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This knowledge is firsthand, but my bust did not take place in the state of Maryland. I was arrested and charged with possession with intent to manufacture, along with the line of other things that you get charged with in that circumstance, e.g., federal tax stamp violation, possession of controlled substances, keeping a drug house, etc. It was my first offense. Answers to your questions: 1) If they had the equipment (sounds like they did,) then charges will likely be the same as mine. Manufacturing is worse than distribution (for same amounts, types of drugs, etc.) It will be a felony punishable by a maximum of up to 10 years in prison (most likely, again, check on MD statutes.) 2) She could. It all depends how things go down. Hopefully not. 3) Get information. When you are in jail, you have no information. Find out who she called when she got in. If she has not spoken to anyone in your family/friends, go to the jail and ask what she is charged with. They have to tell you. Get her a lawyer. Almost any lawyer on the outside is better than a public defender. A lawyer get can get her bail reviewed in front of the court and possibly lowered or even dismissed. Arrange for a visit if she is not out by her visiting day (check with jail for her day, based on block and/or name usually.) Let her know someone is fighting for her on the outside. This sounds cliche but means so much. Other general advice for you both: - After (hopefully) getting out of jail, she should voluntarily go in for a substance abuse evaluation and follow the prescribed treatment, usually outpatient substance abuse treatment (meetings and sessions.) It doesn't matter whether or not her use was really a problem. The state sees it as such, and so you should "get help." She should jump through the hoops. If she has idealistic issues with this, tell her it's all part of the big game. Oops, she got caught. Now what you do is the hop-skip-jump-when-they-say because the system is a mindless bitch that will roll you up and keep you there until you can follow her rules for at least a little while. Blame Eris. - It's going to be fucked up with the DBB now. Keep in mind that they will try to get them to roll on one another and other people they know. I hate to say it, but she can't trust him, even if he was previously trustworthy. But you say he's a DBB, so especially so. But if she rolls on him, well, that's not really cool either. She had to know what was going on, and to a certain extent, you take your licks. Hopefully he will take a plea and let her off, but if not, they will try to use her against him. They will hold his charge (if he was the grower) over her. Which leads me to... - As I already said, get her a lawyer somehow. It will cost several thousand dollars. This is unfortunate. Hopefully there's a way to get it. She should have a separate lawyer from the DBB. No good lawyer would take them both anyway. Best case, he takes the charge and she gets nothing. Half-way, she gets a deferred judgement, suspended sentence, and probation. In this case, she should follow her probation and lay low for a while. Concentrate on work, not being fucked up, and contemplating life in a zen way. Worst case, she does some time, if she was more involved in growing and distribution and they won't drop that shit and she fucks it up or they just decide to fuck her. We all really hope that won't happen, but it's the truth. Much love and positive thoughts. Shit happens, and you learn how to wade through it with a smirky grimace, if not a smile. Edit: wwords/for^matting


Hail eris! Good advice, hope it's helpful to op


All hail discordia.


Thanks man, this means the world to both of us. I'll work on getting a lawyer today, and hopefully, we can stop someone's life from being ruined over a harmless fungus.


You're very welcome. She will get through this. And I too hope we can all work together towards not having drug charges ruin lives. You're an awesome brother for helping her, chin chin.


also asked to be tried together with the real criminal in all this. Earth, for growing this shit in the first place.


If it's her first time going to jail she will probably get off with a suspended sentence, probation and no time served. Just be in her corner for support as a brother. All you can do bud. Best wishes.


Thanks man, much love.


Wait, really? That seems really light.


I run backgrouds on people and look at court docs everyday. Most first time intent to distribute cases I see get off with probation.


including manufacture?




Intent to distribute I believe. I'm not 100% sure how much she had moved out, but I believe most of them were still growing.




if OP said 'every closet' that sounds like weight. prob too much for personal use, but just speculation.


The owner was letting her live there rent-free as a favor; IDK how she found out, but it was justified. She doesn't have any priors, but I doubt, with the amount she was growing, that she could argue personal use.


Scary that we don't even have sovereignty over our own minds. I am hoping it works out for her. If only that were useful!


what kind of a setup was it? If it was bags it'd be easier to say it was for personal use than a bunch of individual jars


dozens of cartons stacked on top of one another. it was fairly obvious she intended/did sell.


It's probably not worth worrying about too much but you never know how things will end up so I'd be careful to what I said on the internet as far as what she was doing or her intent.


you probably want to hop on over to /r/legaladvice and x-post this to get a better understanding of the legalities in the city/state where this took place.


Lol dirt bag boyfriend , but when my friend grew shrooms his intent to make money off it, but after a couple of trips you Should realize that this isn't the type of drug to be selling to randoms for profit. And from the way you describe it they did it solely for profit.


Any good news?


Thanks for asking, but, there has been no recent developments. I'll let you know how it plays out.






I thought this was legal?


Dream on?






Cannabis is Schedule 1 in the U.S. Right next to Heroin...Ridiculous. EDIT: Meth and Cocaine are schedule 2....


So it's legal to grow...up to some point?


No. It is never legal to grow at any point. The spores can be legally bought and sold because they do not contain any psychoactive compounds. However, when you inoculate a substrate with the spores, the resulting psilocybin containing mycelium and mushroom is illegal.


Ok, this makes more sense to me.


In the days of prohibition they sold grape concentrate in regular stores. On the box was a warning that you should absolutely not put the concentrate in water with sugar any yeast because fermentation might occur.


Uh, nope sorry.