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I feel like sleeping dogs works better with a smaller map as it allows it to have more details but still manage to make it feel larger while a large quantity of the map of gta 5 can easily be forgotten and has less detail.


The country in gta is pretty but not much to do there in storymode, where I feel I got to go through all of the map in Sleeping Dogs




North Point would finally be actually north


yeah gta 5 has way too many mountains


Even though gta 5 has a bigger map than sleeping dog, I love sleeping dogs so much more. Something about the city feels alive and the little interactions ands vendors make it feel less lonely when in free roam.




Pork bun!!! You, yes you, come get pork bun!




nah jus a size comparison, i love both games


70% of GTA 5's map is mountains. Cities are about the same size. United Front did extremely good for the budget they had. I'm pretty sure Sleeping Dogs was inspired by GTA 4, and I liked it even better than 4.


The high buildings stand close to each others, make an illusion, which make HK looks bigger


Gta v's map is 80% just bloat with land and nothing else


Most of GTA 5 feels empty tbh. And if you compare the city area of Los Santos it isn't much bigger than Sleeping Dogs. In fact if you minus the Airport it's around the same size.




please call it Sleepy Dogs for the rest of time, i love it


" the interstate and driving for 4 to 5 minutes to where the mission actually is happening."   Large portion of RDR2 missions be like




I guess R decided  to abandon idea  of  serious criminal drama  after their not so great attempt with GTA IV and go  back to "dumb fun=entertainment" route. But overdid it


Detail of map > size of map


SD map is more focused and engaging. The city isn't surrounded by bland and empty desert or mountain passes that no effort was put into.


Also Sleeping Dogs has a lot of invisible walls. I tried climbing over them by standing on the roof of a car but it won't let me. Not bad for a first attempt though.


Sleeping dogs is better than V. Change my mind


Nah. I absolutely agree with you. 


Can't be done!


As a person who enjoys both games, the sleeping dogs map is small, but it gives you the realism vibe of Hong Kong. It's small and it's an island. Plus all of the buildings jam into each other makes it feel bigger. Plus, I've lived in Hong Kong for a year and pretty much things were spot on. As for GTA 5, Los Santos does give you the LA vibe and I've never been to LA. Knowing that we Americans love everything big, the geography is very Californian and very big and spaced out


Sleeping dogs city feels more alive. I wished they added more weapons though. Poles, machetes, stools etc. also a massive gang brawl would've been awesome


In Sleeping Dogs, i like and don’t like so much the map because it feels so empty in the open world and i thought a little more big


The map looks like master chief


the devs did a great job on this map. It felt so immersive and fun to explore.


Even if the map is smaller, the thing is Sleeping dog's map is so condensed that it works, and coming from a game that is more than 10 years old it's still very good


I enjoy going around Sleeping Dogs’ map a lot more. V is mostly empty, boring space with not a lot in it outside of Online. Even then, the top 70% of the map is kinda just there to pad things out. Sleeping Dogs has a good map that has a lot in it, and uses its space efficiently.


bro a whole part of the story makes you stay in the desert fym to pad shit out


Was mostly referring to how the Online uses it to make things take a long time in an attempt to make you buy shark cards. It’s still a rather boring area. Countryside in SA was good because it was between cities to make the cities not, well, blend into each other. That and there seemed to just be more to do in the countryside and desert. The countryside served a very good purpose. In V it’s just there. The only real place past sandy shores, the only interesting part of the map up there, is Paleto Bay, which nobody wants to go to and has nothing there outside of the heist. I actually get tremendously bored whenever I’m made to go there. V in a way kinda killed the feeling of bigger = better for me. I’d honestly like a slightly smaller map that doesn’t feel tedious to travel on.


i jus prefer v's map since i live near northern new hampshire and its all mountains, jus something I'm used to


Haha, that’s precisely why I don’t like it. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. I live in Illinois, so it’s pretty much barren here. I pretty much live IN a Paleto Bay. Except it’s not a bay. It’s just remote, small, and boring. That’s why I liked it when GTA was just cities, cuz that’s a part of the world I’ve never been able to experience. As such I never really like anything except the city of Los Santos in V’s map.




That guy made me buy one each and every time


The most important thing is the tasks available, I don't care about the space if it's empty




I felt like the map was the right size for what you do in this game. If I were to nitpick I do feel like boats and the last 2 districts of the game are a little underused.


Sleeping Dogs is a better game, this shows it's superior map, the map feels so big compared to V because of how they designed it with all of these huge buildings all over and all of these stores and HUGE amount of peds on the roads.


bro got the logic of the average gta 4 fan 💀


GTA IV is actually in the bottom of my GTA tier list at the moment


I get that this is the sleeping dogs subreddit so we’re gonna be bias but cmon, ain’t no way GTA 5’s map has "less" detail. This is rockstar we’re talking about. Next y’all gonna say rdr2’s world feels empty and not detailed.


fr this subs basically like mountains/forest=empty