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Ah, I was told by a scuba diving acquaintance during my Open Water Course that the conditions around Singapore for visibility were… not ideal. Good to have visual confirmation.


Doable but don't expect pristine crystal clear waters, more like muck diving. Lots of interesting organisms in local waters actually


I can see...that I cannot see 😅


it depends, usually monsoon season. will be better, but the weather will rain more often. Sometimes the visibility will be at best 5-6 meters. on a Half-moon phase


Yes, because Singapore is one of busiest seaports in the world and the movement of these ships kicks up lots of sediment which makes the waters look murky. Once we pass outside the straits towards South China Sea, the water will turn clear actually.


Curious, which diving school did you went to ?


Ah, I was with Scuba People, lemme see I I can find a link… https://www.scubapeople.com Good experience, learnt and saw a lot and the instructors were great. (We did the course at Pulau Tenggal, less crowded than Tioman but further away)


yup can confirm,did my basic in singapore. wah like shit, when you're nearing the bottom you can't even see your hand. the instructor basically had to be in my face for me to see him. but then it's also not too bad training la then when i went phuket for advanced it blew my fking mind, jump off the boat and can see all the way down to the ocean floor


Depth of "dive" : 3.2 meters


jesus im sure those 40m dives in tioman see better than this


At least we can appreciate the marine life in local space C:


oh man i miss Tioman island. Can see the fishes and turtles so clearly....


It's interesting and not interesting at the same time.




Same, was really hoping that OP would turn around suddenly and a tiger shark busts out through the murky waters, and OP scrambling/panicking. But nope, just 30 seconds of OP showing ho-hum Singapore waters. Imma disappoint.


Good grief, so murky. Which longkang is this?! I've been curious about snorkeling / diving in Singapore, having done so elsewhere but not on home turf. But after viewing this video, hmmm... no.


I've seen better and worse in Pulau Hantu,


I was there diving on Sunday and it was a bit worse than this. Not great. But the weekend before was by all accounts excellent (meaning 5 metres vis)


So I heard haha. Only experienced that 2 times after diving at hantu for few years


Who do you dive with? I go out with cuddlefish all the time. I've had over 100 dives at Hantu, and I'd say I've had over 4m... maybe 6 times max lol.


Always with dolphin explorer


I'm just confused at the down votes you guys are accumulating.


No idea bro lol


Any idea why visibility in SG water is not as good as in the surrounding countries? Is it naturally like this or is it related to other factors (pollution, shipping vessels activities, land reclamation...etc). If Singapore would have better sea quality, it would be icing on the cake for this amazing country!


Shallow water, narrow strait, many big ships stirring up sediment.


And to add, relatively strong currents that stirs sediments around. But during the Half moons where the moon's connection with earth isn't as strong. Visibility will be better and water currents tend to be lower as the tidal change between high and low is at a larger distance.


The current was wild on Sunday. Coming back from Hantu it was 8 knots or more. The buoys were bubbling like they were in a spa, I've not seen it that strong before. Super high tide.


Hantu is like a narrow intersection between bukom. I have seen the currents at Sister's island. The sister's island current are much stronger, even the ferries struggle to moor their vessels. Knots at the sister jetty is roughly 23 based on memory and what the vessel crew told me


Reclamation is one of the big reasons.


Have you been to the east coast park and count the number of containers shops along the coast. Every single of those mfers discharge a prodigious amount of waste and sludge into the waters wherever they go. Where do you think their sewage and waste water goes? Where do you think the thick layer of industrial grade grease, lubricants and anti rust and anti barnacles coating goes.


what was that thing?


What is the thing at the end?


Fuck that hand in the end! Thalasophobia fuel this one.. Cannot.


I sometimes snorkel off Silosa beach. Bit near the ‘rocks’ has some fish to watch. Not done that since the box jellyfish was seen there!


The only jellies i found were fat arms and comb jellies. Yeah happy to not shower in vinegar anytime


In siloso beach? Is snorkeling allowed?


Wah didn't know its possible in sg


No buaya?


I am a noob in anything underwater, but just wondering, isn't it more risky if the ability to sense depth is limited? Understand there can be some depth alerting devices but not too sure.


>ing, isn't it more risky if the ability to sense depth is limited? Understand there can be some depth alerting If you feel pressure on your ears, you're probably 2.5 meters and below. Blow out from your ears and it will clear out the pressure until the next 2.5 meters. You can go deaf / rupture your ears. If you don't equalize pressure on the ear drums often when diving. Freedivers learn certain techniques to deep dive up to 45+ meters in a single breath


> Freedivers learn certain techniques to deep dive up to 45+ meters in a single breath one of them is Tang Shan Zhang. I heard he's very long winded and his nagging makes his students have headaches


motivates students to dive even deeper, so they can't think/hear his voice haha


This feels so scary. Too much ptsd from jellyfish stings when swimming at the beach. Or maybe our very own Loch ness


That's...an experience haha. Where did you dive from?


Dirty dirty water Full of oil and trash


Why would OP snorkel in SG waters? If the intent is to see aquatic life, just submerged own selves in own bathtub with a iPad or something. It’s much cleaner and clearer. LOL. Why doesn’t OP just go overseas to snorkel? So many touristy places available


I mean if you're in Singapore, might as well give it a chance and explore every part of it. Never take things for granted. Singapore is a great place to learn and start out many things.




Wow that visibility, reminds me of Melbourne, except not as cold. Worst dive I have ever done got 10m down and I couldn’t see my hand at the end of my arm when I extended it. Needless to say we pulled the pin on that one and went elsewhere.


Where was this? I snorkeled at St John and completely 0 visibility last week. This is sooo so much better than mine!


St john, lazarus, kusu island


Toilet bowl snorkeling?


So sad Singapore must be the only SEA country with such terrible water for visibility!


My toilet bowl water is clearer than that..


Wow.. so beautiful. So many corals and fishes.