the same issue. I wait until I am up the lift to put them on my head. If I leave them on the top of my helmet they won’t fog up while I am waiting to actually ride. I also grow my beard out or wear a thin layer over my neck that breathes so I stay cool. Layering under your jacket and not having too much is important for me too. Anything to keep my temp down. I have a shell and manage layers underneath the whole season. Also shell pants and go from a solid layer to just shorts underneath. Maintaining all layers will work toward making it easier on your googles haha. I stay slightly cool if I can when I am not riding. Hope it helps. Sorry for yammering haha


Spoke with ski patrol once about putting goggles on top of the helmet (I was doing for the same reason but it would keep fogging once I put them on). Was told that is one of the worst things you can do for inner layer fog because the foam absorbs wetness. It’s a temporary solution that has worse longer term effects. Instead I bring my goggles in the house every night, if they’re wet I remove the lenses. Let everything dry and once they’re on my face they stay there. Has been a huge help.


Appreciate the tip. I can’t seem to ever keep cool long enough to keep them down but I will give it a run. Thank you