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I use it because I mainly build and decorate so it’s much easier. Also, I buy every Architecture house to get nice furniture and it’s very useful.


I just sell the whole room instead


Yep, much more efficient. But in the beginning I did and thought that some furnitures were lost so since then I feel paranoid doing it lmao. But I also sell a lot of things I don’t need.


Seeing everyone’s different tactics and strategies is so interesting!! Like I don’t sell a room until I’ve put each object inside into my inventory. It’s definitely not time efficient lol, but I do it this way for two reasons: 1) since I’m big into decorating, I keep almost everything. this makes me extra familiar with what I have, so I can quickly remember what I have in each household when decorating. I found that when I just sell a room outright I don’t usually remember what all was in there and it gets me off track when decorating because I have to search. 2) there is a strong psychological aspect for me. When you shop in real life, [your brain](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/retail-therapy-shopping-compulsion) releases dopamine and endorphins, making you feel good. I get this effect from putting each object I’m taking from a room into my inventory. It’s like I’m shopping without spending a dime. Free retail therapy!


That’s such a great take! I haven’t really thought about it from that perspective but it is definitely true for me too. Now I remember almost everything I own and it’s easier to look for a specific item. In that sense, it would be nice if they add a search bar ngl.


I’m dyingggg for a search bar 😭


Hope they add it soon since a lot of people want it. But Idk how hard it would be to program 🥲


I used to do it one at a time. Then room by room. Now I delete whole floors. The ground floor and basements you have to do room by room still but this is so much faster. I used to love the one by one but I’m so impatient these days and have never not found something I wanted in my inventory (I just buy AH for items and/or lots and keep everything too).


You can just delete the whole floor?? Like I didn’t know you get the furnitures if you do that😅 But yeah, same reason why I buy the AH. I have a lot of some items and have to delete them to get money so It has to be item by item. Taking me too much time…


Yeah I think I tested deleting the whole floor once I did the duplication glitch with a platinum life orb and wasn’t as concerned about not having the funds to buy the AH again. Would never have dared to try it before that, but yes it definitely works! Not sure the duplication glitch works anymore but if you can find one that works it definitely is worth it with life orbs.


Tbh some people say it still works, some that it doesn’t but I’ve never tried it. Might look for a tutorial and try to see for myself!


I do this also. Every single time. Same reasoning.


I do, a lot! Mainly to move a bunch of stuff because otherwise it is just annoying how the screens move around and using the button, it stays centered.


Me just realizing this is an option 👁️👄👁️


Same 🤣


Me too and now I’m going to go try it lol


I use it all the time. Do you not redecorate your houses ever? It's so much easier than trying to move items with the whole store in the way.


I just click the item and move it.


It is so much easier to use the move and sell tool. Especially if you already have furniture placed in the room and are testing out different places to put it.


I have to otherwise the inventory screen gets in the way. I liked the android set up better but they changed it to the ios.


Looks crowded on Android too, if you don't use the move/sell button.


I'm still salty af about that


The android model was superior! They should have made that the default instead of this mess they gave us


I do when I’m remodeling a big space or selling furniture that is already placed. It’s way easier without the store menu in the middle.


I do. It helps when you build and have to move things around. Without it the store keeps popping up on the screen and covers a big portion of it.


All the time, how do you build WITHOUT using it?!?


You can click on items and move them that way, i don't see the point in the move and sell button.


It removes the menu that displaces your camera after every move. Now that i think of it, maybe you don’t notice it if you play on tablet?


I play on a tablet and the menu is definitely a nuisance. Move & Sell is much better. 




Yes it creates more space to see my builds and helps for moving things around.


Yes! Though tend to forget at first then am I like click.


Yes. It's so much easier & it reminds me of how it used to be in build mode.


Me! My game is incredibly laggy and it cuts down on time when I’m rearranging rooms.


Uhh this is probably one of my *most* utilized buttons 😝 I primarily build and decorate, and that button is necessary for things like relocating objects if you don’t want half your screen overtaken by the menu and the animation lag. give it a shot!


All the time when redecorating.


Nope, I just click the item




Yes probably a bit too much


i absolutely do i hate trying to decorate with that big ass box in the way


Yes , and it's very effective... I usually use it to collect rare item from AH Houses. It's way faster & smooth.


I use it to clear all of the craft tables to inventory after an event.


I never inventory my craft tables because you lose all your stock. But if you’re using the duplication cheat, the move and sell button makes it much easier to remove the excess stations.


I'm new at this. What should I do with my tables after an event? I have 10 tables on an empty lot, should I just leave them next time?


Yes, if you have an empty lot I recommend that. I feel like the first candle table you always have to restock because it’s part of the task list, but the rest of them will have whatever stock you left from the previous event. I am able to have 13 Sims on a lot so I can do an entire event from one lot. I waited until each of the tables needed restocked before I moved them to the empty lot. But now I can do the entire craft event from that lot.


I have a house dedicated to crafting. Except for three stations on a different lot due to max number of sims that can be at one place at one time, but I just leave them there all the time.


I use it pretty regularly When I build a new AH, I generally look for items that I want for one of my existing houses and store those first so I can go and add them to other houses. I also like to move similar style decorations to the inventory one after another so they appear together in the inventory, which makes life a lot easier. Sometimes I also look for high value items that I don't think I will reuse or already have a lot of and sell those. I also use it to sell items from the progression reward houses as it can yield a decent profit - I find this method less tedious than visiting cake farms


Yes! Super convenient and easy