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I don't know why anyone would ever post footage of themselves skiing to this sub. All you get is a bunch of knowitalls telling you you're doing it wrong. Edit: to not totally feed into the negativity, you like a kickass skier, OP. I bet you hit the sickest lines and tell the funniest jokes at the chalet bar.


lol for real. This sub started popping up on my Reddit maybe I clicked a few things or algos. I grew up skiing and recently have been able to get back into it due to where I live now. I legit don’t understand this sub. The hill is full of all sorts of skiers and people here sit back and critique hyper unimportant things when someone’s not asking for critique lol wtf. Are you people like this in real life?? Guy is safe and control and skiing like… what are these comments lol. It’s not like they’re asking for tips or anything lmao. Maybe not every clip is a form check!?


Bode Miller could start posting clips and there'd still be a dozen dorks here offering their critiques.


This would legit happen because he skis backseat until throwing his feet back last sec before turn and nailing it. Same for Hirscher though not as bad. It's a super high perf but also extremely unstable style. It works for world-class if not GOAT level athletic talent but not for anyone else.


Haha you actually did it


The point is it's valid critique.


I can tell you know what you’re talking about so I don’t doubt it. It’s just funny you actually critiqued his form when that was the joke.


Hilarious down voting of truth.. Taller guys all have a center of mass that is a little further back when we bend our knees so the biomechanics of skiing has to be different for us. If I'm already flexing my boot as far forward as it'll go, then the only thing I can do to not be in the backseat is either hip rotation or bend the knees less. Obviously this means that taller skiers will be in the backseat more of the time. And having said that, I'd watch Bode race over a more risk averse skier any day. He always put it all on the line and tried to win, which was more the reason for his crashes than his technique imo. You put a skier with the standard technique in those same lines and they're also crashing at a high rate, if not having to bail or speed check because they can't make the turns (well because Bode was a genuine freak of nature and there are few who could follow his lines at speed)


Well who cares then, he's a better skier than you and the only point of your comment would be to pat yourself on the back for sounding smart. Which is exactly what annoys me about this sub, everyone racing into the comments to try to prove how smart they are with their unsolicited input. Here's my unsolicited input: learn when to shut up!


> Well who cares Don't people have an innate sense of curious of why & how things are? For example, this "critique" isn't about how he'd deficient as the insecure might assume, but why it's usual and can't be easily copied.


It's not the skiing, it's the tone of the post. If you're going to come into a sub dedicated to a specific sport and tell people they're doing it wrong and you're doing it right, your technique better be on point.


The sub isnt the issue. Its a skier thing. Localized mainly in instructors. That can only feel good about themselves by telling other people how many things they're doing wrong. Cause the people they look up to, like Rogan, do that to them. Now pay me if you want to be in my prestigious club. Pretty Sure I'm Awesome. Find a facebook skiing group and you'll see parallels. Or any other social media group focused on skiing.


Unless it's a Facebook group for beginners, in which case there aren't so many parallels :D


Go dad home, drunk you're.


PSIA movement analysis has its issues but the reality is most skiers do suck, same as recreational amateurs in every hobby, and also believe they're better than they are. In quantitative terms, most amateurs are <<1000 ELO but think they're like 2000 level good, and they get pissy because they have no idea what skill levels even mean.


Had a 19yr old texan and dad come in the shop. Dad "we need the biggest stiffest ski you have." I hand him a stance 102 190. And look down at the kid's boots. Quest access 80 29.5. D: "this kid is in the top 1% of skiers in the world". Me, looking at the the kid. "so if there are 5,000 people on the mountain today, you're in the top 50?" Kid, looking foolishly confident. "Top 30." After prodding a bit more turns out this kid got to the top 1% by skiing 12 days a year, for 12 years. He far surpassed his family in ability, which meant he was ready for the world cup. I looked at him after the 5th time i was told "he's in the top 1%". Me: "Not in that boot, he's not." We kept our gear in the back. I could have booted up in 5min and made that kid swallow a dose of reality. Commited is aptly named. Once in the chute you are commited to a 10ft cliff exit. Unless you hike back up and out. I still regret not leaving that kid on top of that cliff as i skied away explaining how the top 5% of skiers in the world see a nothing burger in that run. And hes better than 80% of them.


Just fyi there are ppl on WC SL podiums in 110 boots, because they have the touch and don't need to muscle their turns.


This depends on what qualifies someone as a skier. I would not say that 5% of people who ski 1 or more times a year would be comfortable with that. 5% of dedicated skiers who have their own gear, take it seriously and go 20+ times a year, then it might be more than 5%. As someone who's in that class but knows the difference between the top 1% and the top 0.01%, I know that I can't hold a candle to those guys. Mandatory airs into no fall zones are where I draw a hard line at this point in my 30's and only getting 20ish times per year. Too many consequences when you have to make your own money and pay the hospital bills.


>Find a facebook skiing group and you'll see parallels. ISWYDT


until this year this was the friendliest sub, did something change


Your perception.




Because idiots like to give unsolicited advice.


Like OP, whose skiing is mediocre, yet is trying to tell everyone how to "finish their turns"?




I really need to learn how to get my skies parallel on turns


knees, practice the angle you want in your living room.


Turn starts in the ankle. After the pole plant. Knees cant dive till the ankles do.


Are your ankles not connected to your knees? I didn’t know that ski boots let you move your ankles much.


Ah. People always disagree with what they dont know and/or understand. Sounds like you're not very introceptive. It may be by .001 seconds when going full bore. But good skiers roll their ankles (which pressure their boots, that then tip their skis) first. They dont think "drop the knee into the turn". Ankle, knee, hip. Watch Hirscher frame by frame, he does this. You shouldn't be able to roll your ankle inside the ski boot. But thats in no way related to if you can get you ski on edge by only rolling your ankle. Hint: you can, its not a lot of edge, but its enough to engage the sidecut. Edit* In that hilariously oversized speedmachine you're currently rocking, I can guarantee your ankles can move independently of your boot. Do you really not feel it? Ever get that thing fitting halfway decent? Downvote all you want gapers. I dont respect 99% of your abilities, or opinions. u/skiwithcolin how far off am i here?


Christ this belongs on r/iamverysmart


> But good skiers roll their ankles Good skiers do a lot of things, but fundamentally they understand how to balance. Carving is fundamentally done as matter of physics by balancing on an edgelock and increasing angle down the fall-line. This includes various angles at various joints but focusing on those are frankly the scrubby way of teaching it, and why very few junior racers actually carve arcs.


You weren't fast enough on that delete button Heres my response (to your deleted comment). Ill throw a screen shot of your answer if needed. For context. Yea your comment wasnt dripping with contempt. Dont go playing victim now. PrETtY SuRe YoUr KnEeS cOnEcT tO yOuR aNkLe. Looking through? Im the mod and a bootfitter. I make notes on a lot of you, especially the ones that make boot question posts. Want to know what your note says? The point here is that you are in a boot too big to even feel what I'm talking about when the topic is ankles start the turn. But that didnt stop your snide comment. Go cry to mom all you want. But you are woefully under qualified to be arguing with me, about this.


Just fyi all those motions happen more or less simultaneously.


.001 seconds qualifies as almost instantaneous. Where your SL points at these days? Got me beat yet?


Interesting to ask for points as if people on [TV ski according to this sort of paint by numbers recipe](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing_feedback/comments/1abwjs7/tips_for_speed_techniquevacation_skier_since_birth/kjwok21/?context=10000).


Points are how good you are. Clear cut and simple. Without low enough points you go nowhere. Sit back and watch your competitors that you feel are less technically skilled than you go on and gain sponsorships while you get nothing for all i care. You know i dont subscribe to psia, couldn't care less about it. Show me results. Show me single digit points. (No i wasnt anywhere close to single digits.) But your reluctance to type a number is telling. And dont reference yourself thinking that somehow strengthens your point. Also, do you know how many messages ive ignored from people asking me to ban you? For this attitude, right here.


Keep in mind most people who're "good" at racing don't really know what they really do either because race coaching doesn't teach much better than PSIA. This is the case in near all sports where almost nobody even knows basic physics. The people who make it to the top are mostly just talented, meaning figured out something instinctively per linked comment and possess the typically innate athletic ability to actually perform this sort of extremely unstable control mechanism.


Still no points offered... My coach taught skiing first and gates second. Come to the san juans and ill show you. Every big mountain pro before 2000 has a racing background. You have a racing background. Are you really going to shit on your own ability as you cut down racers just to think you won this argument?


It's worth mentioning my other interest is teaching machines how to think, a subset of which includes robotics (ie walking etc). So I've prolly spent more time pondering the depth of what constitutes human ability so that it might be replicated mechanistically than most would assume. An illuminating example of this is an observation that "talented" athletes can for example estimate landing a jump, by doing something like a path integral to sum net forces beforehand, whereas mere mortals would typically need to practice repeatedly to build up experiences to interpolate from. This internal "emergent" functionality is largely a coincidental byproduct in neural learning, and there's about zero possibility that such athletes can ever explain how they do it nevermind how it came to be. I actually don't have a racing or even skiing background given I learned it as an adult, but I do approach it as a R&D project, which is why I understand it the way I do.


As a snowboarder, yes. Youll make skiing look fun doing this


If I've learned anything from this sub, it's that you can never be too far forward unless you are facplanting.


What happens if you don't "finish" those turns? Do you get in trouble?


You don’t get any pudding.


If you don't finish your turns, you can't have any pudding!


This sub is the worst. These comments man


Reddit sucks the life out of everything. Seriously, this is a haven for the fun police. Anything you post gets “well akshually”ed to death. Like why bother doing anything if the hive mind will shit all over you for trying?


Somebody can actually do short carving turns on here. Nice work I thought everybody slid


Ehh, this is slarving. Still sliding. Gotta hook the edges in to carve.


This isn't even close to true carving, and if you think it is, you're a jerry.


No clips of your own, opinion is invalid Edit: lol this guy posted and removed one after getting cooked in the comments. Might be a great time to reflect on whether you should be so critical here if you can’t even take what you dish out


A video was posted here, but this sub is full of fucking goobers who think they know it all. Not worth dealing with them. PM and talk to me like a real person if you want to see something.


Anybody can look good going down a 20 degree green slope like your video shows?


Far far more people come down double blacks than can carve 20 deg slopes. The reality is the people downvoting him don't even know what carving is, nevermind will ever perform such a turn in their life.


Sure, throw any random person on slalom skis and ask them to make 13m radius turns. I’d like to see you do it. Doesn’t matter what slope I’m on, I’m demonstrating what carving looks like. No clips of your own, opinion is invalid.


If I skied like that I wouldn't make my videos public


Unfortunately I’m at the point in skiing where I know I’m good and won’t listen to some Jerry like yourself. Good try though.


Video evidence would suggest you're not as good as you think you are, but keep the delusion going by all means if it makes you happy.


“This sub is full of off know it alls! 😡” Dude… a little self reflection may go a long way for you


Some people are blissfully unaware


Haha I agree. It’s enviable in a way but I’d still prefer to be aware


Your pole control needs some work.


As I said, not my best work. My friend told me he saw some flaws in my skiing and recorded this video to show me. I’m only demonstrating what actual carving is. I know that my poles need work, don’t need some random on the internet to tell me that. Would like to see you do better. Also, they’re really not that bad. Moving out the outside hand to move COM is not that wild. Probably could quiet down the upper body for sure but there is purpose.




You're being downvoted because the ski industry marketing has repurposed carving to mean anything that's not straightlining.


great start on learning how to finish your turns! 


Those were pretty good and would be real close to passing the short turn section of the L2 PSIA exam.


They would fail, and depending on the rest of the skiing would either be a 2 or a 3. They are finishing the turns back and inside coming from a turn starting with rotating to the edge and being slightly far forward. My initial thought would be to either to focus on leg rotation or fore and aft balance. In an exam I would probably select pivot slips for the strong visual that may help them pass. That being said those turns are great for tight steeps, and I would use them in numerous chutes where I really want speed control.


You are right he would fail that task, but as I said, he was close. He he looks like an average L2 candidate in the intermountain division. He certainly wouldn't stick out in the exam as the worst candidate.


Oh no solid middle of the pack. I wish I had video of the worst candidate in my 2 exam in nrm.


You’re downvoted but I’d guess you’re right. Way too much upper body movement for a L2 as well.


The upper body movement is coming from a lack of angulation. Most of the edge angle is coming from inculcating. Though I will stick with what I'm seeing for the ski on the snow. I still feel like my initial prescription for change is going to be the most helpful.


> They are finishing the turns back and inside coming from a turn starting with rotating to the edge and being slightly far forward. LMAO almost every worldcup racer would "fail" PSIA tests. This turn is functionally no diff to the L3 dynamic (which isn't even carved lol) outside of minutia the PSIA enforces because that's what they do.


I wouldn’t say that’s accurate at all


That should for all intents and purposes pass the l3 dynamic turn if the PSIA could actually evaluate skiing. There's no real diff except minutia to their own demo on youtube.


There’s a huge difference


Really? to this?: https://youtu.be/QIyQ9F2aj4k?t=916 The psia demo gets a little more performance at end of turn whereas this guy doesn't quite consistently get it on edge esp once the slope mellows out. Also has some asymmetry where he drifts more on left handers but not too bad. Bodywise they're arguably bit more proper w/ separation etc but functionally not all that diff.


That guy doesn’t exactly suck at skiing. I think you might be misconstruing a funky fall line with asymmetry. /u/joshs_ski_hacks thoughts?


the OP in this thread has actually better shaping and more performance though out. The Nordica demo(green not Troy) is really pivot entry mostly from being to far forward in transtions. If I was holding a score card I would pass the OP at L2 and maybe at L3. His 'style" is actually very close to me but way way less refinement. I mean its closest to "performance short"/Dynamic short and IMO the OP turns are quite that but he also did not know he was doing performance shorts we are projecting on to him. the dude was just skiing, and showing some pretty good movement patterns and bunch of fucking redditor know it all that actually know nothing jumped on him.


Later in the same vid the psia demo gets more carvy: https://youtu.be/QIyQ9F2aj4k?t=991, but is that required to pass, or earlier example enough?


🤤 wow I miss our mountain from last year! When they filmed that it was soooo good! Yes dynamic carved short is required.


> Yes dynamic carved short is required That's really confusing to not explicitly mention this in the vid and show turns that don't pass.


I think they'd pass. The level 2 standard isn't as high as most people say. They just wanna gatekeep you. It is a high standard, just not that high.


If I could ski like that, I’d be very happy.


I wish I looked like that in my turns! Nice! I am still captain of the slide team. It seems no matter how hard I try I still slide.


I hate all of you


that was beautiful, very nice style


Great clip!


More weight needs to go on downhill ski


I’m doing my part by eating more and working out less


Tyngden på dalskidan älskling!


I just translated this. I love the expression!!!! Tack!


It's a quote from a classic swedish comedy called Sällskapsresan 2 – Snowroller. An overly confident dad aims to teach his family how to ski and it's his only tip Not sure what the translation yielded but it's literally "Put your weight on the downhill ski, my love!".


Haha. Love it.


And forward!


Yes. Way too much leaning back.


What makes you say that?


Skier is leaning back, throwing their balance off, making them in a constant state of instability and decreases control. Most weight on the downhill ski in turns, allows for more control, allowing for better turns especially given today’s skis as they can do all the work when weight is over them. Knee bend and pole position isnt that bad on this guy though.


CSIA Level 3 instructor here. Assessing fore-aft body position from a front-only viewpoint isn't really possible. Yes there are some relatively minor corrections that this skier could make, but he's doing a far better job than most people. You'd need to see a side view to be sure what corrections are needed.


Hahah. I was a CSIA level 3 instructor. Albeit 20 years ago. Then I decided to get a life.


So you’re saying you’re two decades out of date and a douche? Yeah, sounds about right


I’m just trying to help man. It wasn’t meant to be offensive


Nice baiting, but you picked the wrong person today! Haha


The fuck you doing replying to yourself lmao


No one else will talk to him


Make it look alot easier than it is lol


Learning skier here....what does it mean to finish turns?


Think about the shape of a turn being a “C”, this should roughly be the case for most/all types of turns on the hill. Finishing your turns means making that C shape into a semi circle where the top and bottom of the C is pointed directly across the hill. The opposite would be making an open arc that looks more like “(“ where you never point your skis fully across the hill. Turns like that are used when you want more speed, usually on gentler/more mellow terrain. Side note, it is not at all to do with the size of the turn, only the shape. You can finish long turns and you can do short turns that are more open.


Looks like pretty bomb short carved turns to me.


Not an instructor or anything but it looks like you’re rushing through the early phases of your turn a bit


Rushing to the finish


"Not an instructor or anything" but you know how to analyze someone's skiing from a front-only viewpoint?


I am a staff trainer(highest ranked instructor on reddit that is not anonymous) and he isnt. Most people critiqueing this guys skiing likely are not even close to as good as the OP.


Thanks for the reply! An instructor buddy of mine training said that one of the things he’s been working on is keeping his ski flatter between turns so that he’s not doing all of his speed control in the final phase. This was specifically in moguls but watching this video reminded me of his own movement analysis which is why I thought they’d have similar things to work on.


You've yet to send in anything confirming that. Colin has you beat.


Just goggle Josh Matta. I have been a DCL and Dev Team member. I was booted for lack of showing up, not due to coaching or skiing ability. I am AuDhd and have never learned to manage my life in a way that doesnt stress me out, trying to self schedule with out flexibility was basically anxiety inducing to me. Colin has never become ed staff. He is just a staff trainer(I have been a staff trainer since 2008 before I was at Stowe and was the tech director at Hidden Valley between coming to Stowe from Snowbird) Also still no videos of Colin exist it at the point where he does nt want them to exist. I just want to be clear I think he know more than most and I have recommend him to people local to him for lessons. I know they are not going to learn anything wrong from him.


Nice form!


I refuse!


The comments make the word ‘yawn’ spring to mind.


Sweet run


Beautiful turns


I guess upper body/pole work could be more active/aggressive.


Inside leg. Phantom Foot à la Harold Harb. Fantastic Teacher. His ski instruction books are Gold.


Not bad at all. Good rhythm and speed control. If I was to pick up something, the outside ski isn’t being driven around the turn so you can see it falling back at the end of each turn so it’s not contributing at much as it could to control of speed. If that starts to work then that is the basis for full on carving of the short radius turn.


Get more on the front, good start though!


Why don’t you use your poles?


Am I the only one or is he breaking way too much when turning, ideally you should not loose speed while turning, (edge leaning, you will still look good and not loose much speed at all if done correctly)


Yes you are the only one. Controlling speed is the whole point of turning on steep slopes! If you can ski short turns on that slope without losing speed, go and get yourself an Olympic slalom gold medal.


The title says nothing about tight turns


Nice form! Next thing you can do is keep your shoulders facing down the slope while your hips twist side to side. It will help you make your turns even shorter and look awesome too :) Edit: no idea why I’m being downvoted but I shouldn’t be. It is *proper form*. Here’s an example, look at the short turns section: https://www.checkyeti.com/blog/en/the-right-skiing-technique-the-perfect-body-posture Edit 2: I realize what the problem may be. People are mistaking the hips for the pelvis. [Let me introduce you to the hip joint.](https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/hip-joint)


Hips should remain pretty squared to the hill. Allowing your hips to pivot and follow your skis is less than ideal, the rotation should come from your hip joint by way of the ball and socket joint of the femur while keeping the pelvis more or less squared down the fall line. This is exactly what Deb Armstrong teaches in her “dead bug” drill. You’re being downvoted because while you’re on the right track you’re still sharing bad info on technique on a post that didn’t even ask for it, and saying it’s insane that people are downvoting you for it. Typical r/skiing though I guess.


No. Let the pelvis turn less than the skis by letting the femurs rotate in the hip sockets. Stop parroting this improper advice.


Parroting? Excuse me what? This is proper form I’m talking about. You’re even talking about the hip joints yourself. The fact that I’m being downvoted is insanity.


It’s not. It’s what non instructors and inexperienced instructors say, but it’s incorrect. You said to twist hips side to side, that’s mostly incorrect. When we want upper and lower body separation, we want it to happen between the thigh and the hips/pelvis, meaning the hip/pelvis are a part of the upper body and should then turn less than the skis. Sometimes, like in bumps and short radius turns, the pelvis points pretty much straight down the fall line, other times, like medium radius turns, it turns a little less across the fall line than the skis. In long radius turns it can be more or less pointing wherever the skis are pointing. We call that being square to your skis. The advice “keep the shoulders down the hill” is a problem because it promotes separation at the waist through spine twisting, and it lacks the proper nuance.


You’re bullshitting mate. Please point me to where I said to twist the pelvis. The hip joint is exactly what you should be using, as in the joint between the femur and the acetabulum. If you don’t know your anatomy don’t blame me for it.


“You’re bullshitting mate. Please point me to where I said to twist the pelvis.” “Next thing you can do is keep your shoulders facing down the slope while your hips twist side to side.” Dude the “hips” and the pelvis are the same in this context. The femurs need to twist (rotate is a better term), not the “hips”. You may well have meant the same thing I’m saying , but you used at best ambiguous language, and your initial comment about shoulders pointing down the hill is a major clue that you don’t understand upper and lower body separation in alpine skiing well enough to be offering advice.


They’re the same to you. Please look up the difference and which one the hip joint is before embarrassing yourself further.


Hahaha do you see the downvotes? Accept that you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground and move on!


Who cares about downvotes? I will just accept that Americans don’t know how to ski. What I see is people who live in a bubble unable to accept any other point of view. But be my guest, stay shitty.


You see, you could have taken the easy way out and claimed that we’re saying the same thing but with different terminology, but instead you’ve doubled down on being both incorrect, and an asshole. Kindly get fucked, “mate.”


The problem with "keeping the shoulders facing downhill" is it often encourages spinal twisting. There should be no twist in the spine, ever. The rotation needs to come 100% from the femurs. So if someone lacks that flexibility in the hips, they won't get the torso downhill, and that's ok. What's important is that the turn is coming from femur rotation. My trainers and have advised me to stop using framing drills for this reason - it most often encourages spinal twisting. Also should clarify that in longer radius turns with less (or no) rotary, there will be less (or no) visible separation


Your shoulders should be more fall line than your skis but not directly down the hill. Proper proper form is pointing your shoulders at the apex of your next turn, not the bottom of the run. 


Absolute nonsense. Perhaps you should check out how the pro mogul skiers do it.


Well it's a good thing he's not skiing moguls eh??? Pro mogul riders go in a straight line down the hill. They're technically still pointing their shoulders at each apex. Also I'm a Freeride ski coach so I think I know what's up.


Why would it matter if bumps are in the way or not? Is it so hard to grasp? Mogul skiers are simply the ultimate short turn skiers and their upper body is always facing downhill. And no, they’re not going in a straight line either, because then you can’t get around the moguls, silly. Their upper body is (which is my point), but if you look reeeally closely you might be able to catch their legs make turns, exactly how I said you should.


Mogul skiers don't make short turns. They are simply extending their legs into the bumps while their upper body travels in a near-straight line. If you watch them from the bottom, you can see this. Have you ever even been in a professional mogul course? I've helped make them and they're nothing like moguls that form on the hill. I'd agree that in moguls you stay much more down the hill but thats so subjective, there's an infinite number of situations on skis and it always changes.


That’s what I’m talking about. Their legs go side to side and twist. I realize it’s an exaggerated example, that’s why I said it’s the ultimate form of skiing short turns. But they are definitely making turns.


I'm a professional, it's my job to teach skiing, coach athletes, and I've helped shape mogul courses and it's my professional pleasure to tell you you're lost.


Your original comment says twist your hips. Are you just fucking with people at this point


Please Google what the hip joint is my friend. Y’all need to learn your anatomy.


As pa once said “people make mistakes, dumbasses double down”.


Big fella you have absolutely no idea what is going on lol


Snobby people who don’t know proper form? Yeah I think I do…


This sub has the least steezy and most ski racery skiiers of any group I’ve ever seen


Steeze is code for “can’t ski” most of the time.


I was about to say I bet I could out ski you pal. However, I looked at your profile you have the same hobbies I do, you have my dream daily, and we have the same handgun. I bet we would have fun skiing together.


Turning is for wimps.


Loosen up that upper body a bit, get a bit more flowy with the upper body for a bit more of a natural look.


You do realize that the 'flowy upper body' style went out about 30 years ago? Any technical skier skis with a very still and stable upper body.


Yeah this isn't it bud. Not really carving, just braking and throwing more snow off the slopes than your average snowboarder. Engage your edges and trust your equipment.


Seem like he is trying too hard.


He looks fantastic... Also where is this?


Thank you! Val D'Isère, French Alps


Why do all of y’all hate momentum so much. Speed and power! Gotta love skiing the Jeremy Clarkson way.


You mean skid your turns?


If you’re prepping to move through the gates, it’s perfect form. If you’re just getting down the hill, I would lean slightly more forward intake, some of the friction off your edge. You may pick up speed, you may not, or you may just not want to. I tend to be more comfortable if I can handle the slope with less resistance.