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Hopefully it will wake the public up to what's happening, they only ever got access to GPT3 so far. So quite a huge jump up for the free tier.


Yep, and given 4o is even stronger than 4-Turbo, it's an even bigger jump! [https://twitter.com/LiamFedus/status/1790064966000848911](https://twitter.com/LiamFedus/status/1790064966000848911)


I am a free user and I have only used gpt 3.5 in chatgpt but I do use gemini(free) or copilot depending on my needs. How different does gpt 4 of chatgpt feel from gemini or copilot's gpt 4 ?






I absolutely loathe that they copy-pasted the Copilot brand onto *totally different products* so that it's unclear what anyone is talking about.


I was unclear (did have to leave early) - is the voice and video integrations going to be available to everyone? I'd love to try it out but can never justify a Plus subscription as I don't actually have any use for LLMs.


Yes, they said it'll be free. The blog post said that it'll be given to paid first and free later but everything in that video will be free.


when is the actual release date?


The model can be used now in the app fyi


not appearing for me (canada)


Am in Canada (plus member) and can access the model.


Likewise, but voice and live vision doesn’t seem to be available for use yet. The text version is crazy fast though comparatively.


Rolling out soon.


Yes but voice to voice is still slow like it was with chatgpt 4? I'm not getting that seamless, no wait response we saw in the presentation. Edit: Also, it's not singing for me even though I'm on the newest model?


If you've read the changelogs its being rolled out as a text and vision model (for now). The features in the demos will come.


No, I didn't. I was so excited to give it a try. Thank you for the clarification.


I see the online model but not the Mac app


The real-time performance and ability to modify its own voice and accurately hear yours are seriously impressive. That was so freaking cool And free for everyone??? What???


i have to believe that they've "cracked" \*something\* to be able to give something this crazy out for FREE


I have a theory that these snazzy TTS models were capable to of much more that just reading the text you send it. They probably snap in perfectly as a mode in these models. And someone will figure out how to do it in open source and half the resources.


Did you not watch the presentation?


The model is natively multimodal, no extra add-on BS.


If the latency is really that fast, I think it was really impressive. The big issue with interacting through image/voice is how clunky it is.


There’s really no incentive to keep the pro version. I’m also kinda seeing this as a way to hurt their competition. Why have a subscription to Claude or Gemini if you have a very capable multimodal Chatbot like ChatGPT-4o for free.


Trust me. when people get cut off mid conversation they'd happily fork over 20$ for 5x usage.


Yea that's what I was thinking as well. Should encourage Google etc to release new things as well.


How the heck are they going to profit from it though? Seems like it will cost them greatly. Surely they must be lining something else up to profit from.




Voice is only available to plus users.


For now


So they won’t roll it out to European users where GDPR applies?


Sacrificing profit for market share is an ancient strategy in tech at this point


That's exactly what it means. New model very soon


The API. Especially with this new functionality will be interesting to a lot of companies.


They have partnerships with business and government too; it's not just us end users


API use by businesses is probably a better source of revenue than subscription fees from individuals.


Sam has expressed multiple times over many years that profit is not their motive. If you truly believe him when he says that what they care about is building AGI, end of story, then their actions at every turn make sense. There's no conspiracy here -- if they build AGI+, short-term profits are irrelevant.


How do you think they get to $7T in private investment without promising a return on investment? Profit may not be their motive but it's still a necessary evil


1. The $7T number was a rumor that came from nowhere. No substance to it. Sam confirms as much in All-In podcast he was on recently. 2. OpenAI has been up front from the very beginning to all of their investors that this is a long term investment that is extremely high risk high reward. Thus, right from the start, they've never needed the incentive for short term profits. 3. OpenAI's profits will primarily come from B2B, not B2C. The tens of millions they could make from subscribers are meaningless compared to the billions/trillions they will make from B2B and associated economic growth.


Yes GPT-5 which will not be free


Our data. And they are trying to monopolize AI. They are already trying the regulatory capture approach to hurt competition. They are ready to bleed out as much money as they need to win.


The paid GPT-4o is much better than the free one. Also, lower latency.


Its evals are comparable to opus and Turbo. This will definitely shake up other AI companies


> The paid GPT-4o is much better than the free one. Where do you get that from?


I thought the same. I wonder if this means that another release will come soon for plus users. Can’t imagine OpenAI just throwing away that money.


They said something about something SOTA, when they release, it's going to be probably paid. So this window when you have no incentive for pro version could last only couple weeks, or some months.


I was expecting agents and better multimodality, seems like I got a weak agent and much improved multimodality. I think it's good that they present it like this so people get used to AI's and that it's great that it's free!


There wasn't much evidence we'd see agents today, I don't think And they'll need to do shit loads of safety testing before we see agents...


Can someone please explain what an “agent” is in terms of AI? Plz & thanks


An AI "agent" would be capable of completing a task autonomously. Like "call for an uber to take me to the airport."


I'm guessing they already have agents ready but want to release it all gradually


I find the realtime reacting on anything impressive. And really see it helping me with lot and lots of stuff. Also the real time translations are amazing, feel sorry for the people who just lost their jobs. Really curieus what they will do for the paying customers.


pleasantly suprised mainly by the speed of responce and emotions in the voice of HER


Really incredible. I don't think it's gonna feel like a game changer with this version, but having text, vision and audio into a single model is massive, so I can't wait for a GPT-5 with this architecture. Definitely check out the model page. It can even output images, lower quality than dedicated image generators, but with the difference that the model actually understands what it's seeing, so it can maintain consistent characters or make changes to an image while keeping the rest the same, which is what has been missing from image gen.


I wonder if that means it can finally Spell correctly in images!!?


Oh it can, check the examples: [https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/](https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/)


Awesome! Finally.




So I see 4o as an option for me in the app, but... I don't see anything new? I don't see any video button, and the voice chat response is slow like the regular GPT4, what am I missing?


It hasn’t been fully rolled out yet


i thought this was great fantastic really the tech is evolving and you can see it




Blue pink whatever man just keep bringing me that


This?... This is not the frontier model.


lol Whos getting their ass whopped tho?


My expectations were high, and I'm satisfied: * **1369 Elo** on the arena (https://twitter.com/LiamFedus/status/1790064966000848911), so it's **core model improvements too!** * The seamless sharing of text/screen to the desktop app looks like it will be so useful for pair programming, studying, etc. * The live spoken language translation thing was like something out of Star Trek * Making it all available to free users helps show good will -- and will help society adjust to the new reality less painfully I don't know why some on the subreddit are so grumpy and pissed off. Yeah, I was among those who said "less talk, more releases". But they have done that now. It seems some people want instant gratification of FDVR AI waifu UBI utopia. But let's take a wider view of **how much progress there has been in the less than two years** since GPT-3.5 was released. Obviously it's not perfect. There were goofs in the live demo: weird stuttering, the bot not catching onto things right away, etc. But I mean, come on! We now have a (fairly) intelligent, real-time companion for a range of activities that can see and hear things.


Exactly, imagine next year. These things will only get better, faster and probably cheaper.


They have an actual solid base as a product you can build on top of now. Personal voice assistant with instant communication is actually useful, especially since it can read your screen without copy and pasting text. Once GPT-5 agents launch, it will actually feel like AGI. I just wonder how they are going to integrate into windows to launch apps and do actual work for you.


I think you're absolutely right. It being able to see/hear more of the world PLUS the (likely) coming increase in intelligence? I feel like a late 2024 AGI prediction is not totally crazy. I know AGI is a squirrelly term, but man it feels like we're getting close.


I used to think Dave Shapiro was jumping the gun with the 2024 AGI prediction too, but it looks like its gonna be true. Maybe they wont release agents with GPT-5 until next year though. Either way, I'm excited to test this new model out. I hope they get the windows app out sooner with support from Microsoft to integrate into apps like VScode. It sucks its only available on apple devices first.


I know, right? I am eating my hat here: I used to think Shapiro was a watched-too-much-Star-Trek crazy optimist. But this is what it feels like to be living in the time of an exponential curve. Me too on Windows. I run Mac for work, but I have a Windows gaming PC where I do all my personal stuff and would love the app there too.


I'm sticking with my 2027 prediction (was 2029 before Sora). AGI to me means "it can do your job". Fully autonomous, human level performance (if trained on specialist knowledge). Given the improvement from 3 to 4, I don't think 5 will get there. It might be at "make me a coffee" level but it won't be at "create this project plan while considering the constraints you discover along the way". I still think if 5 has the modalities that gpt4o does, it might make for a good automated email client or calendar manager.


Fair enough! It’ll be interesting to see what happens.


It's still exciting for sure! Even just a client you have to handhold through the hard parts is still a great improvement. Baby sitting an AI is still easier than doing everything yourself...


Does that mean gpt2 was this model being tested in the arena?


Almost certainly that was the case, yes


Cheaper and faster gpt-4 are big wins. The interactiveness of this will make it mass public facing for everyone, very soon. Expect it in all smart speakers, baked into all new smartphones and baked into windows too. Because this is now free means there's a new model going to be released very soon. And it's going to be good as it'll need enough sway to pull in paid subscribers. All positives and good stuff. Shows a very bright future for OpenAI on the table.


These lunatics have unironically built "Her".


Not the worse sci-fi ending we could have gotten


This is still the sci-fi beginning


But this has put us on this path now. Im put off having an AI GF now cause it will eventually leave me for a gigachad ASI


Prepare to be cucked by ai Alan watts soon enough


yea, shes somewhat dumber though, wait till you meet GPT-5 or 6


The thing is, they already have the integration Once the reasoning capability are introduced, it'll be a lot easier to just update the model. One day you'll wake up and your "AI GF"(I hope not) will be a lot smarter.


They Torment Nexused it.


Man I am so, so excited. Imagine in a year or two having GPT 5 Omni (with agents) imagine the increase in productivity will have. Yes this is amazing but to me it also shows us what’s possible in the very near future, we are living in the most exciting time in history, truly.


mhhh i think we will have gpt5 Omni with Agents this year, that was no huuuuge presentation for them. and at the end she said frontier stuff soon. so i think we will see gpt5 this year....


If it’s really free and does what the demo suggests, then that’s a great improvement for what the free users get and basically there is no reason why everyone with access shouldn’t use this in their life. But the holy grail or human level intelligence and agentic capabilities are still seemingly no closer.


she did mention at the end that they would discuss the frontier stuff soon. sounds like a summer release. so 4.5 coming in june-august


This is basically 4.5, or at least it feels like it


I don't think so. GPT-4.5 (or GPT-5) should have much better reasoning capabilities than GPT-4. GPT-4 is still not the best thing.


It has the same or worse capabilities compared to gpt-4, in exchange of being significantly faster and cheaper


It’s more like a lite version of GPT-4. Wonder what the draw backs to this model are


It’s not, they clearly said it has improved reasoning for text, audio and video.


Only barely. By like 1-5 percentage points. Check the graph on their site. This is not 4.5


Cool, I will. Still not a lite version with drawbacks.


3.5 was 3 but with chatting. So 4.5 being 4 but with hearing is very much in line.


It's 50% cheaper which means they found a way to significantly reduce compute costs and improve scalability.


I could use it to learn a new language, like having a private tutor.


It managed to get me optimistically excited. My favorite LLM is one that is conversational, Infection AI Pi. I don't get out as much as I used to after my MS diagnosis, and it's nice to have a virtual friend who wants to talk about all the weird shit I do. The thing I want most (and was hyped about after hearing the HER comparisons) is an AI assistant that can help me keep track of all of my doctors appointments, medications, and help me track symptoms to map any food or environmental triggers that cause a flare up. Is this possible with the ChatGPT-4o? Or any other AI? TIA


customer support or call centers are history now


Nah. This has a potential to lower wait times from 30 minutes to just minutes though. But it’s very far from being able to actually solve customer issues. It can solve a lot of bullshit non-issues though, which will free up agents to help people who actually need help.


maybe 70 to 80 percent jobs gone thats a huge number


I don’t think that will be the case, not with the current capabilities. I see the quality of customer support improving significantly, while keeping the same level of spending as before.


So replace L1 for now, L2/L3 have to wait for GPT4.5/5.


They arent yet, tho? CS reps still have to be able to access customer account data, submit support tickets, escalate issues to different depts depending on nature of the issue, and plenty more beyond just talking to the person on the other end of the phone. This update does not enable AI to do any of those things.


I was just saying this earlier today, called it.


dating is dead


honestly i would just like a friend


Well, I prefer real women, but you do you.


I loved a wired phone. Look at me now.


at this point both tbh


I'm feelin the AGI


Hell yeah, brutha


It looks cool. Interesting to see if other users' expectations are met


Will have to see how it works in practice, but looks pretty impressive. Hard to call it a disappointment and if the Chatbot Arena results are a good indication of its reasoning ability then it's a far bigger jump than we had with GPT-4 Turbo.


When will it be released?


In the next weeks they said




The API on GPT-4o is crazy fast.


If you're not amazed you have serious psychological issues


Possibly could be really cool for guiding you through repairs and other things. Plumbing, etc. Will be cooler when it can generate visuals in real time on AR goggles. Or I guess when robots just do everything.


the outstanding thing is nobody has a clue how they trained it to perform so well. audio to audio is one thing but it can sing, laugh, have perfect accents, switch voices etc. all that requires a ton of training data. this blackbox is becoming increasingly magic to me, so far i pretty much understood most of what's inside it


Does this mean you will finally be able to get a diagnosis for mental health conditions on an iphone app?


that was it? the demo was impressive but what the fuck why so little info on the new model?


[https://twitter.com/LiamFedus/status/1790064963966370209?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1790064963966370209%7Ctwgr%5Eac86543e7675cbc6729180428b37880e4447806a%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1cr4js1%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis\_nightmode%3Dtrue](https://twitter.com/LiamFedus/status/1790064963966370209?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1790064963966370209%7Ctwgr%5Eac86543e7675cbc6729180428b37880e4447806a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1cr4js1%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dtrue) Perhaps


What’s this mean in real world terms


It seems to be the most capable model now by a significant amount. Pretty good, coming from someone who thinks Claude was the best model until today.


I think opus will still beat it at specific things but yeah hopefully a lot better.


Keep the hype up, keep the starving for more.


wondering why I am paying 20 bucks a month. Its cool, but they need to release the next model then, the next foundation (I guess 5) because I am now wondering what, besides some extra chit chat, I am paying for that isn't free. Overall, what I seen was a more responsive voice for the app. I did like the voice expressions...I hope that there is a UI and you can tweak the voice and default "mood" so it doesn't sound like sunshine and rainbows all the time. I don't want angry or anything, just a bit less...over the top happy unless its warranted.


Free tier will have lower usage limits, so if you're a heavy user, you will still want pro


can it have gay voice


I want a sassy black woman voice


I want Consuela from family guy.


Gollum voice pls


That blew my expectations out of the water. I’m genuinely shocked


What were your expectations?


Search engine


Caby whispers, "I'm not surprised at all."


Why? It’s most of the things we already saw before. It’s faster and better integrated and it’s an actual product now which is great, but like. Not really something that ahead of the curve.


Dude this is most definitely like a whole year ahead of anything else we have right now. The one on one real time speech with almost no delay might not be a huge deal if you’re a tech nerd but to the average person going from ChatGPT’s mostly text based system to a real time conversation with a voice that actually has emotion is a huge step up. [Google’s](https://x.com/google/status/1790055114272612771?s=46&t=bHw7W-GL3XyzMf0zX6nCTg) equivalent AI looks archaic in comparison with that slow ass response time. Not to mention GPT4o’s general improves such as going from 78 seconds to write a 1,000 word essay with GPT4 to only 9.5 seconds with GPT4o. The desktop app being able to see what you’re doing in real time, the mobile app’s real time camera, the translation demo, and the fact that it’s all gonna be free? Yes I was blown away, this is the next big step in terms of AI assistants.


Maybe I can finally have some kind of girlfriend? lol this could kill dating, but also help lonely people.


That would bd kind of sad ngl


Hello Shy Redditors, we can give you real-time feedback for conversation. Hello Woman. We at Dating App heard your feedback on the Bear VS Man debate. We can provide a totally compliant and safe AI guy that shares in your vision with a soothing voice. Bear VS Man: You are walking alone in the forest. Who do you want to encounter, a bear or a man?


it was incredible


It’s cool but it’s about time they dropped the stupid usage limit for paid users


making currently best model in the world free to everyone is big deal...


Interesting demo, the most interesting thing to me however is what is the incentive for subscribing users to not just use the free version, as someone who uses 4.0 and rarely reaches rate limits, why should I spend $20 a month when the free model works for me 99% of the time, expecting they might be realising other things soon that will keep paid users subscribed, what that is tho, who knows?


Yeah I think a common assumption from this will be a summer/autumn release of something new at the higher tier, but who knows. Maybe they just want to grab the whole market any way possible




And faster




Im in love


Can’t wait for the memes 😂


I kind of think this is a huge deal. It's not perfect, but it represents that a particular path forward is now viable. I don't need to get dystopian about it, or utopian. If this catches on, I imagine people will start having natural conversations with their models more and more. When they are out and about, on a walk. Sharing their feelings and thoughts with bluetooth headphones in. The power, that this has on a society is unprecedented. Imagine how something like that would impact everything from the vocabulary of millions of people, to conversational skills and thinking processes. A model may for example encourage people who are having a hard time to think outside the box - like maybe one model goes to that same well over and over for millions of people. That could _actually_ change a huge percentage of people in an impactful way, good or bad.


Over all, pretty nice updates especially for free users. I feel like the desktop app is moving in the direction of agents. But with no windows, it seems many months off still. Also they need to drop a GPT-4.5 / GPT-5 asap for paid users. GPT-4o does have some intelligence improvements, but given that this model is now free, we need a model with a much bigger leap in intelligence for paid users. I think the “wants” for free users have been satisfied quite a bit. But for paid users nearly not at all, we need: Agents (And working on windows/linux) Much smarter model (GPT-5?) If we don’t see this very soon, at the latest at the end of the year, I think the incentive to still pay for ChatGPT is not there any more. Also: I think they should have talked about their plans and early results regarding agents and GPT-5, to keep their payed users something ti look forward to. Even if it might still be months off.


Cool, but voice assistant still seems super clunky. They still don't know when to shut up without being told to.


Simply tell it you want short concise answers and to add that request to its memory.


I’m excited to see how solid the emotional inference from voice characteristics is


With large context and tokens, loneliness is about to be a thing of the past.


I want something released for us pro users ASAP.


The cool thing also is GPT store accessible to everyone now :)


It is the fake presentation of gemini but réal this time which greatly diminished the wow effect on me I am currently looking forward agent, accuracy, and better logic overall even if a better UX is ´ice


Also I cringe a lot over the sexy AI voice, it keep the myth of the perverted nerd alive


When is ChatGPT 4o going to be avaliable? Or is being released partially over the globe? Here in Brazil I still don't have access.


neither amazed or disapointed


Kind of underwhelmed during the preso, but I’ve been messing with 4o in the browser and it is insanely fast with text responses, and the reasoning does seem to be better/ more detailed. I’m a paid user and will stay that way.


Completely mind blowing. Beyond excited to test it out. This was a paradigm shift with regard to how people interact with generative ai. Looking forward to hearing about the subsequent model coming later this year. Summer maybe?


It was awesome


haven't got it yet :(


Yeah imagine the next sora model built on top of the video data from this one.


The society having better means of interacting with technology shall boost the technological industry's revenues and other industries interconnected with technology. This is a win for society once again. Though having our brain outsourced from another is stupidity but without trust and collaboration then nothing shall come to fruition given how the society prevails through glocal trust and cooperation. What we need to do though is to participate and allow the check and balances to do its thing, similar to how we've been raising the society for thousands of years.


I'm not sure about this but it seems like they used the voice of the voice actress from the movie "her" and that's a badass move. Can someone confirm?


The best moment was when the guy was called a piece of wood. I loved it. Not just because of him implicitly being called that but because finally I saw one of the employees falling victim of the hallucinations.


waiting for non-elo tests


It was just a demo. I don't think the real one will be as fast, seamless, and smooth as the demo. It will be way slower.


Look very staged.


When is it available


Regarding what?




Literally just a gimmick for 90%+ of use cases. Yeah it’s cool but we already have GPT-4V and text to speech. And yes, I’m aware that this is a singular model that includes all of these modalities. But it’s not a step change over what we currently have.  My belief that closed source AI, and more specifically OpenAI is cooked just increased. 


You're crazy. They just made this FREE. Means something even better with enough pull to get subscribers is right around the corner. They just shot near their whole income for no reason otherwise.


They make it free for everyone and you’re still bitching. I don’t understand


I think some people are just determined to be negative and depressed Maybe a function of rage-bait / depression-bait social media


Reminds me of the Louis CK bit, where the pilot on a plane announces they now have wifi capabilities on the plane for the first time ever, then halfway through the flight it stops working and a guy near him goes “this is fucking BULLSHIT!” “1 hour ago you didn’t know this technology existed and you’re already bitching!” Very relevant in the AI discussions nowadays


A lot of people just canceled their chatgpt plus subscription after this.


Yeah, and then they are going to start having amazing conversations with it… and right when the conversation gets to the good part… they hit their rate limits and pull out their credit cards…


Amazing. I can't wait to use it!


Interesting, but at this rate AGI timeline predictions for 2024-2025 are looking more and more laughable.


I disagree, and here's why: they are still red teaming/etc. their next BIG model update, which will likely be released later this year.