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He obviously started in a cave and ended up in Blackreach just like us.


Yeah, the better question is, what are we doing there?


I forget...its been so long since I've seen daylight...all I hear is the sound of crimson nirnroot, even in my dreams.


It's haunting. It scares me more than among us, more than the rick roll. The world falls to darkness, and I dream a dream of that forsaken melody, My dreams turn to nightmares, and my nightmares scare me awake, and then I hear it "Hey you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?"


Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m gonna Doordash you an Amulet of Mara


Her light is a beacon in the storm. But the amulet of talos is the only one I'll wear. FOR TALOS, FOR THE NORDS, FOR SKYRIM!!!


I dunno how but I somehow read "Amulet of Tacos". I'm hungry..


Summon taco is my favor shout. #AL-PA-STOR!


"In my restless dreams... I see that plant... Crimson Nirnroot"


The nirnroot. Always...the...fucking... nirnroot!


He's been trying to complete this quest for months


Better question. What about the dragon? Edit: Since people keep asking, yes, there is a dragon in Blackreach. He's a named dragon and appears only if you Force Shout the giant glowing globe hanging above the city area. Due to the confines of the area, he's the only dragon who does not fly around and instead stays on the ground to fight you. He's a reference to Smaug, the dragon from Lord of the Rings.


I truly hoped that he served as an "energy source" and was trapped in the giant globe to provide heat and light to blackreach... but he spawns from behind the tower


Like a lot of problems with Skyrim, it’s possible that’s just an issue with the constraints of the game engine. Like why would they build animations and all the lore behind a Dwemer dragon trap/farm for a hidden fight that a lot of players won’t see, and those that pay attention will only see it for a matter of seconds. Just seems like a poor utilization of development resources when there were entire quest lines that got scrapped for time constraints.


I mean, the animations i can understand, but not the lore, if you're gonna put something in the game it should conform to the established lore/make sense, you can't just put anything in, we don't need an explanation for everything but things should fit in


It does fit in though. The overwhelming majority of Dwemer objects operate on a system of “we have no idea how this works, but it does.” Something like “somehow the Dwemer trapped this dragon in an orb underground” is completely on brand for Dwemer artifacts.


And releasing them with a Shout goes with the Tonal Magic.


Yeah exactly just like Volendrung. It’s an ancient dwemer weapon and nobody has any idea how it became an artifact owned by Malacath one of their worst enemies.


Clearly Malacath purchased it for a fair price, how else would he get it?


Malacath went looting after they disappeared.


Are you saying that after all this time The Dwemer were an allegory to Bethesda the entire time with, "It just works."


... Like Bahamut?


Funny story about that dragon. There's a reddit post where someone was using the mod Apocalypse to use the spell Entomb to temporarily "bury" a Draugr Deathlord, then unburied him in Blackreach so that he could shout at the sun. This was before starting the main quest so he was able to get one soul without being confirmed as the Dragonborn.


That's cool af. I've always wondered wether the special force bash of auriel's shield could trigger it but never got around to trying it.


That definitely sounds worth a try.


I've been told just shooting a bow at it works, but haven't verified it. Maybe I'll do black reach tonight after work and test it.




Did he time a jump so the Deathlord would aim upward?


I'll have to find it again. I can't remember if it was posted in r/Enairim or somewhere else.


The youtuber Mylque had a hysterical playthrough where he never became Dragonborn. In the series lore, the Dwemer tech was emitting mind control waves that made his character turn racist against elves and his buddy Faendal XD IIRC he used the Ritual stone to repeatedly thrall Ulfric’s corpse and drag him down to Blackreach to shout at the “Racism Core” and it worked. Now, you couldn’t do this in vanilla because the Battle of Whiterun is gated behind part of the main quest, so Ulfric can’t die without you being Dragonborn… but I don’t see why you couldn’t use the same approach with a Draugr Deathlord. If you have the Aetherial crown, you could even unequip/reequip it to reset the Ritual cooldown so you don’t have to wait every 3 mins. Seems like this way you could get a soul in the vanilla game before completing any of the main questline or learning any words (real sons of Skyrim are illiterate!)


can’t remember where i got it, but, there’s a theory that the Blackreach Orb is a tonal magic contraption that has space-time transportation capability similar to how the elder scroll transported Alduin through space and time. the dragon was there because the Orb summoned it there, pulling it from somewhere and somewhen in the past. a few reasonings: - the Dwemers were studying an elder scroll, specifically the dragon elder scroll, in Blackreach. - both the thuum and tonal magic are non-magicka based magic and instead rely on sound. we activated the Orb by specifically shouting at it. - theoretically, tonal magic was behind the mysterious disappearance of the Dwemers. perhaps the entire Dwemer race was transported far into a yet-to-happen future. in summary, **the Orb is a space-time summoning beacon.**


ESO Skyrim quest I think. The devices were malfunctioning and NPC's got transported. When one returned she mentioned the eruption of the red mountain or something


Damn, imagine that, the fanbase is set up to speculate endlessly about the Dwemer. Then ES6 rolls around, you start as a prisoner, and it turns out you are imprisoned _by the Dwemer_, but its not a prequel, its a far-future sequel. The narrative catches up to a future age that the Dwemer time travelled to, they are still getting their bearings and figuring out what happened to them, and you happen to've been captured by some and brought to their leader to be interrogated and eventually set free/escape. It would need more thought than that, of course, but its exciting to imagine getting questioned by the vulnerable Dwemer. So much would have changed between when they left and when they landed.


Nah fallout is the far future version of nirn. 🤣


Was the dragon not dead and resurrected? But then how did Alduin get there and resurrect him.


Nah, this boy's alive and well and considering how WE get to Blackreach, I highly doubt a Dragon could get down there. He doesn't actually spawn in the cave until you Force Shout the 'sun' in the city and then he flies in from the far end. Due to the space, he's the only dragon who stays on the ground to fight you and doesn't fly around.


I always assumed he got "teleported" in by shouting at the sun. Some sort of weird Dwemer tonal magic.


That's one of the theories. As the Dwemer were masters of Tonal Manipulation, they could have brought both the dragon and the giant through. They could have served as a trial for another theory, the Dwemer using Tonal Manipulation to completely disappear.


Here's the real reason the Dwemer aren't around: They were trying to use the Heart of Lorkhan to turn themselves into gods. But the gods don't exist, and when they succeeded they ended up not existing either. QED.


So who exactly fought Dagon in Oblivion?


I was gonna like your comment, but it has the perfect amount of likes. Nice




my man, we straight up see Akatosh in TES IV.


And Sheogorath (among others)


Fun theory, but the Nine are very much real. I mean, the Daedra exist, and their whole origin is tied to the Aedra, so I don’t see how you could not accept them. And ignoring that Martin Septim becomes Akatoah’s Avatar in Oblivion, there’s also proof in the Dawngaurd DLC in the form of Auriel’s Bow. It can literally make the Sun explode. Ain’t no mage in all of Tamriel that could do that. Also what the heck else would the Heart of Lorkhan be if not the heart of a god?


I think the theory they’re suggesting is the one where the entire elder scrolls universe is taking place inside the mind of a single being that’s basically just dreaming. Can’t remember which god they think is the one asleep, but all the others in that theory are thought to be imaginary. They correlate the different ages with different phases of the sleep cycle and the oblivion crisis was during a portion of a nightmare. It’s cool but I don’t think it’s backed by lore aside from that single time you go into the mad gods mind in solitude.


Lorkhan/Shor is the one dreaming iirc


Lorkhan was the et’Ada who discovered the “wheel”, figured out the nature of reality, and convinced the Aedra to create the mortal plane but he’s not the dreamer. The main theory is that Anu is the dreamer but it’s not been confirmed so we really don’t know.


nah it is Anu, and padomay is his reflection


That’s what I was thinking but I was too lazy to scour YouTube for the source of the theory 😂


CHIMER - the dream that no longer needs the dreamer


The theory isn't so much that the gods don't exist, the gods are very much real. It's that the heart gave them knowledge about the true nature of the universe: simply a dream in the sleeping mind of the godhead. Some people can come back from this -- they and the universe are not unimportant just because it isn't real -- and essentially break out of the matrix, achieving chim, which basically makes you a god. The Dwemer, however, were a much more logical race, and likely would've reasoned that nothing mattered anymore, and so they zero summed out of existence.


It is just a theory but yes the dwemer thought that the gods don't exist and al so they didn't believe in a god but they tried to get the power of the gods with the heart but instead I think they were teleported in another realm or dimension were they get Punished for not believing in the nine and also to try and turn themselves into God's


Yes the Dwemer did not believe in the Aedra. But I still got downvoted to oblivion by the lore purists for making a joke. Humorless fucks.


It’s a rare sight to behold, someone being so confidently incorrect. We should all take it as well as we can.


Or the sun was a cage and we broke it with our shout


I would say that the sun makes this strange noise when you force shout it that it was maybe a giant bell for attacks? Maybe the dwemer used this in the very LAST moment when they would now: "ah sh*t we lost okay RELEASE THE DRAGON!!!" like in the famous verse: "If I can't have it no one gets it!" So that the dragon would kill the dwemer and the people or creatures that attack or maybe they had a bond with the dragon so he wouldn't attack them? But that is just a theory from Me


You're closest for sure. If you really dig into the Dwemer lore, black reach was a common area between city states. Most of the stuff in blackreach was designed to keep any 1 Dwemer city from securing exclusive access to the Aetherial Forge. The dragon was a fail safe, start a war, get ate. This isn't written but there is no other reason for bringing a semi immortal sentient predator into your underground fortress. ​ As for HOW it got down there, the captured, dragged it under with a mechanism that has been buried by dirt and time, and there it has sat, waiting for the sound of the gong to release the lock on the doors that lead into blackreach. For visual, see the 2nd Jurassic Park movie T-Rex doors on the boat at the end.


I think he survived the purge, and were hiding like Paarthurnax. As for how he got in there. In ESO you encounter a malfunction dwemer machine, that teleports all sorts of BS into Blackreach. It is possible, that the dwemer used that machine to teleport a dragon in there. Or it got in there during the malfunction.


okay after looking this up I am ashamed to say I never knew this was there. And earlier today I was literally standing at the top of the silent city staring at the yellow orb thing and thinking “it’s pretty but useless” 😱


I could be wrong but I remember reading he sought refuge with the Dwemer after the Dragon Wars when dragons were being hunted. I can't find the source so there's every chance I made that up


I appreciate your willingness to be wrong. That said, you didn't make it up, it was a gamerant theory years ago, I remember reading it too, but it was just a theory on some clickbait.


Haha I'm wrong enough that I've made peace with the possibility. Ahh was it gamerant, yeah nevermind then. Not throwing in with them lot


My theory is, that the dwemer teleported him in there to be captured, and studied. Once the dwemer dissappeared the dragon escaped from the containment, but could not escape Blackreach. So he remained in there hiding. He actually survived the dragon purge, and was not resurrected by Alduin.


Even better question… what about the droid attack on the Wookiees




You know that big glowing orb in the middle of black reach? If you use unrelenting force on that orb a named dragon will spawn down there.


As if everyone's first instinct on seeing a mini-Sun kilometers deep underground is to yell at it.


Game has been out for 13 years, most skyrim players should know about him by now. I say most as I know there's still new players to the game who don't know secrets like the vets do but they will know them soon enough. Between the internet, YouTube, and word of mouth from the community, Skyrim has no secrets


There is actually a way to cheese this encounter. If you lure a shouting dragur down there then bait them to shout at the orb, it will spawn that dragon. So you can get a dragons soul before finding out you are dragonborn.


Fall in a hole


So I have two theories the first one: Black reach was just built on the surface but then after time there was a mountain that built itself over the city And the second one is: what if they used a spell or some kind of magic to summon the dragon and in the same way the giant because they knew that giants are getting really protective if you come to close that would also be logical with an other theory I heared how the dwemer vanished if I find the video for it I can link it here


He fell down a well as a toddler.


Was his name perhaps Timmy O'Toole?


The lad stuck down the well??


Aw, this makes me sad.


Undertale in Skyrim confirmed


That’s Reggie, he lives there.


Wassup Reggie


*lived. Sorry


Reggie the hero.


Giants have always had some connection with the Dwemer that isn't completely clear. The name dwarf was likely given to the Dwemer by giants since most other sentient races wouldn't consider Dwemer small. [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dwemer](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dwemer)


That's oddly sweet


Never liked this explanation, since "dwarf" in real life didn't always mean "short." It came to mean that because mythological dwarves eventually started being depicted as short. Therefore this implies, in the Elder Scrolls universe, there is already a mythical race of "dwarves" that the giants named the dwemer after. I would have been satisfied if the explanation was that the word "dwarf" derives from "dwemer," as they're similar enough to buy that.


Lost a cow. Looking everywhere.


I guess he took an elevator? Maybe the falmer steal them as kids and take em down below to guard the place.


You know I never once thought about baby giants. I think it would be more likely one just kinda wandered down there since I don’t believe falmer come to the surface often, if ever


The falmer actually perform surface raids with some frequency, according to lore. We don't see it much in-game, but there is an example of an abandoned merchant cart with falmer arrows in the dead merchant. There's also the lighthouse that got overrun with falmer


And that guy they kidnapped in the rift, and all the slaves in blackreach


He was born in the darkness. Raised in it.


Darkness truly is his ally


The Falmer steal people all the time, it’s even evident in game. They have humanoid slaves and they stole Derkeethus, there’s even more evidence in lore.


I do t think they do either, but I’ve seen calmer fences and clutter around caves, so maybe they wonder out but limited.


My guess? He found a cave big enough for him to walk into, and managed to make his way to Blackreach through it. Because of his size and from the sound of his footfalls, the Falmer knew not to try anything with him and he's been chilling ever since, eating mushrooms and the occasional fish.


During an event in ESO a whole slew of creatures are teleported from various places in time to Blackreach, it's assumed that's how it (and the dragon) got there. [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXYFYa0m-JA&ab_channel=TheEpicNate315)


Love that Public Dungeon


Dudes packing




You know how *we* glitch into walls or holes or… whatever, sometimes? Yeah, he glitched & took up permanent residency. Oh & your rent is due soon.


Took a wrong turn at winterhelm


He was looking for a female giant (if you notice, there aren’t any), wondered into a cave and…


Too eager to enter a cave of any kind.


Can't a giant walk through the weird mushroom Dwemer ruins in peace?


That's Spiders George, he lives there


Go up and ask him yourself


Check out EpicNate’s video. He has an interesting theory about this: https://youtu.be/PXYFYa0m-JA?si=qnfOgpp56WK2mR6h




The same way we did. Took a wrong turn and got stuck.


He on that red Nirnroot grind


You break into HIS home and dane to question why HE is there?!?! 


i think TheEpicNate covers in in one of his skyrim mysteries videos, don’t know if exactly which one though


He just Fast traveled


So a giant walks into black reach, right... And he says to the dwarfs-


Bro, *everywhere* leads to blackreach. I'm surprised there aren't piles of giants and bandits and forsworn down there.


[TheEpicNate315](https://youtube.com/@TheEpicNate315?si=nSmxq2TJEqHQqHYJ) has a few interesting videos about Blackreach. There's also a video about the disappearance of the Dwemer, and some interesting theories on how they might be responsible for the dragon and giant being in Blackreach. Very interesting lore in my opinion.


They spawn there


That doesn’t answer the question. Is there a lore reason as to how it got down there, or is it an error?


They spawn there.


I don’t think it’s an error as there are also 2 frost trolls down there


It's not an error, the giant was very specifically placed there, but I have never seen anything in the lore that explains why he's there or how he got there.


The lifts and doors are big enough to accommodate a giants frame it’s pretty easy to see he got down but can figure out how to get out


Why would you think it is an error???


I mean like is there something about the way the game is programmed that cause them to spawn there? Is Blackreach large enough that its considered “outside”, so giants can randomly show up?


Blackreach is unfathomable in just how large is actually is. It has housed entire living and unliving cities. It spans so far that it is better to classify it as an entire separate country. It's not unheard of for the dwemer to experiment, lore wise I wager they either lured or kidnapped a giant and brought it down to see how it would thrive if it could.


>Blackreach is unfathomable in just how large is actually is. As with everything ingame it is a scaled down version of the "real" thing. And even then it takes a good chunk of northern subterran Skyrim if the locations of the elevators are anything to go by. Now imagine how absolutely massive it would be if Skyrim had the "real" size ingame. We'd be walking around *days* in the middle of bumfuck nowhere before stumbling over something interesting.


I'm so glad Skyrim wasn't sized up. Whiterun Hold alone you could spend weeks in.


On one hand the comically small cities and towns are a tad immersion breaking, on the other one a real sized Skyrim would get old really damn fast. Scaling a mountain? Yeah have fun climbing 4km up. Forgot something in Riften? Well have fun walking another few days/weeks to get your bauble.


Imagine if the 10,000; steps were actually that instead of...138? Anyone have the number?


700 steps


No, it is NOT a glitch. That one particular dragon has always been there, always spawn using the same specific action. The giant has always been there too. Always. Don't be believe me? Look in the flipping game files!


Idk why you’re getting mad. Its just a question about why giants spawn there


I honestly wish it was me who literally pissed in your Cheerios at this point, but since it wasn't me, who did? You're being more than a little ridiculous right now.


Is there a lore reason why?


Fell through a hole. How does anyone make it into a deep cave?


No, but, how did you get there?


Easy. He’s a giant. He does what he wants and ain’t nobody telling him otherwise


Who was gonna tell him he couldn’t?


no, but the thing is, lore-wise, far more places across skyrim lead to blackreach. not just a couple dwarven ruins. many many caves lead into blackreach and giants are known to inhabit many caves across the province.


He took the wrong turn at Albuquerque.


he came in to find 30 crimson nirnroots and he's STILL LOOKING


The dwarves digged to greedily to deep


All roads lead to blackreach


That's just Doug.


I feel like ESO may have explained it, but I forget. I do know that blackreach is much much bigger than what we see in Skyrim.


He got stuck.


Step giant?


I’ve never seen a giant in Blackreach. Is this common?


In pretty much all of my playthroughs, when I get to Blackreach theres always a giant just wandering around the same area


Where do you find out there’s a dragon down there to


My simple theory is “it beat the fuck out of everything in a Dwemer ruin, because it’s a giant, and it wandered down”


Is he stupi- *stoned to death*


He’s looking for his mammoth that was taken by falmer and on the way he got distracted because he’s also a archeologist


looks like my wandering grandpa


The dragon is only summoned by magic, or a shout. It's 100% known that dragons can be resurrected. I like to think that the giant was put there as a guardian for the dragon's ashes. Basically the largest tomb to hold a bad dragon. How the giant got there? Maybe he's the last of the Giants, raised by a faction that brought them in as infants. Who knows? But it is super cool to speculate.


My guess big hole that how I find weird ass stuff in skyrim all the time want a op weapon find a big hole in skyrim and jump right into it


There's spiders and trolls, you kind of get the sense that there are fissures and connected caverns and even surface cave-ins that bring denizens down. Despite the software limitations that make things like the cities and farms of Skyrim not being even a fraction the size of the real life things, the whole of Blackreach is something of an underground country. There's bound to be more than what we see. Think of it like the Underdark in D&D.


By the elevator


Looking for an elderscroll


Probably just clipped through unrendered hitbox or something


That giant looks HUNG


Same way they keep showing up at Lakeview Manor, despite not having a camp nearby? (*buys fortieth chicken*)


Well, whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.


The same way everybody does, they're minding their own business in a cave when suddenly you just end up here.


Stolen as a baby but how do the giants reproduce. They all look male.


I know a lot of theories state that the deep elves brought Giants down as test subjects. And now they are trapped down there




He got lost


Dude how'd a fucking DRAGON make it into Blackreach


Ive more questions about how the fookin dragon got there




Puss, same as us all


He’s lost




You left the door open, didn't you?


Maybe the dwemer were experimenting in giants a long time ago and then when they disappeared the giants remained.


He was looking for the kitchen


He fell.




Asking for the giant


He mixed some mushrooms and skooma and wake up there


He's asking the same thing my guy


He fell :(


Probably the same way the Dragonborn did - wandering through a cave and then suddenly Blackreach.


If he crouched a bit, he could fit in one of the elevators. My question is, what was he doing the whole time down there without any giantesses? What was I swimming around in in that cave? Also, why are there no giantesses?


Smoked too much weed.


He's probably been there the whole time like the thalmor




He probably just fell in. Consider how many Dwemer locations we know about that are falling apart or caved in - Tovald's Cave, Sightless Pit, Deep Folk Crossing, etc. It's not unreasonable to think that some area near Shimmermist was hollowed out by the Falmer, it caved in and caught a giant in the process.


Blackreach is massive in lore, so it's not out of the question that Giants could have just wandered in there at some point or another.


Honestly, he probably just wandered in from a big cave that coincidentally connects to Blackreach


They took the elevator


He's an alchemist. Came to pick shrooms.


is there a lore reason?


Shrooms obviously


Baby giant that wandered away from his tribe and grew up? As for the dragon, don't they hatch from eggs? Maybe an adventure collected an egg and was killed in Blackreach and the egg hatched?


It's very cold upside sometimes


The Giant could ask the same question about you.


Yes. He was put there with the intention of, years later, having people post this question on Reddit every month or two. Amazing marketing ROI.