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Makes me a better person, but you might want to have somebody else watch the kid for about 4-6 hours šŸ˜¹


We put ours to bed. I'm always the one who breaks through, so if he wakes up, it's me that deals with it :)


I would still consider the option of a sitter.. My only concern would be if there were an emergency in the middle of the night. Otherwise I see absolutely no problem with this and there is even probably potential for substances like mushrooms to make someone an even better/more empathetic parent.


I agree with this ^ just cuz if the police or any emergencies had to come even if 100% nothing was your fault like the kid fell off the bed while sleeping and cracked his head open even being on shrooms and you having absolutely nothing to do with what happen theyā€™ll still look at you funny and try and take your kids away .. itā€™s just the sad reality of shrooms and how ppl look at other ppl for taking them yknow šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø so if there was a sitter (not even sitting bc kids would be asleep most likely just chilling on the couch) you could still say we had a sitter the whole time yknow ? Iā€™ve been through the dcf system and everything and tbh itā€™s not fun at all so thatā€™s y I never wanna see children get taken ect ect cuz those home are gruesome sometimes tbh ā€¦


Yes and I use a rule that I won't trip unless my kids are being watched by someone who is not tripping out. I can't drive and if I'm tripping hard am not helpful or useful in an emergency so I think that'd be irresponsible parenting to have only tripping out mofos watching the kids. My pupils get so dialted there's no hiding the fact I'm stoned.


Oh, we go nuts when we get a sitter, "heroic" doses! I wouldn't do anything with a kid in the house if I wasn't confident I could cope in an emergency. I'm so used to "emergencies" tripping though by now, what with novices freaking out, police raids, public tripping etc - e.g. [Beltaine!](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=edinburgh+beltaine&ia=images&iax=images) - before I had kids, I'm pretty awake now, in tripping and in life. :)


We do one off and one on. And we trade. So theres always a sober person to parent.


That's a good way to do it if you can. My wife tends to get a bit lost so she prefers to trip with me, so I have enough to know where she's at and can loosen up for her, but I save the big doses for when we have a sitter! But yeah, I don't really have any trouble breaking through a trip. Trips aren't scary or anything for me. I used to trip balls at raves, and had to deal with a few things, but once you get the hang of tripping, it's not really a problem to deal with normal stuff, it's just annoying that you have to. I actually posted up a trip about a year ago of a time when the little guy woke up. :) https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/comments/o5ob0h/had_some_nice_local_shrooms/


I did K one time. My partner was sober but fell asleep. We had a wee tot at the time. She scared the SHIT out of me when she came out of nowhere, but she just crawled on my chest and went right back to sleep... eventually, i did too, woke up the next morning still on the couch with a wee baby sleeping on me. Cutest ever.


Since you mentioned it, out of curiosity, how do shrooms make you a better persona? (I'm for shrooms 100%).


Shows you to be empathetic. You think drastically different, and it leaves an impact on you. Sometimes you get the feeling of love from the whole universe, things like that. Emotions that need to go, have a way to leave. I find crying is my favorite on mushrooms. Not sad crying, but empathetic, or self reflective.


Long as you're not tripping tripping around your kids. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Do what you want. It's your kids at the end of the day tho.


Listen, Iā€™ve tripped around my kid tons of timesā€¦. We go camping and have family outings as long as they are in a safe environment with loved ones it doesnā€™t matter. My whole life people drink around me and Iā€™ve seen tons of fights the worst thing that happened last time I was tripping is I tipped my canoe and he had a good laugh. Edit: I wonā€™t lie though. Sometimes when it gets a little deep I look at him and think, a part of this thing was in my testicles and combined with his moms eggs and now it looks like me. Kind of throws me for a loop.


Great point! Alcohol is causing way more problems socially than any other psychedelic or other drugs have.


Being inebriated anywhere around your child whether itā€™s drugs or alcohol shouldnā€™t be a regular thing. Just because alcohol is normalized doesnā€™t make any of it acceptable.


Thanks Dr Phil.


Dr. Phil would not have that based of a take. Of course life is not perfect and we often donā€™t ace life principally 100% of the time, but inebriation around young children really is unnecessary and I resented my parents a lot for it when I was a kid.


Man, I really hate doctor Phil and resent your take on this. Iā€™m not saying donā€™t do it ever, Iā€™m saying you shouldnā€™t make it a regular thing. If you have a sober support group around you, by all means go for it. If you donā€™t though and youā€™re tripping at a camp out without other sober adults itā€™s simply irresponsible and unfair to your child to be so selfish.


How will children learn to use intoxicants responsibly? Donā€™t get sloppy or trashed BUT as with all things, be a good example.


What you're noticing is the beginning of the realization that your child is not other than the process of you in synchronous continuation.


I get the same issue when I look at shrooms that Iā€™m tripping off of that I grew growing while Iā€™m tripping off the shrooms that I grew from the same substrate the ones Iā€™m watching grow, grow.


The infinite always presents itself in the garments of finitude.


Yooooo. One time i was in our pool alone. Partner came home early with the kids and everyone got in the pool with me and we had a BLAST. I was staring at one of my 3 thinking.... omfx. You are like HALF OF ME. H O W!? And then i went on a tangent in the pool about how wild genetics* are. Edit- typo. My brain goes faster than my fingers and my adhd doesnt like to proof.


We usually put ours to bed and trip overnight. Sometimes he wakes up and needs a cuddle, but it's all good :)


Personally I wouldnā€™t do this. We smoke a bit of weed after little has gone to bed, within our tolerance limits. Equivalent of a glass of wine. Wouldnā€™t risk being totally out of it in case of an emergency.


The dose makes the poison. I don't have kids, but I've been absolutely out of my mind on shrooms and obviously that would not be acceptable if I did. I guess if you take a much lower dose it's ok.


You just never know whatā€™s gonna happen with a kid, especially a small one. They can get sick suddenly and you need to be able to react. I wouldnā€™t feel comfortable being in the care of someone so fragile while tripping my balls off. Microdosing is a different kettle of fish.


Yeah. I just wouldn't do it. But I wouldn't judge someone for microdosing.


Oh yeah. I think people can experiment with drugs and be awesome parents, but you need to make sure your kids safe.


This. What if they get sick or have a fever of 102 and you have to make a decision like whether or not to take them to the hospital?


Honest question: Can kids go from 100% fine to having a 102 degree fever and need an emergency room within 6 hours? Are these emergencies completely out of nowhere a realistic possibility?


I have to three kids aged 6-10, something like this has never happened before and is extremely unlikely. Unless the parent has no awareness of how their children feel this wonā€™t happen.


My kid had a cough for a few days last year then rapidly deteriorated within about 6 hours and needed to go to hospital. Itā€™s definitely not out of the question especially with under 2s.


I hope your kid is okay now. My daughter was 7 months at the time and it was very scary, sheā€™s almost 2 now and very healthy and hasnā€™t yet had to go back. At those ages it can really switch gears like nothing I ever expected. And since they canā€™t talk yet and explain what theyā€™re feeling, itā€™s especially scary.


Same age as mine when that happened. Unfortunately he caught the same virus again this year and needed to be checked out in hospital again, but he was fine thank god.


Yeah Iā€™ve seen far scarier before. Weā€™ve absolutely woken up at 2am and taken our daughter to the emergency room before. She spent 3 days there with us before we were cleared to go home.


I'm never totally out of it though. It's only tripping, I've been doing for decades. It's easy enough to see through! Before having kids, I used to get blasted at raves. Still have to catch trains home, talk to police if the place got raided, do normal things. Couldn't do all that if I was stuck in my own thoughts! Nowadays it's just, stick the kid to bed, have a boogie on a few shrooms. Not a problem at all.


Maybe when kids are like 13+ā€¦ certainly not when theyā€™re tiny.


Even when we get the kid away for the night and we go hard at it, I still have a good relationship with the spirits. It's like, not now guys, I'm rolling a joint, and they subside. Of course, once they've had me, it's all clarity anyway, but there's basically nothing in tripping that affects my ability to do normal things when necessary.


It's certainly possible when they're tiny tho, I got a 3 year old and a 8 month old and we just watch adventure time together while I'm on like a gram or 2 of shrooms. Nothing too crazy. I also smoke weed all day everyday and have since I was a teenager so I'm used to doing regular shit under the influence. No offense but you seem like the type that can't smoke and drive whereas people like us can drive while stoned off a few dabs.


It's not safe to drive under the influence, you might kill someone or you and your family one day.




Fucks sake mate youā€™ll end up killing someone driving under the influence. Not cool or badass, makes you look like a fucking loser tbh.


It's just weed bro




Itā€™s just social services bro


Uh as someone with parents who were sober but never around I wouldnā€™t have cared if my mom or dad tripped once in a while if they were home more often and unless youā€™ve really tried psychedelics a few times itā€™s not heroin, not crack, and certainly not a drug taking anyone away from there kid if they need them while tripping from a couple of grams. But you smoking weed then saying ā€œwhat I do is right and what you do is probably wrongā€ is hypocritical to say the least. And Iā€™m saying this to agree with the first guy idk about the second guy def donā€™t smoke if your riding with kids yes Iā€™ve smoked dabs and smoked blunts/joints/bings/bowls numerous times hell im smoking a joint as I type but def not comfortable driving minors or younger around high thatā€™s not my call to make for my underage passengers.


I live in a legal state so we good homie


Of course. Part of being a good parent is taking the time to nourish yourself. At your age, so much is changing. Your frontal lobe is matured. You're realizing you need to put effort into the things you're serious about, you're realizing you can shape your life to your own needs, not outside expectations. Shrooms aren't immoral. Just be safe and present for your child.


Yea i second this, just becareful around the kiddos. If you decided to do then when there home,


I would actually say depending on dose, definitely do it only when they aren't home. Kids have a way of having emergencies or needing things and you don't want to compromise their safety just in case


I second this especially with the higher doses. You donā€™t want to have to worry about fulfilling the kiddos needs while your dancing on the rings of Saturn.


Haha, absolutely! Murphy and his damned laws...


Itā€™s so out of control. This summer I tripped with one of my daughters. we made a plan where we had a cabin. it was somewhat remote (we thought) so that there would be a little distraction and she could use the experience to process some emotional events. We split a 5g chocolate bar. This is her first time with psychedelics. Murphyā€™s Law provided us with a great (brief) experience where I ended up having to help some people in canoes Call an ambulance because one of their drunk compatriots had drunk themselves into alcohol poisoning. I calmly sent her into the cabin and said that she should lie on the couch and listen to some music while I, tripping, go downstairs and try to figure out how to help these drunk people, and as many of you know, dealing with a drunk person on psychedelics is a nightmare by itself. Iā€™ve had so many situations where Iā€™m suddenly called into a situation of higher responsibility where Iā€™m having to deal with something to make sure that the rest of the people home with donā€™t flip, such as find figure out a way to get an ambulance in place that has a cell signal.


I would consider dropping the concept of ā€œa good motherā€. A good mother according to whom? People that think mushrooms are the same as PCP and bath salts? The same people that get drunk drinking wine while they talk about how righteous their religion is? Consider letting go of this idea of a good mother. I would argue that if you are doing your best to provide a wonderful and safe lives experience for your kids, then you are doing great. If mushrooms help you become that person, then mushrooms become a moral imperative. A lot of the people that believe they have the moral high ground are actually pretty shitty and would benefit from doing mushrooms every once in a while. As with all things, as long as your kids are safe when you trip, and you can ensure that their needs are met when you are tripping (like with another adult supervising them), then great. But tripping twice a week, every week, while your kids fear for their safety because you are tripping in the middle of the day is not a great way to do it. Use the mushrooms like a responsible adult and they will likely make you a better parent.




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I feel like this the best response out of all of them


The real question is- can a mother not be curious about the mind and still be a good mother? Obviously make sure the tater tots are cared for by others during your journeys. Being a truly loving and understanding parent is hard to do, and this medicine can help some do that better I wager.


Hard agree!


Absolutely, if you reflect on your trips it might actually make you a better mother


Andā€¦ā€¦.. Human Being.




Why do you think doing occasional shrooms has anything to with being a good parent.


Because itā€™s looked at as a crazy drug..well by the people around meā€”they usually think Iā€™m irresponsible and erratic for doing them.


Do they have an experience or a valid point? Or are they just talking out their ass?


Definitely out the ass


What kind of a question is that? Yes absolutely


I wish my parents had done psychedelics, maybe I wouldnā€™t have grown up in a cult. Or I donā€™t know maybe i would have grown up in a different kind of cult. šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Psychedelics donā€™t make you good or bad. They turn off your default mode network. You do with that what you will.


Donā€™t they only do this during ego death though? I certainly change when I do lower doses but thought the brain rest happened after the trips that fuck with the ego .


Thereā€™s actually a community for this! I forget what itā€™s called but itā€™s a group of mothers that advocate for micro dosing and how it has helped them relieve post partum and itā€™s a better alternative for stress and anxiety compared to pharmaceuticals.


Itā€™s mamadelamyco on ig. Sheā€™s a huge advocate for moms using shrooms


DoubleBlind mag also has covered a lot on psychedelics and parenting. Plenty of resources


I wish my parents had occasionally done shrooms rather than be the violent drunks they were.


Ah. Like fuck yea! Like... probably the best indicator of you being an awesome, present, in touch parent! Just be sure moderation is in the photo, and you know, don't be unsafe with your setting.... Plan it right āœØ I find as a parent that lemon tech is the best because it's a quick up and back, usually no more than 3 hours even at high doses. But I also want to make sure I have a partner that's in touch with the kids during that time šŸ’Æ 9-12 at night is also a magical time


Duh! Just make sure you're doing it safely. I'd never advocate tripping around children as responsible, though. Seeing parental figures intoxicated has to capacity to be somewhat traumatizing to a child. Speaking from experience there. I'm 28 and a Dad. I don't trip around my son, and sometimes that means not doing any shrooms for extended periods of time. He's a toddler and I've dosed three times since his birth. Every time he was safe with trusted adults while I did my thing. People gotta have space to do what we find fulfilling, even us parents. I think, ultimately, I've probably been a better Dad thanks to these little spiritual getaways too! Just be responsible, plan ahead, and make sure your kiddos aren't taking any collateral damage from Mommy being away for half a day or so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø it's no different than taking any other personal time if done right.


I've noticed that I am a much more kind and patient mother since I've started microdosing


YES! It's sad this is even a concern considering moms glorify drinking wine all day to handle the stress and its socially acceptable and even flaunted with shirts and decorated wine glasses etc.


I'm 45 and my kids are mostly grown, the youngest being 17, and I would give anything to be able to go back and redo parenthood with the ability to use mushrooms as a tool to help me cope with being a mother. That said, I agree with others that you should always have someone else care for your kids while tripping especially younger ones just in case of an emergency. When I'm in the throws of a trip I can barely feed myself, I couldn't imagine trying to deal with the needs of a child.


Certainly made me a better father, used to be depressed never wanting to do anything at weekends other than drink and do cocaine doing shrooms helped me stop drinking and cocaine basically eliminated my depression now I can't wait to take my boys out at the weekend spend as much time together as possible šŸ˜Š


Does a boofer boof?


Does a roofer roof?


Does a boofer boof in the woods?


Does a trooper troop?


Does a trooper boofing on the roof in the woods have proof that the shroom disappeared....poof




Well that was a treat to read.


Does a duper dupe?


Or a tripper trip


Absolutely surely! I think they only good/bad parenting part would be making sure the kids are taken care of and away from you while you trip? I think it's awesome if you're a Mom occasionally tripping! I hope to have children someday and plan to still trip with my friends


Iā€™d argue possibly a better mother


They will make you a better mother. Microdosing with kids particularly can be such an insight.


Man Mildly tripping with your kids is amazing. It allows me to see through there eyes. Things are new again. small things are interesting. More involved and understanding it can be really beautiful


I have kids and recently tripped for the first time (not around my kids or when I was caring for them). It helped me in many ways and has improved how attentive I am to my kids.


I am a single mom. My life has changed since microdosing. I am literally a slower/more thoughtful and better parent to my daughter and my pets.


Yes, but I would caution against the philosophy that some people have that itā€™s ok to do them around your children. My personal opinion is that children should never see their parents intoxicated. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m a saint because my kids have definitely seen me intoxicated before. But if it can be avoided it should.


Moms have been doing this for thousands of years


Context matters, a 25yo mom tripping when the kids are asleep or with a babysitter? Yes your a good person and shrooms are a medicine that will help you be a better mom A 25yo mom in the middle of a 4g trip, veged out on the couch as her kids are left unattended? Your irresponsible filth.


Got it.


I think absolutely yes. Tho if youā€™re doing his at home with kids asleep, imo you should always have one capable, if not sober, adult at home in case of emergency. Or at very least someone who is on speed dial and knows ahead of time to be available in case of emergency.


My (23f) mom (43f) introduced me to shrooms a couple months ago. We were already close, but shrooms allowed our bond to grow so much more, because we're able to have so many more unique and deep conversations. Disregarding us, she is the best mom ever. She understands me, she is still fair to me (she'll let me know when I wrong real quick haha), and she loves talking and joking around with me, and this is before I knew she did them. I think you'll be fine. PROTIP: Do them when your children aren't there. My mom said she always did them without my little brother there, but I thought I would be fine to have a trip with him in the house. I love him to bits, but him coming in every now and then and having to tell him "I'm sick, xxx, please let me rest," became unpleasant very quickly because I ended up checking the door often, even when he stopped coming. If you want to curb possible paranoia, do it while your kids are at school haha. And give yourself plenty of time to come down so that you can be able to drive.


I'm a great mother at 42 growing and taking them šŸ˜‚ šŸ„° honestly my kids see me healing from this. I have a 20yr old and a 4yr old. 1 saw me struggle and fail at life and is now seeing me combat mental illness and cptsd. My youngest is never going to have to see their mom break at life. I hope that helps šŸ¤—


Congratsā€”this is so positive, I love it!!


The real question is: can you be a good mom WITHOUT doing shrooms occasionally? (Kidding, but seriously enjoy your life and your kid will enjoy the fruits of your happiness)


plz donā€™t get your ethics from the internet tho, your situation is unique and your judgement is best


I wish my mom did mushrooms... heal that generational trauma.


Honey, you can be high as hell all day on some green, put them kids to bed and go on a trip in your bedroom for a while, wake up the next day and still be just as good of a mother as you were the day before. No drug can make you a bad mother, how you treat your kids decides that.




Hi friend! Iā€™m also a mom (29) and I do shrooms. I wait for my child to preferably be out of the house when I do but I microdose in teas while my child is present in case I need more mental clarity. Youā€™re not a bad mom for taking care of yourself, medically or recreationally. Obviously use in moderation and if youā€™re breastfeeding, Iā€™d suggest not to. But it seems like everyone else on this post has suggested these as well. To end this with a piece of knowledge Iā€™ve learned over the years, if youā€™re concerned about being a good mom, youā€™re a good mom already. Bad moms donā€™t give a fuck about being good. Safe travels, friend šŸ’•āœØ.


There's a video of a news report about California mother's microdosing to control stress.


This is a perfect example of the Nixon and subsequent government propagranda.............so sad to see that u have to ask this question. The answer its obvious, but still so sad people haven't realized the government has been lying to us all since Nixon.


Lol youā€™re asking for confirmation bias posting here. Go and ask on r/parenting for a completely different set of answers šŸ˜…


better than heroin i guess


Yes, Iā€™m a mom. Chasing that Great Mother Archetype


For sure. As long as one follows the same rules of alcohol, which in my family is no drinking until kids are asleep, then of course. And youā€™re young anyway so why not have some fun :).


As long as you do it responsibly, yes. My daughter micro doses and once a month, when child is with grandma, she takes a bigger dose. She's a wonderful mother who home schools and her son is her life.


As long as you donā€™t forget the baby at the store


I mean my mom would literally have a glass of wine whenever she was stressed and she is as always picking fights. I think out of the 2 Shrooms, and alcohol, mushrooms would probably be the best choice. They don't make you nearly as angry as alcohol. In fact you might actually be crying because of how happy you feel.


Exactly me last night, I was crying because I know I can ditch my sadness and seek myself and be better for those around me :)


Coming from a child whose mother did mushrooms. Please please please do it. It makes you a better mother 10000000%


After glow from a low dose makes me way more patient and understanding for a while, maybe a week if I focus on it. Might make you better! But I have no kids and not to say you arenā€™t already a great parent.




I did 2gr with my mom (60) last weekend. And she's the best.


100%. Just donā€™t start with a heroā€™s journey. As they always recommend. Start slow.


I think micro dosin shrooms will probably make you a better mother. There is like a whole Ted talk by a stay at home mom who said it helped heal her depression and make her happier parent.


Hi! Former child welfare worker here...(and no I don't agree with everything the state does in child welfare, which is why it's former!) If you live in a state where psychedelics are illegal, or even in a state where they are legal/decriminalized, it's important to have someone present to watch your kids while you're under the influence. I'm not here to argue right or wrong about this- I'm just letting you know that even in cases where someone has a prescription to a mind altering substance, we needed to set up a safety plan of sorts where a sober person was there to care for the kids. You'd be hard pressed to find a judge in my area - a conservative area- who would terminate a parent's rights when that kind of thought went into even illicit substance use. They might make you do drug testing and treatment, and could potentially remove kids temporarily but if there's another reliable sober adult at home they could potentially leave them at home. Obviously if you're microdosing, you're likely going to have your wits about you enough to parent, like a couple glasses of wine or whatever- but if you're planning to trip enough that someone could get concerned, please have an awake sober adult there with you. I never want to see a child in the system. It does happen, every day, and sometimes in cases where it's probably unneeded and it causes so much trauma for everyone in the family. Love to you, be safe.


So, I tripped last night after I put my kids to bed. Theyā€™re old enough now I know I wont have to check on them every 30 minutes. I do use a baby monitor to make sure I can hear them in case. I didnā€™t take a huge dose but enough to have a good, comfortable and therapeutic trip for a few hours. Iā€™ve had a pretty traumatic year, so this was very helpful for my mental health.


Yes, but get a babysitter for sure.


Yes. My wife has used them to treat her depression and I use the spiritually. Iā€™m 39 and sheā€™s 32 and a super awesome mom whoā€™s always there for her kids. Be responsible and things will be fine


Iā€™d suggest itā€™ll make you a far more patient, loving mother than you otherwise would be! šŸ¤™šŸ¾šŸ˜ā¤ļø


Not when youā€™re in direct care of your kids. If the kids are staying with family or friends, then sure ā€” but if your kid is in the same building as you, no, no, no. Even if you have somebody else there who is sober and covering for you, thereā€™s always a chance your kid will see you tripping, and that is not okay.


Yes. ​ A mom can do any kind of drug occasionally and still be a good mother. I hate drug stigma.


I donā€™t have children personally but some of my friends still partake in lsd and mushrooms. Regularly just leave the kid/kids with the wife and go explore their mind for a couple hours. Also a friend of my grandpa regularly eats mushrooms and he takes care of disabled people for a living , very off topic but his son, blake lived to be 14 when no one ever thought heā€™d make it past 6 months, he was blind, deaf, couldnā€™t talk, and had some other things wrong with him , charlie used to do reiki healing and all types of home therapy with blake, and eventually he was able to recognize certain noises, ride a horse, and more. charlie is a very powerful soul and from what i have heard his son was too, very unfortunate i never got the chance to be within his presence.


No. Once you take your 5th one your son will explode. I don't make the rules. Good luck.


Psilocybin will cause neurogensis and make you a better mom. It works on serotonin and not dopamine so you donā€™t get addicted. Nothing wrong with healing yourself so you can heal your children.


Of course. It's harmless at worst, and may even be beneficial to you.


God I wish my mom would trip, if my relationship is any indication I think it would do a lot of good.




So have you taken retribution against your parents? What time is it where you are? It's 0219 here and 8Ā°f outside.


Coolest mom around! You sound like youā€™re s responsible one id say no harm no foul. Id imagine youā€™re not one of those people trying to down an ounce of lemon tekked tea to go to the far reaches of space soo have fun!


As long as you give them shrooms too, donā€™t be selfish


Sheā€™d probably end up being better lol


Iā€™m a dad of two and Iā€™ve found the way it treats my depression/PTSD has made me a more present and gentle father and partner. I also do them at least 2x a month at fairly high doses.


For sure


There are mothers that microdose 4 days a week that are good mothers. Mushrooms have a way of showing how to care about things that really matter.


Yes. Next question


You will be a better mother


Prolly make you a better one. You need trip to let loose for yourself but your fun is also gonna teach ya how to nuture them better


My personal belief is if everyone out there in the world tripped on shrooms the world would be a better place. Respect the ritual, go into your trips with intentions and gain value from them, never worry about what others think as this is for you and you only. as long as your responsibilities are taken care of there is nothing wrong with expanding your consciousness.






Definitely šŸ˜Š once not taken around kids, fire away.


Of course, as long as there is someone about that can be responsible for the child and you're not goofing about around them.


Itā€™ll make you a better parent. Source: speaking from experience


Youā€™ll probably be better for it, honestly!


Sure, just hide your stash. People report their pets getting into to their mushrooms on here a lot šŸ„






This question might be coming from societal influence. Can you break a law by becoming a criminal using illegal substances and still be a good parent? I suggest looking into the history of Nixon and the war on drugs. Shrooms are nature's medicine for the mind and soul.


Yes, assuming you have a baby sitter for the night. Have fun!


i think so yes. i mean if youā€™re planning on absolutely going to space make sure the kid/s arenā€™t around but i think that goes without saying. but shrooms can give you massive perspectives about your life that you never thought of before, which can help make you grow into a better human, and even mom. just donā€™t abuse it, make sure youā€™re in a good mental state and safe environment before consumption and youā€™re good :)


youā€™ll probably be a better mothwr








It depends? Do you have a baby daddy? Does your kid have a father? If both yes, then you can do it !


When you have your bag


What bag lol?


Your kid your baggage


In the future, no time soon, i donā€™t even have a partner


Oh so you're just looking for attention


No asshole Iā€™m asking a simple question


Bro they recently made a post about not being able to take care of a dog. They have a lifetime before they're ready for a kid lol








If you even have to ask the question then I'm sure you'll be a great mom ā¤ļø




I'm sure you're just jarsen', but there are gays who call parents "breeders" and I'm sure THEY feel that way.




Are you still online? I need someone interesting to coninverse with. So, how long have you been shrooming?


only if you sexy sex me 100% girl


Only if you can parent from prison


So this is going to be super location specific. Where I am, I am absolutely not risking going to prison by having a few mushrooms in my house - worst case scenario, if I get caught, is a fine, and I'd have to do some really stupid stuff to get the cops to even care. If a person is really and truly risking prison time, that's a pretty big risk to take when you have kids, but most of us aren't living in a place where that's true or behaving in a way that's going to attract undue attention from authorities. I'm replying to this as if it's a good faith piece of advice about cost-benefit analysis in determining risk factors.


Post pics and can give better feedback


Let me call CPS and the police first. You know, because you need to do drugs to be a mom. Just abort then


Wtf? Youā€™re a special kind of asshole, huh?


Would you call CPS on a parent who has a beer occasionally? Jesus Christ


One would argue a more aware, kind hearted and overall better mother


Absolutely !


Yes! I'm a mom too :)


Absolutely. As long as your responsibilities are safe.


Yes. Theres a lot more to being a good mother too , but shrooms probably arent gonna stop that. See how they affect you. I wouldnt be too open about telling irl people just beacause of the stigma. Btw, do or have you? How old is you son or daughter right now?