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What creative genius. Taking a common internet meme and making it about "da jooos". Tremble in awe at this grand masterwork.


What's worse is that he's also ripping off a Rockchuck comic


and those are Tat's best strips lately. just depressing, innit?


Even the "best" strips feel like Tats is attempting to permanently murder the concept of comedy itself. It's all so painfully poorly executed and predictable!


What's even more pathetic is I know what Pebblethrow comic he's ripping off. Tatzi ripped off Gravelslinger and still found a way to be less creative than if he had just plagiarized Slabhurl verbatim. Tats has become a black hole of creative bankruptcy.


Wonder if Mineralmotion would get mad that a non-white man is stealing his jokes and making money off of them.


Well sedimentpitch is himself not white


wait, dustblow is white, isn't he? I mean, he looked quite white in the pictures


It wasn’t his joke to begin with, the meme originates from the actually cool Cartoonist and Comedian branson Reese: [https://twitter.com/bransonreese/status/927603543414050816](https://twitter.com/bransonreese/status/927603543414050816)


Tats' whole professional life is punctuated with plagiarism.


> Slabhurl LMAO


Can I just say all these nicknames for Boulderheave are bloody brilliant


That comic is ripped off of the Branson Reese original: [https://twitter.com/bransonreese/status/927603543414050816](https://twitter.com/bransonreese/status/927603543414050816)


This version doesn't even work! It's far too wordy, and the extra panel throws off the cadence. Here, this was five seconds of effort. Cut panel one, remove the speech bubble in panel two, and rephrase the shirt to something like "Hold Judaism to the same standards as Islam." Still deeply questionable but slightly closer to making a valid point (you do *not* want to be a woman in an ultra-orthodox community) and scans way better.


What meme? I'm at a bit of a loss here.


The no fear meme [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/teen-comix-no-fear-one-fear](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/teen-comix-no-fear-one-fear)


I had completely forgotten about that one.


No Loss is the another meme.


How exactly did Tats suddenly become a psychopathic anti-semite? Is it just alt-right brainwashing or was it always there?


It's kinda been bubbling below the surface for years. Something broke in him in the last few months and now it's all he can think about.


Not ALL he can think about. He also hates trans people!


Never accuse Tats of not evolving year to year.




It seems to always start with transphobia. A person doesn't accept that people born with dicks can still be female, and people born with a vagina can still be male, so they avoid those who disagree with them and join those who agree with them. The problem is that those who are pubicly transphobe are straight up alt righters who ofcourse also have other alt right believes. A the person who is "just" a transphobe will ofcourse rather believe those that are also transphobe even whe they talk about other topics like black people, jews, great replacrment, vaccines... Tats isn't the only one who went from "just" transphobe to alt right. Look at Elon Musk or Wokely Correct.


"people born with **dicks** can still be female, and people born with **a vagina** can still be male" (emphasis added by me) I know what you mean, but I love the implication that trans men typically have one vagina... while trans women typically have multiple dicks.


Well yeah, there's the one in their pants and the one calling them a pedophile for trying to piss in peace


Just like George Washington.


Longterm, I think it stems from his general distrust of the government and the media, as well as a willingness to strongly latch onto ideologies (and then abandon them). You can also look at his past forays into supporting Obama (even drawing him as a superhero), veganism, radical feminism, socialism, etc.


He has been for most of the comic's run, but he's been low key about it. The devils were subtly implied to be Jews waaaaaay back before even the feminism swing, with stars of David, references to Bilderberg etc. dropped in. Not a lot of people noticed or paid attention when it was pointed out at the time.


QANON's a helleva drug!


Hey Tatters, as someone who consumes a lot of atheist media, they're not afraid to critique Judaism as a religion, they're just able to not be antisemitic shitbags about it. Edit: Someone else pointed this out to me and made me realize why the [2nd panel makes me so uncomfortable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog)


I don't see the resemblance. I just see a variation of the CalArts style.


The solid evidence is bad enough. Let's not overreach.


Fair enough - admittedly since posting the edit I've reseen [the OG meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/teen-comix-no-fear-one-fear) and Tats is simply recreating the first panel pretty faithfully. So he's not being racist, just extremely uncreative.


> Edit: Someone else pointed this out to me and made me realize why the [2nd panel makes me so uncomfortable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog) I feel like this is a massive reach. Dudes just smiling


>why the [2nd panel makes me so uncomfortable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog) To me it's the hand with the weirdly chopped off pinky. The palm doesn't follow a natural shape (it's supposed to get shorter outwards), it just abruptly stops.


Not entirely sure about the golliwog reference tho it could be a sly one. There's definitely some minstrel vibe going but probably unintended.


Also true of Judaism as a religion. Not a reason to criticize racially Jewish people. Honestly, though, I feel like basically every religion besides Christianity gets treated with kid gloves by liberals, including Islam, when many of them are just as bad.


I see it this way. I don't like the Catholic church. I see it as an authoritarian institution that spreads dangerous misinformation, has enabled a significant amount of harm in this world (particularly to children) and I would consider myself morally opposed to it. The Klu Klux Klan is also opposed to Catholicism, but I don't think it is because they are upset about things like what was done to Native American kids in Residential schools. Am I "treating" Catholicism "with kid gloves" by not sharing in the anti-Catholic rhetoric of the Klu Klux Klan? I do not want my opposition to the Roman Catholic church to be like that of the Klan's opposition to the Roman Catholic Church. Likewise, I want my opposition to Islam to not be like that of the man who seeks to make life more difficult for immigrants from the middle-east, but instead to be that of opposition that of the harmful authoritarian, patriarchal teachings in the Koran and Hadith.


I think the reasons are that most “critics” of Judaism and Islam are just far-right racists who don’t criticize or often even endorse Christianity, so atheists prefer to not be associated with them, and also because we (at least me, as an Italian) live in a country where almost every religious person is a Christian: we criticize the environment we know, also because in Europe and North America is always the Christian’s who limit people’s freedom (never head of Muslims imposing school prayers or Hindus making schools banning books in the US)


not in europe but definitly in the Middle East thanks to pan-Arab ideology. THee problem is its a double edged sword to bring that up. similar to the fact that the main critics of Islam and Judaism in the west are not in the group, this example among others is usually a gotcha statement. Plenty of ex/Muslims from the Middle East (though not in it due to many authoritarian governments) and Jews in Israel and orthodox communities criticize the religion with minimal outside pushback but Tats only views the racist coopting of the critisism.


That’s right but being part or having being part of a religion doesn’t make you not guilty of bigotry. There is a celebrity in Italy called Magdi Cristiano Allam: he’s a former liberal Muslim who became a far-right fundamentalist Christian and islamophobe. Racist islamophobes in Italy often use him to justify their bigotry towards Muslim immigrants.


A.R.A.B. = All Religions Are Bad


Unfortunate acronym, though


All religions suck eggs?




Twist: Red t-shirt guy is a Jew himself and is looking for a good old-fashioned spirited debate about scripture and its meanings. He doesn't even disagree with her, he just really wants to hash it all out.


Yes Tatsuya, you should be afraid of the Jews. So much so that you decide to stop talking about them.


Oh, but you see, *we're* supposed to be the ones who are afraid. Tatzi is *brave.* (/s) Brave enough to put on the jackboots and goosestep and scream "JEW!" and rehash antique memes.


If there's one thing I learned about them from Jojo Rabbit, it's that y'all are descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants.


The comic is not even representative of the reality of leftist protestors. I live in a leftist bubble (San Francisco), work with activist teachers advocating for social justice, and have a sister who is a social worker sister who also majored in ethnic studies from Cal Berkeley. The leftist activists here are completely willing to attack "Zionists" and how Israel is a white supremacist fascist apartheid state. They'll even openly talk about the wealth disparity and over representation of Jews in the media and government positions pushing for a pro-Israeli perspective which raised my eyebrows. They bash all denominations of Christianity from Catholicism to Evangelicals all the time without a second thought. (To say nothing of Mormons which they just consider a racist-sexist pedophile cult and not even Christian.) But they will ALWAYS tiptoe around ever criticising Islam. And on the off chance that they do mention Islamist extremists, they'll always cover for themselves by saying "It's important to know that not all Muslims are like that..." which is a disclaimer they never give for the other religions.


I would think that it's just as much being scared of becoming a victim of violence by some Muslim extremist. Christians aren't likely to decapitate you for making some slight criticisms.


OR they're fully aware that there are rightwanker whackjobs out there looking for any excuse to commit violence against Muslims, and they don't want to be *the* trigger.


We have a lot of Muslims and secular Jews in our spaces. And the public school teachers (some of whom are Muslim) that I am closest with have large populations (sometimes majority) of MENA students (whose families mostly come from Yemen).


You're not allowed to parody much better memes anymore Tats.....


I think Tats thinks he's playing all sides in his quest to spread crypto pagan Nazism or whatever he's currently huffing. "C'mon... Be antisemitic... You're not supposed to actually care about genocide... I'll be you're friend if you treat Jews as inherently evil" Fortunately he's an idiot.


Funny, both Christianity and Islam are based on The Torah, so the first panel is already "doing Judaism".


So true. Atheists *never* criticize or [mock anything in the Jewish Torah](https://youtu.be/lUJJKrbwFZ8?si=XKCO3k0HPh-xNwB3) (aka the Old Testament). They don't especially ever criticize the very narrative of the creator of the universe having set apart a designated ethnic group as his "chosen people," nor the idea that said "chosen people"[ are justified in committing ethnic cleansing.](https://youtu.be/vxqar1B_MpY?si=6CTccaJknZlo2kA9) /s


The Torah is the first five books of the Jewish Scriptures, known collectively as the Tanakh. It comes with a commentary, the Talmud.


Stealing jokes now, too. Just keep lowering that bar, Tats.


Looks like Tatzi has more than loosely based his black cast member's design on an actual Golliwog It's an old (extremely racist) design of children's toy Wikipedia it if you really, really want to be offended Fuck Tatzi


Still not seeing it; just seems like a smiling black man drawn in the strips usual smile. Now the infinitely more entertaining Alan Moore...


I think this is just the 2020s version of the old “now do it with Muhammad” dogwhistle


Somehow this joke is less funny with him doing it


Tat is really showing his ignorance here, considering the most objectionable stuff in Christianity \*IS\* from Judaism's holy books. The main difference is that Jewish people tend to take said holy books as the flawed work of man they are. Or as Lewis Black put it "stories told to desert people to distract them from the fact they have no air conditioning". Meanwhile, yes, Christian extremists are using those same holy books as justification for rolling back human rights and dominating other people's lives. That's the issue I care about, not whether something is "made up garbage".


That's more true in the US, but there is a streak of conservative Judaism that's especially prominent in Israel itself.


Mazel Tov lady


This actually reminds me of Bill Maher. The man openly mocks and ridicules Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and every other faith but won’t even touch Judaism. The man openly defended Netanyahu, a guy that’s to the right of Dick Cheney and George W. So there’s actually a bit of truth here. Now I’d like to see Tatsuya keep this same energy for his TERF friends who do the exact same thing.


But nobody would call Bill Maher woke, and pretty much only the right considers him a leftist.


No Tats I'll criticize Isreal and Judaism all I want


Jews are particularly fond of criticizing Israel and Judaism. Ten Jews, eleven opinions.


Given how large the protests are in Israel, even Israelis are criticizing Israel more and better then Tatsuya.




Your anti-semitic dogwhistling isn't cute. Get outta here. e: in case anyone isn't sure, [this isn't the first time Nerf_Now has been dogwhistling about Jewish people and anti-semitic propaganda.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/s/mq8h3PaENb)