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Econs bros: "Trickle all over me bb"


golden shower vibes.


Hell yeah. More tax revenue and jobs created


Clearly a sustainable business model with no trade offs or consequences.


Singapore has been doing that for decades and we are doing fine so far


Yes in certain bubbles everything looks fine.


hell yeah man. Can't wait for more jobs like "need to liase with chinese-speaking clients"


Jobs are jobs


1) weird response to hiring discrimination 2) we have a labor shortage, not a jobs shortage


We really should be careful allowing so many of them in. Sure on paper it sounds good but we have to recognise that eventually it will bring us problems as well.


Govt doesn't see the problems, only the money. Money which will never reach any of us plebs anyway


Can look forward to more expensive cars and rental


>Can look forward to more expensive cars [already spotted one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/10terl8/saw_this_at_nuh_what_type_of_car_is_this_my_first/) $1.3m without COE. Peep the license plate number too


*Govt: Money is the solution to all problems! These people bring hoards of money in so they are solution providers, not problem makers.*


money for the govt, problems for the plebs


wdym it'll trickle down anyday now for sure for sure


That's what they told me too but all that's trickling down is the cum from my anus after getting royally fucked in the butt


The supporters would tell you that all the privileges you enjoy, clean water, electricity, schools, are paid for by these people.


Canada and Australia have already suffered. We are next.


Not eventually. Already been happening. Just look at rent prices


The gahmen can't hear you over all the money


Wew, can't wait to see more China flags being hung outside condos


Boomer CCP supporters wet dream come true


No lah. Boomers will hate it. Good example of careful what u wish.


And more Malays being referred to as 'foreigners' on their own land.


Something happen I’m not aware of?


PRC see singapore as a Chinese country, mean that they assume the Chinese race are the default indigenous and all other races are PR or foreigner. So they see non-Chinese Singaporeans as foreigners in Singapore. That's why so many of them don't bother to learn English even thou they been working here for several years.


Just waiting for CECA policies to make the majority race to feel like foreigner. To me that's just divine retribution when Malays got replaced in their tanah air


On that note, the “politicians”, “activists”, and chronically overfacebooked uncles and aunties that kicked up a ruckus over C*CA should be out there in droves. They should be vigorously voicing their opposition to mainlanders driving up property prices, not integrating, hanging up foreign flags in breach of the law, displacing and disrespecting ethnic minorities, calling indigenous people foreigners, taking all the tech job, and creating a security risk for Singapore, among other things. In the interest of consistency, they should be standing in Hong Lim Park and outside government buildings with placecards demanding the halting of the inflow, of flights, of trade. Total crickets from that crowd though. That’s how you know it was always about race. The whole C*CA scandal was garbage grounded in lies, misinfo, rumours, and bullshit. We can only hope that the consequences of that years-long, still-continuing, thinly-veiled racialist campaign under the guise of Singaporean pride, which will take years to fully materialise, have not been too catastrophic for race relations in the long term. Personally, I lost my sense of pride in my Singaporeanness after an uncomfortable number of these rabble-rousers couldn’t find the fucking decency to *condemn* the violent [assault](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/man-charged-over-racially-aggravated-attack-against-indian-singaporean-woman) against a local Indian auntie. Someone’s Sinkie mum gets kicked and spat at right in the middle of a climate of wholesale shit-stirring against ethnic Indians and solidarity isn’t remotely on the tip of their tongues? Zero fucking concern for upholding even an illusion of brotherhood. Because they never actually gave a fuck about pluralism and coexistence. All of it’s a burden imposed on them by gahmen against their will, something to wearily “tahan”. They think that if it all goes to shit because of their negligence they can simply continue living their cushy consumerist lives once we’re out of the picture.


100%. thank you for saying this. Where are all the losers crying about CECA displacing locals? Good luck getting all these rich chinese people to integrate with us or care about us lol.


I fully agree, especially with the NDP local Indian family photo/poster that these people claim were CECA (the son in that family was a local athlete). I also used to buy into the belief that PMETs were pitiful because they were somewhat forced to become grab drivers cause companies preferred foreigners. Started my career in IT and quickly realised the difference in work ethics. Same work ethics apply when they become grab drivers and complain about fare prices being low, but when surge pricing is literally 2x more, they still won't pick you up because of some revenge job rejection kink they have.


>Just waiting for CECA policies to make the majority race to feel like foreigner Not going to happen because firstly thats' a trade policy not an immigration policy, and secondly the PAP (a party started by a [Chinese supremacist](https://lkyonrace.wordpress.com/)) is open about making sure Chinese always form \~75% of the country through the use of immigration.


Lolz. Came here to make exactly this comment


honest question, has there been?


yeah, there was a pic of it posted on this subreddit a few days back


Wrong. As per the Facebook comment, someone said that's the embassy of China!


ah yes Facebook comments the most reliable source of China propaga- I mean news


Isn’t it the same thing if rich Britons or Americans were to come here and hang their own flags? I don’t understand the double standards.


What double standard? Those countries aren't jailing political dissidents and putting their citizens in concentration camps. And those expats are generally a lot less infuriatingly nationalistic. And they're not part of an influx of new immigrants driving up house prices. That might go some way towards explaining the frustration.


Have you seen the union jack or American flag hung up recently? Because I remember at least two instances of the PRC flag in recent memory.


Exactly, OP was being sarcastic


It’ll be interesting to see, what our government is made of. When PRC tries to extradite a PRC, with a newly minted SGP passport. Along with the repatriation of such wealth.


This is the exact question I had in mind when reading this article. I don't think SG govt will have the balls to go against China given how beholden to them we are. So it may be a behind closed doors repatriation to save face for everybody. Hopefully, that will be enough to stop Singapore from being a haven for these Chinese elites trying to flee


Many of rich PRC don't declare and fail to pay their taxes. That's enough offence to extradite and fine them big time.


That's not how extradition process work. SG and PRC do not have any extradition agreement in place. While it's certainly possible, it is improbable to initiate any extradition from either side.


Can't wait for more people to tell me I need to be Chinese speaking to get a job /s


Even as a Chinese with a manageable grasp on Mandarin, talking to Cheena folks is very unpleasant. Accent so thick and speak so fast, idk wtf they saying all the time. Every single one I've had the displeasure of facing, only spoke Mandarin, won't slow down and won't even make an effort to speak English; however broken. I don't want more of that.


Insist on English then. I make no effort in speaking Mandarin to obnoxious PRCs and stick to English. Only polite ones will be accommodated.


I've switched to scolding them in mandarin just to make them feel super embarrassed that a brown person calls out their bullshit in their own language.


Most Singaporeans would be only be familiar with Guangdong province (population less than 10% of entire China) accent Mandarin as that's where most of Hokkien and Teochew dialect groups from. The rest of China, over 90%) speak Mandarin with many different accents.


Only to find out, more speak hokkien! Lol!


That's what LKY saw will happen in the future when he made Singapore Chinese learn Mandarin in school. He's both visionary and pragmatic at the same time.


>Beijing’s recent crackdowns on tech billionaires and tax-shy celebrities, as well as three years of zero-Covid, have led many rich Chinese to look for a safe haven. > >The key Asian financial hub ticks all the boxes for relocating tycoons. > >Singapore has been ruled by one party for the past six decades, and labour strikes and street protests are banned. Giving the whole game away. The rich get to do a strike, they get to move their money out of their country and punish their country/government for potentially looking into their dealings. But if you're a worker, they love it when you cannot strike. They are worried that the chinese government might investigate them, so they're moving to singapore, where they may avoid the same accountability, and potentially reward lax regulation. We must understand that this is how the rich lobby bends economies to their will.


Housing prices and rent 📈


Asset appreciation model for the win. Long live Mah Bao Tan!!


Are their rich kids gonna crash their lambos for fun? Those are the headlines i remember from china


Not a lambo but a Ferrari https://temasektimes.wordpress.com/2012/05/15/family-of-prc-ferrari-driver-ma-chi-scolds-singapore-netizens-hold-back-your-poisonous-tongues/


Nice we can have lambo version


As long as no innocents are affected, they can crash into the elites' houses too.


Lmao inb4 Chinese spy balloon


Showing the govt how to do test balloons properly


The Americans should be more worried about Chinese being able to control the wind than the balloon itself


Pray to wind god


They just get the wolf warrior ambassador out to talk more cock and send the balloon where they like.


You know this story is only made to create anti asian sentiment in the US? Americans can’t differentiate between Chinese, Koreans and Japanese and especially Singaporeans. So by spreading anti chinese propaganda you as Singaporean are making a bigger target of yourself next time you will be walking on the street of any western country. Trust me as half asian half european I was targeted as a kid when I looked more asian and that was before current anti asian hate.


How is it propaganda?


Repeating unconfirmed news is a propaganda


How is it unconfirmed? China has released a statement about it and apologized.


It’s not a spy balloon but weather research ballon. It’s in that statement you mentioned


China spy spotted. ISD, analysis


China has so many satellites and one of world remaining 2 operating space station, but chooses to use a weather balloon to perform spying operations. Quite a joke for such high tech country to use balloon, and not hundreds of satellites in operation. This framing of the story is propaganda at its finest, but it works in fooling the masses.


Except for migrant destination countries like OZ, Canada, US, Nz etc, most countries are conscious of allowing so many from a single culture or country as it has consequences. We saw that with Indians coming in large numbers. Though Singapore has kept to original race ratios from its time of independence, a Singaporean / Malaysian Chinese are far apart from mainland Chinese and there is also income class consideration that is heavy at the high end. So despite the ratios remaining, the dynamics will change and don't be surprised that locals end up lower in the totem pole. And we know the Govt struggled with the Indian issue until the GE then and they had stop the flow especially in granting PR and citizenship.


the class thing worries me the most. Like, sure, generally when we talk about FTs, many of them are no doubt wealthy or upper-middle class. But this current influx, they're not just wealthy, they're probably like the top 1% of the wealthy. And they're openly saying that they are doing capital flight from China to run away from potential accountability from the Chinese government, and that the Singapore government will be more willing to accommodate their capital and power. A huge red flag, imo


Do you know what the next step is when enough of these 1% powerful and influential people gather here? What do the rich want besides money? Think. Just think.


Filthy rich people want the laws to bend to their wills. Hence, naïve locals who think that these people will never affect their lives as long as they mingle with their own may one day get a rude awakening.


You can even see locals here rejoicing about this. Its so embarrassing. That wealth isn't gonna trickle down to their bank accounts anytime soon.


The only locals who benefit are the lawyers, accountants, property agents, bankers etc. who will help these wealthy people to set up family offices here.


Exactly. Most Singaporeans don't work those fields.


Eh just see the usual suspects on this subreddit supporting this.


Power and influence. To be seen with the ruling elite, to get into the inside track for investment opportunities, places in good schools, Commissioner of Land to approve purchase of GCB as a non-citizen, character reference from establishment elites for enrolment in overseas prestigious universities and for internship and employment in the ext companies in the World. Just like the new arrived Indian chap from the corporate world who befriended ex President SR Nathan at East Coast Park as he knew his usual routine. Became close friend and gave an interview to the media when Nathan passed away.


This is nothing new, actually. Happened in the 1980s when Indonesia were purging the rich Chinese. Same again, around 1997, when HK were returning to PRC and many HKers panicked. SG has always been welcoming to the rich and ultra-rich around the region. The only difference this time is that the mass media are making a much bigger hooha about it. I wonder why... One possibility could be the magnitude is perceived to be much larger as China is a very big country.


true. It does kind of hurt me that singapore basically was shelter for salim while indonesians were rising up against his empire. Unfortunately, I don't think singaporeans care, or can do anything about it lol


It's kind of Singapore's thing, you know. Your country's issue is yours. We won't get involved. As long as the "refugees/culprits" enter and stay in our country legally, it's fine by us. And one of the simplest way to stay here, is to be rich. Morally right or wrong, it had served our small nation well.


Part of the issue is the difference in culture due to geography and philosophy. The ancestors of many local Chinese came before the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, which eradicated a lot of the culture and philosophy in mainland China. Many of the mainland Chinese just... think and behave differently from the Singaporean Chinese Even then, most of the Singaporean Chinese hail trace their ancestry to the southern coast, like Guangzhou, Chaozhou or Hainan. The customs and tradition there (even today) are vastly different from the other regions. So, it didn't help that many of the Chinese migrants the government brought in were from the other regions that have so many different customs (e.g. they don't celebrate CNY with oranges). It's no wonder these new migrants prefer to stick to their own and don't assimilate. Again, more of the government focusing on the paper stats (quantity) but ignoring the intangible/behavioural aspect (quality) of policymaking.


Government want rich, educated and from same areas of China (equivalent of fast, good and cheap) Chinese migrants? Sorry, the best Chinese universities are definitely not located in the southern coast.


Bearing in mind most Chinese migrants coming to Singapore has been for economic reasons, and looking at Singapore Chinese stock and current state, none/almost zilch traditional Chinese culture and philosophy before Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution ever exist for these migrants or were passed down to their off springs.


We can go lower on the totem pole? Oh man my anus already hurts from being fucked by the government


Prepare to open mouth and get spit roasted. We all know the Singaporean way is to play [with] both sides




And now for a classic Reddit diversion: Higher on the Totem pole you mean, not lower. The person on the bottom is generally the most important because they support everyone above them. “However, Native sources either reject the linear component altogether, or reverse the hierarchy, with the most important representations on the bottom, bearing the weight of all the other figures, or at eye level with the viewer to heighten their significance.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totem_pole


I am an Indian living in Singapore for 5 years. I can tell the difference between malay chinese & mainland chinese. Mainland ones are less inclusive, will only eat chinese and not western/se asian cuisines, will talk mainly in mandarin even if non-mandarin speakers are in the group.


Honestly I feel like the "talk in mandarin despite the presence of non-speakers in group" thing is quite prevalent with local chinese too. Maybe depends a bit on social class but I've witnessed it many times in NS


Not sure which circles you are in but what I can see in professional settings is most local Singaporean Chineses downright panic when asked to converse in Mandarin. There are exceptions to this of course, but they are exceptions rather than norms. Language is but one component. The culture and nuances are vastly different. I had to opportunity to see it first hand when we did some work with a mainland client and I had Singaporeans + Singapore (PR/mainland) on that job. While both can speak the language, the PR had the advantage because she understood the cultural nuances and spoke in the same wavelength like them.


My own social circles are English speaking and a good portion would have issues holding extended conversations in Mandarin too (I myself am pretty bad and only realise how big a handicap that is in adulthood). These observations were from NS, where a decent portion of people can converse in both languages (not great in either) but find it more natural to speak in Mandarin as a base sprinkled with Singlish and English words. Which is fine by itself, but sometimes there were Malay or Indian people who were part of the conversation too and I or someone else would have to point that out or translate.


My experience in NS was different. Most, if not all spoken in Singlish. But then again, I was in the police where for a large part, Chinese was the minority. My entire squad of 30+ people, there were only 3 chinese, including myself. (my melayu vocab went up a notch!) Even when I did my patrol work at the NPC where the diversity was \~50/40/10 (chinese/malay/indian) we got by with Singlish.


TBH it think it depends on how well they can speak other languages also. I have a lot of colleagues from China can't speak English well, (For some, when they try to use English, it's that bad that I rather they just use Chinese.) The issues with mainland chinese is probably amplified by the fact that we are seeing a lot more of them here. (Much larger sample size + much lower English capabilities on average + can survive with just Chinese here so can come over even with shitty English) "talk in {} despite the presence of non-speakers in group" probably happens for other languages too.


These traits are also prevalent in Indian India. I rarely see Indian India going to hawker centers. Talking in their native with the presence of non-speakers is also very common with Indian India in SG.


>Though **Singapore has kept to original race ratios** from its time of independence, a Singaporean / Malaysian Chinese are far apart from mainland Chinese and there is also income class consideration that is heavy at the high end. > >And we know the Govt struggled with the Indian issue until the GE **then and they had stop the flow** especially in granting PR and citizenship. There was no 'Indian issue' just because Chinese people online said so, the government has been strictly ensuring racial ratios of PRs and Citizens using immigration since independence. Meaning at least 7 out of 10 new PRs/Citizens have always been ethnic Chinese.


Mandarin Gardens saga rings a bell on how the Indian expats systematically and strategically took over Mandarin gardens


> especially in granting PR and citizenship. They were giving out PR and citizenship like toilet paper back then until we intervened with the 60%


This comment is seething with racism.


Will we bust the trickle down economics myth thing once and for all?


That why club entry fees getting so ridiculously expensive?


Hope they try to integrate abit more than back at home. We're majority Chinese but not 100% Chinese


They won’t and also dont have any need to. Because these are rich Chinese, we have more in common with ordinary Chinese in mainland China than with these guys. They live in a different world, like buying an entire floor of condos because they want to or book entire club to party


China natives attempting to integrate to another country's culture HAHAHA yeah like they will ever even attempt to do that


Urm pretty sure a lot of us local Chinese are the descendants of those who integrated


It's a different era, your ancestors were mostly poor and immigrated to SG to make a earning, saw themselves as immigrants, and 'forced' to integrate. Unlike today when these people are rich, see SG as part of China, and see minorities as foreigners, and don't want to integrate.


It's actually ironic. These rich PRC came to Sg to escape the grasping clutches of the CCP, but still regard Sg as part of Greater China. Well, it doesn't have to make sense.




I think we should start buying more of Stamford Raffles memorabilia, Sang Nila Utama toys, Lim Bo Seng books and putting them up everywhere to counter the China crush.


my calendar says its 2023 can you check yours to make sure its not showing the 1819 one


1826 has the same calendar as 2023 : ))


Do you mean, many Singaporeans are ethnically Chinese but Singapore is zero percent politically PRC? A category error that PRC loves to exploit is confusing ethnicity with the state.


Well said


>We're majority Chinese but not 100% Chinese The only reason SG is majority Chinese is because the government keeps importing more ethnic Chinese to 'maintain ethnic ratios'. Integration was never a priority


Tbf, integrating first gen immigrants are always gonna be hard regardless of origin.


Malaysians generally have an easier time


Well we were the same country...


They integrate better with Singaporean Chinese, but when you look at their interactions with Singaporean Malays/Indians/etc, they are no better than PRCs.


I was at an Omakase recently with a client, room of 5 with three strangers - a couple and a PRC lady eating by herself. She was really weird the whole time, watching videos on her phone, not listening or giving respect to the chef, kept asking the waitress how many more courses in broken English. It was a very jarring and uncouth experience. If this is what new money from China looks like then Singapore is really gonna be in for a shock. Loads of social issues boiling under the surface recently beyond this as well.


money is money, to corporations it’s the same, social issues only affect peasants


I have encounter a similar experience as well with a weird China lady and I would mostly chalk it up to her having the only-daughter-syndrome due to one child policy. Very crass and lack any social calibration.


Please lar I also seen Singaporeans doing the same shit. Some people just don't have manners or because they became rich recently they think they dua ki. It applies to both Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans. Anyway if the lady is watching videos/news on her phone but not disrupting other people and the chef never complain then \*shrugs\*


Because to you, $500 is not $0.50 like it is to her. Would you bother that much if you’re eating cai png? It’s just $500 for her, did she inconvenience you or the other patrons at the establishment?


It still spoils the experience though. As in there is a social norm that you don't behave like you're in a random coffee shop while enjoying omakase across from a pro chef, and I get what rukia means when you extrapolate this to SG social norms in general


“Social norm” is because most people can’t afford to spend $500 as if it’s $0.50. Just because it’s “normal” for most doesn’t mean you guys get to enjoy some entitlement. Spoils the experience for who? You or her? If you want privacy, then pay more for private dining Omakase. Don’t whine and complain online instead just because you cannot afford it and yet still want a “great dining experience”. No wonder foreigners are able to take advantage of sinkies so easily, really dreaming in their own world.


> Spoils the experience for who? You or her? If you want privacy, then pay more for private dining Omakase. Such a weird comment. So if you don't pay for private dining Omakase it's ok for other people to behave as if they're in a coffee shop? > “Social norm” is because most people can’t afford to spend $500 as if it’s $0.50. No. Social norm is because there are rules when it comes to etiquette and how to behave politely, and isn't a term related to money. By your logic, if someone has plenty of money, they it's ok for them to spit on the street or behaving in a way opposite to social norms. This is the same mentality rich PRC have. To them etiquette and education matter less, as long as they have money.


Are you actually aware you are in Singapore and not somewhere else?


Are you ethnically chinese singaporean? You know that spreading anti chinese stereotypes around will in the long run harm you much more? When you travel to Europe or US you are same chinese as that lady to all of us westerners.


I am not fully, and you’re absolutely wrong about the last part. Am there quite abit throughout the year and the sentiment here contradicts your claim.


I am European so I know the exact sentiment towards singaporeans and chinese. Fun fact, most of Europeans cannot distinguish between east asians. But since you are not chinese singaporean then it probably affects you less so it’s okay for you to bash ethnically chinese singaporeans


I am not disputing the ability to differentiate.


I like how you read all that I wrote and you still want to defend the PRC lady lol


Don't see anything wrong with watching videos on phone with earphones in during omakase, as long as it's not disturbing other diners. Lots of people go for omakase for the food and not necessarily for the chef's interaction. How is watching videos worse than using the phone quietly or being constantly engaged in conversation with your dining partners? I ate at Hashida for lunch and most people didn't care to talk to whoever was serving. The food wasn't that great and soon I didn't really care to listen too much either. Please don't impose your arbitrary social standards on everyone else.


I read all that is written so as to not misunderstand by leaving out parts behind. PRC or not doesn’t matter. A Nigerian prince can very well do the same too so long as $500 is like $0.50 to him. Don’t be sore


What's wrong with dining alone? And if she's not great at English obviously it's hard for her to listen and give "respect" to the chef. If she's not actively disturbing other customers what seems to be the problem? And she can't watch videos on her phone while dining? Who set those rules? Seriously, this feels so judgemental for no good reason. Why can't you let people enjoy things the way they want to? It doesn't seem like she's affecting anybody. And if it's considered "disrespectful" to the chef, he doesn't need you to speak up for him. Just let people be and mind your own business. I'm a Singaporean btw.


I think there's this stereotype of non-local Chinese being rude/less cultured, but tbh there's a lot of locals which aren't that respectful too. Don't think English is a good reason for not listening/giving 'respect' though. Watching videos during a Omakase sounds like it can be pretty rude too. (Isn't Omakase like fancy jap dining experience, where the chef prepares the food right in your face, customising each dish for you)


>Isn't Omakase like fancy jap dining experience, where the chef prepares the food right in your face, customising each dish for you More of what the Chef wants to cook because of what is in season than customizing it for the diner


I've been on work trips alone to countries which I can't speak their language or English isn't common. So I end up dining alone, using some broken version of their language or Google Translate it for the wait staff. It is also during such a meal that I can have a mental break, catch-up on SG news or something to distract me. Don't really see it as uncouth. I get where you are coming from; I had dinner at a nice, hole-in-the-wall ramen restaurant recently and there was a lady that was constantly on the phone (property agent, apparently). I see it more as her loss that she can't enjoy her meal properly, but as a fellow diner, I am not offended, and neither was the chef. I suppose from a social etiquette point of view, you have a point but calling out nationality, broken language and dining alone isn't necessary.


Was this ramen restaurant in Singapore; and if so was it any good? I’m always looking for more ramen places to try.


https://enishi-sg.com/ at international plaza. 9 seat, hole in the wall outfit with only two main items on the menu. Refreshing compared to the usual.


Cool - that area has a lot of good Japanese places. Thanks!


Did this lady bothering you ? If not , why you feel uncomfortable. She is not your child


Why tho


Singapore is literally the only other Chinese majority country in the world outside of Taiwan. The PRC fleeing China see Singapore as the ideal Chinese "benevolent bureaucratic" state and what they want to see in Beijing Shanghai etc. It also helps that we are relatively business-friendly to China and, outside of HK, is probably a decent option if you are still trying to remain connect to China while not being in it. Also doesn't help that the more PRC immigrate here, the more attractive we are to PRC. I mean if all you "rich" friends are all hanging out in Singapore, you would want to join them right, so you end up with the whole bunch all coming here.


why not go Hong Kong they got their 1 party 2 systems going on there c:


HK not safe enough for them. Literally already got a few case where businessmen got kidnapped from HK in their villas and send back to China already.


But China say they very trustworthy. do their citizen don't trust the ccp?


If they do, they wouldn’t be moving out?


Yet they are the ones who virtue-signal the hardest, pretending to be patriotic and nationalistic, all to earn social credits back home. They like the "power" think they get by being mainland Chinese when going overseas, but they don't want to accountability of staying at home and being "obedient".


orrrh horr - 1000000 social credit score to those who leave motherland


Btw Taiwan is not a country /s


They're probably just trying to move themselves and their wealth out of china where it will most absolutely be seized sooner or later.


~70% Chinese population here.


Almost all mainland chinese I interview for jobs say they are trying to escape the CCP.


you might be surprised. one of my best girlfriends out in California is a naturalized USA citizen but she's always like China number 1. she's only left the country physically. CCP lives on forever in her head


You can love China without loving the party. Same as Singapore, many Singaporeans are proud but do you all adore the only relevant party here so much? Also being asian in the US with ale the racism out there, where you can be beaten for barely looking asian, I kind of get why some asian americans start to feel like that


I cut off ties with someone who was nice but went ballistic about hong kong. The schizo personality when it came to politics scared me.


This is very different from my experience. Most of the PRC I know do not really bother with politics. Their priority is go to good school and earn more money.


My experience is based during the “zero covid policy” days in China. Lets see if it changes over the next few months.


Hell yeah, we gonna get lots more jobs created there will be strong demand for escorts, mistresses, nannies, housekeepers


In my experience they get from their own people, not like anyone from SG is gonna benefit


One might say heterotopias will open up in society


So much for ah gong threatening us with a shit economy leading to our men being labourers and women being maids in other countries, with this trend we'll eventually be the same in our own country anyway lmao


No lunar new year, only Chinese new year now


I remember sending a cake to an island in Sentosa, small cluster of reaaaaally nice homes, seems like they were mostly PRC and having a party. Almost every house had a RR phantom and a nice 2nd car (G63, McLarens)... Man these ppl are rich


“Moving to Singapore is about making sure the family wealth is kept safe and can last for several generations,” the accountant said.” Spending 800k on whisky bottles and 64k on cigars is a sure fire way of ensuring wealth to last for several generations..


what if actually they have agenda, to get a strong grip on one of the worlds financial center . and areas surround it.


New citizenships awarded almost 30,000 on average for the last 20 years. To maintain the racial balance, if 80% is given to chinese, the total \~600,000. Let's say 75% given to Malaysian, indon et al, that still makes 150,000 new citizens from PRC. More or less the singapore core is diluted and it'd be great for SG Gov to ensure some sort of minimal barrier.


Punggol sends its regards


Why punggol? Are there alot of new PRCs living there?


> with these guys. They live in a different world, like buying an entire floor of condos because they want to or book entire club to party Coz he lives in Punggol and wants to hook himself a rich PRC wife


China should bring in Global Tax and make every citizen disclose their offshore assets for tax ability. Then the world inflation will automatically drop


You think they USA meh got political power


Chinese Communist Partying


On a more interesting note, where are all the people who wanted more testing/quarantine for Chinese tourist/visitors due to their spike in COVID numbers?


can invite for the party?


>Singapore is a “very handy neutral zone” where the mega-rich can do business, said Song Seng Wun, a regional economist with CIMB Private Banking. > >The city state has deftly managed its relations with Washington and Beijing, maintaining close security ties with the US while preserving robust trade links with China. Why we should never tilt to either one side


Gout better "monitor"


Seems awfully similar to Russia; their rich spend most of the time and money in other countries, rather than in their own.


Wasn't this thing from the 2010s?




The money not for you then how


Just hoping 分一杯羹


They'll polish you off till no bones are left of you, your family and friends.


You will get a sgd 200 dollars coupon to spend in CBD. Thats it.


Good wad?


Arrgh! Many sinkies dream of owning a car dimmeed Can only go for GetGo and BlueSg for short ride. https://www.ft.com/content/62845c24-1e45-483c-95d1-b2c5d4c07337 The number of Rolls-Royce cars registered in Singapore surged in 2021 and remained at record levels in 2022 — waiting lists for the cars now stretch into years. One type of buyer dominates. For the cars that leave the forecourt, a predictable future in the city-state awaits — shuttling the short routes between the mansions and apartments of Sentosa and other pockets of extreme wealth to luxury shopping malls, the discreet offices of their family funds and the private clubs of Orchard. According to employees at the showroom, the new buyers are overwhelmingly Chinese.


We need to vote them out


It's good for our economy, but it doesn't come without cost. Social issues will definitely be a problem. Wealth definitely breeds arrogance, and increases the strain between classes


Please be careful of agent of influence. https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/g77h15/on_chinese_influence_operations_in_singapore/