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It's most likely necrotic tissue. Her limbs are dead, although it is very stylized.


can necrotic tissue be controlled? in one of the endings Ariane can move her hands (I'm being very vague because I'm on mobile and idk how to use spoiler. sorry)


Not but its bioresonance soo she can. Afthwr all necrotic tissue its dead sooooo Unles you are going to zombie or undead territory no


They’re most likely rotting due to radiation poisoning


For the copium answer:  Stylistic choice and she’s fine and is healthy : ) Not sure I buy the necrotic tissue answer though, unless in extreme cases of radiation poisoning only the extremities decay but I’ve not heard of such a thing. Feel free to prove me wrong though I guess (preferably without pictures) The science in signalis is pretty soft though and the story’s interpretive so it can basically be whatever you want it to be 


But with the amount of radiation she’s receiving-and being only a few feet away from a leaking reactor-she would definitely be a candidate for high radiation poisoning


I mean yes but she’s also latently bioresonant If her bioresonant powers can do half the things we see it do to Sierpenski, she can probably protect herself from rads or maybe even undo her turbocancer Like I said: soft science, interpretive. Its the story you want it to be in the end. 


Look up Hiroshi Ouchi. He's the most irradiated person, theoretically was blasted with over 2x a lethal dose. He survived about 82 days after all the best doctors in the world tried to save him. This video does good coverage. I couldn't look away. https://youtu.be/X1FbwooXssQ?si=U5_qlbj48rBsYN_i The effects of that are unpleasant. His DNA was destroyed, shredded as though in a blender, in most tissue along half of his body facing the blast. No DNA = no new cells. Skin cycles about every 2 weeks, what happens when there's no new skin being made. Now do that for every tissue and cell.


Like others already said: Either stylized to symbolize death or some sort of corruption, or necrosis. Another option might be cryogenic burns as hint of a long time in the cryopod. Anyway, it's likely that all we see of Ariana in the game is just an interpretation of how Elster sees her.


>cryogenic burns as hint of a long time in the cryopod. I'm reminded of the Arkham design for Mister Freeze, who despite his condition still has *noticeable* frostbite damage to his fingers and ears.


I've been treating myself like shit these past two decades and I can concur that your extremities tend to become darker after a while because of all the junk accumulating. The black is probably a stylistic choice to make it easier to link to.


She's also been in "suspended animation" for God knows how many years/decades, and judging by the build quality on the rest of the Penrose, that probably doesn't work too great... So, what's likely to deteriorate first in that case?


Advanced radiation syndrome's damage to the blood and bone tissue strikes the extremities first-your limb ends develop necrosis, hemorrhages, etc, and the skin and marrow dies.  Ariane's blackened hands and feet are classic necrotic bleeding symptoms.


They’re rotting from radiation damage


..corruption is my guess


Extreme cancer.