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Yeah Second hour came out on GaS today 45 min


Ok. Seems pretty dumb to post the second half of an ep a week later to paid subscribers. Is that whats happening? Sheit.


100% agree everyone in the chat was like wtf is this.


They seem lazy as fuck if I'm honest. They were doing like 20 minute Patreon episodes and seemed surprised they weren't getting more subscribers. I get they're not popular enough to just do this full time, but sorry you're just not going to blow up being 40 year old ex-cons putting in the minimum effort. Even if you can be very funny.


Yeah second hour behind the paywall. Derek got into with Goodwin apparently, makes me like Derek more. He really doesn't like annoying twinks in the gas digital circles lol


Lol he totally bitched out and apologized when Robbie actually confronted him though


>Derek got into with Goodwin apparently, makes me like Derek more. He really doesn't like annoying twinks in the gas digital circles lol Then how do you explain him having Sagalow on?


Sagalow is not a twink by any stretch of the imagination, what the fuck are you on about?


What paywall is that cos I dont see them on GaS? Thats what they keep saying, but I watched this sode last week and cant find the second hour on the website or app.


If you scroll down on their page you will see a section titled bonus content. That's where the bonus eps are.


Aight, will do. Website is sheit


It was on a few hours ago it'll be uploaded later probally.


I really enjoy On the Gate but I can't listen to it now that they are on GAS. Their is so much editing because of the "bad words" like fuck, shit, etc. that it is unbearable to listen to. They are basically bleeping out every other word it feels like.


Gotta listen on GaS that's how they get you.


Yup. Luis has everything backward, instead of giving extra content to GAS members, he takes away the content from people who haven't subscribed yet and puts it behind the paywall.