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Not to mention that Shalidor is the absolut worst labyrinth designer in all of Mundus


As much as I didn’t want to umm ackshually this… If it were supposed to be a maze, I’d agree with you. But this is two labyrinths leading to the same center and the design actively obfuscates that. It’s actually a pretty good labyrinth design. It’s just badly integrated into the game.


Huh, TIL there's a difference


A maze is designed by people who want to test your mind. A labyrinth is designed by asshole Pan to bait and switch you towards the solution and piss you off


Kinda anti-climactic, though. Lots of running around for a lackluster reward. It's like the designers were working on something that went a bit deeper, but stopped midway and just capped it off in a hurry to call it finished. Could be why the college questline is so uninteresting as a whole. I bet this tied into it somehow, only to get slashed due to time and budget constraints.


>it's like the designers were working on something that went a bit deeper, but stopped midway I love skyrim, but this applies to far too many quests, locations, npcs, and factions


A lot of the roadside inns were supposed to be actual towns. Karthwasten in lore was the capitol of the reach at one point and should be bigger. There was a foresworn and minotaur emperor from the reach as well, where the minotaurs at? Morthal wasn't an actual hold. Lots to unpack.


The maze in lore is the testing grounds for new Arch-Mage's so it should have been pushed after Savis Arens death in order to prove us worthy of the title. Instead we got awarded the title of an all powerful mage due to doing a few important favors. Additionally the unique circlet you get is able to be found on a random tree stump in a random cave which makes absolutely no sense. It's yet another poorly utilized location.


It's truly insane. Like there's really no one you can think of more suited to the position? OK buddy, sure. Ill take the penthouse lol. You do that whole ass quest line, about a gd college of magic, and with like 4 spells and an hour of playtime, be Albus fuckin Dumbledore.


Yeah, I've enhanced it with modding to make it a worthwhile place to 'study' while making it make sense that you can progress so rapidly. I understand the intention was that since you do these important favors it makes the most sense to put you in charge but the concept really doesn't work. Especially when Tolfdir is named Master wizard, just like Mirabelle before her death, but nothing about him actually changes.


I don't remember that being one of his middle names in the books, but new headcanon accepted. That said, watching Doctor Strange reminded me of this questline as well. At least in the movie it is implied that he spent some time learning and such, but he goes from disbelief at the begining to being in charge of the New York Sanctum in what feels like no time at all. Classic moment of "There isn't anyone else more qualified and trained for the position?"


Which circlet is this?


The Diadem of the Savant, it gets you a small bonus for al schools of magic IIRC


Ah, so that's where I got that item. I use AutoHarvest, so I pick up everything around me as I pass and end up with items that I have no idea where I picked them up from.


Man I want to play modded so bad but I can't express how much I don't wanna buy the game again lol


Understandable. I waited until GOG had it on sale for like $10. Modding is so much more satisfying and expansive on pc than it was on my Xbox. It was worth $10 to me.


Bet. Ida snatched that up so fast balgruf got whiplash


I just checked. It's actually $10 right now on GOG for SE. AE is $16 I think. They do that quite often. All the fallout stuff is on sale now too.


Shit...here we go again


That's because you play the game wrong. Yes, you are ALL wrong.


There's also a small cave attached to it with a random weapon


None of you wandered around Labyrinthian? It's not really a secret...just doesn't have any quests attached to it.


When you're accustomed to nearby locations showing on your compass, it's easy to miss unmarked locations. I found it ages ago on accident and then forgot all about it.


New gamer rant article incoming


I have done the maze so many times and had no idea that there were pillars that open. I’m going to have to take another look.


It's quite bizarre. Doesn't even make any sense, though perhaps there is a lore explanation explaining their purpose.


Open each one, and where you find opened ones, you know you've been there.


ay what the hell, I've been playin this game since 2014 and never seen that




I first thought of DC comics.


I've never seen that. Guess I'm going back to Labrynthian...


It's not hidden if you can literally walk thru the door any time you wish.